Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /home/aworohdn/a1carrentalincambodia.com/plugins/system/aridocsviewer/aridocsviewer/kernel/class.AriKernel.php on line 16
/* */ /* --- MooTools: the javascript framework web build: - http://mootools.net/core/76bf47062d6c1983d66ce47ad66aa0e0 packager build: - packager build Core/Core Core/Array Core/String Core/Number Core/Function Core/Object Core/Event Core/Browser Core/Class Core/Class.Extras Core/Slick.Parser Core/Slick.Finder Core/Element Core/Element.Style Core/Element.Event Core/Element.Delegation Core/Element.Dimensions Core/Fx Core/Fx.CSS Core/Fx.Tween Core/Fx.Morph Core/Fx.Transitions Core/Request Core/Request.HTML Core/Request.JSON Core/Cookie Core/JSON Core/DOMReady Core/Swiff ... */ /* --- name: Core description: The heart of MooTools. license: MIT-style license. copyright: Copyright (c) 2006-2012 [Valerio Proietti](http://mad4milk.net/). authors: The MooTools production team (http://mootools.net/developers/) inspiration: - Class implementation inspired by [Base.js](http://dean.edwards.name/weblog/2006/03/base/) Copyright (c) 2006 Dean Edwards, [GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php) - Some functionality inspired by [Prototype.js](http://prototypejs.org) Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Sam Stephenson, [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) provides: [Core, MooTools, Type, typeOf, instanceOf, Native] ... */ (function(){ this.MooTools = { version: '1.4.5', build: 'ab8ea8824dc3b24b6666867a2c4ed58ebb762cf0' }; // typeOf, instanceOf var typeOf = this.typeOf = function(item){ if (item == null) return 'null'; if (item.$family != null) return item.$family(); if (item.nodeName){ if (item.nodeType == 1) return 'element'; if (item.nodeType == 3) return (/\S/).test(item.nodeValue) ? 'textnode' : 'whitespace'; } else if (typeof item.length == 'number'){ if (item.callee) return 'arguments'; if ('item' in item) return 'collection'; } return typeof item; }; var instanceOf = this.instanceOf = function(item, object){ if (item == null) return false; var constructor = item.$constructor || item.constructor; while (constructor){ if (constructor === object) return true; constructor = constructor.parent; } /**/ if (!item.hasOwnProperty) return false; /**/ return item instanceof object; }; // Function overloading var Function = this.Function; var enumerables = true; for (var i in {toString: 1}) enumerables = null; if (enumerables) enumerables = ['hasOwnProperty', 'valueOf', 'isPrototypeOf', 'propertyIsEnumerable', 'toLocaleString', 'toString', 'constructor']; Function.prototype.overloadSetter = function(usePlural){ var self = this; return function(a, b){ if (a == null) return this; if (usePlural || typeof a != 'string'){ for (var k in a) self.call(this, k, a[k]); if (enumerables) for (var i = enumerables.length; i--;){ k = enumerables[i]; if (a.hasOwnProperty(k)) self.call(this, k, a[k]); } } else { self.call(this, a, b); } return this; }; }; Function.prototype.overloadGetter = function(usePlural){ var self = this; return function(a){ var args, result; if (typeof a != 'string') args = a; else if (arguments.length > 1) args = arguments; else if (usePlural) args = [a]; if (args){ result = {}; for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) result[args[i]] = self.call(this, args[i]); } else { result = self.call(this, a); } return result; }; }; Function.prototype.extend = function(key, value){ this[key] = value; }.overloadSetter(); Function.prototype.implement = function(key, value){ this.prototype[key] = value; }.overloadSetter(); // From var slice = Array.prototype.slice; Function.from = function(item){ return (typeOf(item) == 'function') ? item : function(){ return item; }; }; Array.from = function(item){ if (item == null) return []; return (Type.isEnumerable(item) && typeof item != 'string') ? (typeOf(item) == 'array') ? item : slice.call(item) : [item]; }; Number.from = function(item){ var number = parseFloat(item); return isFinite(number) ? number : null; }; String.from = function(item){ return item + ''; }; // hide, protect Function.implement({ hide: function(){ this.$hidden = true; return this; }, protect: function(){ this.$protected = true; return this; } }); // Type var Type = this.Type = function(name, object){ if (name){ var lower = name.toLowerCase(); var typeCheck = function(item){ return (typeOf(item) == lower); }; Type['is' + name] = typeCheck; if (object != null){ object.prototype.$family = (function(){ return lower; }).hide(); //<1.2compat> object.type = typeCheck; // } } if (object == null) return null; object.extend(this); object.$constructor = Type; object.prototype.$constructor = object; return object; }; var toString = Object.prototype.toString; Type.isEnumerable = function(item){ return (item != null && typeof item.length == 'number' && toString.call(item) != '[object Function]' ); }; var hooks = {}; var hooksOf = function(object){ var type = typeOf(object.prototype); return hooks[type] || (hooks[type] = []); }; var implement = function(name, method){ if (method && method.$hidden) return; var hooks = hooksOf(this); for (var i = 0; i < hooks.length; i++){ var hook = hooks[i]; if (typeOf(hook) == 'type') implement.call(hook, name, method); else hook.call(this, name, method); } var previous = this.prototype[name]; if (previous == null || !previous.$protected) this.prototype[name] = method; if (this[name] == null && typeOf(method) == 'function') extend.call(this, name, function(item){ return method.apply(item, slice.call(arguments, 1)); }); }; var extend = function(name, method){ if (method && method.$hidden) return; var previous = this[name]; if (previous == null || !previous.$protected) this[name] = method; }; Type.implement({ implement: implement.overloadSetter(), extend: extend.overloadSetter(), alias: function(name, existing){ implement.call(this, name, this.prototype[existing]); }.overloadSetter(), mirror: function(hook){ hooksOf(this).push(hook); return this; } }); new Type('Type', Type); // Default Types var force = function(name, object, methods){ var isType = (object != Object), prototype = object.prototype; if (isType) object = new Type(name, object); for (var i = 0, l = methods.length; i < l; i++){ var key = methods[i], generic = object[key], proto = prototype[key]; if (generic) generic.protect(); if (isType && proto) object.implement(key, proto.protect()); } if (isType){ var methodsEnumerable = prototype.propertyIsEnumerable(methods[0]); object.forEachMethod = function(fn){ if (!methodsEnumerable) for (var i = 0, l = methods.length; i < l; i++){ fn.call(prototype, prototype[methods[i]], methods[i]); } for (var key in prototype) fn.call(prototype, prototype[key], key) }; } return force; }; force('String', String, [ 'charAt', 'charCodeAt', 'concat', 'indexOf', 'lastIndexOf', 'match', 'quote', 'replace', 'search', 'slice', 'split', 'substr', 'substring', 'trim', 'toLowerCase', 'toUpperCase' ])('Array', Array, [ 'pop', 'push', 'reverse', 'shift', 'sort', 'splice', 'unshift', 'concat', 'join', 'slice', 'indexOf', 'lastIndexOf', 'filter', 'forEach', 'every', 'map', 'some', 'reduce', 'reduceRight' ])('Number', Number, [ 'toExponential', 'toFixed', 'toLocaleString', 'toPrecision' ])('Function', Function, [ 'apply', 'call', 'bind' ])('RegExp', RegExp, [ 'exec', 'test' ])('Object', Object, [ 'create', 'defineProperty', 'defineProperties', 'keys', 'getPrototypeOf', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor', 'getOwnPropertyNames', 'preventExtensions', 'isExtensible', 'seal', 'isSealed', 'freeze', 'isFrozen' ])('Date', Date, ['now']); Object.extend = extend.overloadSetter(); Date.extend('now', function(){ return +(new Date); }); new Type('Boolean', Boolean); // fixes NaN returning as Number Number.prototype.$family = function(){ return isFinite(this) ? 'number' : 'null'; }.hide(); // Number.random Number.extend('random', function(min, max){ return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min); }); // forEach, each var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; Object.extend('forEach', function(object, fn, bind){ for (var key in object){ if (hasOwnProperty.call(object, key)) fn.call(bind, object[key], key, object); } }); Object.each = Object.forEach; Array.implement({ forEach: function(fn, bind){ for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++){ if (i in this) fn.call(bind, this[i], i, this); } }, each: function(fn, bind){ Array.forEach(this, fn, bind); return this; } }); // Array & Object cloning, Object merging and appending var cloneOf = function(item){ switch (typeOf(item)){ case 'array': return item.clone(); case 'object': return Object.clone(item); default: return item; } }; Array.implement('clone', function(){ var i = this.length, clone = new Array(i); while (i--) clone[i] = cloneOf(this[i]); return clone; }); var mergeOne = function(source, key, current){ switch (typeOf(current)){ case 'object': if (typeOf(source[key]) == 'object') Object.merge(source[key], current); else source[key] = Object.clone(current); break; case 'array': source[key] = current.clone(); break; default: source[key] = current; } return source; }; Object.extend({ merge: function(source, k, v){ if (typeOf(k) == 'string') return mergeOne(source, k, v); for (var i = 1, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++){ var object = arguments[i]; for (var key in object) mergeOne(source, key, object[key]); } return source; }, clone: function(object){ var clone = {}; for (var key in object) clone[key] = cloneOf(object[key]); return clone; }, append: function(original){ for (var i = 1, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++){ var extended = arguments[i] || {}; for (var key in extended) original[key] = extended[key]; } return original; } }); // Object-less types ['Object', 'WhiteSpace', 'TextNode', 'Collection', 'Arguments'].each(function(name){ new Type(name); }); // Unique ID var UID = Date.now(); String.extend('uniqueID', function(){ return (UID++).toString(36); }); //<1.2compat> var Hash = this.Hash = new Type('Hash', function(object){ if (typeOf(object) == 'hash') object = Object.clone(object.getClean()); for (var key in object) this[key] = object[key]; return this; }); Hash.implement({ forEach: function(fn, bind){ Object.forEach(this, fn, bind); }, getClean: function(){ var clean = {}; for (var key in this){ if (this.hasOwnProperty(key)) clean[key] = this[key]; } return clean; }, getLength: function(){ var length = 0; for (var key in this){ if (this.hasOwnProperty(key)) length++; } return length; } }); Hash.alias('each', 'forEach'); Object.type = Type.isObject; var Native = this.Native = function(properties){ return new Type(properties.name, properties.initialize); }; Native.type = Type.type; Native.implement = function(objects, methods){ for (var i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) objects[i].implement(methods); return Native; }; var arrayType = Array.type; Array.type = function(item){ return instanceOf(item, Array) || arrayType(item); }; this.$A = function(item){ return Array.from(item).slice(); }; this.$arguments = function(i){ return function(){ return arguments[i]; }; }; this.$chk = function(obj){ return !!(obj || obj === 0); }; this.$clear = function(timer){ clearTimeout(timer); clearInterval(timer); return null; }; this.$defined = function(obj){ return (obj != null); }; this.$each = function(iterable, fn, bind){ var type = typeOf(iterable); ((type == 'arguments' || type == 'collection' || type == 'array' || type == 'elements') ? Array : Object).each(iterable, fn, bind); }; this.$empty = function(){}; this.$extend = function(original, extended){ return Object.append(original, extended); }; this.$H = function(object){ return new Hash(object); }; this.$merge = function(){ var args = Array.slice(arguments); args.unshift({}); return Object.merge.apply(null, args); }; this.$lambda = Function.from; this.$mixin = Object.merge; this.$random = Number.random; this.$splat = Array.from; this.$time = Date.now; this.$type = function(object){ var type = typeOf(object); if (type == 'elements') return 'array'; return (type == 'null') ? false : type; }; this.$unlink = function(object){ switch (typeOf(object)){ case 'object': return Object.clone(object); case 'array': return Array.clone(object); case 'hash': return new Hash(object); default: return object; } }; // })(); /* --- name: Array description: Contains Array Prototypes like each, contains, and erase. license: MIT-style license. requires: Type provides: Array ... */ Array.implement({ /**/ every: function(fn, bind){ for (var i = 0, l = this.length >>> 0; i < l; i++){ if ((i in this) && !fn.call(bind, this[i], i, this)) return false; } return true; }, filter: function(fn, bind){ var results = []; for (var value, i = 0, l = this.length >>> 0; i < l; i++) if (i in this){ value = this[i]; if (fn.call(bind, value, i, this)) results.push(value); } return results; }, indexOf: function(item, from){ var length = this.length >>> 0; for (var i = (from < 0) ? Math.max(0, length + from) : from || 0; i < length; i++){ if (this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; }, map: function(fn, bind){ var length = this.length >>> 0, results = Array(length); for (var i = 0; i < length; i++){ if (i in this) results[i] = fn.call(bind, this[i], i, this); } return results; }, some: function(fn, bind){ for (var i = 0, l = this.length >>> 0; i < l; i++){ if ((i in this) && fn.call(bind, this[i], i, this)) return true; } return false; }, /**/ clean: function(){ return this.filter(function(item){ return item != null; }); }, invoke: function(methodName){ var args = Array.slice(arguments, 1); return this.map(function(item){ return item[methodName].apply(item, args); }); }, associate: function(keys){ var obj = {}, length = Math.min(this.length, keys.length); for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) obj[keys[i]] = this[i]; return obj; }, link: function(object){ var result = {}; for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++){ for (var key in object){ if (object[key](this[i])){ result[key] = this[i]; delete object[key]; break; } } } return result; }, contains: function(item, from){ return this.indexOf(item, from) != -1; }, append: function(array){ this.push.apply(this, array); return this; }, getLast: function(){ return (this.length) ? this[this.length - 1] : null; }, getRandom: function(){ return (this.length) ? this[Number.random(0, this.length - 1)] : null; }, include: function(item){ if (!this.contains(item)) this.push(item); return this; }, combine: function(array){ for (var i = 0, l = array.length; i < l; i++) this.include(array[i]); return this; }, erase: function(item){ for (var i = this.length; i--;){ if (this[i] === item) this.splice(i, 1); } return this; }, empty: function(){ this.length = 0; return this; }, flatten: function(){ var array = []; for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++){ var type = typeOf(this[i]); if (type == 'null') continue; array = array.concat((type == 'array' || type == 'collection' || type == 'arguments' || instanceOf(this[i], Array)) ? Array.flatten(this[i]) : this[i]); } return array; }, pick: function(){ for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++){ if (this[i] != null) return this[i]; } return null; }, hexToRgb: function(array){ if (this.length != 3) return null; var rgb = this.map(function(value){ if (value.length == 1) value += value; return value.toInt(16); }); return (array) ? rgb : 'rgb(' + rgb + ')'; }, rgbToHex: function(array){ if (this.length < 3) return null; if (this.length == 4 && this[3] == 0 && !array) return 'transparent'; var hex = []; for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++){ var bit = (this[i] - 0).toString(16); hex.push((bit.length == 1) ? '0' + bit : bit); } return (array) ? hex : '#' + hex.join(''); } }); //<1.2compat> Array.alias('extend', 'append'); var $pick = function(){ return Array.from(arguments).pick(); }; // /* --- name: String description: Contains String Prototypes like camelCase, capitalize, test, and toInt. license: MIT-style license. requires: Type provides: String ... */ String.implement({ test: function(regex, params){ return ((typeOf(regex) == 'regexp') ? regex : new RegExp('' + regex, params)).test(this); }, contains: function(string, separator){ return (separator) ? (separator + this + separator).indexOf(separator + string + separator) > -1 : String(this).indexOf(string) > -1; }, trim: function(){ return String(this).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); }, clean: function(){ return String(this).replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim(); }, camelCase: function(){ return String(this).replace(/-\D/g, function(match){ return match.charAt(1).toUpperCase(); }); }, hyphenate: function(){ return String(this).replace(/[A-Z]/g, function(match){ return ('-' + match.charAt(0).toLowerCase()); }); }, capitalize: function(){ return String(this).replace(/\b[a-z]/g, function(match){ return match.toUpperCase(); }); }, escapeRegExp: function(){ return String(this).replace(/([-.*+?^${}()|[\]\/\\])/g, '\\$1'); }, toInt: function(base){ return parseInt(this, base || 10); }, toFloat: function(){ return parseFloat(this); }, hexToRgb: function(array){ var hex = String(this).match(/^#?(\w{1,2})(\w{1,2})(\w{1,2})$/); return (hex) ? hex.slice(1).hexToRgb(array) : null; }, rgbToHex: function(array){ var rgb = String(this).match(/\d{1,3}/g); return (rgb) ? rgb.rgbToHex(array) : null; }, substitute: function(object, regexp){ return String(this).replace(regexp || (/\\?\{([^{}]+)\}/g), function(match, name){ if (match.charAt(0) == '\\') return match.slice(1); return (object[name] != null) ? object[name] : ''; }); } }); /* --- name: Number description: Contains Number Prototypes like limit, round, times, and ceil. license: MIT-style license. requires: Type provides: Number ... */ Number.implement({ limit: function(min, max){ return Math.min(max, Math.max(min, this)); }, round: function(precision){ precision = Math.pow(10, precision || 0).toFixed(precision < 0 ? -precision : 0); return Math.round(this * precision) / precision; }, times: function(fn, bind){ for (var i = 0; i < this; i++) fn.call(bind, i, this); }, toFloat: function(){ return parseFloat(this); }, toInt: function(base){ return parseInt(this, base || 10); } }); Number.alias('each', 'times'); (function(math){ var methods = {}; math.each(function(name){ if (!Number[name]) methods[name] = function(){ return Math[name].apply(null, [this].concat(Array.from(arguments))); }; }); Number.implement(methods); })(['abs', 'acos', 'asin', 'atan', 'atan2', 'ceil', 'cos', 'exp', 'floor', 'log', 'max', 'min', 'pow', 'sin', 'sqrt', 'tan']); /* --- name: Function description: Contains Function Prototypes like create, bind, pass, and delay. license: MIT-style license. requires: Type provides: Function ... */ Function.extend({ attempt: function(){ for (var i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++){ try { return arguments[i](); } catch (e){} } return null; } }); Function.implement({ attempt: function(args, bind){ try { return this.apply(bind, Array.from(args)); } catch (e){} return null; }, /**/ bind: function(that){ var self = this, args = arguments.length > 1 ? Array.slice(arguments, 1) : null, F = function(){}; var bound = function(){ var context = that, length = arguments.length; if (this instanceof bound){ F.prototype = self.prototype; context = new F; } var result = (!args && !length) ? self.call(context) : self.apply(context, args && length ? args.concat(Array.slice(arguments)) : args || arguments); return context == that ? result : context; }; return bound; }, /**/ pass: function(args, bind){ var self = this; if (args != null) args = Array.from(args); return function(){ return self.apply(bind, args || arguments); }; }, delay: function(delay, bind, args){ return setTimeout(this.pass((args == null ? [] : args), bind), delay); }, periodical: function(periodical, bind, args){ return setInterval(this.pass((args == null ? [] : args), bind), periodical); } }); //<1.2compat> delete Function.prototype.bind; Function.implement({ create: function(options){ var self = this; options = options || {}; return function(event){ var args = options.arguments; args = (args != null) ? Array.from(args) : Array.slice(arguments, (options.event) ? 1 : 0); if (options.event) args = [event || window.event].extend(args); var returns = function(){ return self.apply(options.bind || null, args); }; if (options.delay) return setTimeout(returns, options.delay); if (options.periodical) return setInterval(returns, options.periodical); if (options.attempt) return Function.attempt(returns); return returns(); }; }, bind: function(bind, args){ var self = this; if (args != null) args = Array.from(args); return function(){ return self.apply(bind, args || arguments); }; }, bindWithEvent: function(bind, args){ var self = this; if (args != null) args = Array.from(args); return function(event){ return self.apply(bind, (args == null) ? arguments : [event].concat(args)); }; }, run: function(args, bind){ return this.apply(bind, Array.from(args)); } }); if (Object.create == Function.prototype.create) Object.create = null; var $try = Function.attempt; // /* --- name: Object description: Object generic methods license: MIT-style license. requires: Type provides: [Object, Hash] ... */ (function(){ var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; Object.extend({ subset: function(object, keys){ var results = {}; for (var i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++){ var k = keys[i]; if (k in object) results[k] = object[k]; } return results; }, map: function(object, fn, bind){ var results = {}; for (var key in object){ if (hasOwnProperty.call(object, key)) results[key] = fn.call(bind, object[key], key, object); } return results; }, filter: function(object, fn, bind){ var results = {}; for (var key in object){ var value = object[key]; if (hasOwnProperty.call(object, key) && fn.call(bind, value, key, object)) results[key] = value; } return results; }, every: function(object, fn, bind){ for (var key in object){ if (hasOwnProperty.call(object, key) && !fn.call(bind, object[key], key)) return false; } return true; }, some: function(object, fn, bind){ for (var key in object){ if (hasOwnProperty.call(object, key) && fn.call(bind, object[key], key)) return true; } return false; }, keys: function(object){ var keys = []; for (var key in object){ if (hasOwnProperty.call(object, key)) keys.push(key); } return keys; }, values: function(object){ var values = []; for (var key in object){ if (hasOwnProperty.call(object, key)) values.push(object[key]); } return values; }, getLength: function(object){ return Object.keys(object).length; }, keyOf: function(object, value){ for (var key in object){ if (hasOwnProperty.call(object, key) && object[key] === value) return key; } return null; }, contains: function(object, value){ return Object.keyOf(object, value) != null; }, toQueryString: function(object, base){ var queryString = []; Object.each(object, function(value, key){ if (base) key = base + '[' + key + ']'; var result; switch (typeOf(value)){ case 'object': result = Object.toQueryString(value, key); break; case 'array': var qs = {}; value.each(function(val, i){ qs[i] = val; }); result = Object.toQueryString(qs, key); break; default: result = key + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value); } if (value != null) queryString.push(result); }); return queryString.join('&'); } }); })(); //<1.2compat> Hash.implement({ has: Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, keyOf: function(value){ return Object.keyOf(this, value); }, hasValue: function(value){ return Object.contains(this, value); }, extend: function(properties){ Hash.each(properties || {}, function(value, key){ Hash.set(this, key, value); }, this); return this; }, combine: function(properties){ Hash.each(properties || {}, function(value, key){ Hash.include(this, key, value); }, this); return this; }, erase: function(key){ if (this.hasOwnProperty(key)) delete this[key]; return this; }, get: function(key){ return (this.hasOwnProperty(key)) ? this[key] : null; }, set: function(key, value){ if (!this[key] || this.hasOwnProperty(key)) this[key] = value; return this; }, empty: function(){ Hash.each(this, function(value, key){ delete this[key]; }, this); return this; }, include: function(key, value){ if (this[key] == null) this[key] = value; return this; }, map: function(fn, bind){ return new Hash(Object.map(this, fn, bind)); }, filter: function(fn, bind){ return new Hash(Object.filter(this, fn, bind)); }, every: function(fn, bind){ return Object.every(this, fn, bind); }, some: function(fn, bind){ return Object.some(this, fn, bind); }, getKeys: function(){ return Object.keys(this); }, getValues: function(){ return Object.values(this); }, toQueryString: function(base){ return Object.toQueryString(this, base); } }); Hash.extend = Object.append; Hash.alias({indexOf: 'keyOf', contains: 'hasValue'}); // /* --- name: Browser description: The Browser Object. Contains Browser initialization, Window and Document, and the Browser Hash. license: MIT-style license. requires: [Array, Function, Number, String] provides: [Browser, Window, Document] ... */ (function(){ var document = this.document; var window = document.window = this; var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(), platform = navigator.platform.toLowerCase(), UA = ua.match(/(opera|ie|firefox|chrome|version)[\s\/:]([\w\d\.]+)?.*?(safari|version[\s\/:]([\w\d\.]+)|$)/) || [null, 'unknown', 0], mode = UA[1] == 'ie' && document.documentMode; var Browser = this.Browser = { extend: Function.prototype.extend, name: (UA[1] == 'version') ? UA[3] : UA[1], version: mode || parseFloat((UA[1] == 'opera' && UA[4]) ? UA[4] : UA[2]), Platform: { name: ua.match(/ip(?:ad|od|hone)/) ? 'ios' : (ua.match(/(?:webos|android)/) || platform.match(/mac|win|linux/) || ['other'])[0] }, Features: { xpath: !!(document.evaluate), air: !!(window.runtime), query: !!(document.querySelector), json: !!(window.JSON) }, Plugins: {} }; Browser[Browser.name] = true; Browser[Browser.name + parseInt(Browser.version, 10)] = true; Browser.Platform[Browser.Platform.name] = true; // Request Browser.Request = (function(){ var XMLHTTP = function(){ return new XMLHttpRequest(); }; var MSXML2 = function(){ return new ActiveXObject('MSXML2.XMLHTTP'); }; var MSXML = function(){ return new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); }; return Function.attempt(function(){ XMLHTTP(); return XMLHTTP; }, function(){ MSXML2(); return MSXML2; }, function(){ MSXML(); return MSXML; }); })(); Browser.Features.xhr = !!(Browser.Request); // Flash detection var version = (Function.attempt(function(){ return navigator.plugins['Shockwave Flash'].description; }, function(){ return new ActiveXObject('ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash').GetVariable('$version'); }) || '0 r0').match(/\d+/g); Browser.Plugins.Flash = { version: Number(version[0] || '0.' + version[1]) || 0, build: Number(version[2]) || 0 }; // String scripts Browser.exec = function(text){ if (!text) return text; if (window.execScript){ window.execScript(text); } else { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript'); script.text = text; document.head.appendChild(script); document.head.removeChild(script); } return text; }; String.implement('stripScripts', function(exec){ var scripts = ''; var text = this.replace(/]*>([\s\S]*?)<\/script>/gi, function(all, code){ scripts += code + '\n'; return ''; }); if (exec === true) Browser.exec(scripts); else if (typeOf(exec) == 'function') exec(scripts, text); return text; }); // Window, Document Browser.extend({ Document: this.Document, Window: this.Window, Element: this.Element, Event: this.Event }); this.Window = this.$constructor = new Type('Window', function(){}); this.$family = Function.from('window').hide(); Window.mirror(function(name, method){ window[name] = method; }); this.Document = document.$constructor = new Type('Document', function(){}); document.$family = Function.from('document').hide(); Document.mirror(function(name, method){ document[name] = method; }); document.html = document.documentElement; if (!document.head) document.head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; if (document.execCommand) try { document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true); } catch (e){} /**/ if (this.attachEvent && !this.addEventListener){ var unloadEvent = function(){ this.detachEvent('onunload', unloadEvent); document.head = document.html = document.window = null; }; this.attachEvent('onunload', unloadEvent); } // IE fails on collections and ) var arrayFrom = Array.from; try { arrayFrom(document.html.childNodes); } catch(e){ Array.from = function(item){ if (typeof item != 'string' && Type.isEnumerable(item) && typeOf(item) != 'array'){ var i = item.length, array = new Array(i); while (i--) array[i] = item[i]; return array; } return arrayFrom(item); }; var prototype = Array.prototype, slice = prototype.slice; ['pop', 'push', 'reverse', 'shift', 'sort', 'splice', 'unshift', 'concat', 'join', 'slice'].each(function(name){ var method = prototype[name]; Array[name] = function(item){ return method.apply(Array.from(item), slice.call(arguments, 1)); }; }); } /**/ //<1.2compat> if (Browser.Platform.ios) Browser.Platform.ipod = true; Browser.Engine = {}; var setEngine = function(name, version){ Browser.Engine.name = name; Browser.Engine[name + version] = true; Browser.Engine.version = version; }; if (Browser.ie){ Browser.Engine.trident = true; switch (Browser.version){ case 6: setEngine('trident', 4); break; case 7: setEngine('trident', 5); break; case 8: setEngine('trident', 6); } } if (Browser.firefox){ Browser.Engine.gecko = true; if (Browser.version >= 3) setEngine('gecko', 19); else setEngine('gecko', 18); } if (Browser.safari || Browser.chrome){ Browser.Engine.webkit = true; switch (Browser.version){ case 2: setEngine('webkit', 419); break; case 3: setEngine('webkit', 420); break; case 4: setEngine('webkit', 525); } } if (Browser.opera){ Browser.Engine.presto = true; if (Browser.version >= 9.6) setEngine('presto', 960); else if (Browser.version >= 9.5) setEngine('presto', 950); else setEngine('presto', 925); } if (Browser.name == 'unknown'){ switch ((ua.match(/(?:webkit|khtml|gecko)/) || [])[0]){ case 'webkit': case 'khtml': Browser.Engine.webkit = true; break; case 'gecko': Browser.Engine.gecko = true; } } this.$exec = Browser.exec; // })(); /* --- name: Event description: Contains the Event Type, to make the event object cross-browser. license: MIT-style license. requires: [Window, Document, Array, Function, String, Object] provides: Event ... */ (function() { var _keys = {}; var DOMEvent = this.DOMEvent = new Type('DOMEvent', function(event, win){ if (!win) win = window; event = event || win.event; if (event.$extended) return event; this.event = event; this.$extended = true; this.shift = event.shiftKey; this.control = event.ctrlKey; this.alt = event.altKey; this.meta = event.metaKey; var type = this.type = event.type; var target = event.target || event.srcElement; while (target && target.nodeType == 3) target = target.parentNode; this.target = document.id(target); if (type.indexOf('key') == 0){ var code = this.code = (event.which || event.keyCode); this.key = _keys[code]/*<1.3compat>*/ || Object.keyOf(Event.Keys, code)/**/; if (type == 'keydown'){ if (code > 111 && code < 124) this.key = 'f' + (code - 111); else if (code > 95 && code < 106) this.key = code - 96; } if (this.key == null) this.key = String.fromCharCode(code).toLowerCase(); } else if (type == 'click' || type == 'dblclick' || type == 'contextmenu' || type == 'DOMMouseScroll' || type.indexOf('mouse') == 0){ var doc = win.document; doc = (!doc.compatMode || doc.compatMode == 'CSS1Compat') ? doc.html : doc.body; this.page = { x: (event.pageX != null) ? event.pageX : event.clientX + doc.scrollLeft, y: (event.pageY != null) ? event.pageY : event.clientY + doc.scrollTop }; this.client = { x: (event.pageX != null) ? event.pageX - win.pageXOffset : event.clientX, y: (event.pageY != null) ? event.pageY - win.pageYOffset : event.clientY }; if (type == 'DOMMouseScroll' || type == 'mousewheel') this.wheel = (event.wheelDelta) ? event.wheelDelta / 120 : -(event.detail || 0) / 3; this.rightClick = (event.which == 3 || event.button == 2); if (type == 'mouseover' || type == 'mouseout'){ var related = event.relatedTarget || event[(type == 'mouseover' ? 'from' : 'to') + 'Element']; while (related && related.nodeType == 3) related = related.parentNode; this.relatedTarget = document.id(related); } } else if (type.indexOf('touch') == 0 || type.indexOf('gesture') == 0){ this.rotation = event.rotation; this.scale = event.scale; this.targetTouches = event.targetTouches; this.changedTouches = event.changedTouches; var touches = this.touches = event.touches; if (touches && touches[0]){ var touch = touches[0]; this.page = {x: touch.pageX, y: touch.pageY}; this.client = {x: touch.clientX, y: touch.clientY}; } } if (!this.client) this.client = {}; if (!this.page) this.page = {}; }); DOMEvent.implement({ stop: function(){ return this.preventDefault().stopPropagation(); }, stopPropagation: function(){ if (this.event.stopPropagation) this.event.stopPropagation(); else this.event.cancelBubble = true; return this; }, preventDefault: function(){ if (this.event.preventDefault) this.event.preventDefault(); else this.event.returnValue = false; return this; } }); DOMEvent.defineKey = function(code, key){ _keys[code] = key; return this; }; DOMEvent.defineKeys = DOMEvent.defineKey.overloadSetter(true); DOMEvent.defineKeys({ '38': 'up', '40': 'down', '37': 'left', '39': 'right', '27': 'esc', '32': 'space', '8': 'backspace', '9': 'tab', '46': 'delete', '13': 'enter' }); })(); /*<1.3compat>*/ var Event = DOMEvent; Event.Keys = {}; /**/ /*<1.2compat>*/ Event.Keys = new Hash(Event.Keys); /**/ /* --- name: Class description: Contains the Class Function for easily creating, extending, and implementing reusable Classes. license: MIT-style license. requires: [Array, String, Function, Number] provides: Class ... */ (function(){ var Class = this.Class = new Type('Class', function(params){ if (instanceOf(params, Function)) params = {initialize: params}; var newClass = function(){ reset(this); if (newClass.$prototyping) return this; this.$caller = null; var value = (this.initialize) ? this.initialize.apply(this, arguments) : this; this.$caller = this.caller = null; return value; }.extend(this).implement(params); newClass.$constructor = Class; newClass.prototype.$constructor = newClass; newClass.prototype.parent = parent; return newClass; }); var parent = function(){ if (!this.$caller) throw new Error('The method "parent" cannot be called.'); var name = this.$caller.$name, parent = this.$caller.$owner.parent, previous = (parent) ? parent.prototype[name] : null; if (!previous) throw new Error('The method "' + name + '" has no parent.'); return previous.apply(this, arguments); }; var reset = function(object){ for (var key in object){ var value = object[key]; switch (typeOf(value)){ case 'object': var F = function(){}; F.prototype = value; object[key] = reset(new F); break; case 'array': object[key] = value.clone(); break; } } return object; }; var wrap = function(self, key, method){ if (method.$origin) method = method.$origin; var wrapper = function(){ if (method.$protected && this.$caller == null) throw new Error('The method "' + key + '" cannot be called.'); var caller = this.caller, current = this.$caller; this.caller = current; this.$caller = wrapper; var result = method.apply(this, arguments); this.$caller = current; this.caller = caller; return result; }.extend({$owner: self, $origin: method, $name: key}); return wrapper; }; var implement = function(key, value, retain){ if (Class.Mutators.hasOwnProperty(key)){ value = Class.Mutators[key].call(this, value); if (value == null) return this; } if (typeOf(value) == 'function'){ if (value.$hidden) return this; this.prototype[key] = (retain) ? value : wrap(this, key, value); } else { Object.merge(this.prototype, key, value); } return this; }; var getInstance = function(klass){ klass.$prototyping = true; var proto = new klass; delete klass.$prototyping; return proto; }; Class.implement('implement', implement.overloadSetter()); Class.Mutators = { Extends: function(parent){ this.parent = parent; this.prototype = getInstance(parent); }, Implements: function(items){ Array.from(items).each(function(item){ var instance = new item; for (var key in instance) implement.call(this, key, instance[key], true); }, this); } }; })(); /* --- name: Class.Extras description: Contains Utility Classes that can be implemented into your own Classes to ease the execution of many common tasks. license: MIT-style license. requires: Class provides: [Class.Extras, Chain, Events, Options] ... */ (function(){ this.Chain = new Class({ $chain: [], chain: function(){ this.$chain.append(Array.flatten(arguments)); return this; }, callChain: function(){ return (this.$chain.length) ? this.$chain.shift().apply(this, arguments) : false; }, clearChain: function(){ this.$chain.empty(); return this; } }); var removeOn = function(string){ return string.replace(/^on([A-Z])/, function(full, first){ return first.toLowerCase(); }); }; this.Events = new Class({ $events: {}, addEvent: function(type, fn, internal){ type = removeOn(type); /*<1.2compat>*/ if (fn == $empty) return this; /**/ this.$events[type] = (this.$events[type] || []).include(fn); if (internal) fn.internal = true; return this; }, addEvents: function(events){ for (var type in events) this.addEvent(type, events[type]); return this; }, fireEvent: function(type, args, delay){ type = removeOn(type); var events = this.$events[type]; if (!events) return this; args = Array.from(args); events.each(function(fn){ if (delay) fn.delay(delay, this, args); else fn.apply(this, args); }, this); return this; }, removeEvent: function(type, fn){ type = removeOn(type); var events = this.$events[type]; if (events && !fn.internal){ var index = events.indexOf(fn); if (index != -1) delete events[index]; } return this; }, removeEvents: function(events){ var type; if (typeOf(events) == 'object'){ for (type in events) this.removeEvent(type, events[type]); return this; } if (events) events = removeOn(events); for (type in this.$events){ if (events && events != type) continue; var fns = this.$events[type]; for (var i = fns.length; i--;) if (i in fns){ this.removeEvent(type, fns[i]); } } return this; } }); this.Options = new Class({ setOptions: function(){ var options = this.options = Object.merge.apply(null, [{}, this.options].append(arguments)); if (this.addEvent) for (var option in options){ if (typeOf(options[option]) != 'function' || !(/^on[A-Z]/).test(option)) continue; this.addEvent(option, options[option]); delete options[option]; } return this; } }); })(); /* --- name: Slick.Parser description: Standalone CSS3 Selector parser provides: Slick.Parser ... */ ;(function(){ var parsed, separatorIndex, combinatorIndex, reversed, cache = {}, reverseCache = {}, reUnescape = /\\/g; var parse = function(expression, isReversed){ if (expression == null) return null; if (expression.Slick === true) return expression; expression = ('' + expression).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); reversed = !!isReversed; var currentCache = (reversed) ? reverseCache : cache; if (currentCache[expression]) return currentCache[expression]; parsed = { Slick: true, expressions: [], raw: expression, reverse: function(){ return parse(this.raw, true); } }; separatorIndex = -1; while (expression != (expression = expression.replace(regexp, parser))); parsed.length = parsed.expressions.length; return currentCache[parsed.raw] = (reversed) ? reverse(parsed) : parsed; }; var reverseCombinator = function(combinator){ if (combinator === '!') return ' '; else if (combinator === ' ') return '!'; else if ((/^!/).test(combinator)) return combinator.replace(/^!/, ''); else return '!' + combinator; }; var reverse = function(expression){ var expressions = expression.expressions; for (var i = 0; i < expressions.length; i++){ var exp = expressions[i]; var last = {parts: [], tag: '*', combinator: reverseCombinator(exp[0].combinator)}; for (var j = 0; j < exp.length; j++){ var cexp = exp[j]; if (!cexp.reverseCombinator) cexp.reverseCombinator = ' '; cexp.combinator = cexp.reverseCombinator; delete cexp.reverseCombinator; } exp.reverse().push(last); } return expression; }; var escapeRegExp = function(string){// Credit: XRegExp 0.6.1 (c) 2007-2008 Steven Levithan MIT License return string.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.\\^$|,#\s]/g, function(match){ return '\\' + match; }); }; var regexp = new RegExp( /* #!/usr/bin/env ruby puts "\t\t" + DATA.read.gsub(/\(\?x\)|\s+#.*$|\s+|\\$|\\n/,'') __END__ "(?x)^(?:\ \\s* ( , ) \\s* # Separator \n\ | \\s* ( + ) \\s* # Combinator \n\ | ( \\s+ ) # CombinatorChildren \n\ | ( + | \\* ) # Tag \n\ | \\# ( + ) # ID \n\ | \\. ( + ) # ClassName \n\ | # Attribute \n\ \\[ \ \\s* (+) (?: \ \\s* ([*^$!~|]?=) (?: \ \\s* (?:\ ([\"']?)(.*?)\\9 \ )\ ) \ )? \\s* \ \\](?!\\]) \n\ | :+ ( + )(?:\ \\( (?:\ (?:([\"'])([^\\12]*)\\12)|((?:\\([^)]+\\)|[^()]*)+)\ ) \\)\ )?\ )" */ "^(?:\\s*(,)\\s*|\\s*(+)\\s*|(\\s+)|(+|\\*)|\\#(+)|\\.(+)|\\[\\s*(+)(?:\\s*([*^$!~|]?=)(?:\\s*(?:([\"']?)(.*?)\\9)))?\\s*\\](?!\\])|(:+)(+)(?:\\((?:(?:([\"'])([^\\13]*)\\13)|((?:\\([^)]+\\)|[^()]*)+))\\))?)" .replace(//, '[' + escapeRegExp(">+~`!@$%^&={}\\;/g, '(?:[\\w\\u00a1-\\uFFFF-]|\\\\[^\\s0-9a-f])') .replace(//g, '(?:[:\\w\\u00a1-\\uFFFF-]|\\\\[^\\s0-9a-f])') ); function parser( rawMatch, separator, combinator, combinatorChildren, tagName, id, className, attributeKey, attributeOperator, attributeQuote, attributeValue, pseudoMarker, pseudoClass, pseudoQuote, pseudoClassQuotedValue, pseudoClassValue ){ if (separator || separatorIndex === -1){ parsed.expressions[++separatorIndex] = []; combinatorIndex = -1; if (separator) return ''; } if (combinator || combinatorChildren || combinatorIndex === -1){ combinator = combinator || ' '; var currentSeparator = parsed.expressions[separatorIndex]; if (reversed && currentSeparator[combinatorIndex]) currentSeparator[combinatorIndex].reverseCombinator = reverseCombinator(combinator); currentSeparator[++combinatorIndex] = {combinator: combinator, tag: '*'}; } var currentParsed = parsed.expressions[separatorIndex][combinatorIndex]; if (tagName){ currentParsed.tag = tagName.replace(reUnescape, ''); } else if (id){ currentParsed.id = id.replace(reUnescape, ''); } else if (className){ className = className.replace(reUnescape, ''); if (!currentParsed.classList) currentParsed.classList = []; if (!currentParsed.classes) currentParsed.classes = []; currentParsed.classList.push(className); currentParsed.classes.push({ value: className, regexp: new RegExp('(^|\\s)' + escapeRegExp(className) + '(\\s|$)') }); } else if (pseudoClass){ pseudoClassValue = pseudoClassValue || pseudoClassQuotedValue; pseudoClassValue = pseudoClassValue ? pseudoClassValue.replace(reUnescape, '') : null; if (!currentParsed.pseudos) currentParsed.pseudos = []; currentParsed.pseudos.push({ key: pseudoClass.replace(reUnescape, ''), value: pseudoClassValue, type: pseudoMarker.length == 1 ? 'class' : 'element' }); } else if (attributeKey){ attributeKey = attributeKey.replace(reUnescape, ''); attributeValue = (attributeValue || '').replace(reUnescape, ''); var test, regexp; switch (attributeOperator){ case '^=' : regexp = new RegExp( '^'+ escapeRegExp(attributeValue) ); break; case '$=' : regexp = new RegExp( escapeRegExp(attributeValue) +'$' ); break; case '~=' : regexp = new RegExp( '(^|\\s)'+ escapeRegExp(attributeValue) +'(\\s|$)' ); break; case '|=' : regexp = new RegExp( '^'+ escapeRegExp(attributeValue) +'(-|$)' ); break; case '=' : test = function(value){ return attributeValue == value; }; break; case '*=' : test = function(value){ return value && value.indexOf(attributeValue) > -1; }; break; case '!=' : test = function(value){ return attributeValue != value; }; break; default : test = function(value){ return !!value; }; } if (attributeValue == '' && (/^[*$^]=$/).test(attributeOperator)) test = function(){ return false; }; if (!test) test = function(value){ return value && regexp.test(value); }; if (!currentParsed.attributes) currentParsed.attributes = []; currentParsed.attributes.push({ key: attributeKey, operator: attributeOperator, value: attributeValue, test: test }); } return ''; }; // Slick NS var Slick = (this.Slick || {}); Slick.parse = function(expression){ return parse(expression); }; Slick.escapeRegExp = escapeRegExp; if (!this.Slick) this.Slick = Slick; }).apply(/**/(typeof exports != 'undefined') ? exports : /**/this); /* --- name: Slick.Finder description: The new, superfast css selector engine. provides: Slick.Finder requires: Slick.Parser ... */ ;(function(){ var local = {}, featuresCache = {}, toString = Object.prototype.toString; // Feature / Bug detection local.isNativeCode = function(fn){ return (/\{\s*\[native code\]\s*\}/).test('' + fn); }; local.isXML = function(document){ return (!!document.xmlVersion) || (!!document.xml) || (toString.call(document) == '[object XMLDocument]') || (document.nodeType == 9 && document.documentElement.nodeName != 'HTML'); }; local.setDocument = function(document){ // convert elements / window arguments to document. if document cannot be extrapolated, the function returns. var nodeType = document.nodeType; if (nodeType == 9); // document else if (nodeType) document = document.ownerDocument; // node else if (document.navigator) document = document.document; // window else return; // check if it's the old document if (this.document === document) return; this.document = document; // check if we have done feature detection on this document before var root = document.documentElement, rootUid = this.getUIDXML(root), features = featuresCache[rootUid], feature; if (features){ for (feature in features){ this[feature] = features[feature]; } return; } features = featuresCache[rootUid] = {}; features.root = root; features.isXMLDocument = this.isXML(document); features.brokenStarGEBTN = features.starSelectsClosedQSA = features.idGetsName = features.brokenMixedCaseQSA = features.brokenGEBCN = features.brokenCheckedQSA = features.brokenEmptyAttributeQSA = features.isHTMLDocument = features.nativeMatchesSelector = false; var starSelectsClosed, starSelectsComments, brokenSecondClassNameGEBCN, cachedGetElementsByClassName, brokenFormAttributeGetter; var selected, id = 'slick_uniqueid'; var testNode = document.createElement('div'); var testRoot = document.body || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0] || root; testRoot.appendChild(testNode); // on non-HTML documents innerHTML and getElementsById doesnt work properly try { testNode.innerHTML = ''; features.isHTMLDocument = !!document.getElementById(id); } catch(e){}; if (features.isHTMLDocument){ testNode.style.display = 'none'; // IE returns comment nodes for getElementsByTagName('*') for some documents testNode.appendChild(document.createComment('')); starSelectsComments = (testNode.getElementsByTagName('*').length > 1); // IE returns closed nodes (EG:"") for getElementsByTagName('*') for some documents try { testNode.innerHTML = 'foo'; selected = testNode.getElementsByTagName('*'); starSelectsClosed = (selected && !!selected.length && selected[0].nodeName.charAt(0) == '/'); } catch(e){}; features.brokenStarGEBTN = starSelectsComments || starSelectsClosed; // IE returns elements with the name instead of just id for getElementsById for some documents try { testNode.innerHTML = ''; features.idGetsName = document.getElementById(id) === testNode.firstChild; } catch(e){}; if (testNode.getElementsByClassName){ // Safari 3.2 getElementsByClassName caches results try { testNode.innerHTML = ''; testNode.getElementsByClassName('b').length; testNode.firstChild.className = 'b'; cachedGetElementsByClassName = (testNode.getElementsByClassName('b').length != 2); } catch(e){}; // Opera 9.6 getElementsByClassName doesnt detects the class if its not the first one try { testNode.innerHTML = ''; brokenSecondClassNameGEBCN = (testNode.getElementsByClassName('a').length != 2); } catch(e){}; features.brokenGEBCN = cachedGetElementsByClassName || brokenSecondClassNameGEBCN; } if (testNode.querySelectorAll){ // IE 8 returns closed nodes (EG:"") for querySelectorAll('*') for some documents try { testNode.innerHTML = 'foo'; selected = testNode.querySelectorAll('*'); features.starSelectsClosedQSA = (selected && !!selected.length && selected[0].nodeName.charAt(0) == '/'); } catch(e){}; // Safari 3.2 querySelectorAll doesnt work with mixedcase on quirksmode try { testNode.innerHTML = ''; features.brokenMixedCaseQSA = !testNode.querySelectorAll('.MiX').length; } catch(e){}; // Webkit and Opera dont return selected options on querySelectorAll try { testNode.innerHTML = ''; features.brokenCheckedQSA = (testNode.querySelectorAll(':checked').length == 0); } catch(e){}; // IE returns incorrect results for attr[*^$]="" selectors on querySelectorAll try { testNode.innerHTML = ''; features.brokenEmptyAttributeQSA = (testNode.querySelectorAll('[class*=""]').length != 0); } catch(e){}; } // IE6-7, if a form has an input of id x, form.getAttribute(x) returns a reference to the input try { testNode.innerHTML = '
'; brokenFormAttributeGetter = (testNode.firstChild.getAttribute('action') != 's'); } catch(e){}; // native matchesSelector function features.nativeMatchesSelector = root.matchesSelector || /*root.msMatchesSelector ||*/ root.mozMatchesSelector || root.webkitMatchesSelector; if (features.nativeMatchesSelector) try { // if matchesSelector trows errors on incorrect sintaxes we can use it features.nativeMatchesSelector.call(root, ':slick'); features.nativeMatchesSelector = null; } catch(e){}; } try { root.slick_expando = 1; delete root.slick_expando; features.getUID = this.getUIDHTML; } catch(e) { features.getUID = this.getUIDXML; } testRoot.removeChild(testNode); testNode = selected = testRoot = null; // getAttribute features.getAttribute = (features.isHTMLDocument && brokenFormAttributeGetter) ? function(node, name){ var method = this.attributeGetters[name]; if (method) return method.call(node); var attributeNode = node.getAttributeNode(name); return (attributeNode) ? attributeNode.nodeValue : null; } : function(node, name){ var method = this.attributeGetters[name]; return (method) ? method.call(node) : node.getAttribute(name); }; // hasAttribute features.hasAttribute = (root && this.isNativeCode(root.hasAttribute)) ? function(node, attribute) { return node.hasAttribute(attribute); } : function(node, attribute) { node = node.getAttributeNode(attribute); return !!(node && (node.specified || node.nodeValue)); }; // contains // FIXME: Add specs: local.contains should be different for xml and html documents? var nativeRootContains = root && this.isNativeCode(root.contains), nativeDocumentContains = document && this.isNativeCode(document.contains); features.contains = (nativeRootContains && nativeDocumentContains) ? function(context, node){ return context.contains(node); } : (nativeRootContains && !nativeDocumentContains) ? function(context, node){ // IE8 does not have .contains on document. return context === node || ((context === document) ? document.documentElement : context).contains(node); } : (root && root.compareDocumentPosition) ? function(context, node){ return context === node || !!(context.compareDocumentPosition(node) & 16); } : function(context, node){ if (node) do { if (node === context) return true; } while ((node = node.parentNode)); return false; }; // document order sorting // credits to Sizzle (http://sizzlejs.com/) features.documentSorter = (root.compareDocumentPosition) ? function(a, b){ if (!a.compareDocumentPosition || !b.compareDocumentPosition) return 0; return a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 4 ? -1 : a === b ? 0 : 1; } : ('sourceIndex' in root) ? function(a, b){ if (!a.sourceIndex || !b.sourceIndex) return 0; return a.sourceIndex - b.sourceIndex; } : (document.createRange) ? function(a, b){ if (!a.ownerDocument || !b.ownerDocument) return 0; var aRange = a.ownerDocument.createRange(), bRange = b.ownerDocument.createRange(); aRange.setStart(a, 0); aRange.setEnd(a, 0); bRange.setStart(b, 0); bRange.setEnd(b, 0); return aRange.compareBoundaryPoints(Range.START_TO_END, bRange); } : null ; root = null; for (feature in features){ this[feature] = features[feature]; } }; // Main Method var reSimpleSelector = /^([#.]?)((?:[\w-]+|\*))$/, reEmptyAttribute = /\[.+[*$^]=(?:""|'')?\]/, qsaFailExpCache = {}; local.search = function(context, expression, append, first){ var found = this.found = (first) ? null : (append || []); if (!context) return found; else if (context.navigator) context = context.document; // Convert the node from a window to a document else if (!context.nodeType) return found; // setup var parsed, i, uniques = this.uniques = {}, hasOthers = !!(append && append.length), contextIsDocument = (context.nodeType == 9); if (this.document !== (contextIsDocument ? context : context.ownerDocument)) this.setDocument(context); // avoid duplicating items already in the append array if (hasOthers) for (i = found.length; i--;) uniques[this.getUID(found[i])] = true; // expression checks if (typeof expression == 'string'){ // expression is a string /**/ var simpleSelector = expression.match(reSimpleSelector); simpleSelectors: if (simpleSelector) { var symbol = simpleSelector[1], name = simpleSelector[2], node, nodes; if (!symbol){ if (name == '*' && this.brokenStarGEBTN) break simpleSelectors; nodes = context.getElementsByTagName(name); if (first) return nodes[0] || null; for (i = 0; node = nodes[i++];){ if (!(hasOthers && uniques[this.getUID(node)])) found.push(node); } } else if (symbol == '#'){ if (!this.isHTMLDocument || !contextIsDocument) break simpleSelectors; node = context.getElementById(name); if (!node) return found; if (this.idGetsName && node.getAttributeNode('id').nodeValue != name) break simpleSelectors; if (first) return node || null; if (!(hasOthers && uniques[this.getUID(node)])) found.push(node); } else if (symbol == '.'){ if (!this.isHTMLDocument || ((!context.getElementsByClassName || this.brokenGEBCN) && context.querySelectorAll)) break simpleSelectors; if (context.getElementsByClassName && !this.brokenGEBCN){ nodes = context.getElementsByClassName(name); if (first) return nodes[0] || null; for (i = 0; node = nodes[i++];){ if (!(hasOthers && uniques[this.getUID(node)])) found.push(node); } } else { var matchClass = new RegExp('(^|\\s)'+ Slick.escapeRegExp(name) +'(\\s|$)'); nodes = context.getElementsByTagName('*'); for (i = 0; node = nodes[i++];){ className = node.className; if (!(className && matchClass.test(className))) continue; if (first) return node; if (!(hasOthers && uniques[this.getUID(node)])) found.push(node); } } } if (hasOthers) this.sort(found); return (first) ? null : found; } /**/ /**/ querySelector: if (context.querySelectorAll) { if (!this.isHTMLDocument || qsaFailExpCache[expression] //TODO: only skip when expression is actually mixed case || this.brokenMixedCaseQSA || (this.brokenCheckedQSA && expression.indexOf(':checked') > -1) || (this.brokenEmptyAttributeQSA && reEmptyAttribute.test(expression)) || (!contextIsDocument //Abort when !contextIsDocument and... // there are multiple expressions in the selector // since we currently only fix non-document rooted QSA for single expression selectors && expression.indexOf(',') > -1 ) || Slick.disableQSA ) break querySelector; var _expression = expression, _context = context; if (!contextIsDocument){ // non-document rooted QSA // credits to Andrew Dupont var currentId = _context.getAttribute('id'), slickid = 'slickid__'; _context.setAttribute('id', slickid); _expression = '#' + slickid + ' ' + _expression; context = _context.parentNode; } try { if (first) return context.querySelector(_expression) || null; else nodes = context.querySelectorAll(_expression); } catch(e) { qsaFailExpCache[expression] = 1; break querySelector; } finally { if (!contextIsDocument){ if (currentId) _context.setAttribute('id', currentId); else _context.removeAttribute('id'); context = _context; } } if (this.starSelectsClosedQSA) for (i = 0; node = nodes[i++];){ if (node.nodeName > '@' && !(hasOthers && uniques[this.getUID(node)])) found.push(node); } else for (i = 0; node = nodes[i++];){ if (!(hasOthers && uniques[this.getUID(node)])) found.push(node); } if (hasOthers) this.sort(found); return found; } /**/ parsed = this.Slick.parse(expression); if (!parsed.length) return found; } else if (expression == null){ // there is no expression return found; } else if (expression.Slick){ // expression is a parsed Slick object parsed = expression; } else if (this.contains(context.documentElement || context, expression)){ // expression is a node (found) ? found.push(expression) : found = expression; return found; } else { // other junk return found; } /**//**/ // cache elements for the nth selectors this.posNTH = {}; this.posNTHLast = {}; this.posNTHType = {}; this.posNTHTypeLast = {}; /**//**/ // if append is null and there is only a single selector with one expression use pushArray, else use pushUID this.push = (!hasOthers && (first || (parsed.length == 1 && parsed.expressions[0].length == 1))) ? this.pushArray : this.pushUID; if (found == null) found = []; // default engine var j, m, n; var combinator, tag, id, classList, classes, attributes, pseudos; var currentItems, currentExpression, currentBit, lastBit, expressions = parsed.expressions; search: for (i = 0; (currentExpression = expressions[i]); i++) for (j = 0; (currentBit = currentExpression[j]); j++){ combinator = 'combinator:' + currentBit.combinator; if (!this[combinator]) continue search; tag = (this.isXMLDocument) ? currentBit.tag : currentBit.tag.toUpperCase(); id = currentBit.id; classList = currentBit.classList; classes = currentBit.classes; attributes = currentBit.attributes; pseudos = currentBit.pseudos; lastBit = (j === (currentExpression.length - 1)); this.bitUniques = {}; if (lastBit){ this.uniques = uniques; this.found = found; } else { this.uniques = {}; this.found = []; } if (j === 0){ this[combinator](context, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos, classList); if (first && lastBit && found.length) break search; } else { if (first && lastBit) for (m = 0, n = currentItems.length; m < n; m++){ this[combinator](currentItems[m], tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos, classList); if (found.length) break search; } else for (m = 0, n = currentItems.length; m < n; m++) this[combinator](currentItems[m], tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos, classList); } currentItems = this.found; } // should sort if there are nodes in append and if you pass multiple expressions. if (hasOthers || (parsed.expressions.length > 1)) this.sort(found); return (first) ? (found[0] || null) : found; }; // Utils local.uidx = 1; local.uidk = 'slick-uniqueid'; local.getUIDXML = function(node){ var uid = node.getAttribute(this.uidk); if (!uid){ uid = this.uidx++; node.setAttribute(this.uidk, uid); } return uid; }; local.getUIDHTML = function(node){ return node.uniqueNumber || (node.uniqueNumber = this.uidx++); }; // sort based on the setDocument documentSorter method. local.sort = function(results){ if (!this.documentSorter) return results; results.sort(this.documentSorter); return results; }; /**//**/ local.cacheNTH = {}; local.matchNTH = /^([+-]?\d*)?([a-z]+)?([+-]\d+)?$/; local.parseNTHArgument = function(argument){ var parsed = argument.match(this.matchNTH); if (!parsed) return false; var special = parsed[2] || false; var a = parsed[1] || 1; if (a == '-') a = -1; var b = +parsed[3] || 0; parsed = (special == 'n') ? {a: a, b: b} : (special == 'odd') ? {a: 2, b: 1} : (special == 'even') ? {a: 2, b: 0} : {a: 0, b: a}; return (this.cacheNTH[argument] = parsed); }; local.createNTHPseudo = function(child, sibling, positions, ofType){ return function(node, argument){ var uid = this.getUID(node); if (!this[positions][uid]){ var parent = node.parentNode; if (!parent) return false; var el = parent[child], count = 1; if (ofType){ var nodeName = node.nodeName; do { if (el.nodeName != nodeName) continue; this[positions][this.getUID(el)] = count++; } while ((el = el[sibling])); } else { do { if (el.nodeType != 1) continue; this[positions][this.getUID(el)] = count++; } while ((el = el[sibling])); } } argument = argument || 'n'; var parsed = this.cacheNTH[argument] || this.parseNTHArgument(argument); if (!parsed) return false; var a = parsed.a, b = parsed.b, pos = this[positions][uid]; if (a == 0) return b == pos; if (a > 0){ if (pos < b) return false; } else { if (b < pos) return false; } return ((pos - b) % a) == 0; }; }; /**//**/ local.pushArray = function(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos){ if (this.matchSelector(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos)) this.found.push(node); }; local.pushUID = function(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos){ var uid = this.getUID(node); if (!this.uniques[uid] && this.matchSelector(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos)){ this.uniques[uid] = true; this.found.push(node); } }; local.matchNode = function(node, selector){ if (this.isHTMLDocument && this.nativeMatchesSelector){ try { return this.nativeMatchesSelector.call(node, selector.replace(/\[([^=]+)=\s*([^'"\]]+?)\s*\]/g, '[$1="$2"]')); } catch(matchError) {} } var parsed = this.Slick.parse(selector); if (!parsed) return true; // simple (single) selectors var expressions = parsed.expressions, simpleExpCounter = 0, i; for (i = 0; (currentExpression = expressions[i]); i++){ if (currentExpression.length == 1){ var exp = currentExpression[0]; if (this.matchSelector(node, (this.isXMLDocument) ? exp.tag : exp.tag.toUpperCase(), exp.id, exp.classes, exp.attributes, exp.pseudos)) return true; simpleExpCounter++; } } if (simpleExpCounter == parsed.length) return false; var nodes = this.search(this.document, parsed), item; for (i = 0; item = nodes[i++];){ if (item === node) return true; } return false; }; local.matchPseudo = function(node, name, argument){ var pseudoName = 'pseudo:' + name; if (this[pseudoName]) return this[pseudoName](node, argument); var attribute = this.getAttribute(node, name); return (argument) ? argument == attribute : !!attribute; }; local.matchSelector = function(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos){ if (tag){ var nodeName = (this.isXMLDocument) ? node.nodeName : node.nodeName.toUpperCase(); if (tag == '*'){ if (nodeName < '@') return false; // Fix for comment nodes and closed nodes } else { if (nodeName != tag) return false; } } if (id && node.getAttribute('id') != id) return false; var i, part, cls; if (classes) for (i = classes.length; i--;){ cls = this.getAttribute(node, 'class'); if (!(cls && classes[i].regexp.test(cls))) return false; } if (attributes) for (i = attributes.length; i--;){ part = attributes[i]; if (part.operator ? !part.test(this.getAttribute(node, part.key)) : !this.hasAttribute(node, part.key)) return false; } if (pseudos) for (i = pseudos.length; i--;){ part = pseudos[i]; if (!this.matchPseudo(node, part.key, part.value)) return false; } return true; }; var combinators = { ' ': function(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos, classList){ // all child nodes, any level var i, item, children; if (this.isHTMLDocument){ getById: if (id){ item = this.document.getElementById(id); if ((!item && node.all) || (this.idGetsName && item && item.getAttributeNode('id').nodeValue != id)){ // all[id] returns all the elements with that name or id inside node // if theres just one it will return the element, else it will be a collection children = node.all[id]; if (!children) return; if (!children[0]) children = [children]; for (i = 0; item = children[i++];){ var idNode = item.getAttributeNode('id'); if (idNode && idNode.nodeValue == id){ this.push(item, tag, null, classes, attributes, pseudos); break; } } return; } if (!item){ // if the context is in the dom we return, else we will try GEBTN, breaking the getById label if (this.contains(this.root, node)) return; else break getById; } else if (this.document !== node && !this.contains(node, item)) return; this.push(item, tag, null, classes, attributes, pseudos); return; } getByClass: if (classes && node.getElementsByClassName && !this.brokenGEBCN){ children = node.getElementsByClassName(classList.join(' ')); if (!(children && children.length)) break getByClass; for (i = 0; item = children[i++];) this.push(item, tag, id, null, attributes, pseudos); return; } } getByTag: { children = node.getElementsByTagName(tag); if (!(children && children.length)) break getByTag; if (!this.brokenStarGEBTN) tag = null; for (i = 0; item = children[i++];) this.push(item, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos); } }, '>': function(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos){ // direct children if ((node = node.firstChild)) do { if (node.nodeType == 1) this.push(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos); } while ((node = node.nextSibling)); }, '+': function(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos){ // next sibling while ((node = node.nextSibling)) if (node.nodeType == 1){ this.push(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos); break; } }, '^': function(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos){ // first child node = node.firstChild; if (node){ if (node.nodeType == 1) this.push(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos); else this['combinator:+'](node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos); } }, '~': function(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos){ // next siblings while ((node = node.nextSibling)){ if (node.nodeType != 1) continue; var uid = this.getUID(node); if (this.bitUniques[uid]) break; this.bitUniques[uid] = true; this.push(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos); } }, '++': function(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos){ // next sibling and previous sibling this['combinator:+'](node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos); this['combinator:!+'](node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos); }, '~~': function(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos){ // next siblings and previous siblings this['combinator:~'](node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos); this['combinator:!~'](node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos); }, '!': function(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos){ // all parent nodes up to document while ((node = node.parentNode)) if (node !== this.document) this.push(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos); }, '!>': function(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos){ // direct parent (one level) node = node.parentNode; if (node !== this.document) this.push(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos); }, '!+': function(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos){ // previous sibling while ((node = node.previousSibling)) if (node.nodeType == 1){ this.push(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos); break; } }, '!^': function(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos){ // last child node = node.lastChild; if (node){ if (node.nodeType == 1) this.push(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos); else this['combinator:!+'](node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos); } }, '!~': function(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos){ // previous siblings while ((node = node.previousSibling)){ if (node.nodeType != 1) continue; var uid = this.getUID(node); if (this.bitUniques[uid]) break; this.bitUniques[uid] = true; this.push(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos); } } }; for (var c in combinators) local['combinator:' + c] = combinators[c]; var pseudos = { /**/ 'empty': function(node){ var child = node.firstChild; return !(child && child.nodeType == 1) && !(node.innerText || node.textContent || '').length; }, 'not': function(node, expression){ return !this.matchNode(node, expression); }, 'contains': function(node, text){ return (node.innerText || node.textContent || '').indexOf(text) > -1; }, 'first-child': function(node){ while ((node = node.previousSibling)) if (node.nodeType == 1) return false; return true; }, 'last-child': function(node){ while ((node = node.nextSibling)) if (node.nodeType == 1) return false; return true; }, 'only-child': function(node){ var prev = node; while ((prev = prev.previousSibling)) if (prev.nodeType == 1) return false; var next = node; while ((next = next.nextSibling)) if (next.nodeType == 1) return false; return true; }, /**/ 'nth-child': local.createNTHPseudo('firstChild', 'nextSibling', 'posNTH'), 'nth-last-child': local.createNTHPseudo('lastChild', 'previousSibling', 'posNTHLast'), 'nth-of-type': local.createNTHPseudo('firstChild', 'nextSibling', 'posNTHType', true), 'nth-last-of-type': local.createNTHPseudo('lastChild', 'previousSibling', 'posNTHTypeLast', true), 'index': function(node, index){ return this['pseudo:nth-child'](node, '' + (index + 1)); }, 'even': function(node){ return this['pseudo:nth-child'](node, '2n'); }, 'odd': function(node){ return this['pseudo:nth-child'](node, '2n+1'); }, /**/ /**/ 'first-of-type': function(node){ var nodeName = node.nodeName; while ((node = node.previousSibling)) if (node.nodeName == nodeName) return false; return true; }, 'last-of-type': function(node){ var nodeName = node.nodeName; while ((node = node.nextSibling)) if (node.nodeName == nodeName) return false; return true; }, 'only-of-type': function(node){ var prev = node, nodeName = node.nodeName; while ((prev = prev.previousSibling)) if (prev.nodeName == nodeName) return false; var next = node; while ((next = next.nextSibling)) if (next.nodeName == nodeName) return false; return true; }, /**/ // custom pseudos 'enabled': function(node){ return !node.disabled; }, 'disabled': function(node){ return node.disabled; }, 'checked': function(node){ return node.checked || node.selected; }, 'focus': function(node){ return this.isHTMLDocument && this.document.activeElement === node && (node.href || node.type || this.hasAttribute(node, 'tabindex')); }, 'root': function(node){ return (node === this.root); }, 'selected': function(node){ return node.selected; } /**/ }; for (var p in pseudos) local['pseudo:' + p] = pseudos[p]; // attributes methods var attributeGetters = local.attributeGetters = { 'for': function(){ return ('htmlFor' in this) ? this.htmlFor : this.getAttribute('for'); }, 'href': function(){ return ('href' in this) ? this.getAttribute('href', 2) : this.getAttribute('href'); }, 'style': function(){ return (this.style) ? this.style.cssText : this.getAttribute('style'); }, 'tabindex': function(){ var attributeNode = this.getAttributeNode('tabindex'); return (attributeNode && attributeNode.specified) ? attributeNode.nodeValue : null; }, 'type': function(){ return this.getAttribute('type'); }, 'maxlength': function(){ var attributeNode = this.getAttributeNode('maxLength'); return (attributeNode && attributeNode.specified) ? attributeNode.nodeValue : null; } }; attributeGetters.MAXLENGTH = attributeGetters.maxLength = attributeGetters.maxlength; // Slick var Slick = local.Slick = (this.Slick || {}); Slick.version = '1.1.7'; // Slick finder Slick.search = function(context, expression, append){ return local.search(context, expression, append); }; Slick.find = function(context, expression){ return local.search(context, expression, null, true); }; // Slick containment checker Slick.contains = function(container, node){ local.setDocument(container); return local.contains(container, node); }; // Slick attribute getter Slick.getAttribute = function(node, name){ local.setDocument(node); return local.getAttribute(node, name); }; Slick.hasAttribute = function(node, name){ local.setDocument(node); return local.hasAttribute(node, name); }; // Slick matcher Slick.match = function(node, selector){ if (!(node && selector)) return false; if (!selector || selector === node) return true; local.setDocument(node); return local.matchNode(node, selector); }; // Slick attribute accessor Slick.defineAttributeGetter = function(name, fn){ local.attributeGetters[name] = fn; return this; }; Slick.lookupAttributeGetter = function(name){ return local.attributeGetters[name]; }; // Slick pseudo accessor Slick.definePseudo = function(name, fn){ local['pseudo:' + name] = function(node, argument){ return fn.call(node, argument); }; return this; }; Slick.lookupPseudo = function(name){ var pseudo = local['pseudo:' + name]; if (pseudo) return function(argument){ return pseudo.call(this, argument); }; return null; }; // Slick overrides accessor Slick.override = function(regexp, fn){ local.override(regexp, fn); return this; }; Slick.isXML = local.isXML; Slick.uidOf = function(node){ return local.getUIDHTML(node); }; if (!this.Slick) this.Slick = Slick; }).apply(/**/(typeof exports != 'undefined') ? exports : /**/this); /* --- name: Element description: One of the most important items in MooTools. Contains the dollar function, the dollars function, and an handful of cross-browser, time-saver methods to let you easily work with HTML Elements. license: MIT-style license. requires: [Window, Document, Array, String, Function, Object, Number, Slick.Parser, Slick.Finder] provides: [Element, Elements, $, $$, Iframe, Selectors] ... */ var Element = function(tag, props){ var konstructor = Element.Constructors[tag]; if (konstructor) return konstructor(props); if (typeof tag != 'string') return document.id(tag).set(props); if (!props) props = {}; if (!(/^[\w-]+$/).test(tag)){ var parsed = Slick.parse(tag).expressions[0][0]; tag = (parsed.tag == '*') ? 'div' : parsed.tag; if (parsed.id && props.id == null) props.id = parsed.id; var attributes = parsed.attributes; if (attributes) for (var attr, i = 0, l = attributes.length; i < l; i++){ attr = attributes[i]; if (props[attr.key] != null) continue; if (attr.value != null && attr.operator == '=') props[attr.key] = attr.value; else if (!attr.value && !attr.operator) props[attr.key] = true; } if (parsed.classList && props['class'] == null) props['class'] = parsed.classList.join(' '); } return document.newElement(tag, props); }; if (Browser.Element){ Element.prototype = Browser.Element.prototype; // IE8 and IE9 require the wrapping. Element.prototype._fireEvent = (function(fireEvent){ return function(type, event){ return fireEvent.call(this, type, event); }; })(Element.prototype.fireEvent); } new Type('Element', Element).mirror(function(name){ if (Array.prototype[name]) return; var obj = {}; obj[name] = function(){ var results = [], args = arguments, elements = true; for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++){ var element = this[i], result = results[i] = element[name].apply(element, args); elements = (elements && typeOf(result) == 'element'); } return (elements) ? new Elements(results) : results; }; Elements.implement(obj); }); if (!Browser.Element){ Element.parent = Object; Element.Prototype = { '$constructor': Element, '$family': Function.from('element').hide() }; Element.mirror(function(name, method){ Element.Prototype[name] = method; }); } Element.Constructors = {}; //<1.2compat> Element.Constructors = new Hash; // var IFrame = new Type('IFrame', function(){ var params = Array.link(arguments, { properties: Type.isObject, iframe: function(obj){ return (obj != null); } }); var props = params.properties || {}, iframe; if (params.iframe) iframe = document.id(params.iframe); var onload = props.onload || function(){}; delete props.onload; props.id = props.name = [props.id, props.name, iframe ? (iframe.id || iframe.name) : 'IFrame_' + String.uniqueID()].pick(); iframe = new Element(iframe || 'iframe', props); var onLoad = function(){ onload.call(iframe.contentWindow); }; if (window.frames[props.id]) onLoad(); else iframe.addListener('load', onLoad); return iframe; }); var Elements = this.Elements = function(nodes){ if (nodes && nodes.length){ var uniques = {}, node; for (var i = 0; node = nodes[i++];){ var uid = Slick.uidOf(node); if (!uniques[uid]){ uniques[uid] = true; this.push(node); } } } }; Elements.prototype = {length: 0}; Elements.parent = Array; new Type('Elements', Elements).implement({ filter: function(filter, bind){ if (!filter) return this; return new Elements(Array.filter(this, (typeOf(filter) == 'string') ? function(item){ return item.match(filter); } : filter, bind)); }.protect(), push: function(){ var length = this.length; for (var i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++){ var item = document.id(arguments[i]); if (item) this[length++] = item; } return (this.length = length); }.protect(), unshift: function(){ var items = []; for (var i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++){ var item = document.id(arguments[i]); if (item) items.push(item); } return Array.prototype.unshift.apply(this, items); }.protect(), concat: function(){ var newElements = new Elements(this); for (var i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++){ var item = arguments[i]; if (Type.isEnumerable(item)) newElements.append(item); else newElements.push(item); } return newElements; }.protect(), append: function(collection){ for (var i = 0, l = collection.length; i < l; i++) this.push(collection[i]); return this; }.protect(), empty: function(){ while (this.length) delete this[--this.length]; return this; }.protect() }); //<1.2compat> Elements.alias('extend', 'append'); // (function(){ // FF, IE var splice = Array.prototype.splice, object = {'0': 0, '1': 1, length: 2}; splice.call(object, 1, 1); if (object[1] == 1) Elements.implement('splice', function(){ var length = this.length; var result = splice.apply(this, arguments); while (length >= this.length) delete this[length--]; return result; }.protect()); Array.forEachMethod(function(method, name){ Elements.implement(name, method); }); Array.mirror(Elements); /**/ var createElementAcceptsHTML; try { createElementAcceptsHTML = (document.createElement('').name == 'x'); } catch (e){} var escapeQuotes = function(html){ return ('' + html).replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/"/g, '"'); }; /**/ Document.implement({ newElement: function(tag, props){ if (props && props.checked != null) props.defaultChecked = props.checked; /**/// Fix for readonly name and type properties in IE < 8 if (createElementAcceptsHTML && props){ tag = '<' + tag; if (props.name) tag += ' name="' + escapeQuotes(props.name) + '"'; if (props.type) tag += ' type="' + escapeQuotes(props.type) + '"'; tag += '>'; delete props.name; delete props.type; } /**/ return this.id(this.createElement(tag)).set(props); } }); })(); (function(){ Slick.uidOf(window); Slick.uidOf(document); Document.implement({ newTextNode: function(text){ return this.createTextNode(text); }, getDocument: function(){ return this; }, getWindow: function(){ return this.window; }, id: (function(){ var types = { string: function(id, nocash, doc){ id = Slick.find(doc, '#' + id.replace(/(\W)/g, '\\$1')); return (id) ? types.element(id, nocash) : null; }, element: function(el, nocash){ Slick.uidOf(el); if (!nocash && !el.$family && !(/^(?:object|embed)$/i).test(el.tagName)){ var fireEvent = el.fireEvent; // wrapping needed in IE7, or else crash el._fireEvent = function(type, event){ return fireEvent(type, event); }; Object.append(el, Element.Prototype); } return el; }, object: function(obj, nocash, doc){ if (obj.toElement) return types.element(obj.toElement(doc), nocash); return null; } }; types.textnode = types.whitespace = types.window = types.document = function(zero){ return zero; }; return function(el, nocash, doc){ if (el && el.$family && el.uniqueNumber) return el; var type = typeOf(el); return (types[type]) ? types[type](el, nocash, doc || document) : null; }; })() }); if (window.$ == null) Window.implement('$', function(el, nc){ return document.id(el, nc, this.document); }); Window.implement({ getDocument: function(){ return this.document; }, getWindow: function(){ return this; } }); [Document, Element].invoke('implement', { getElements: function(expression){ return Slick.search(this, expression, new Elements); }, getElement: function(expression){ return document.id(Slick.find(this, expression)); } }); var contains = {contains: function(element){ return Slick.contains(this, element); }}; if (!document.contains) Document.implement(contains); if (!document.createElement('div').contains) Element.implement(contains); //<1.2compat> Element.implement('hasChild', function(element){ return this !== element && this.contains(element); }); (function(search, find, match){ this.Selectors = {}; var pseudos = this.Selectors.Pseudo = new Hash(); var addSlickPseudos = function(){ for (var name in pseudos) if (pseudos.hasOwnProperty(name)){ Slick.definePseudo(name, pseudos[name]); delete pseudos[name]; } }; Slick.search = function(context, expression, append){ addSlickPseudos(); return search.call(this, context, expression, append); }; Slick.find = function(context, expression){ addSlickPseudos(); return find.call(this, context, expression); }; Slick.match = function(node, selector){ addSlickPseudos(); return match.call(this, node, selector); }; })(Slick.search, Slick.find, Slick.match); // // tree walking var injectCombinator = function(expression, combinator){ if (!expression) return combinator; expression = Object.clone(Slick.parse(expression)); var expressions = expression.expressions; for (var i = expressions.length; i--;) expressions[i][0].combinator = combinator; return expression; }; Object.forEach({ getNext: '~', getPrevious: '!~', getParent: '!' }, function(combinator, method){ Element.implement(method, function(expression){ return this.getElement(injectCombinator(expression, combinator)); }); }); Object.forEach({ getAllNext: '~', getAllPrevious: '!~', getSiblings: '~~', getChildren: '>', getParents: '!' }, function(combinator, method){ Element.implement(method, function(expression){ return this.getElements(injectCombinator(expression, combinator)); }); }); Element.implement({ getFirst: function(expression){ return document.id(Slick.search(this, injectCombinator(expression, '>'))[0]); }, getLast: function(expression){ return document.id(Slick.search(this, injectCombinator(expression, '>')).getLast()); }, getWindow: function(){ return this.ownerDocument.window; }, getDocument: function(){ return this.ownerDocument; }, getElementById: function(id){ return document.id(Slick.find(this, '#' + ('' + id).replace(/(\W)/g, '\\$1'))); }, match: function(expression){ return !expression || Slick.match(this, expression); } }); //<1.2compat> if (window.$$ == null) Window.implement('$$', function(selector){ var elements = new Elements; if (arguments.length == 1 && typeof selector == 'string') return Slick.search(this.document, selector, elements); var args = Array.flatten(arguments); for (var i = 0, l = args.length; i < l; i++){ var item = args[i]; switch (typeOf(item)){ case 'element': elements.push(item); break; case 'string': Slick.search(this.document, item, elements); } } return elements; }); // if (window.$$ == null) Window.implement('$$', function(selector){ if (arguments.length == 1){ if (typeof selector == 'string') return Slick.search(this.document, selector, new Elements); else if (Type.isEnumerable(selector)) return new Elements(selector); } return new Elements(arguments); }); // Inserters var inserters = { before: function(context, element){ var parent = element.parentNode; if (parent) parent.insertBefore(context, element); }, after: function(context, element){ var parent = element.parentNode; if (parent) parent.insertBefore(context, element.nextSibling); }, bottom: function(context, element){ element.appendChild(context); }, top: function(context, element){ element.insertBefore(context, element.firstChild); } }; inserters.inside = inserters.bottom; //<1.2compat> Object.each(inserters, function(inserter, where){ where = where.capitalize(); var methods = {}; methods['inject' + where] = function(el){ inserter(this, document.id(el, true)); return this; }; methods['grab' + where] = function(el){ inserter(document.id(el, true), this); return this; }; Element.implement(methods); }); // // getProperty / setProperty var propertyGetters = {}, propertySetters = {}; // properties var properties = {}; Array.forEach([ 'type', 'value', 'defaultValue', 'accessKey', 'cellPadding', 'cellSpacing', 'colSpan', 'frameBorder', 'rowSpan', 'tabIndex', 'useMap' ], function(property){ properties[property.toLowerCase()] = property; }); properties.html = 'innerHTML'; properties.text = (document.createElement('div').textContent == null) ? 'innerText': 'textContent'; Object.forEach(properties, function(real, key){ propertySetters[key] = function(node, value){ node[real] = value; }; propertyGetters[key] = function(node){ return node[real]; }; }); // Booleans var bools = [ 'compact', 'nowrap', 'ismap', 'declare', 'noshade', 'checked', 'disabled', 'readOnly', 'multiple', 'selected', 'noresize', 'defer', 'defaultChecked', 'autofocus', 'controls', 'autoplay', 'loop' ]; var booleans = {}; Array.forEach(bools, function(bool){ var lower = bool.toLowerCase(); booleans[lower] = bool; propertySetters[lower] = function(node, value){ node[bool] = !!value; }; propertyGetters[lower] = function(node){ return !!node[bool]; }; }); // Special cases Object.append(propertySetters, { 'class': function(node, value){ ('className' in node) ? node.className = (value || '') : node.setAttribute('class', value); }, 'for': function(node, value){ ('htmlFor' in node) ? node.htmlFor = value : node.setAttribute('for', value); }, 'style': function(node, value){ (node.style) ? node.style.cssText = value : node.setAttribute('style', value); }, 'value': function(node, value){ node.value = (value != null) ? value : ''; } }); propertyGetters['class'] = function(node){ return ('className' in node) ? node.className || null : node.getAttribute('class'); }; /* */ var el = document.createElement('button'); // IE sets type as readonly and throws try { el.type = 'button'; } catch(e){} if (el.type != 'button') propertySetters.type = function(node, value){ node.setAttribute('type', value); }; el = null; /* */ /**/ var input = document.createElement('input'); input.value = 't'; input.type = 'submit'; if (input.value != 't') propertySetters.type = function(node, type){ var value = node.value; node.type = type; node.value = value; }; input = null; /**/ /* getProperty, setProperty */ /* */ var pollutesGetAttribute = (function(div){ div.random = 'attribute'; return (div.getAttribute('random') == 'attribute'); })(document.createElement('div')); /* */ Element.implement({ setProperty: function(name, value){ var setter = propertySetters[name.toLowerCase()]; if (setter){ setter(this, value); } else { /* */ if (pollutesGetAttribute) var attributeWhiteList = this.retrieve('$attributeWhiteList', {}); /* */ if (value == null){ this.removeAttribute(name); /* */ if (pollutesGetAttribute) delete attributeWhiteList[name]; /* */ } else { this.setAttribute(name, '' + value); /* */ if (pollutesGetAttribute) attributeWhiteList[name] = true; /* */ } } return this; }, setProperties: function(attributes){ for (var attribute in attributes) this.setProperty(attribute, attributes[attribute]); return this; }, getProperty: function(name){ var getter = propertyGetters[name.toLowerCase()]; if (getter) return getter(this); /* */ if (pollutesGetAttribute){ var attr = this.getAttributeNode(name), attributeWhiteList = this.retrieve('$attributeWhiteList', {}); if (!attr) return null; if (attr.expando && !attributeWhiteList[name]){ var outer = this.outerHTML; // segment by the opening tag and find mention of attribute name if (outer.substr(0, outer.search(/\/?['"]?>(?![^<]*<['"])/)).indexOf(name) < 0) return null; attributeWhiteList[name] = true; } } /* */ var result = Slick.getAttribute(this, name); return (!result && !Slick.hasAttribute(this, name)) ? null : result; }, getProperties: function(){ var args = Array.from(arguments); return args.map(this.getProperty, this).associate(args); }, removeProperty: function(name){ return this.setProperty(name, null); }, removeProperties: function(){ Array.each(arguments, this.removeProperty, this); return this; }, set: function(prop, value){ var property = Element.Properties[prop]; (property && property.set) ? property.set.call(this, value) : this.setProperty(prop, value); }.overloadSetter(), get: function(prop){ var property = Element.Properties[prop]; return (property && property.get) ? property.get.apply(this) : this.getProperty(prop); }.overloadGetter(), erase: function(prop){ var property = Element.Properties[prop]; (property && property.erase) ? property.erase.apply(this) : this.removeProperty(prop); return this; }, hasClass: function(className){ return this.className.clean().contains(className, ' '); }, addClass: function(className){ if (!this.hasClass(className)) this.className = (this.className + ' ' + className).clean(); return this; }, removeClass: function(className){ this.className = this.className.replace(new RegExp('(^|\\s)' + className + '(?:\\s|$)'), '$1'); return this; }, toggleClass: function(className, force){ if (force == null) force = !this.hasClass(className); return (force) ? this.addClass(className) : this.removeClass(className); }, adopt: function(){ var parent = this, fragment, elements = Array.flatten(arguments), length = elements.length; if (length > 1) parent = fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); for (var i = 0; i < length; i++){ var element = document.id(elements[i], true); if (element) parent.appendChild(element); } if (fragment) this.appendChild(fragment); return this; }, appendText: function(text, where){ return this.grab(this.getDocument().newTextNode(text), where); }, grab: function(el, where){ inserters[where || 'bottom'](document.id(el, true), this); return this; }, inject: function(el, where){ inserters[where || 'bottom'](this, document.id(el, true)); return this; }, replaces: function(el){ el = document.id(el, true); el.parentNode.replaceChild(this, el); return this; }, wraps: function(el, where){ el = document.id(el, true); return this.replaces(el).grab(el, where); }, getSelected: function(){ this.selectedIndex; // Safari 3.2.1 return new Elements(Array.from(this.options).filter(function(option){ return option.selected; })); }, toQueryString: function(){ var queryString = []; this.getElements('input, select, textarea').each(function(el){ var type = el.type; if (!el.name || el.disabled || type == 'submit' || type == 'reset' || type == 'file' || type == 'image') return; var value = (el.get('tag') == 'select') ? el.getSelected().map(function(opt){ // IE return document.id(opt).get('value'); }) : ((type == 'radio' || type == 'checkbox') && !el.checked) ? null : el.get('value'); Array.from(value).each(function(val){ if (typeof val != 'undefined') queryString.push(encodeURIComponent(el.name) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(val)); }); }); return queryString.join('&'); } }); var collected = {}, storage = {}; var get = function(uid){ return (storage[uid] || (storage[uid] = {})); }; var clean = function(item){ var uid = item.uniqueNumber; if (item.removeEvents) item.removeEvents(); if (item.clearAttributes) item.clearAttributes(); if (uid != null){ delete collected[uid]; delete storage[uid]; } return item; }; var formProps = {input: 'checked', option: 'selected', textarea: 'value'}; Element.implement({ destroy: function(){ var children = clean(this).getElementsByTagName('*'); Array.each(children, clean); Element.dispose(this); return null; }, empty: function(){ Array.from(this.childNodes).each(Element.dispose); return this; }, dispose: function(){ return (this.parentNode) ? this.parentNode.removeChild(this) : this; }, clone: function(contents, keepid){ contents = contents !== false; var clone = this.cloneNode(contents), ce = [clone], te = [this], i; if (contents){ ce.append(Array.from(clone.getElementsByTagName('*'))); te.append(Array.from(this.getElementsByTagName('*'))); } for (i = ce.length; i--;){ var node = ce[i], element = te[i]; if (!keepid) node.removeAttribute('id'); /**/ if (node.clearAttributes){ node.clearAttributes(); node.mergeAttributes(element); node.removeAttribute('uniqueNumber'); if (node.options){ var no = node.options, eo = element.options; for (var j = no.length; j--;) no[j].selected = eo[j].selected; } } /**/ var prop = formProps[element.tagName.toLowerCase()]; if (prop && element[prop]) node[prop] = element[prop]; } /**/ if (Browser.ie){ var co = clone.getElementsByTagName('object'), to = this.getElementsByTagName('object'); for (i = co.length; i--;) co[i].outerHTML = to[i].outerHTML; } /**/ return document.id(clone); } }); [Element, Window, Document].invoke('implement', { addListener: function(type, fn){ if (type == 'unload'){ var old = fn, self = this; fn = function(){ self.removeListener('unload', fn); old(); }; } else { collected[Slick.uidOf(this)] = this; } if (this.addEventListener) this.addEventListener(type, fn, !!arguments[2]); else this.attachEvent('on' + type, fn); return this; }, removeListener: function(type, fn){ if (this.removeEventListener) this.removeEventListener(type, fn, !!arguments[2]); else this.detachEvent('on' + type, fn); return this; }, retrieve: function(property, dflt){ var storage = get(Slick.uidOf(this)), prop = storage[property]; if (dflt != null && prop == null) prop = storage[property] = dflt; return prop != null ? prop : null; }, store: function(property, value){ var storage = get(Slick.uidOf(this)); storage[property] = value; return this; }, eliminate: function(property){ var storage = get(Slick.uidOf(this)); delete storage[property]; return this; } }); /**/ if (window.attachEvent && !window.addEventListener) window.addListener('unload', function(){ Object.each(collected, clean); if (window.CollectGarbage) CollectGarbage(); }); /**/ Element.Properties = {}; //<1.2compat> Element.Properties = new Hash; // Element.Properties.style = { set: function(style){ this.style.cssText = style; }, get: function(){ return this.style.cssText; }, erase: function(){ this.style.cssText = ''; } }; Element.Properties.tag = { get: function(){ return this.tagName.toLowerCase(); } }; Element.Properties.html = { set: function(html){ if (html == null) html = ''; else if (typeOf(html) == 'array') html = html.join(''); this.innerHTML = html; }, erase: function(){ this.innerHTML = ''; } }; /**/ // technique by jdbarlett - http://jdbartlett.com/innershiv/ var div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = ''; var supportsHTML5Elements = (div.childNodes.length == 1); if (!supportsHTML5Elements){ var tags = 'abbr article aside audio canvas datalist details figcaption figure footer header hgroup mark meter nav output progress section summary time video'.split(' '), fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(), l = tags.length; while (l--) fragment.createElement(tags[l]); } div = null; /**/ /**/ var supportsTableInnerHTML = Function.attempt(function(){ var table = document.createElement('table'); table.innerHTML = ''; return true; }); /**/ var tr = document.createElement('tr'), html = ''; tr.innerHTML = html; var supportsTRInnerHTML = (tr.innerHTML == html); tr = null; /**/ if (!supportsTableInnerHTML || !supportsTRInnerHTML || !supportsHTML5Elements){ Element.Properties.html.set = (function(set){ var translations = { table: [1, '', '
'], select: [1, ''], tbody: [2, '', '
'], tr: [3, '', '
'] }; translations.thead = translations.tfoot = translations.tbody; return function(html){ var wrap = translations[this.get('tag')]; if (!wrap && !supportsHTML5Elements) wrap = [0, '', '']; if (!wrap) return set.call(this, html); var level = wrap[0], wrapper = document.createElement('div'), target = wrapper; if (!supportsHTML5Elements) fragment.appendChild(wrapper); wrapper.innerHTML = [wrap[1], html, wrap[2]].flatten().join(''); while (level--) target = target.firstChild; this.empty().adopt(target.childNodes); if (!supportsHTML5Elements) fragment.removeChild(wrapper); wrapper = null; }; })(Element.Properties.html.set); } /*
*/ /**/ var testForm = document.createElement('form'); testForm.innerHTML = ''; if (testForm.firstChild.value != 's') Element.Properties.value = { set: function(value){ var tag = this.get('tag'); if (tag != 'select') return this.setProperty('value', value); var options = this.getElements('option'); for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++){ var option = options[i], attr = option.getAttributeNode('value'), optionValue = (attr && attr.specified) ? option.value : option.get('text'); if (optionValue == value) return option.selected = true; } }, get: function(){ var option = this, tag = option.get('tag'); if (tag != 'select' && tag != 'option') return this.getProperty('value'); if (tag == 'select' && !(option = option.getSelected()[0])) return ''; var attr = option.getAttributeNode('value'); return (attr && attr.specified) ? option.value : option.get('text'); } }; testForm = null; /**/ /**/ if (document.createElement('div').getAttributeNode('id')) Element.Properties.id = { set: function(id){ this.id = this.getAttributeNode('id').value = id; }, get: function(){ return this.id || null; }, erase: function(){ this.id = this.getAttributeNode('id').value = ''; } }; /**/ })(); /* --- name: Element.Style description: Contains methods for interacting with the styles of Elements in a fashionable way. license: MIT-style license. requires: Element provides: Element.Style ... */ (function(){ var html = document.html; // // Check for oldIE, which does not remove styles when they're set to null var el = document.createElement('div'); el.style.color = 'red'; el.style.color = null; var doesNotRemoveStyles = el.style.color == 'red'; el = null; // Element.Properties.styles = {set: function(styles){ this.setStyles(styles); }}; var hasOpacity = (html.style.opacity != null), hasFilter = (html.style.filter != null), reAlpha = /alpha\(opacity=([\d.]+)\)/i; var setVisibility = function(element, opacity){ element.store('$opacity', opacity); element.style.visibility = opacity > 0 || opacity == null ? 'visible' : 'hidden'; }; var setOpacity = (hasOpacity ? function(element, opacity){ element.style.opacity = opacity; } : (hasFilter ? function(element, opacity){ var style = element.style; if (!element.currentStyle || !element.currentStyle.hasLayout) style.zoom = 1; if (opacity == null || opacity == 1) opacity = ''; else opacity = 'alpha(opacity=' + (opacity * 100).limit(0, 100).round() + ')'; var filter = style.filter || element.getComputedStyle('filter') || ''; style.filter = reAlpha.test(filter) ? filter.replace(reAlpha, opacity) : filter + opacity; if (!style.filter) style.removeAttribute('filter'); } : setVisibility)); var getOpacity = (hasOpacity ? function(element){ var opacity = element.style.opacity || element.getComputedStyle('opacity'); return (opacity == '') ? 1 : opacity.toFloat(); } : (hasFilter ? function(element){ var filter = (element.style.filter || element.getComputedStyle('filter')), opacity; if (filter) opacity = filter.match(reAlpha); return (opacity == null || filter == null) ? 1 : (opacity[1] / 100); } : function(element){ var opacity = element.retrieve('$opacity'); if (opacity == null) opacity = (element.style.visibility == 'hidden' ? 0 : 1); return opacity; })); var floatName = (html.style.cssFloat == null) ? 'styleFloat' : 'cssFloat'; Element.implement({ getComputedStyle: function(property){ if (this.currentStyle) return this.currentStyle[property.camelCase()]; var defaultView = Element.getDocument(this).defaultView, computed = defaultView ? defaultView.getComputedStyle(this, null) : null; return (computed) ? computed.getPropertyValue((property == floatName) ? 'float' : property.hyphenate()) : null; }, setStyle: function(property, value){ if (property == 'opacity'){ if (value != null) value = parseFloat(value); setOpacity(this, value); return this; } property = (property == 'float' ? floatName : property).camelCase(); if (typeOf(value) != 'string'){ var map = (Element.Styles[property] || '@').split(' '); value = Array.from(value).map(function(val, i){ if (!map[i]) return ''; return (typeOf(val) == 'number') ? map[i].replace('@', Math.round(val)) : val; }).join(' '); } else if (value == String(Number(value))){ value = Math.round(value); } this.style[property] = value; // if ((value == '' || value == null) && doesNotRemoveStyles && this.style.removeAttribute){ this.style.removeAttribute(property); } // return this; }, getStyle: function(property){ if (property == 'opacity') return getOpacity(this); property = (property == 'float' ? floatName : property).camelCase(); var result = this.style[property]; if (!result || property == 'zIndex'){ result = []; for (var style in Element.ShortStyles){ if (property != style) continue; for (var s in Element.ShortStyles[style]) result.push(this.getStyle(s)); return result.join(' '); } result = this.getComputedStyle(property); } if (result){ result = String(result); var color = result.match(/rgba?\([\d\s,]+\)/); if (color) result = result.replace(color[0], color[0].rgbToHex()); } if (Browser.opera || Browser.ie){ if ((/^(height|width)$/).test(property) && !(/px$/.test(result))){ var values = (property == 'width') ? ['left', 'right'] : ['top', 'bottom'], size = 0; values.each(function(value){ size += this.getStyle('border-' + value + '-width').toInt() + this.getStyle('padding-' + value).toInt(); }, this); return this['offset' + property.capitalize()] - size + 'px'; } if (Browser.ie && (/^border(.+)Width|margin|padding/).test(property) && isNaN(parseFloat(result))){ return '0px'; } } return result; }, setStyles: function(styles){ for (var style in styles) this.setStyle(style, styles[style]); return this; }, getStyles: function(){ var result = {}; Array.flatten(arguments).each(function(key){ result[key] = this.getStyle(key); }, this); return result; } }); Element.Styles = { left: '@px', top: '@px', bottom: '@px', right: '@px', width: '@px', height: '@px', maxWidth: '@px', maxHeight: '@px', minWidth: '@px', minHeight: '@px', backgroundColor: 'rgb(@, @, @)', backgroundPosition: '@px @px', color: 'rgb(@, @, @)', fontSize: '@px', letterSpacing: '@px', lineHeight: '@px', clip: 'rect(@px @px @px @px)', margin: '@px @px @px @px', padding: '@px @px @px @px', border: '@px @ rgb(@, @, @) @px @ rgb(@, @, @) @px @ rgb(@, @, @)', borderWidth: '@px @px @px @px', borderStyle: '@ @ @ @', borderColor: 'rgb(@, @, @) rgb(@, @, @) rgb(@, @, @) rgb(@, @, @)', zIndex: '@', 'zoom': '@', fontWeight: '@', textIndent: '@px', opacity: '@' }; //<1.3compat> Element.implement({ setOpacity: function(value){ setOpacity(this, value); return this; }, getOpacity: function(){ return getOpacity(this); } }); Element.Properties.opacity = { set: function(opacity){ setOpacity(this, opacity); setVisibility(this, opacity); }, get: function(){ return getOpacity(this); } }; // //<1.2compat> Element.Styles = new Hash(Element.Styles); // Element.ShortStyles = {margin: {}, padding: {}, border: {}, borderWidth: {}, borderStyle: {}, borderColor: {}}; ['Top', 'Right', 'Bottom', 'Left'].each(function(direction){ var Short = Element.ShortStyles; var All = Element.Styles; ['margin', 'padding'].each(function(style){ var sd = style + direction; Short[style][sd] = All[sd] = '@px'; }); var bd = 'border' + direction; Short.border[bd] = All[bd] = '@px @ rgb(@, @, @)'; var bdw = bd + 'Width', bds = bd + 'Style', bdc = bd + 'Color'; Short[bd] = {}; Short.borderWidth[bdw] = Short[bd][bdw] = All[bdw] = '@px'; Short.borderStyle[bds] = Short[bd][bds] = All[bds] = '@'; Short.borderColor[bdc] = Short[bd][bdc] = All[bdc] = 'rgb(@, @, @)'; }); })(); /* --- name: Element.Event description: Contains Element methods for dealing with events. This file also includes mouseenter and mouseleave custom Element Events, if necessary. license: MIT-style license. requires: [Element, Event] provides: Element.Event ... */ (function(){ Element.Properties.events = {set: function(events){ this.addEvents(events); }}; [Element, Window, Document].invoke('implement', { addEvent: function(type, fn){ var events = this.retrieve('events', {}); if (!events[type]) events[type] = {keys: [], values: []}; if (events[type].keys.contains(fn)) return this; events[type].keys.push(fn); var realType = type, custom = Element.Events[type], condition = fn, self = this; if (custom){ if (custom.onAdd) custom.onAdd.call(this, fn, type); if (custom.condition){ condition = function(event){ if (custom.condition.call(this, event, type)) return fn.call(this, event); return true; }; } if (custom.base) realType = Function.from(custom.base).call(this, type); } var defn = function(){ return fn.call(self); }; var nativeEvent = Element.NativeEvents[realType]; if (nativeEvent){ if (nativeEvent == 2){ defn = function(event){ event = new DOMEvent(event, self.getWindow()); if (condition.call(self, event) === false) event.stop(); }; } this.addListener(realType, defn, arguments[2]); } events[type].values.push(defn); return this; }, removeEvent: function(type, fn){ var events = this.retrieve('events'); if (!events || !events[type]) return this; var list = events[type]; var index = list.keys.indexOf(fn); if (index == -1) return this; var value = list.values[index]; delete list.keys[index]; delete list.values[index]; var custom = Element.Events[type]; if (custom){ if (custom.onRemove) custom.onRemove.call(this, fn, type); if (custom.base) type = Function.from(custom.base).call(this, type); } return (Element.NativeEvents[type]) ? this.removeListener(type, value, arguments[2]) : this; }, addEvents: function(events){ for (var event in events) this.addEvent(event, events[event]); return this; }, removeEvents: function(events){ var type; if (typeOf(events) == 'object'){ for (type in events) this.removeEvent(type, events[type]); return this; } var attached = this.retrieve('events'); if (!attached) return this; if (!events){ for (type in attached) this.removeEvents(type); this.eliminate('events'); } else if (attached[events]){ attached[events].keys.each(function(fn){ this.removeEvent(events, fn); }, this); delete attached[events]; } return this; }, fireEvent: function(type, args, delay){ var events = this.retrieve('events'); if (!events || !events[type]) return this; args = Array.from(args); events[type].keys.each(function(fn){ if (delay) fn.delay(delay, this, args); else fn.apply(this, args); }, this); return this; }, cloneEvents: function(from, type){ from = document.id(from); var events = from.retrieve('events'); if (!events) return this; if (!type){ for (var eventType in events) this.cloneEvents(from, eventType); } else if (events[type]){ events[type].keys.each(function(fn){ this.addEvent(type, fn); }, this); } return this; } }); Element.NativeEvents = { click: 2, dblclick: 2, mouseup: 2, mousedown: 2, contextmenu: 2, //mouse buttons mousewheel: 2, DOMMouseScroll: 2, //mouse wheel mouseover: 2, mouseout: 2, mousemove: 2, selectstart: 2, selectend: 2, //mouse movement keydown: 2, keypress: 2, keyup: 2, //keyboard orientationchange: 2, // mobile touchstart: 2, touchmove: 2, touchend: 2, touchcancel: 2, // touch gesturestart: 2, gesturechange: 2, gestureend: 2, // gesture focus: 2, blur: 2, change: 2, reset: 2, select: 2, submit: 2, paste: 2, input: 2, //form elements load: 2, unload: 1, beforeunload: 2, resize: 1, move: 1, DOMContentLoaded: 1, readystatechange: 1, //window error: 1, abort: 1, scroll: 1 //misc }; Element.Events = {mousewheel: { base: (Browser.firefox) ? 'DOMMouseScroll' : 'mousewheel' }}; if ('onmouseenter' in document.documentElement){ Element.NativeEvents.mouseenter = Element.NativeEvents.mouseleave = 2; } else { var check = function(event){ var related = event.relatedTarget; if (related == null) return true; if (!related) return false; return (related != this && related.prefix != 'xul' && typeOf(this) != 'document' && !this.contains(related)); }; Element.Events.mouseenter = { base: 'mouseover', condition: check }; Element.Events.mouseleave = { base: 'mouseout', condition: check }; } /**/ if (!window.addEventListener){ Element.NativeEvents.propertychange = 2; Element.Events.change = { base: function(){ var type = this.type; return (this.get('tag') == 'input' && (type == 'radio' || type == 'checkbox')) ? 'propertychange' : 'change' }, condition: function(event){ return this.type != 'radio' || (event.event.propertyName == 'checked' && this.checked); } } } /**/ //<1.2compat> Element.Events = new Hash(Element.Events); // })(); /* --- name: Element.Delegation description: Extends the Element native object to include the delegate method for more efficient event management. license: MIT-style license. requires: [Element.Event] provides: [Element.Delegation] ... */ (function(){ var eventListenerSupport = !!window.addEventListener; Element.NativeEvents.focusin = Element.NativeEvents.focusout = 2; var bubbleUp = function(self, match, fn, event, target){ while (target && target != self){ if (match(target, event)) return fn.call(target, event, target); target = document.id(target.parentNode); } }; var map = { mouseenter: { base: 'mouseover' }, mouseleave: { base: 'mouseout' }, focus: { base: 'focus' + (eventListenerSupport ? '' : 'in'), capture: true }, blur: { base: eventListenerSupport ? 'blur' : 'focusout', capture: true } }; /**/ var _key = '$delegation:'; var formObserver = function(type){ return { base: 'focusin', remove: function(self, uid){ var list = self.retrieve(_key + type + 'listeners', {})[uid]; if (list && list.forms) for (var i = list.forms.length; i--;){ list.forms[i].removeEvent(type, list.fns[i]); } }, listen: function(self, match, fn, event, target, uid){ var form = (target.get('tag') == 'form') ? target : event.target.getParent('form'); if (!form) return; var listeners = self.retrieve(_key + type + 'listeners', {}), listener = listeners[uid] || {forms: [], fns: []}, forms = listener.forms, fns = listener.fns; if (forms.indexOf(form) != -1) return; forms.push(form); var _fn = function(event){ bubbleUp(self, match, fn, event, target); }; form.addEvent(type, _fn); fns.push(_fn); listeners[uid] = listener; self.store(_key + type + 'listeners', listeners); } }; }; var inputObserver = function(type){ return { base: 'focusin', listen: function(self, match, fn, event, target){ var events = {blur: function(){ this.removeEvents(events); }}; events[type] = function(event){ bubbleUp(self, match, fn, event, target); }; event.target.addEvents(events); } }; }; if (!eventListenerSupport) Object.append(map, { submit: formObserver('submit'), reset: formObserver('reset'), change: inputObserver('change'), select: inputObserver('select') }); /**/ var proto = Element.prototype, addEvent = proto.addEvent, removeEvent = proto.removeEvent; var relay = function(old, method){ return function(type, fn, useCapture){ if (type.indexOf(':relay') == -1) return old.call(this, type, fn, useCapture); var parsed = Slick.parse(type).expressions[0][0]; if (parsed.pseudos[0].key != 'relay') return old.call(this, type, fn, useCapture); var newType = parsed.tag; parsed.pseudos.slice(1).each(function(pseudo){ newType += ':' + pseudo.key + (pseudo.value ? '(' + pseudo.value + ')' : ''); }); old.call(this, type, fn); return method.call(this, newType, parsed.pseudos[0].value, fn); }; }; var delegation = { addEvent: function(type, match, fn){ var storage = this.retrieve('$delegates', {}), stored = storage[type]; if (stored) for (var _uid in stored){ if (stored[_uid].fn == fn && stored[_uid].match == match) return this; } var _type = type, _match = match, _fn = fn, _map = map[type] || {}; type = _map.base || _type; match = function(target){ return Slick.match(target, _match); }; var elementEvent = Element.Events[_type]; if (elementEvent && elementEvent.condition){ var __match = match, condition = elementEvent.condition; match = function(target, event){ return __match(target, event) && condition.call(target, event, type); }; } var self = this, uid = String.uniqueID(); var delegator = _map.listen ? function(event, target){ if (!target && event && event.target) target = event.target; if (target) _map.listen(self, match, fn, event, target, uid); } : function(event, target){ if (!target && event && event.target) target = event.target; if (target) bubbleUp(self, match, fn, event, target); }; if (!stored) stored = {}; stored[uid] = { match: _match, fn: _fn, delegator: delegator }; storage[_type] = stored; return addEvent.call(this, type, delegator, _map.capture); }, removeEvent: function(type, match, fn, _uid){ var storage = this.retrieve('$delegates', {}), stored = storage[type]; if (!stored) return this; if (_uid){ var _type = type, delegator = stored[_uid].delegator, _map = map[type] || {}; type = _map.base || _type; if (_map.remove) _map.remove(this, _uid); delete stored[_uid]; storage[_type] = stored; return removeEvent.call(this, type, delegator); } var __uid, s; if (fn) for (__uid in stored){ s = stored[__uid]; if (s.match == match && s.fn == fn) return delegation.removeEvent.call(this, type, match, fn, __uid); } else for (__uid in stored){ s = stored[__uid]; if (s.match == match) delegation.removeEvent.call(this, type, match, s.fn, __uid); } return this; } }; [Element, Window, Document].invoke('implement', { addEvent: relay(addEvent, delegation.addEvent), removeEvent: relay(removeEvent, delegation.removeEvent) }); })(); /* --- name: Element.Dimensions description: Contains methods to work with size, scroll, or positioning of Elements and the window object. license: MIT-style license. credits: - Element positioning based on the [qooxdoo](http://qooxdoo.org/) code and smart browser fixes, [LGPL License](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html). - Viewport dimensions based on [YUI](http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/) code, [BSD License](http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/license.html). requires: [Element, Element.Style] provides: [Element.Dimensions] ... */ (function(){ var element = document.createElement('div'), child = document.createElement('div'); element.style.height = '0'; element.appendChild(child); var brokenOffsetParent = (child.offsetParent === element); element = child = null; var isOffset = function(el){ return styleString(el, 'position') != 'static' || isBody(el); }; var isOffsetStatic = function(el){ return isOffset(el) || (/^(?:table|td|th)$/i).test(el.tagName); }; Element.implement({ scrollTo: function(x, y){ if (isBody(this)){ this.getWindow().scrollTo(x, y); } else { this.scrollLeft = x; this.scrollTop = y; } return this; }, getSize: function(){ if (isBody(this)) return this.getWindow().getSize(); return {x: this.offsetWidth, y: this.offsetHeight}; }, getScrollSize: function(){ if (isBody(this)) return this.getWindow().getScrollSize(); return {x: this.scrollWidth, y: this.scrollHeight}; }, getScroll: function(){ if (isBody(this)) return this.getWindow().getScroll(); return {x: this.scrollLeft, y: this.scrollTop}; }, getScrolls: function(){ var element = this.parentNode, position = {x: 0, y: 0}; while (element && !isBody(element)){ position.x += element.scrollLeft; position.y += element.scrollTop; element = element.parentNode; } return position; }, getOffsetParent: brokenOffsetParent ? function(){ var element = this; if (isBody(element) || styleString(element, 'position') == 'fixed') return null; var isOffsetCheck = (styleString(element, 'position') == 'static') ? isOffsetStatic : isOffset; while ((element = element.parentNode)){ if (isOffsetCheck(element)) return element; } return null; } : function(){ var element = this; if (isBody(element) || styleString(element, 'position') == 'fixed') return null; try { return element.offsetParent; } catch(e) {} return null; }, getOffsets: function(){ if (this.getBoundingClientRect && !Browser.Platform.ios){ var bound = this.getBoundingClientRect(), html = document.id(this.getDocument().documentElement), htmlScroll = html.getScroll(), elemScrolls = this.getScrolls(), isFixed = (styleString(this, 'position') == 'fixed'); return { x: bound.left.toInt() + elemScrolls.x + ((isFixed) ? 0 : htmlScroll.x) - html.clientLeft, y: bound.top.toInt() + elemScrolls.y + ((isFixed) ? 0 : htmlScroll.y) - html.clientTop }; } var element = this, position = {x: 0, y: 0}; if (isBody(this)) return position; while (element && !isBody(element)){ position.x += element.offsetLeft; position.y += element.offsetTop; if (Browser.firefox){ if (!borderBox(element)){ position.x += leftBorder(element); position.y += topBorder(element); } var parent = element.parentNode; if (parent && styleString(parent, 'overflow') != 'visible'){ position.x += leftBorder(parent); position.y += topBorder(parent); } } else if (element != this && Browser.safari){ position.x += leftBorder(element); position.y += topBorder(element); } element = element.offsetParent; } if (Browser.firefox && !borderBox(this)){ position.x -= leftBorder(this); position.y -= topBorder(this); } return position; }, getPosition: function(relative){ var offset = this.getOffsets(), scroll = this.getScrolls(); var position = { x: offset.x - scroll.x, y: offset.y - scroll.y }; if (relative && (relative = document.id(relative))){ var relativePosition = relative.getPosition(); return {x: position.x - relativePosition.x - leftBorder(relative), y: position.y - relativePosition.y - topBorder(relative)}; } return position; }, getCoordinates: function(element){ if (isBody(this)) return this.getWindow().getCoordinates(); var position = this.getPosition(element), size = this.getSize(); var obj = { left: position.x, top: position.y, width: size.x, height: size.y }; obj.right = obj.left + obj.width; obj.bottom = obj.top + obj.height; return obj; }, computePosition: function(obj){ return { left: obj.x - styleNumber(this, 'margin-left'), top: obj.y - styleNumber(this, 'margin-top') }; }, setPosition: function(obj){ return this.setStyles(this.computePosition(obj)); } }); [Document, Window].invoke('implement', { getSize: function(){ var doc = getCompatElement(this); return {x: doc.clientWidth, y: doc.clientHeight}; }, getScroll: function(){ var win = this.getWindow(), doc = getCompatElement(this); return {x: win.pageXOffset || doc.scrollLeft, y: win.pageYOffset || doc.scrollTop}; }, getScrollSize: function(){ var doc = getCompatElement(this), min = this.getSize(), body = this.getDocument().body; return {x: Math.max(doc.scrollWidth, body.scrollWidth, min.x), y: Math.max(doc.scrollHeight, body.scrollHeight, min.y)}; }, getPosition: function(){ return {x: 0, y: 0}; }, getCoordinates: function(){ var size = this.getSize(); return {top: 0, left: 0, bottom: size.y, right: size.x, height: size.y, width: size.x}; } }); // private methods var styleString = Element.getComputedStyle; function styleNumber(element, style){ return styleString(element, style).toInt() || 0; } function borderBox(element){ return styleString(element, '-moz-box-sizing') == 'border-box'; } function topBorder(element){ return styleNumber(element, 'border-top-width'); } function leftBorder(element){ return styleNumber(element, 'border-left-width'); } function isBody(element){ return (/^(?:body|html)$/i).test(element.tagName); } function getCompatElement(element){ var doc = element.getDocument(); return (!doc.compatMode || doc.compatMode == 'CSS1Compat') ? doc.html : doc.body; } })(); //aliases Element.alias({position: 'setPosition'}); //compatability [Window, Document, Element].invoke('implement', { getHeight: function(){ return this.getSize().y; }, getWidth: function(){ return this.getSize().x; }, getScrollTop: function(){ return this.getScroll().y; }, getScrollLeft: function(){ return this.getScroll().x; }, getScrollHeight: function(){ return this.getScrollSize().y; }, getScrollWidth: function(){ return this.getScrollSize().x; }, getTop: function(){ return this.getPosition().y; }, getLeft: function(){ return this.getPosition().x; } }); /* --- name: Fx description: Contains the basic animation logic to be extended by all other Fx Classes. license: MIT-style license. requires: [Chain, Events, Options] provides: Fx ... */ (function(){ var Fx = this.Fx = new Class({ Implements: [Chain, Events, Options], options: { /* onStart: nil, onCancel: nil, onComplete: nil, */ fps: 60, unit: false, duration: 500, frames: null, frameSkip: true, link: 'ignore' }, initialize: function(options){ this.subject = this.subject || this; this.setOptions(options); }, getTransition: function(){ return function(p){ return -(Math.cos(Math.PI * p) - 1) / 2; }; }, step: function(now){ if (this.options.frameSkip){ var diff = (this.time != null) ? (now - this.time) : 0, frames = diff / this.frameInterval; this.time = now; this.frame += frames; } else { this.frame++; } if (this.frame < this.frames){ var delta = this.transition(this.frame / this.frames); this.set(this.compute(this.from, this.to, delta)); } else { this.frame = this.frames; this.set(this.compute(this.from, this.to, 1)); this.stop(); } }, set: function(now){ return now; }, compute: function(from, to, delta){ return Fx.compute(from, to, delta); }, check: function(){ if (!this.isRunning()) return true; switch (this.options.link){ case 'cancel': this.cancel(); return true; case 'chain': this.chain(this.caller.pass(arguments, this)); return false; } return false; }, start: function(from, to){ if (!this.check(from, to)) return this; this.from = from; this.to = to; this.frame = (this.options.frameSkip) ? 0 : -1; this.time = null; this.transition = this.getTransition(); var frames = this.options.frames, fps = this.options.fps, duration = this.options.duration; this.duration = Fx.Durations[duration] || duration.toInt(); this.frameInterval = 1000 / fps; this.frames = frames || Math.round(this.duration / this.frameInterval); this.fireEvent('start', this.subject); pushInstance.call(this, fps); return this; }, stop: function(){ if (this.isRunning()){ this.time = null; pullInstance.call(this, this.options.fps); if (this.frames == this.frame){ this.fireEvent('complete', this.subject); if (!this.callChain()) this.fireEvent('chainComplete', this.subject); } else { this.fireEvent('stop', this.subject); } } return this; }, cancel: function(){ if (this.isRunning()){ this.time = null; pullInstance.call(this, this.options.fps); this.frame = this.frames; this.fireEvent('cancel', this.subject).clearChain(); } return this; }, pause: function(){ if (this.isRunning()){ this.time = null; pullInstance.call(this, this.options.fps); } return this; }, resume: function(){ if ((this.frame < this.frames) && !this.isRunning()) pushInstance.call(this, this.options.fps); return this; }, isRunning: function(){ var list = instances[this.options.fps]; return list && list.contains(this); } }); Fx.compute = function(from, to, delta){ return (to - from) * delta + from; }; Fx.Durations = {'short': 250, 'normal': 500, 'long': 1000}; // global timers var instances = {}, timers = {}; var loop = function(){ var now = Date.now(); for (var i = this.length; i--;){ var instance = this[i]; if (instance) instance.step(now); } }; var pushInstance = function(fps){ var list = instances[fps] || (instances[fps] = []); list.push(this); if (!timers[fps]) timers[fps] = loop.periodical(Math.round(1000 / fps), list); }; var pullInstance = function(fps){ var list = instances[fps]; if (list){ list.erase(this); if (!list.length && timers[fps]){ delete instances[fps]; timers[fps] = clearInterval(timers[fps]); } } }; })(); /* --- name: Fx.CSS description: Contains the CSS animation logic. Used by Fx.Tween, Fx.Morph, Fx.Elements. license: MIT-style license. requires: [Fx, Element.Style] provides: Fx.CSS ... */ Fx.CSS = new Class({ Extends: Fx, //prepares the base from/to object prepare: function(element, property, values){ values = Array.from(values); var from = values[0], to = values[1]; if (to == null){ to = from; from = element.getStyle(property); var unit = this.options.unit; // adapted from: https://github.com/ryanmorr/fx/blob/master/fx.js#L299 if (unit && from.slice(-unit.length) != unit && parseFloat(from) != 0){ element.setStyle(property, to + unit); var value = element.getComputedStyle(property); // IE and Opera support pixelLeft or pixelWidth if (!(/px$/.test(value))){ value = element.style[('pixel-' + property).camelCase()]; if (value == null){ // adapted from Dean Edwards' http://erik.eae.net/archives/2007/07/27/18.54.15/#comment-102291 var left = element.style.left; element.style.left = to + unit; value = element.style.pixelLeft; element.style.left = left; } } from = (to || 1) / (parseFloat(value) || 1) * (parseFloat(from) || 0); element.setStyle(property, from + unit); } } return {from: this.parse(from), to: this.parse(to)}; }, //parses a value into an array parse: function(value){ value = Function.from(value)(); value = (typeof value == 'string') ? value.split(' ') : Array.from(value); return value.map(function(val){ val = String(val); var found = false; Object.each(Fx.CSS.Parsers, function(parser, key){ if (found) return; var parsed = parser.parse(val); if (parsed || parsed === 0) found = {value: parsed, parser: parser}; }); found = found || {value: val, parser: Fx.CSS.Parsers.String}; return found; }); }, //computes by a from and to prepared objects, using their parsers. compute: function(from, to, delta){ var computed = []; (Math.min(from.length, to.length)).times(function(i){ computed.push({value: from[i].parser.compute(from[i].value, to[i].value, delta), parser: from[i].parser}); }); computed.$family = Function.from('fx:css:value'); return computed; }, //serves the value as settable serve: function(value, unit){ if (typeOf(value) != 'fx:css:value') value = this.parse(value); var returned = []; value.each(function(bit){ returned = returned.concat(bit.parser.serve(bit.value, unit)); }); return returned; }, //renders the change to an element render: function(element, property, value, unit){ element.setStyle(property, this.serve(value, unit)); }, //searches inside the page css to find the values for a selector search: function(selector){ if (Fx.CSS.Cache[selector]) return Fx.CSS.Cache[selector]; var to = {}, selectorTest = new RegExp('^' + selector.escapeRegExp() + '$'); Array.each(document.styleSheets, function(sheet, j){ var href = sheet.href; if (href && href.contains('://') && !href.contains(document.domain)) return; var rules = sheet.rules || sheet.cssRules; Array.each(rules, function(rule, i){ if (!rule.style) return; var selectorText = (rule.selectorText) ? rule.selectorText.replace(/^\w+/, function(m){ return m.toLowerCase(); }) : null; if (!selectorText || !selectorTest.test(selectorText)) return; Object.each(Element.Styles, function(value, style){ if (!rule.style[style] || Element.ShortStyles[style]) return; value = String(rule.style[style]); to[style] = ((/^rgb/).test(value)) ? value.rgbToHex() : value; }); }); }); return Fx.CSS.Cache[selector] = to; } }); Fx.CSS.Cache = {}; Fx.CSS.Parsers = { Color: { parse: function(value){ if (value.match(/^#[0-9a-f]{3,6}$/i)) return value.hexToRgb(true); return ((value = value.match(/(\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)/))) ? [value[1], value[2], value[3]] : false; }, compute: function(from, to, delta){ return from.map(function(value, i){ return Math.round(Fx.compute(from[i], to[i], delta)); }); }, serve: function(value){ return value.map(Number); } }, Number: { parse: parseFloat, compute: Fx.compute, serve: function(value, unit){ return (unit) ? value + unit : value; } }, String: { parse: Function.from(false), compute: function(zero, one){ return one; }, serve: function(zero){ return zero; } } }; //<1.2compat> Fx.CSS.Parsers = new Hash(Fx.CSS.Parsers); // /* --- name: Fx.Tween description: Formerly Fx.Style, effect to transition any CSS property for an element. license: MIT-style license. requires: Fx.CSS provides: [Fx.Tween, Element.fade, Element.highlight] ... */ Fx.Tween = new Class({ Extends: Fx.CSS, initialize: function(element, options){ this.element = this.subject = document.id(element); this.parent(options); }, set: function(property, now){ if (arguments.length == 1){ now = property; property = this.property || this.options.property; } this.render(this.element, property, now, this.options.unit); return this; }, start: function(property, from, to){ if (!this.check(property, from, to)) return this; var args = Array.flatten(arguments); this.property = this.options.property || args.shift(); var parsed = this.prepare(this.element, this.property, args); return this.parent(parsed.from, parsed.to); } }); Element.Properties.tween = { set: function(options){ this.get('tween').cancel().setOptions(options); return this; }, get: function(){ var tween = this.retrieve('tween'); if (!tween){ tween = new Fx.Tween(this, {link: 'cancel'}); this.store('tween', tween); } return tween; } }; Element.implement({ tween: function(property, from, to){ this.get('tween').start(property, from, to); return this; }, fade: function(how){ var fade = this.get('tween'), method, args = ['opacity'].append(arguments), toggle; if (args[1] == null) args[1] = 'toggle'; switch (args[1]){ case 'in': method = 'start'; args[1] = 1; break; case 'out': method = 'start'; args[1] = 0; break; case 'show': method = 'set'; args[1] = 1; break; case 'hide': method = 'set'; args[1] = 0; break; case 'toggle': var flag = this.retrieve('fade:flag', this.getStyle('opacity') == 1); method = 'start'; args[1] = flag ? 0 : 1; this.store('fade:flag', !flag); toggle = true; break; default: method = 'start'; } if (!toggle) this.eliminate('fade:flag'); fade[method].apply(fade, args); var to = args[args.length - 1]; if (method == 'set' || to != 0) this.setStyle('visibility', to == 0 ? 'hidden' : 'visible'); else fade.chain(function(){ this.element.setStyle('visibility', 'hidden'); this.callChain(); }); return this; }, highlight: function(start, end){ if (!end){ end = this.retrieve('highlight:original', this.getStyle('background-color')); end = (end == 'transparent') ? '#fff' : end; } var tween = this.get('tween'); tween.start('background-color', start || '#ffff88', end).chain(function(){ this.setStyle('background-color', this.retrieve('highlight:original')); tween.callChain(); }.bind(this)); return this; } }); /* --- name: Fx.Morph description: Formerly Fx.Styles, effect to transition any number of CSS properties for an element using an object of rules, or CSS based selector rules. license: MIT-style license. requires: Fx.CSS provides: Fx.Morph ... */ Fx.Morph = new Class({ Extends: Fx.CSS, initialize: function(element, options){ this.element = this.subject = document.id(element); this.parent(options); }, set: function(now){ if (typeof now == 'string') now = this.search(now); for (var p in now) this.render(this.element, p, now[p], this.options.unit); return this; }, compute: function(from, to, delta){ var now = {}; for (var p in from) now[p] = this.parent(from[p], to[p], delta); return now; }, start: function(properties){ if (!this.check(properties)) return this; if (typeof properties == 'string') properties = this.search(properties); var from = {}, to = {}; for (var p in properties){ var parsed = this.prepare(this.element, p, properties[p]); from[p] = parsed.from; to[p] = parsed.to; } return this.parent(from, to); } }); Element.Properties.morph = { set: function(options){ this.get('morph').cancel().setOptions(options); return this; }, get: function(){ var morph = this.retrieve('morph'); if (!morph){ morph = new Fx.Morph(this, {link: 'cancel'}); this.store('morph', morph); } return morph; } }; Element.implement({ morph: function(props){ this.get('morph').start(props); return this; } }); /* --- name: Fx.Transitions description: Contains a set of advanced transitions to be used with any of the Fx Classes. license: MIT-style license. credits: - Easing Equations by Robert Penner, , modified and optimized to be used with MooTools. requires: Fx provides: Fx.Transitions ... */ Fx.implement({ getTransition: function(){ var trans = this.options.transition || Fx.Transitions.Sine.easeInOut; if (typeof trans == 'string'){ var data = trans.split(':'); trans = Fx.Transitions; trans = trans[data[0]] || trans[data[0].capitalize()]; if (data[1]) trans = trans['ease' + data[1].capitalize() + (data[2] ? data[2].capitalize() : '')]; } return trans; } }); Fx.Transition = function(transition, params){ params = Array.from(params); var easeIn = function(pos){ return transition(pos, params); }; return Object.append(easeIn, { easeIn: easeIn, easeOut: function(pos){ return 1 - transition(1 - pos, params); }, easeInOut: function(pos){ return (pos <= 0.5 ? transition(2 * pos, params) : (2 - transition(2 * (1 - pos), params))) / 2; } }); }; Fx.Transitions = { linear: function(zero){ return zero; } }; //<1.2compat> Fx.Transitions = new Hash(Fx.Transitions); // Fx.Transitions.extend = function(transitions){ for (var transition in transitions) Fx.Transitions[transition] = new Fx.Transition(transitions[transition]); }; Fx.Transitions.extend({ Pow: function(p, x){ return Math.pow(p, x && x[0] || 6); }, Expo: function(p){ return Math.pow(2, 8 * (p - 1)); }, Circ: function(p){ return 1 - Math.sin(Math.acos(p)); }, Sine: function(p){ return 1 - Math.cos(p * Math.PI / 2); }, Back: function(p, x){ x = x && x[0] || 1.618; return Math.pow(p, 2) * ((x + 1) * p - x); }, Bounce: function(p){ var value; for (var a = 0, b = 1; 1; a += b, b /= 2){ if (p >= (7 - 4 * a) / 11){ value = b * b - Math.pow((11 - 6 * a - 11 * p) / 4, 2); break; } } return value; }, Elastic: function(p, x){ return Math.pow(2, 10 * --p) * Math.cos(20 * p * Math.PI * (x && x[0] || 1) / 3); } }); ['Quad', 'Cubic', 'Quart', 'Quint'].each(function(transition, i){ Fx.Transitions[transition] = new Fx.Transition(function(p){ return Math.pow(p, i + 2); }); }); /* --- name: Request description: Powerful all purpose Request Class. Uses XMLHTTPRequest. license: MIT-style license. requires: [Object, Element, Chain, Events, Options, Browser] provides: Request ... */ (function(){ var empty = function(){}, progressSupport = ('onprogress' in new Browser.Request); var Request = this.Request = new Class({ Implements: [Chain, Events, Options], options: {/* onRequest: function(){}, onLoadstart: function(event, xhr){}, onProgress: function(event, xhr){}, onComplete: function(){}, onCancel: function(){}, onSuccess: function(responseText, responseXML){}, onFailure: function(xhr){}, onException: function(headerName, value){}, onTimeout: function(){}, user: '', password: '',*/ url: '', data: '', headers: { 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest', 'Accept': 'text/javascript, text/html, application/xml, text/xml, */*' }, async: true, format: false, method: 'post', link: 'ignore', isSuccess: null, emulation: true, urlEncoded: true, encoding: 'utf-8', evalScripts: false, evalResponse: false, timeout: 0, noCache: false }, initialize: function(options){ this.xhr = new Browser.Request(); this.setOptions(options); this.headers = this.options.headers; }, onStateChange: function(){ var xhr = this.xhr; if (xhr.readyState != 4 || !this.running) return; this.running = false; this.status = 0; Function.attempt(function(){ var status = xhr.status; this.status = (status == 1223) ? 204 : status; }.bind(this)); xhr.onreadystatechange = empty; if (progressSupport) xhr.onprogress = xhr.onloadstart = empty; clearTimeout(this.timer); this.response = {text: this.xhr.responseText || '', xml: this.xhr.responseXML}; if (this.options.isSuccess.call(this, this.status)) this.success(this.response.text, this.response.xml); else this.failure(); }, isSuccess: function(){ var status = this.status; return (status >= 200 && status < 300); }, isRunning: function(){ return !!this.running; }, processScripts: function(text){ if (this.options.evalResponse || (/(ecma|java)script/).test(this.getHeader('Content-type'))) return Browser.exec(text); return text.stripScripts(this.options.evalScripts); }, success: function(text, xml){ this.onSuccess(this.processScripts(text), xml); }, onSuccess: function(){ this.fireEvent('complete', arguments).fireEvent('success', arguments).callChain(); }, failure: function(){ this.onFailure(); }, onFailure: function(){ this.fireEvent('complete').fireEvent('failure', this.xhr); }, loadstart: function(event){ this.fireEvent('loadstart', [event, this.xhr]); }, progress: function(event){ this.fireEvent('progress', [event, this.xhr]); }, timeout: function(){ this.fireEvent('timeout', this.xhr); }, setHeader: function(name, value){ this.headers[name] = value; return this; }, getHeader: function(name){ return Function.attempt(function(){ return this.xhr.getResponseHeader(name); }.bind(this)); }, check: function(){ if (!this.running) return true; switch (this.options.link){ case 'cancel': this.cancel(); return true; case 'chain': this.chain(this.caller.pass(arguments, this)); return false; } return false; }, send: function(options){ if (!this.check(options)) return this; this.options.isSuccess = this.options.isSuccess || this.isSuccess; this.running = true; var type = typeOf(options); if (type == 'string' || type == 'element') options = {data: options}; var old = this.options; options = Object.append({data: old.data, url: old.url, method: old.method}, options); var data = options.data, url = String(options.url), method = options.method.toLowerCase(); switch (typeOf(data)){ case 'element': data = document.id(data).toQueryString(); break; case 'object': case 'hash': data = Object.toQueryString(data); } if (this.options.format){ var format = 'format=' + this.options.format; data = (data) ? format + '&' + data : format; } if (this.options.emulation && !['get', 'post'].contains(method)){ var _method = '_method=' + method; data = (data) ? _method + '&' + data : _method; method = 'post'; } if (this.options.urlEncoded && ['post', 'put'].contains(method)){ var encoding = (this.options.encoding) ? '; charset=' + this.options.encoding : ''; this.headers['Content-type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' + encoding; } if (!url) url = document.location.pathname; var trimPosition = url.lastIndexOf('/'); if (trimPosition > -1 && (trimPosition = url.indexOf('#')) > -1) url = url.substr(0, trimPosition); if (this.options.noCache) url += (url.contains('?') ? '&' : '?') + String.uniqueID(); if (data && method == 'get'){ url += (url.contains('?') ? '&' : '?') + data; data = null; } var xhr = this.xhr; if (progressSupport){ xhr.onloadstart = this.loadstart.bind(this); xhr.onprogress = this.progress.bind(this); } xhr.open(method.toUpperCase(), url, this.options.async, this.options.user, this.options.password); if (this.options.user && 'withCredentials' in xhr) xhr.withCredentials = true; xhr.onreadystatechange = this.onStateChange.bind(this); Object.each(this.headers, function(value, key){ try { xhr.setRequestHeader(key, value); } catch (e){ this.fireEvent('exception', [key, value]); } }, this); this.fireEvent('request'); xhr.send(data); if (!this.options.async) this.onStateChange(); else if (this.options.timeout) this.timer = this.timeout.delay(this.options.timeout, this); return this; }, cancel: function(){ if (!this.running) return this; this.running = false; var xhr = this.xhr; xhr.abort(); clearTimeout(this.timer); xhr.onreadystatechange = empty; if (progressSupport) xhr.onprogress = xhr.onloadstart = empty; this.xhr = new Browser.Request(); this.fireEvent('cancel'); return this; } }); var methods = {}; ['get', 'post', 'put', 'delete', 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE'].each(function(method){ methods[method] = function(data){ var object = { method: method }; if (data != null) object.data = data; return this.send(object); }; }); Request.implement(methods); Element.Properties.send = { set: function(options){ var send = this.get('send').cancel(); send.setOptions(options); return this; }, get: function(){ var send = this.retrieve('send'); if (!send){ send = new Request({ data: this, link: 'cancel', method: this.get('method') || 'post', url: this.get('action') }); this.store('send', send); } return send; } }; Element.implement({ send: function(url){ var sender = this.get('send'); sender.send({data: this, url: url || sender.options.url}); return this; } }); })(); /* --- name: Request.HTML description: Extends the basic Request Class with additional methods for interacting with HTML responses. license: MIT-style license. requires: [Element, Request] provides: Request.HTML ... */ Request.HTML = new Class({ Extends: Request, options: { update: false, append: false, evalScripts: true, filter: false, headers: { Accept: 'text/html, application/xml, text/xml, */*' } }, success: function(text){ var options = this.options, response = this.response; response.html = text.stripScripts(function(script){ response.javascript = script; }); var match = response.html.match(/]*>([\s\S]*?)<\/body>/i); if (match) response.html = match[1]; var temp = new Element('div').set('html', response.html); response.tree = temp.childNodes; response.elements = temp.getElements(options.filter || '*'); if (options.filter) response.tree = response.elements; if (options.update){ var update = document.id(options.update).empty(); if (options.filter) update.adopt(response.elements); else update.set('html', response.html); } else if (options.append){ var append = document.id(options.append); if (options.filter) response.elements.reverse().inject(append); else append.adopt(temp.getChildren()); } if (options.evalScripts) Browser.exec(response.javascript); this.onSuccess(response.tree, response.elements, response.html, response.javascript); } }); Element.Properties.load = { set: function(options){ var load = this.get('load').cancel(); load.setOptions(options); return this; }, get: function(){ var load = this.retrieve('load'); if (!load){ load = new Request.HTML({data: this, link: 'cancel', update: this, method: 'get'}); this.store('load', load); } return load; } }; Element.implement({ load: function(){ this.get('load').send(Array.link(arguments, {data: Type.isObject, url: Type.isString})); return this; } }); /* --- name: JSON description: JSON encoder and decoder. license: MIT-style license. SeeAlso: requires: [Array, String, Number, Function] provides: JSON ... */ if (typeof JSON == 'undefined') this.JSON = {}; //<1.2compat> JSON = new Hash({ stringify: JSON.stringify, parse: JSON.parse }); // (function(){ var special = {'\b': '\\b', '\t': '\\t', '\n': '\\n', '\f': '\\f', '\r': '\\r', '"' : '\\"', '\\': '\\\\'}; var escape = function(chr){ return special[chr] || '\\u' + ('0000' + chr.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4); }; JSON.validate = function(string){ string = string.replace(/\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g, '@'). replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g, ']'). replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g, ''); return (/^[\],:{}\s]*$/).test(string); }; JSON.encode = JSON.stringify ? function(obj){ return JSON.stringify(obj); } : function(obj){ if (obj && obj.toJSON) obj = obj.toJSON(); switch (typeOf(obj)){ case 'string': return '"' + obj.replace(/[\x00-\x1f\\"]/g, escape) + '"'; case 'array': return '[' + obj.map(JSON.encode).clean() + ']'; case 'object': case 'hash': var string = []; Object.each(obj, function(value, key){ var json = JSON.encode(value); if (json) string.push(JSON.encode(key) + ':' + json); }); return '{' + string + '}'; case 'number': case 'boolean': return '' + obj; case 'null': return 'null'; } return null; }; JSON.decode = function(string, secure){ if (!string || typeOf(string) != 'string') return null; if (secure || JSON.secure){ if (JSON.parse) return JSON.parse(string); if (!JSON.validate(string)) throw new Error('JSON could not decode the input; security is enabled and the value is not secure.'); } return eval('(' + string + ')'); }; })(); /* --- name: Request.JSON description: Extends the basic Request Class with additional methods for sending and receiving JSON data. license: MIT-style license. requires: [Request, JSON] provides: Request.JSON ... */ Request.JSON = new Class({ Extends: Request, options: { /*onError: function(text, error){},*/ secure: true }, initialize: function(options){ this.parent(options); Object.append(this.headers, { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'X-Request': 'JSON' }); }, success: function(text){ var json; try { json = this.response.json = JSON.decode(text, this.options.secure); } catch (error){ this.fireEvent('error', [text, error]); return; } if (json == null) this.onFailure(); else this.onSuccess(json, text); } }); /* --- name: Cookie description: Class for creating, reading, and deleting browser Cookies. license: MIT-style license. credits: - Based on the functions by Peter-Paul Koch (http://quirksmode.org). requires: [Options, Browser] provides: Cookie ... */ var Cookie = new Class({ Implements: Options, options: { path: '/', domain: false, duration: false, secure: false, document: document, encode: true }, initialize: function(key, options){ this.key = key; this.setOptions(options); }, write: function(value){ if (this.options.encode) value = encodeURIComponent(value); if (this.options.domain) value += '; domain=' + this.options.domain; if (this.options.path) value += '; path=' + this.options.path; if (this.options.duration){ var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() + this.options.duration * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); value += '; expires=' + date.toGMTString(); } if (this.options.secure) value += '; secure'; this.options.document.cookie = this.key + '=' + value; return this; }, read: function(){ var value = this.options.document.cookie.match('(?:^|;)\\s*' + this.key.escapeRegExp() + '=([^;]*)'); return (value) ? decodeURIComponent(value[1]) : null; }, dispose: function(){ new Cookie(this.key, Object.merge({}, this.options, {duration: -1})).write(''); return this; } }); Cookie.write = function(key, value, options){ return new Cookie(key, options).write(value); }; Cookie.read = function(key){ return new Cookie(key).read(); }; Cookie.dispose = function(key, options){ return new Cookie(key, options).dispose(); }; /* --- name: DOMReady description: Contains the custom event domready. license: MIT-style license. requires: [Browser, Element, Element.Event] provides: [DOMReady, DomReady] ... */ (function(window, document){ var ready, loaded, checks = [], shouldPoll, timer, testElement = document.createElement('div'); var domready = function(){ clearTimeout(timer); if (ready) return; Browser.loaded = ready = true; document.removeListener('DOMContentLoaded', domready).removeListener('readystatechange', check); document.fireEvent('domready'); window.fireEvent('domready'); }; var check = function(){ for (var i = checks.length; i--;) if (checks[i]()){ domready(); return true; } return false; }; var poll = function(){ clearTimeout(timer); if (!check()) timer = setTimeout(poll, 10); }; document.addListener('DOMContentLoaded', domready); /**/ // doScroll technique by Diego Perini http://javascript.nwbox.com/IEContentLoaded/ // testElement.doScroll() throws when the DOM is not ready, only in the top window var doScrollWorks = function(){ try { testElement.doScroll(); return true; } catch (e){} return false; }; // If doScroll works already, it can't be used to determine domready // e.g. in an iframe if (testElement.doScroll && !doScrollWorks()){ checks.push(doScrollWorks); shouldPoll = true; } /**/ if (document.readyState) checks.push(function(){ var state = document.readyState; return (state == 'loaded' || state == 'complete'); }); if ('onreadystatechange' in document) document.addListener('readystatechange', check); else shouldPoll = true; if (shouldPoll) poll(); Element.Events.domready = { onAdd: function(fn){ if (ready) fn.call(this); } }; // Make sure that domready fires before load Element.Events.load = { base: 'load', onAdd: function(fn){ if (loaded && this == window) fn.call(this); }, condition: function(){ if (this == window){ domready(); delete Element.Events.load; } return true; } }; // This is based on the custom load event window.addEvent('load', function(){ loaded = true; }); })(window, document); /* --- name: Swiff description: Wrapper for embedding SWF movies. Supports External Interface Communication. license: MIT-style license. credits: - Flash detection & Internet Explorer + Flash Player 9 fix inspired by SWFObject. requires: [Options, Object, Element] provides: Swiff ... */ (function(){ var Swiff = this.Swiff = new Class({ Implements: Options, options: { id: null, height: 1, width: 1, container: null, properties: {}, params: { quality: 'high', allowScriptAccess: 'always', wMode: 'window', swLiveConnect: true }, callBacks: {}, vars: {} }, toElement: function(){ return this.object; }, initialize: function(path, options){ this.instance = 'Swiff_' + String.uniqueID(); this.setOptions(options); options = this.options; var id = this.id = options.id || this.instance; var container = document.id(options.container); Swiff.CallBacks[this.instance] = {}; var params = options.params, vars = options.vars, callBacks = options.callBacks; var properties = Object.append({height: options.height, width: options.width}, options.properties); var self = this; for (var callBack in callBacks){ Swiff.CallBacks[this.instance][callBack] = (function(option){ return function(){ return option.apply(self.object, arguments); }; })(callBacks[callBack]); vars[callBack] = 'Swiff.CallBacks.' + this.instance + '.' + callBack; } params.flashVars = Object.toQueryString(vars); if (Browser.ie){ properties.classid = 'clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000'; params.movie = path; } else { properties.type = 'application/x-shockwave-flash'; } properties.data = path; var build = ''; } build += ''; this.object = ((container) ? container.empty() : new Element('div')).set('html', build).firstChild; }, replaces: function(element){ element = document.id(element, true); element.parentNode.replaceChild(this.toElement(), element); return this; }, inject: function(element){ document.id(element, true).appendChild(this.toElement()); return this; }, remote: function(){ return Swiff.remote.apply(Swiff, [this.toElement()].append(arguments)); } }); Swiff.CallBacks = {}; Swiff.remote = function(obj, fn){ var rs = obj.CallFunction('' + __flash__argumentsToXML(arguments, 2) + ''); return eval(rs); }; })(); /* */ /** * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2014 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved. * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt */ // Only define the Joomla namespace if not defined. if (typeof(Joomla) === 'undefined') { var Joomla = {}; } Joomla.editors = {}; // An object to hold each editor instance on page Joomla.editors.instances = {}; /** * Generic submit form */ Joomla.submitform = function(task, form) { if (typeof(form) === 'undefined') { form = document.getElementById('adminForm'); /** * Added to ensure Joomla 1.5 compatibility */ if(!form){ form = document.adminForm; } } if (typeof(task) !== 'undefined' && '' !== task) { form.task.value = task; } // Submit the form. if (typeof form.onsubmit == 'function') { form.onsubmit(); } if (typeof form.fireEvent == "function") { form.fireEvent('submit'); } form.submit(); }; /** * Default function. Usually would be overriden by the component */ Joomla.submitbutton = function(pressbutton) { Joomla.submitform(pressbutton); } /** * Custom behavior for JavaScript I18N in Joomla! 1.6 * * Allows you to call Joomla.JText._() to get a translated JavaScript string pushed in with JText::script() in Joomla. */ Joomla.JText = { strings: {}, '_': function(key, def) { return typeof this.strings[key.toUpperCase()] !== 'undefined' ? this.strings[key.toUpperCase()] : def; }, load: function(object) { for (var key in object) { this.strings[key.toUpperCase()] = object[key]; } return this; } }; /** * Method to replace all request tokens on the page with a new one. */ Joomla.replaceTokens = function(n) { var els = document.getElementsByTagName('input'); for (var i = 0; i < els.length; i++) { if ((els[i].type == 'hidden') && (els[i].name.length == 32) && els[i].value == '1') { els[i].name = n; } } }; /** * USED IN: administrator/components/com_banners/views/client/tmpl/default.php * * Verifies if the string is in a valid email format * * @param string * @return boolean */ Joomla.isEmail = function(text) { var regex = new RegExp("^[\\w-_\.]*[\\w-_\.]\@[\\w]\.+[\\w]+[\\w]$"); return regex.test(text); }; /** * USED IN: all list forms. * * Toggles the check state of a group of boxes * * Checkboxes must have an id attribute in the form cb0, cb1... * * @param mixed The number of box to 'check', for a checkbox element * @param string An alternative field name */ Joomla.checkAll = function(checkbox, stub) { if (!stub) { stub = 'cb'; } if (checkbox.form) { var c = 0; for (var i = 0, n = checkbox.form.elements.length; i < n; i++) { var e = checkbox.form.elements[i]; if (e.type == checkbox.type) { if ((stub && e.id.indexOf(stub) == 0) || !stub) { e.checked = checkbox.checked; c += (e.checked == true ? 1 : 0); } } } if (checkbox.form.boxchecked) { checkbox.form.boxchecked.value = c; } return true; } return false; } /** * Render messages send via JSON * * @param object messages JavaScript object containing the messages to render * @return void */ Joomla.renderMessages = function(messages) { Joomla.removeMessages(); var container = document.id('system-message-container'); var dl = new Element('dl', { id: 'system-message', role: 'alert' }); Object.each(messages, function (item, type) { var dt = new Element('dt', { 'class': type, html: type }); dt.inject(dl); var dd = new Element('dd', { 'class': type }); dd.addClass('message'); var list = new Element('ul'); Array.each(item, function (item, index, object) { var li = new Element('li', { html: item }); li.inject(list); }, this); list.inject(dd); dd.inject(dl); }, this); dl.inject(container); }; /** * Remove messages * * @return void */ Joomla.removeMessages = function() { var children = $$('#system-message-container > *'); children.destroy(); } /** * USED IN: administrator/components/com_cache/views/cache/tmpl/default.php * administrator/components/com_installer/views/discover/tmpl/default_item.php * administrator/components/com_installer/views/update/tmpl/default_item.php * administrator/components/com_languages/helpers/html/languages.php * libraries/joomla/html/html/grid.php * * @param isitchecked * @param form * @return */ Joomla.isChecked = function(isitchecked, form) { if (typeof(form) === 'undefined') { form = document.getElementById('adminForm'); /** * Added to ensure Joomla 1.5 compatibility */ if(!form){ form = document.adminForm; } } if (isitchecked == true) { form.boxchecked.value++; } else { form.boxchecked.value--; } } /** * USED IN: libraries/joomla/html/toolbar/button/help.php * * Pops up a new window in the middle of the screen */ Joomla.popupWindow = function(mypage, myname, w, h, scroll) { var winl = (screen.width - w) / 2; var wint = (screen.height - h) / 2; var winprops = 'height=' + h + ',width=' + w + ',top=' + wint + ',left=' + winl + ',scrollbars=' + scroll + ',resizable' var win = window.open(mypage, myname, winprops) win.window.focus(); } /** * USED IN: libraries/joomla/html/html/grid.php */ Joomla.tableOrdering = function(order, dir, task, form) { if (typeof(form) === 'undefined') { form = document.getElementById('adminForm'); /** * Added to ensure Joomla 1.5 compatibility */ if(!form){ form = document.adminForm; } } form.filter_order.value = order; form.filter_order_Dir.value = dir; Joomla.submitform(task, form); } /** * USED IN: administrator/components/com_modules/views/module/tmpl/default.php * * Writes a dynamically generated list * * @param string * The parameters to insert into the '; var i = 0; for (x in source) { if (source[x][0] == key) { var selected = ''; if ((orig_key == key && orig_val == source[x][1]) || (i == 0 && orig_key != key)) { selected = 'selected="selected"'; } html += '\n '; } i++; } html += '\n '; document.writeln(html); } /** * USED IN: administrator/components/com_content/views/article/view.html.php * * Changes a dynamically generated list * * @param string * The name of the list to change * @param array * A javascript array of list options in the form [key,value,text] * @param string * The key to display * @param string * The original key that was selected * @param string * The original item value that was selected */ function changeDynaList(listname, source, key, orig_key, orig_val) { var list = document.adminForm[listname]; // empty the list for (i in list.options.length) { list.options[i] = null; } i = 0; for (x in source) { if (source[x][0] == key) { opt = new Option(); opt.value = source[x][1]; opt.text = source[x][2]; if ((orig_key == key && orig_val == opt.value) || i == 0) { opt.selected = true; } list.options[i++] = opt; } } list.length = i; } /** * USED IN: administrator/components/com_menus/views/menus/tmpl/default.php * * @param radioObj * @return */ // return the value of the radio button that is checked // return an empty string if none are checked, or // there are no radio buttons function radioGetCheckedValue(radioObj) { if (!radioObj) { return ''; } var n = radioObj.length; if (n == undefined) { if (radioObj.checked) { return radioObj.value; } else { return ''; } } for ( var i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (radioObj[i].checked) { return radioObj[i].value; } } return ''; } /** * USED IN: administrator/components/com_banners/views/banner/tmpl/default/php * administrator/components/com_categories/views/category/tmpl/default.php * administrator/components/com_categories/views/copyselect/tmpl/default.php * administrator/components/com_content/views/copyselect/tmpl/default.php * administrator/components/com_massmail/views/massmail/tmpl/default.php * administrator/components/com_menus/views/list/tmpl/copy.php * administrator/components/com_menus/views/list/tmpl/move.php * administrator/components/com_messages/views/message/tmpl/default_form.php * administrator/components/com_newsfeeds/views/newsfeed/tmpl/default.php * components/com_content/views/article/tmpl/form.php * templates/beez/html/com_content/article/form.php * * @param frmName * @param srcListName * @return */ function getSelectedValue(frmName, srcListName) { var form = document[frmName]; var srcList = form[srcListName]; i = srcList.selectedIndex; if (i != null && i > -1) { return srcList.options[i].value; } else { return null; } } /** * USED IN: all list forms. * * Toggles the check state of a group of boxes * * Checkboxes must have an id attribute in the form cb0, cb1... * * @param mixed The number of box to 'check', for a checkbox element * @param string An alternative field name * * @deprecated 12.1 This function will be removed in a future version. Use Joomla.checkAll() instead. */ function checkAll(checkbox, stub) { if (!stub) { stub = 'cb'; } if (checkbox.form) { var c = 0; for (var i = 0, n = checkbox.form.elements.length; i < n; i++) { var e = checkbox.form.elements[i]; if (e.type == checkbox.type) { if ((stub && e.id.indexOf(stub) == 0) || !stub) { e.checked = checkbox.checked; c += (e.checked == true ? 1 : 0); } } } if (checkbox.form.boxchecked) { checkbox.form.boxchecked.value = c; } return true; } else { // The old way of doing it var f = document.adminForm; var c = f.toggle.checked; var n = checkbox; var n2 = 0; for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { var cb = f[stub+''+i]; if (cb) { cb.checked = c; n2++; } } if (c) { document.adminForm.boxchecked.value = n2; } else { document.adminForm.boxchecked.value = 0; } } } /** * USED IN: all over :) * * @param id * @param task * @return */ function listItemTask(id, task) { var f = document.adminForm; var cb = f[id]; if (cb) { for (var i = 0; true; i++) { var cbx = f['cb'+i]; if (!cbx) break; cbx.checked = false; } // for cb.checked = true; f.boxchecked.value = 1; submitbutton(task); } return false; } /** * USED IN: administrator/components/com_cache/views/cache/tmpl/default.php * administrator/components/com_installer/views/discover/tmpl/default_item.php * administrator/components/com_installer/views/update/tmpl/default_item.php * administrator/components/com_languages/helpers/html/languages.php * libraries/joomla/html/html/grid.php * * @deprecated 12.1 This function will be removed in a future version. Use Joomla.isChecked() instead. * * @param isitchecked * @return * */ function isChecked(isitchecked) { if (isitchecked == true) { document.adminForm.boxchecked.value++; } else { document.adminForm.boxchecked.value--; } } /** * Default function. Usually would be overriden by the component * * @deprecated 12.1 This function will be removed in a future version. Use Joomla.submitbutton() instead. */ function submitbutton(pressbutton) { submitform(pressbutton); } /** * Submit the admin form * * @deprecated 12.1 This function will be removed in a future version. Use Joomla.submitform() instead. */ function submitform(pressbutton) { if (pressbutton) { document.adminForm.task.value = pressbutton; } if (typeof document.adminForm.onsubmit == "function") { document.adminForm.onsubmit(); } if (typeof document.adminForm.fireEvent == "function") { document.adminForm.fireEvent('submit'); } document.adminForm.submit(); } /** * USED IN: libraries/joomla/html/toolbar/button/help.php * * Pops up a new window in the middle of the screen * * @deprecated 12.1 This function will be removed in a future version. Use Joomla.popupWindow() instead. */ function popupWindow(mypage, myname, w, h, scroll) { var winl = (screen.width - w) / 2; var wint = (screen.height - h) / 2; winprops = 'height=' + h + ',width=' + w + ',top=' + wint + ',left=' + winl + ',scrollbars=' + scroll + ',resizable' win = window.open(mypage, myname, winprops) if (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4) { win.window.focus(); } } // needed for Table Column ordering /** * USED IN: libraries/joomla/html/html/grid.php * * @deprecated 12.1 This function will be removed in a future version. Use Joomla.tableOrdering() instead. */ function tableOrdering(order, dir, task) { var form = document.adminForm; form.filter_order.value = order; form.filter_order_Dir.value = dir; submitform(task); } /** * USED IN: libraries/joomla/html/html/grid.php */ function saveorder(n, task) { checkAll_button(n, task); } function checkAll_button(n, task) { if (!task) { task = 'saveorder'; } for (var j = 0; j <= n; j++) { var box = document.adminForm['cb'+j]; if (box) { if (box.checked == false) { box.checked = true; } } else { alert("You cannot change the order of items, as an item in the list is `Checked Out`"); return; } } submitform(task); } /* */ // MooTools: the javascript framework. // Load this file's selection again by visiting: http://mootools.net/more/065f2f092ece4e3b32bb5214464cf926 // Or build this file again with packager using: packager build More/More More/Events.Pseudos More/Class.Refactor More/Class.Binds More/Class.Occlude More/Chain.Wait More/Array.Extras More/Date More/Date.Extras More/Number.Format More/Object.Extras More/String.Extras More/String.QueryString More/URI More/URI.Relative More/Hash More/Hash.Extras More/Element.Forms More/Elements.From More/Element.Event.Pseudos More/Element.Event.Pseudos.Keys More/Element.Measure More/Element.Pin More/Element.Position More/Element.Shortcuts More/Form.Request More/Form.Request.Append More/Form.Validator More/Form.Validator.Inline More/Form.Validator.Extras More/OverText More/Fx.Elements More/Fx.Accordion More/Fx.Move More/Fx.Reveal More/Fx.Scroll More/Fx.Slide More/Fx.SmoothScroll More/Fx.Sort More/Drag More/Drag.Move More/Slider More/Sortables More/Request.JSONP More/Request.Queue More/Request.Periodical More/Assets More/Color More/Group More/Hash.Cookie More/IframeShim More/Table More/HtmlTable More/HtmlTable.Zebra More/HtmlTable.Sort More/HtmlTable.Select More/Keyboard More/Keyboard.Extras More/Mask More/Scroller More/Tips More/Spinner More/Locale More/Locale.Set.From More/Locale.en-US.Date More/Locale.en-US.Form.Validator More/Locale.en-US.Number More/Locale.ar.Date More/Locale.ar.Form.Validator More/Locale.ca-CA.Date More/Locale.ca-CA.Form.Validator More/Locale.cs-CZ.Date More/Locale.cs-CZ.Form.Validator More/Locale.da-DK.Date More/Locale.da-DK.Form.Validator More/Locale.de-CH.Date More/Locale.de-CH.Form.Validator More/Locale.de-DE.Date More/Locale.de-DE.Form.Validator More/Locale.de-DE.Number More/Locale.en-GB.Date More/Locale.es-AR.Date More/Locale.es-AR.Form.Validator More/Locale.es-ES.Date More/Locale.es-ES.Form.Validator More/Locale.et-EE.Date More/Locale.et-EE.Form.Validator More/Locale.EU.Number More/Locale.fa.Date More/Locale.fa.Form.Validator More/Locale.fi-FI.Date More/Locale.fi-FI.Form.Validator More/Locale.fi-FI.Number More/Locale.fr-FR.Date More/Locale.fr-FR.Form.Validator More/Locale.fr-FR.Number More/Locale.he-IL.Date More/Locale.he-IL.Form.Validator More/Locale.he-IL.Number More/Locale.hu-HU.Date More/Locale.hu-HU.Form.Validator More/Locale.it-IT.Date More/Locale.it-IT.Form.Validator More/Locale.ja-JP.Date More/Locale.ja-JP.Form.Validator More/Locale.ja-JP.Number More/Locale.nl-NL.Date More/Locale.nl-NL.Form.Validator More/Locale.nl-NL.Number More/Locale.no-NO.Date More/Locale.no-NO.Form.Validator More/Locale.pl-PL.Date More/Locale.pl-PL.Form.Validator More/Locale.pt-BR.Date More/Locale.pt-BR.Form.Validator More/Locale.pt-PT.Date More/Locale.pt-PT.Form.Validator More/Locale.ru-RU-unicode.Date More/Locale.ru-RU-unicode.Form.Validator More/Locale.si-SI.Date More/Locale.si-SI.Form.Validator More/Locale.sv-SE.Date More/Locale.sv-SE.Form.Validator More/Locale.uk-UA.Date More/Locale.uk-UA.Form.Validator More/Locale.zh-CH.Date More/Locale.zh-CH.Form.Validator /* --- script: More.js name: More description: MooTools More license: MIT-style license authors: - Guillermo Rauch - Thomas Aylott - Scott Kyle - Arian Stolwijk - Tim Wienk - Christoph Pojer - Aaron Newton - Jacob Thornton requires: - Core/MooTools provides: [MooTools.More] ... */ MooTools.More = { 'version': '', 'build': 'a4244edf2aa97ac8a196fc96082dd35af1abab87' }; /* --- name: Events.Pseudos description: Adds the functionality to add pseudo events license: MIT-style license authors: - Arian Stolwijk requires: [Core/Class.Extras, Core/Slick.Parser, More/MooTools.More] provides: [Events.Pseudos] ... */ (function(){ Events.Pseudos = function(pseudos, addEvent, removeEvent){ var storeKey = '_monitorEvents:'; var storageOf = function(object){ return { store: object.store ? function(key, value){ object.store(storeKey + key, value); } : function(key, value){ (object._monitorEvents || (object._monitorEvents = {}))[key] = value; }, retrieve: object.retrieve ? function(key, dflt){ return object.retrieve(storeKey + key, dflt); } : function(key, dflt){ if (!object._monitorEvents) return dflt; return object._monitorEvents[key] || dflt; } }; }; var splitType = function(type){ if (type.indexOf(':') == -1 || !pseudos) return null; var parsed = Slick.parse(type).expressions[0][0], parsedPseudos = parsed.pseudos, l = parsedPseudos.length, splits = []; while (l--){ var pseudo = parsedPseudos[l].key, listener = pseudos[pseudo]; if (listener != null) splits.push({ event: parsed.tag, value: parsedPseudos[l].value, pseudo: pseudo, original: type, listener: listener }); } return splits.length ? splits : null; }; return { addEvent: function(type, fn, internal){ var split = splitType(type); if (!split) return addEvent.call(this, type, fn, internal); var storage = storageOf(this), events = storage.retrieve(type, []), eventType = split[0].event, args = Array.slice(arguments, 2), stack = fn, self = this; split.each(function(item){ var listener = item.listener, stackFn = stack; if (listener == false) eventType += ':' + item.pseudo + '(' + item.value + ')'; else stack = function(){ listener.call(self, item, stackFn, arguments, stack); }; }); events.include({type: eventType, event: fn, monitor: stack}); storage.store(type, events); if (type != eventType) addEvent.apply(this, [type, fn].concat(args)); return addEvent.apply(this, [eventType, stack].concat(args)); }, removeEvent: function(type, fn){ var split = splitType(type); if (!split) return removeEvent.call(this, type, fn); var storage = storageOf(this), events = storage.retrieve(type); if (!events) return this; var args = Array.slice(arguments, 2); removeEvent.apply(this, [type, fn].concat(args)); events.each(function(monitor, i){ if (!fn || monitor.event == fn) removeEvent.apply(this, [monitor.type, monitor.monitor].concat(args)); delete events[i]; }, this); storage.store(type, events); return this; } }; }; var pseudos = { once: function(split, fn, args, monitor){ fn.apply(this, args); this.removeEvent(split.event, monitor) .removeEvent(split.original, fn); }, throttle: function(split, fn, args){ if (!fn._throttled){ fn.apply(this, args); fn._throttled = setTimeout(function(){ fn._throttled = false; }, split.value || 250); } }, pause: function(split, fn, args){ clearTimeout(fn._pause); fn._pause = fn.delay(split.value || 250, this, args); } }; Events.definePseudo = function(key, listener){ pseudos[key] = listener; return this; }; Events.lookupPseudo = function(key){ return pseudos[key]; }; var proto = Events.prototype; Events.implement(Events.Pseudos(pseudos, proto.addEvent, proto.removeEvent)); ['Request', 'Fx'].each(function(klass){ if (this[klass]) this[klass].implement(Events.prototype); }); })(); /* --- script: Class.Refactor.js name: Class.Refactor description: Extends a class onto itself with new property, preserving any items attached to the class's namespace. license: MIT-style license authors: - Aaron Newton requires: - Core/Class - /MooTools.More # Some modules declare themselves dependent on Class.Refactor provides: [Class.refactor, Class.Refactor] ... */ Class.refactor = function(original, refactors){ Object.each(refactors, function(item, name){ var origin = original.prototype[name]; origin = (origin && origin.$origin) || origin || function(){}; original.implement(name, (typeof item == 'function') ? function(){ var old = this.previous; this.previous = origin; var value = item.apply(this, arguments); this.previous = old; return value; } : item); }); return original; }; /* --- script: Class.Binds.js name: Class.Binds description: Automagically binds specified methods in a class to the instance of the class. license: MIT-style license authors: - Aaron Newton requires: - Core/Class - /MooTools.More provides: [Class.Binds] ... */ Class.Mutators.Binds = function(binds){ if (!this.prototype.initialize) this.implement('initialize', function(){}); return Array.from(binds).concat(this.prototype.Binds || []); }; Class.Mutators.initialize = function(initialize){ return function(){ Array.from(this.Binds).each(function(name){ var original = this[name]; if (original) this[name] = original.bind(this); }, this); return initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; }; /* --- script: Class.Occlude.js name: Class.Occlude description: Prevents a class from being applied to a DOM element twice. license: MIT-style license. authors: - Aaron Newton requires: - Core/Class - Core/Element - /MooTools.More provides: [Class.Occlude] ... */ Class.Occlude = new Class({ occlude: function(property, element){ element = document.id(element || this.element); var instance = element.retrieve(property || this.property); if (instance && !this.occluded) return (this.occluded = instance); this.occluded = false; element.store(property || this.property, this); return this.occluded; } }); /* --- script: Chain.Wait.js name: Chain.Wait description: value, Adds a method to inject pauses between chained events. license: MIT-style license. authors: - Aaron Newton requires: - Core/Chain - Core/Element - Core/Fx - /MooTools.More provides: [Chain.Wait] ... */ (function(){ var wait = { wait: function(duration){ return this.chain(function(){ this.callChain.delay(duration == null ? 500 : duration, this); return this; }.bind(this)); } }; Chain.implement(wait); if (this.Fx) Fx.implement(wait); if (this.Element && Element.implement && this.Fx){ Element.implement({ chains: function(effects){ Array.from(effects || ['tween', 'morph', 'reveal']).each(function(effect){ effect = this.get(effect); if (!effect) return; effect.setOptions({ link:'chain' }); }, this); return this; }, pauseFx: function(duration, effect){ this.chains(effect).get(effect || 'tween').wait(duration); return this; } }); } })(); /* --- script: Array.Extras.js name: Array.Extras description: Extends the Array native object to include useful methods to work with arrays. license: MIT-style license authors: - Christoph Pojer - Sebastian Markbåge requires: - Core/Array - MooTools.More provides: [Array.Extras] ... */ (function(nil){ Array.implement({ min: function(){ return Math.min.apply(null, this); }, max: function(){ return Math.max.apply(null, this); }, average: function(){ return this.length ? this.sum() / this.length : 0; }, sum: function(){ var result = 0, l = this.length; if (l){ while (l--) result += this[l]; } return result; }, unique: function(){ return [].combine(this); }, shuffle: function(){ for (var i = this.length; i && --i;){ var temp = this[i], r = Math.floor(Math.random() * ( i + 1 )); this[i] = this[r]; this[r] = temp; } return this; }, reduce: function(fn, value){ for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++){ if (i in this) value = value === nil ? this[i] : fn.call(null, value, this[i], i, this); } return value; }, reduceRight: function(fn, value){ var i = this.length; while (i--){ if (i in this) value = value === nil ? this[i] : fn.call(null, value, this[i], i, this); } return value; } }); })(); /* --- script: Object.Extras.js name: Object.Extras description: Extra Object generics, like getFromPath which allows a path notation to child elements. license: MIT-style license authors: - Aaron Newton requires: - Core/Object - /MooTools.More provides: [Object.Extras] ... */ (function(){ var defined = function(value){ return value != null; }; var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; Object.extend({ getFromPath: function(source, parts){ if (typeof parts == 'string') parts = parts.split('.'); for (var i = 0, l = parts.length; i < l; i++){ if (hasOwnProperty.call(source, parts[i])) source = source[parts[i]]; else return null; } return source; }, cleanValues: function(object, method){ method = method || defined; for (var key in object) if (!method(object[key])){ delete object[key]; } return object; }, erase: function(object, key){ if (hasOwnProperty.call(object, key)) delete object[key]; return object; }, run: function(object){ var args = Array.slice(arguments, 1); for (var key in object) if (object[key].apply){ object[key].apply(object, args); } return object; } }); })(); /* --- script: Locale.js name: Locale description: Provides methods for localization. license: MIT-style license authors: - Aaron Newton - Arian Stolwijk requires: - Core/Events - /Object.Extras - /MooTools.More provides: [Locale, Lang] ... */ (function(){ var current = null, locales = {}, inherits = {}; var getSet = function(set){ if (instanceOf(set, Locale.Set)) return set; else return locales[set]; }; var Locale = this.Locale = { define: function(locale, set, key, value){ var name; if (instanceOf(locale, Locale.Set)){ name = locale.name; if (name) locales[name] = locale; } else { name = locale; if (!locales[name]) locales[name] = new Locale.Set(name); locale = locales[name]; } if (set) locale.define(set, key, value); /*<1.2compat>*/ if (set == 'cascade') return Locale.inherit(name, key); /**/ if (!current) current = locale; return locale; }, use: function(locale){ locale = getSet(locale); if (locale){ current = locale; this.fireEvent('change', locale); /*<1.2compat>*/ this.fireEvent('langChange', locale.name); /**/ } return this; }, getCurrent: function(){ return current; }, get: function(key, args){ return (current) ? current.get(key, args) : ''; }, inherit: function(locale, inherits, set){ locale = getSet(locale); if (locale) locale.inherit(inherits, set); return this; }, list: function(){ return Object.keys(locales); } }; Object.append(Locale, new Events); Locale.Set = new Class({ sets: {}, inherits: { locales: [], sets: {} }, initialize: function(name){ this.name = name || ''; }, define: function(set, key, value){ var defineData = this.sets[set]; if (!defineData) defineData = {}; if (key){ if (typeOf(key) == 'object') defineData = Object.merge(defineData, key); else defineData[key] = value; } this.sets[set] = defineData; return this; }, get: function(key, args, _base){ var value = Object.getFromPath(this.sets, key); if (value != null){ var type = typeOf(value); if (type == 'function') value = value.apply(null, Array.from(args)); else if (type == 'object') value = Object.clone(value); return value; } // get value of inherited locales var index = key.indexOf('.'), set = index < 0 ? key : key.substr(0, index), names = (this.inherits.sets[set] || []).combine(this.inherits.locales).include('en-US'); if (!_base) _base = []; for (var i = 0, l = names.length; i < l; i++){ if (_base.contains(names[i])) continue; _base.include(names[i]); var locale = locales[names[i]]; if (!locale) continue; value = locale.get(key, args, _base); if (value != null) return value; } return ''; }, inherit: function(names, set){ names = Array.from(names); if (set && !this.inherits.sets[set]) this.inherits.sets[set] = []; var l = names.length; while (l--) (set ? this.inherits.sets[set] : this.inherits.locales).unshift(names[l]); return this; } }); /*<1.2compat>*/ var lang = MooTools.lang = {}; Object.append(lang, Locale, { setLanguage: Locale.use, getCurrentLanguage: function(){ var current = Locale.getCurrent(); return (current) ? current.name : null; }, set: function(){ Locale.define.apply(this, arguments); return this; }, get: function(set, key, args){ if (key) set += '.' + key; return Locale.get(set, args); } }); /**/ })(); /* --- name: Locale.en-US.Date description: Date messages for US English. license: MIT-style license authors: - Aaron Newton requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.en-US.Date] ... */ Locale.define('en-US', 'Date', { months: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'], months_abbr: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'], days: ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'], days_abbr: ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'], // Culture's date order: MM/DD/YYYY dateOrder: ['month', 'date', 'year'], shortDate: '%m/%d/%Y', shortTime: '%I:%M%p', AM: 'AM', PM: 'PM', firstDayOfWeek: 0, // Date.Extras ordinal: function(dayOfMonth){ // 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. return (dayOfMonth > 3 && dayOfMonth < 21) ? 'th' : ['th', 'st', 'nd', 'rd', 'th'][Math.min(dayOfMonth % 10, 4)]; }, lessThanMinuteAgo: 'less than a minute ago', minuteAgo: 'about a minute ago', minutesAgo: '{delta} minutes ago', hourAgo: 'about an hour ago', hoursAgo: 'about {delta} hours ago', dayAgo: '1 day ago', daysAgo: '{delta} days ago', weekAgo: '1 week ago', weeksAgo: '{delta} weeks ago', monthAgo: '1 month ago', monthsAgo: '{delta} months ago', yearAgo: '1 year ago', yearsAgo: '{delta} years ago', lessThanMinuteUntil: 'less than a minute from now', minuteUntil: 'about a minute from now', minutesUntil: '{delta} minutes from now', hourUntil: 'about an hour from now', hoursUntil: 'about {delta} hours from now', dayUntil: '1 day from now', daysUntil: '{delta} days from now', weekUntil: '1 week from now', weeksUntil: '{delta} weeks from now', monthUntil: '1 month from now', monthsUntil: '{delta} months from now', yearUntil: '1 year from now', yearsUntil: '{delta} years from now' }); /* --- script: Date.js name: Date description: Extends the Date native object to include methods useful in managing dates. license: MIT-style license authors: - Aaron Newton - Nicholas Barthelemy - https://svn.nbarthelemy.com/date-js/ - Harald Kirshner - mail [at] digitarald.de; http://digitarald.de - Scott Kyle - scott [at] appden.com; http://appden.com requires: - Core/Array - Core/String - Core/Number - MooTools.More - Locale - Locale.en-US.Date provides: [Date] ... */ (function(){ var Date = this.Date; var DateMethods = Date.Methods = { ms: 'Milliseconds', year: 'FullYear', min: 'Minutes', mo: 'Month', sec: 'Seconds', hr: 'Hours' }; ['Date', 'Day', 'FullYear', 'Hours', 'Milliseconds', 'Minutes', 'Month', 'Seconds', 'Time', 'TimezoneOffset', 'Week', 'Timezone', 'GMTOffset', 'DayOfYear', 'LastMonth', 'LastDayOfMonth', 'UTCDate', 'UTCDay', 'UTCFullYear', 'AMPM', 'Ordinal', 'UTCHours', 'UTCMilliseconds', 'UTCMinutes', 'UTCMonth', 'UTCSeconds', 'UTCMilliseconds'].each(function(method){ Date.Methods[method.toLowerCase()] = method; }); var pad = function(n, digits, string){ if (digits == 1) return n; return n < Math.pow(10, digits - 1) ? (string || '0') + pad(n, digits - 1, string) : n; }; Date.implement({ set: function(prop, value){ prop = prop.toLowerCase(); var method = DateMethods[prop] && 'set' + DateMethods[prop]; if (method && this[method]) this[method](value); return this; }.overloadSetter(), get: function(prop){ prop = prop.toLowerCase(); var method = DateMethods[prop] && 'get' + DateMethods[prop]; if (method && this[method]) return this[method](); return null; }.overloadGetter(), clone: function(){ return new Date(this.get('time')); }, increment: function(interval, times){ interval = interval || 'day'; times = times != null ? times : 1; switch (interval){ case 'year': return this.increment('month', times * 12); case 'month': var d = this.get('date'); this.set('date', 1).set('mo', this.get('mo') + times); return this.set('date', d.min(this.get('lastdayofmonth'))); case 'week': return this.increment('day', times * 7); case 'day': return this.set('date', this.get('date') + times); } if (!Date.units[interval]) throw new Error(interval + ' is not a supported interval'); return this.set('time', this.get('time') + times * Date.units[interval]()); }, decrement: function(interval, times){ return this.increment(interval, -1 * (times != null ? times : 1)); }, isLeapYear: function(){ return Date.isLeapYear(this.get('year')); }, clearTime: function(){ return this.set({hr: 0, min: 0, sec: 0, ms: 0}); }, diff: function(date, resolution){ if (typeOf(date) == 'string') date = Date.parse(date); return ((date - this) / Date.units[resolution || 'day'](3, 3)).round(); // non-leap year, 30-day month }, getLastDayOfMonth: function(){ return Date.daysInMonth(this.get('mo'), this.get('year')); }, getDayOfYear: function(){ return (Date.UTC(this.get('year'), this.get('mo'), this.get('date') + 1) - Date.UTC(this.get('year'), 0, 1)) / Date.units.day(); }, setDay: function(day, firstDayOfWeek){ if (firstDayOfWeek == null){ firstDayOfWeek = Date.getMsg('firstDayOfWeek'); if (firstDayOfWeek === '') firstDayOfWeek = 1; } day = (7 + Date.parseDay(day, true) - firstDayOfWeek) % 7; var currentDay = (7 + this.get('day') - firstDayOfWeek) % 7; return this.increment('day', day - currentDay); }, getWeek: function(firstDayOfWeek){ if (firstDayOfWeek == null){ firstDayOfWeek = Date.getMsg('firstDayOfWeek'); if (firstDayOfWeek === '') firstDayOfWeek = 1; } var date = this, dayOfWeek = (7 + date.get('day') - firstDayOfWeek) % 7, dividend = 0, firstDayOfYear; if (firstDayOfWeek == 1){ // ISO-8601, week belongs to year that has the most days of the week (i.e. has the thursday of the week) var month = date.get('month'), startOfWeek = date.get('date') - dayOfWeek; if (month == 11 && startOfWeek > 28) return 1; // Week 1 of next year if (month == 0 && startOfWeek < -2){ // Use a date from last year to determine the week date = new Date(date).decrement('day', dayOfWeek); dayOfWeek = 0; } firstDayOfYear = new Date(date.get('year'), 0, 1).get('day') || 7; if (firstDayOfYear > 4) dividend = -7; // First week of the year is not week 1 } else { // In other cultures the first week of the year is always week 1 and the last week always 53 or 54. // Days in the same week can have a different weeknumber if the week spreads across two years. firstDayOfYear = new Date(date.get('year'), 0, 1).get('day'); } dividend += date.get('dayofyear'); dividend += 6 - dayOfWeek; // Add days so we calculate the current date's week as a full week dividend += (7 + firstDayOfYear - firstDayOfWeek) % 7; // Make up for first week of the year not being a full week return (dividend / 7); }, getOrdinal: function(day){ return Date.getMsg('ordinal', day || this.get('date')); }, getTimezone: function(){ return this.toString() .replace(/^.*? ([A-Z]{3}).[0-9]{4}.*$/, '$1') .replace(/^.*?\(([A-Z])[a-z]+ ([A-Z])[a-z]+ ([A-Z])[a-z]+\)$/, '$1$2$3'); }, getGMTOffset: function(){ var off = this.get('timezoneOffset'); return ((off > 0) ? '-' : '+') + pad((off.abs() / 60).floor(), 2) + pad(off % 60, 2); }, setAMPM: function(ampm){ ampm = ampm.toUpperCase(); var hr = this.get('hr'); if (hr > 11 && ampm == 'AM') return this.decrement('hour', 12); else if (hr < 12 && ampm == 'PM') return this.increment('hour', 12); return this; }, getAMPM: function(){ return (this.get('hr') < 12) ? 'AM' : 'PM'; }, parse: function(str){ this.set('time', Date.parse(str)); return this; }, isValid: function(date){ if (!date) date = this; return typeOf(date) == 'date' && !isNaN(date.valueOf()); }, format: function(format){ if (!this.isValid()) return 'invalid date'; if (!format) format = '%x %X'; if (typeof format == 'string') format = formats[format.toLowerCase()] || format; if (typeof format == 'function') return format(this); var d = this; return format.replace(/%([a-z%])/gi, function($0, $1){ switch ($1){ case 'a': return Date.getMsg('days_abbr')[d.get('day')]; case 'A': return Date.getMsg('days')[d.get('day')]; case 'b': return Date.getMsg('months_abbr')[d.get('month')]; case 'B': return Date.getMsg('months')[d.get('month')]; case 'c': return d.format('%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y'); case 'd': return pad(d.get('date'), 2); case 'e': return pad(d.get('date'), 2, ' '); case 'H': return pad(d.get('hr'), 2); case 'I': return pad((d.get('hr') % 12) || 12, 2); case 'j': return pad(d.get('dayofyear'), 3); case 'k': return pad(d.get('hr'), 2, ' '); case 'l': return pad((d.get('hr') % 12) || 12, 2, ' '); case 'L': return pad(d.get('ms'), 3); case 'm': return pad((d.get('mo') + 1), 2); case 'M': return pad(d.get('min'), 2); case 'o': return d.get('ordinal'); case 'p': return Date.getMsg(d.get('ampm')); case 's': return Math.round(d / 1000); case 'S': return pad(d.get('seconds'), 2); case 'T': return d.format('%H:%M:%S'); case 'U': return pad(d.get('week'), 2); case 'w': return d.get('day'); case 'x': return d.format(Date.getMsg('shortDate')); case 'X': return d.format(Date.getMsg('shortTime')); case 'y': return d.get('year').toString().substr(2); case 'Y': return d.get('year'); case 'z': return d.get('GMTOffset'); case 'Z': return d.get('Timezone'); } return $1; } ); }, toISOString: function(){ return this.format('iso8601'); } }).alias({ toJSON: 'toISOString', compare: 'diff', strftime: 'format' }); // The day and month abbreviations are standardized, so we cannot use simply %a and %b because they will get localized var rfcDayAbbr = ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'], rfcMonthAbbr = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']; var formats = { db: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', compact: '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S', 'short': '%d %b %H:%M', 'long': '%B %d, %Y %H:%M', rfc822: function(date){ return rfcDayAbbr[date.get('day')] + date.format(', %d ') + rfcMonthAbbr[date.get('month')] + date.format(' %Y %H:%M:%S %Z'); }, rfc2822: function(date){ return rfcDayAbbr[date.get('day')] + date.format(', %d ') + rfcMonthAbbr[date.get('month')] + date.format(' %Y %H:%M:%S %z'); }, iso8601: function(date){ return ( date.getUTCFullYear() + '-' + pad(date.getUTCMonth() + 1, 2) + '-' + pad(date.getUTCDate(), 2) + 'T' + pad(date.getUTCHours(), 2) + ':' + pad(date.getUTCMinutes(), 2) + ':' + pad(date.getUTCSeconds(), 2) + '.' + pad(date.getUTCMilliseconds(), 3) + 'Z' ); } }; var parsePatterns = [], nativeParse = Date.parse; var parseWord = function(type, word, num){ var ret = -1, translated = Date.getMsg(type + 's'); switch (typeOf(word)){ case 'object': ret = translated[word.get(type)]; break; case 'number': ret = translated[word]; if (!ret) throw new Error('Invalid ' + type + ' index: ' + word); break; case 'string': var match = translated.filter(function(name){ return this.test(name); }, new RegExp('^' + word, 'i')); if (!match.length) throw new Error('Invalid ' + type + ' string'); if (match.length > 1) throw new Error('Ambiguous ' + type); ret = match[0]; } return (num) ? translated.indexOf(ret) : ret; }; var startCentury = 1900, startYear = 70; Date.extend({ getMsg: function(key, args){ return Locale.get('Date.' + key, args); }, units: { ms: Function.from(1), second: Function.from(1000), minute: Function.from(60000), hour: Function.from(3600000), day: Function.from(86400000), week: Function.from(608400000), month: function(month, year){ var d = new Date; return Date.daysInMonth(month != null ? month : d.get('mo'), year != null ? year : d.get('year')) * 86400000; }, year: function(year){ year = year || new Date().get('year'); return Date.isLeapYear(year) ? 31622400000 : 31536000000; } }, daysInMonth: function(month, year){ return [31, Date.isLeapYear(year) ? 29 : 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31][month]; }, isLeapYear: function(year){ return ((year % 4 === 0) && (year % 100 !== 0)) || (year % 400 === 0); }, parse: function(from){ var t = typeOf(from); if (t == 'number') return new Date(from); if (t != 'string') return from; from = from.clean(); if (!from.length) return null; var parsed; parsePatterns.some(function(pattern){ var bits = pattern.re.exec(from); return (bits) ? (parsed = pattern.handler(bits)) : false; }); if (!(parsed && parsed.isValid())){ parsed = new Date(nativeParse(from)); if (!(parsed && parsed.isValid())) parsed = new Date(from.toInt()); } return parsed; }, parseDay: function(day, num){ return parseWord('day', day, num); }, parseMonth: function(month, num){ return parseWord('month', month, num); }, parseUTC: function(value){ var localDate = new Date(value); var utcSeconds = Date.UTC( localDate.get('year'), localDate.get('mo'), localDate.get('date'), localDate.get('hr'), localDate.get('min'), localDate.get('sec'), localDate.get('ms') ); return new Date(utcSeconds); }, orderIndex: function(unit){ return Date.getMsg('dateOrder').indexOf(unit) + 1; }, defineFormat: function(name, format){ formats[name] = format; return this; }, //<1.2compat> parsePatterns: parsePatterns, // defineParser: function(pattern){ parsePatterns.push((pattern.re && pattern.handler) ? pattern : build(pattern)); return this; }, defineParsers: function(){ Array.flatten(arguments).each(Date.defineParser); return this; }, define2DigitYearStart: function(year){ startYear = year % 100; startCentury = year - startYear; return this; } }).extend({ defineFormats: Date.defineFormat.overloadSetter() }); var regexOf = function(type){ return new RegExp('(?:' + Date.getMsg(type).map(function(name){ return name.substr(0, 3); }).join('|') + ')[a-z]*'); }; var replacers = function(key){ switch (key){ case 'T': return '%H:%M:%S'; case 'x': // iso8601 covers yyyy-mm-dd, so just check if month is first return ((Date.orderIndex('month') == 1) ? '%m[-./]%d' : '%d[-./]%m') + '([-./]%y)?'; case 'X': return '%H([.:]%M)?([.:]%S([.:]%s)?)? ?%p? ?%z?'; } return null; }; var keys = { d: /[0-2]?[0-9]|3[01]/, H: /[01]?[0-9]|2[0-3]/, I: /0?[1-9]|1[0-2]/, M: /[0-5]?\d/, s: /\d+/, o: /[a-z]*/, p: /[ap]\.?m\.?/, y: /\d{2}|\d{4}/, Y: /\d{4}/, z: /Z|[+-]\d{2}(?::?\d{2})?/ }; keys.m = keys.I; keys.S = keys.M; var currentLanguage; var recompile = function(language){ currentLanguage = language; keys.a = keys.A = regexOf('days'); keys.b = keys.B = regexOf('months'); parsePatterns.each(function(pattern, i){ if (pattern.format) parsePatterns[i] = build(pattern.format); }); }; var build = function(format){ if (!currentLanguage) return {format: format}; var parsed = []; var re = (format.source || format) // allow format to be regex .replace(/%([a-z])/gi, function($0, $1){ return replacers($1) || $0; } ).replace(/\((?!\?)/g, '(?:') // make all groups non-capturing .replace(/ (?!\?|\*)/g, ',? ') // be forgiving with spaces and commas .replace(/%([a-z%])/gi, function($0, $1){ var p = keys[$1]; if (!p) return $1; parsed.push($1); return '(' + p.source + ')'; } ).replace(/\[a-z\]/gi, '[a-z\\u00c0-\\uffff;\&]'); // handle unicode words return { format: format, re: new RegExp('^' + re + '$', 'i'), handler: function(bits){ bits = bits.slice(1).associate(parsed); var date = new Date().clearTime(), year = bits.y || bits.Y; if (year != null) handle.call(date, 'y', year); // need to start in the right year if ('d' in bits) handle.call(date, 'd', 1); if ('m' in bits || bits.b || bits.B) handle.call(date, 'm', 1); for (var key in bits) handle.call(date, key, bits[key]); return date; } }; }; var handle = function(key, value){ if (!value) return this; switch (key){ case 'a': case 'A': return this.set('day', Date.parseDay(value, true)); case 'b': case 'B': return this.set('mo', Date.parseMonth(value, true)); case 'd': return this.set('date', value); case 'H': case 'I': return this.set('hr', value); case 'm': return this.set('mo', value - 1); case 'M': return this.set('min', value); case 'p': return this.set('ampm', value.replace(/\./g, '')); case 'S': return this.set('sec', value); case 's': return this.set('ms', ('0.' + value) * 1000); case 'w': return this.set('day', value); case 'Y': return this.set('year', value); case 'y': value = +value; if (value < 100) value += startCentury + (value < startYear ? 100 : 0); return this.set('year', value); case 'z': if (value == 'Z') value = '+00'; var offset = value.match(/([+-])(\d{2}):?(\d{2})?/); offset = (offset[1] + '1') * (offset[2] * 60 + (+offset[3] || 0)) + this.getTimezoneOffset(); return this.set('time', this - offset * 60000); } return this; }; Date.defineParsers( '%Y([-./]%m([-./]%d((T| )%X)?)?)?', // "1999-12-31", "1999-12-31 11:59pm", "1999-12-31 23:59:59", ISO8601 '%Y%m%d(T%H(%M%S?)?)?', // "19991231", "19991231T1159", compact '%x( %X)?', // "12/31", "12.31.99", "12-31-1999", "12/31/2008 11:59 PM" '%d%o( %b( %Y)?)?( %X)?', // "31st", "31st December", "31 Dec 1999", "31 Dec 1999 11:59pm" '%b( %d%o)?( %Y)?( %X)?', // Same as above with month and day switched '%Y %b( %d%o( %X)?)?', // Same as above with year coming first '%o %b %d %X %z %Y', // "Thu Oct 22 08:11:23 +0000 2009" '%T', // %H:%M:%S '%H:%M( ?%p)?' // "11:05pm", "11:05 am" and "11:05" ); Locale.addEvent('change', function(language){ if (Locale.get('Date')) recompile(language); }).fireEvent('change', Locale.getCurrent()); })(); /* --- script: Date.Extras.js name: Date.Extras description: Extends the Date native object to include extra methods (on top of those in Date.js). license: MIT-style license authors: - Aaron Newton - Scott Kyle requires: - /Date provides: [Date.Extras] ... */ Date.implement({ timeDiffInWords: function(to){ return Date.distanceOfTimeInWords(this, to || new Date); }, timeDiff: function(to, separator){ if (to == null) to = new Date; var delta = ((to - this) / 1000).floor().abs(); var vals = [], durations = [60, 60, 24, 365, 0], names = ['s', 'm', 'h', 'd', 'y'], value, duration; for (var item = 0; item < durations.length; item++){ if (item && !delta) break; value = delta; if ((duration = durations[item])){ value = (delta % duration); delta = (delta / duration).floor(); } vals.unshift(value + (names[item] || '')); } return vals.join(separator || ':'); } }).extend({ distanceOfTimeInWords: function(from, to){ return Date.getTimePhrase(((to - from) / 1000).toInt()); }, getTimePhrase: function(delta){ var suffix = (delta < 0) ? 'Until' : 'Ago'; if (delta < 0) delta *= -1; var units = { minute: 60, hour: 60, day: 24, week: 7, month: 52 / 12, year: 12, eon: Infinity }; var msg = 'lessThanMinute'; for (var unit in units){ var interval = units[unit]; if (delta < 1.5 * interval){ if (delta > 0.75 * interval) msg = unit; break; } delta /= interval; msg = unit + 's'; } delta = delta.round(); return Date.getMsg(msg + suffix, delta).substitute({delta: delta}); } }).defineParsers( { // "today", "tomorrow", "yesterday" re: /^(?:tod|tom|yes)/i, handler: function(bits){ var d = new Date().clearTime(); switch (bits[0]){ case 'tom': return d.increment(); case 'yes': return d.decrement(); default: return d; } } }, { // "next Wednesday", "last Thursday" re: /^(next|last) ([a-z]+)$/i, handler: function(bits){ var d = new Date().clearTime(); var day = d.getDay(); var newDay = Date.parseDay(bits[2], true); var addDays = newDay - day; if (newDay <= day) addDays += 7; if (bits[1] == 'last') addDays -= 7; return d.set('date', d.getDate() + addDays); } } ).alias('timeAgoInWords', 'timeDiffInWords'); /* --- name: Locale.en-US.Number description: Number messages for US English. license: MIT-style license authors: - Arian Stolwijk requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.en-US.Number] ... */ Locale.define('en-US', 'Number', { decimal: '.', group: ',', /* Commented properties are the defaults for Number.format decimals: 0, precision: 0, scientific: null, prefix: null, suffic: null, // Negative/Currency/percentage will mixin Number negative: { prefix: '-' },*/ currency: { // decimals: 2, prefix: '$ ' }/*, percentage: { decimals: 2, suffix: '%' }*/ }); /* --- name: Number.Format description: Extends the Number Type object to include a number formatting method. license: MIT-style license authors: [Arian Stolwijk] requires: [Core/Number, Locale.en-US.Number] # Number.Extras is for compatibility provides: [Number.Format, Number.Extras] ... */ Number.implement({ format: function(options){ // Thanks dojo and YUI for some inspiration var value = this; options = options ? Object.clone(options) : {}; var getOption = function(key){ if (options[key] != null) return options[key]; return Locale.get('Number.' + key); }; var negative = value < 0, decimal = getOption('decimal'), precision = getOption('precision'), group = getOption('group'), decimals = getOption('decimals'); if (negative){ var negativeLocale = getOption('negative') || {}; if (negativeLocale.prefix == null && negativeLocale.suffix == null) negativeLocale.prefix = '-'; ['prefix', 'suffix'].each(function(key){ if (negativeLocale[key]) options[key] = getOption(key) + negativeLocale[key]; }); value = -value; } var prefix = getOption('prefix'), suffix = getOption('suffix'); if (decimals !== '' && decimals >= 0 && decimals <= 20) value = value.toFixed(decimals); if (precision >= 1 && precision <= 21) value = (+value).toPrecision(precision); value += ''; var index; if (getOption('scientific') === false && value.indexOf('e') > -1){ var match = value.split('e'), zeros = +match[1]; value = match[0].replace('.', ''); if (zeros < 0){ zeros = -zeros - 1; index = match[0].indexOf('.'); if (index > -1) zeros -= index - 1; while (zeros--) value = '0' + value; value = '0.' + value; } else { index = match[0].lastIndexOf('.'); if (index > -1) zeros -= match[0].length - index - 1; while (zeros--) value += '0'; } } if (decimal != '.') value = value.replace('.', decimal); if (group){ index = value.lastIndexOf(decimal); index = (index > -1) ? index : value.length; var newOutput = value.substring(index), i = index; while (i--){ if ((index - i - 1) % 3 == 0 && i != (index - 1)) newOutput = group + newOutput; newOutput = value.charAt(i) + newOutput; } value = newOutput; } if (prefix) value = prefix + value; if (suffix) value += suffix; return value; }, formatCurrency: function(decimals){ var locale = Locale.get('Number.currency') || {}; if (locale.scientific == null) locale.scientific = false; locale.decimals = decimals != null ? decimals : (locale.decimals == null ? 2 : locale.decimals); return this.format(locale); }, formatPercentage: function(decimals){ var locale = Locale.get('Number.percentage') || {}; if (locale.suffix == null) locale.suffix = '%'; locale.decimals = decimals != null ? decimals : (locale.decimals == null ? 2 : locale.decimals); return this.format(locale); } }); /* --- script: String.Extras.js name: String.Extras description: Extends the String native object to include methods useful in managing various kinds of strings (query strings, urls, html, etc). license: MIT-style license authors: - Aaron Newton - Guillermo Rauch - Christopher Pitt requires: - Core/String - Core/Array - MooTools.More provides: [String.Extras] ... */ (function(){ var special = { 'a': /[àáâãäåăą]/g, 'A': /[ÀÁÂÃÄÅĂĄ]/g, 'c': /[ćčç]/g, 'C': /[ĆČÇ]/g, 'd': /[ďđ]/g, 'D': /[ĎÐ]/g, 'e': /[èéêëěę]/g, 'E': /[ÈÉÊËĚĘ]/g, 'g': /[ğ]/g, 'G': /[Ğ]/g, 'i': /[ìíîï]/g, 'I': /[ÌÍÎÏ]/g, 'l': /[ĺľł]/g, 'L': /[ĹĽŁ]/g, 'n': /[ñňń]/g, 'N': /[ÑŇŃ]/g, 'o': /[òóôõöøő]/g, 'O': /[ÒÓÔÕÖØ]/g, 'r': /[řŕ]/g, 'R': /[ŘŔ]/g, 's': /[ššş]/g, 'S': /[ŠŞŚ]/g, 't': /[ťţ]/g, 'T': /[ŤŢ]/g, 'ue': /[ü]/g, 'UE': /[Ü]/g, 'u': /[ùúûůµ]/g, 'U': /[ÙÚÛŮ]/g, 'y': /[ÿý]/g, 'Y': /[ŸÝ]/g, 'z': /[žźż]/g, 'Z': /[ŽŹŻ]/g, 'th': /[þ]/g, 'TH': /[Þ]/g, 'dh': /[ð]/g, 'DH': /[Ð]/g, 'ss': /[ß]/g, 'oe': /[œ]/g, 'OE': /[Œ]/g, 'ae': /[æ]/g, 'AE': /[Æ]/g }, tidy = { ' ': /[\xa0\u2002\u2003\u2009]/g, '*': /[\xb7]/g, '\'': /[\u2018\u2019]/g, '"': /[\u201c\u201d]/g, '...': /[\u2026]/g, '-': /[\u2013]/g, // '--': /[\u2014]/g, '»': /[\uFFFD]/g }; var walk = function(string, replacements){ var result = string, key; for (key in replacements) result = result.replace(replacements[key], key); return result; }; var getRegexForTag = function(tag, contents){ tag = tag || ''; var regstr = contents ? "<" + tag + "(?!\\w)[^>]*>([\\s\\S]*?)<\/" + tag + "(?!\\w)>" : "<\/?" + tag + "([^>]+)?>", reg = new RegExp(regstr, "gi"); return reg; }; String.implement({ standardize: function(){ return walk(this, special); }, repeat: function(times){ return new Array(times + 1).join(this); }, pad: function(length, str, direction){ if (this.length >= length) return this; var pad = (str == null ? ' ' : '' + str) .repeat(length - this.length) .substr(0, length - this.length); if (!direction || direction == 'right') return this + pad; if (direction == 'left') return pad + this; return pad.substr(0, (pad.length / 2).floor()) + this + pad.substr(0, (pad.length / 2).ceil()); }, getTags: function(tag, contents){ return this.match(getRegexForTag(tag, contents)) || []; }, stripTags: function(tag, contents){ return this.replace(getRegexForTag(tag, contents), ''); }, tidy: function(){ return walk(this, tidy); }, truncate: function(max, trail, atChar){ var string = this; if (trail == null && arguments.length == 1) trail = '…'; if (string.length > max){ string = string.substring(0, max); if (atChar){ var index = string.lastIndexOf(atChar); if (index != -1) string = string.substr(0, index); } if (trail) string += trail; } return string; } }); })(); /* --- script: String.QueryString.js name: String.QueryString description: Methods for dealing with URI query strings. license: MIT-style license authors: - Sebastian Markbåge - Aaron Newton - Lennart Pilon - Valerio Proietti requires: - Core/Array - Core/String - /MooTools.More provides: [String.QueryString] ... */ String.implement({ parseQueryString: function(decodeKeys, decodeValues){ if (decodeKeys == null) decodeKeys = true; if (decodeValues == null) decodeValues = true; var vars = this.split(/[&;]/), object = {}; if (!vars.length) return object; vars.each(function(val){ var index = val.indexOf('=') + 1, value = index ? val.substr(index) : '', keys = index ? val.substr(0, index - 1).match(/([^\]\[]+|(\B)(?=\]))/g) : [val], obj = object; if (!keys) return; if (decodeValues) value = decodeURIComponent(value); keys.each(function(key, i){ if (decodeKeys) key = decodeURIComponent(key); var current = obj[key]; if (i < keys.length - 1) obj = obj[key] = current || {}; else if (typeOf(current) == 'array') current.push(value); else obj[key] = current != null ? [current, value] : value; }); }); return object; }, cleanQueryString: function(method){ return this.split('&').filter(function(val){ var index = val.indexOf('='), key = index < 0 ? '' : val.substr(0, index), value = val.substr(index + 1); return method ? method.call(null, key, value) : (value || value === 0); }).join('&'); } }); /* --- script: URI.js name: URI description: Provides methods useful in managing the window location and uris. license: MIT-style license authors: - Sebastian Markbåge - Aaron Newton requires: - Core/Object - Core/Class - Core/Class.Extras - Core/Element - /String.QueryString provides: [URI] ... */ (function(){ var toString = function(){ return this.get('value'); }; var URI = this.URI = new Class({ Implements: Options, options: { /*base: false*/ }, regex: /^(?:(\w+):)?(?:\/\/(?:(?:([^:@\/]*):?([^:@\/]*))?@)?([^:\/?#]*)(?::(\d*))?)?(\.\.?$|(?:[^?#\/]*\/)*)([^?#]*)(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?/, parts: ['scheme', 'user', 'password', 'host', 'port', 'directory', 'file', 'query', 'fragment'], schemes: {http: 80, https: 443, ftp: 21, rtsp: 554, mms: 1755, file: 0}, initialize: function(uri, options){ this.setOptions(options); var base = this.options.base || URI.base; if (!uri) uri = base; if (uri && uri.parsed) this.parsed = Object.clone(uri.parsed); else this.set('value', uri.href || uri.toString(), base ? new URI(base) : false); }, parse: function(value, base){ var bits = value.match(this.regex); if (!bits) return false; bits.shift(); return this.merge(bits.associate(this.parts), base); }, merge: function(bits, base){ if ((!bits || !bits.scheme) && (!base || !base.scheme)) return false; if (base){ this.parts.every(function(part){ if (bits[part]) return false; bits[part] = base[part] || ''; return true; }); } bits.port = bits.port || this.schemes[bits.scheme.toLowerCase()]; bits.directory = bits.directory ? this.parseDirectory(bits.directory, base ? base.directory : '') : '/'; return bits; }, parseDirectory: function(directory, baseDirectory){ directory = (directory.substr(0, 1) == '/' ? '' : (baseDirectory || '/')) + directory; if (!directory.test(URI.regs.directoryDot)) return directory; var result = []; directory.replace(URI.regs.endSlash, '').split('/').each(function(dir){ if (dir == '..' && result.length > 0) result.pop(); else if (dir != '.') result.push(dir); }); return result.join('/') + '/'; }, combine: function(bits){ return bits.value || bits.scheme + '://' + (bits.user ? bits.user + (bits.password ? ':' + bits.password : '') + '@' : '') + (bits.host || '') + (bits.port && bits.port != this.schemes[bits.scheme] ? ':' + bits.port : '') + (bits.directory || '/') + (bits.file || '') + (bits.query ? '?' + bits.query : '') + (bits.fragment ? '#' + bits.fragment : ''); }, set: function(part, value, base){ if (part == 'value'){ var scheme = value.match(URI.regs.scheme); if (scheme) scheme = scheme[1]; if (scheme && this.schemes[scheme.toLowerCase()] == null) this.parsed = { scheme: scheme, value: value }; else this.parsed = this.parse(value, (base || this).parsed) || (scheme ? { scheme: scheme, value: value } : { value: value }); } else if (part == 'data'){ this.setData(value); } else { this.parsed[part] = value; } return this; }, get: function(part, base){ switch (part){ case 'value': return this.combine(this.parsed, base ? base.parsed : false); case 'data' : return this.getData(); } return this.parsed[part] || ''; }, go: function(){ document.location.href = this.toString(); }, toURI: function(){ return this; }, getData: function(key, part){ var qs = this.get(part || 'query'); if (!(qs || qs === 0)) return key ? null : {}; var obj = qs.parseQueryString(); return key ? obj[key] : obj; }, setData: function(values, merge, part){ if (typeof values == 'string'){ var data = this.getData(); data[arguments[0]] = arguments[1]; values = data; } else if (merge){ values = Object.merge(this.getData(), values); } return this.set(part || 'query', Object.toQueryString(values)); }, clearData: function(part){ return this.set(part || 'query', ''); }, toString: toString, valueOf: toString }); URI.regs = { endSlash: /\/$/, scheme: /^(\w+):/, directoryDot: /\.\/|\.$/ }; URI.base = new URI(Array.from(document.getElements('base[href]', true)).getLast(), {base: document.location}); String.implement({ toURI: function(options){ return new URI(this, options); } }); })(); /* --- script: URI.Relative.js name: URI.Relative description: Extends the URI class to add methods for computing relative and absolute urls. license: MIT-style license authors: - Sebastian Markbåge requires: - /Class.refactor - /URI provides: [URI.Relative] ... */ URI = Class.refactor(URI, { combine: function(bits, base){ if (!base || bits.scheme != base.scheme || bits.host != base.host || bits.port != base.port) return this.previous.apply(this, arguments); var end = bits.file + (bits.query ? '?' + bits.query : '') + (bits.fragment ? '#' + bits.fragment : ''); if (!base.directory) return (bits.directory || (bits.file ? '' : './')) + end; var baseDir = base.directory.split('/'), relDir = bits.directory.split('/'), path = '', offset; var i = 0; for (offset = 0; offset < baseDir.length && offset < relDir.length && baseDir[offset] == relDir[offset]; offset++); for (i = 0; i < baseDir.length - offset - 1; i++) path += '../'; for (i = offset; i < relDir.length - 1; i++) path += relDir[i] + '/'; return (path || (bits.file ? '' : './')) + end; }, toAbsolute: function(base){ base = new URI(base); if (base) base.set('directory', '').set('file', ''); return this.toRelative(base); }, toRelative: function(base){ return this.get('value', new URI(base)); } }); /* --- name: Hash description: Contains Hash Prototypes. Provides a means for overcoming the JavaScript practical impossibility of extending native Objects. license: MIT-style license. requires: - Core/Object - /MooTools.More provides: [Hash] ... */ (function(){ if (this.Hash) return; var Hash = this.Hash = new Type('Hash', function(object){ if (typeOf(object) == 'hash') object = Object.clone(object.getClean()); for (var key in object) this[key] = object[key]; return this; }); this.$H = function(object){ return new Hash(object); }; Hash.implement({ forEach: function(fn, bind){ Object.forEach(this, fn, bind); }, getClean: function(){ var clean = {}; for (var key in this){ if (this.hasOwnProperty(key)) clean[key] = this[key]; } return clean; }, getLength: function(){ var length = 0; for (var key in this){ if (this.hasOwnProperty(key)) length++; } return length; } }); Hash.alias('each', 'forEach'); Hash.implement({ has: Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, keyOf: function(value){ return Object.keyOf(this, value); }, hasValue: function(value){ return Object.contains(this, value); }, extend: function(properties){ Hash.each(properties || {}, function(value, key){ Hash.set(this, key, value); }, this); return this; }, combine: function(properties){ Hash.each(properties || {}, function(value, key){ Hash.include(this, key, value); }, this); return this; }, erase: function(key){ if (this.hasOwnProperty(key)) delete this[key]; return this; }, get: function(key){ return (this.hasOwnProperty(key)) ? this[key] : null; }, set: function(key, value){ if (!this[key] || this.hasOwnProperty(key)) this[key] = value; return this; }, empty: function(){ Hash.each(this, function(value, key){ delete this[key]; }, this); return this; }, include: function(key, value){ if (this[key] == undefined) this[key] = value; return this; }, map: function(fn, bind){ return new Hash(Object.map(this, fn, bind)); }, filter: function(fn, bind){ return new Hash(Object.filter(this, fn, bind)); }, every: function(fn, bind){ return Object.every(this, fn, bind); }, some: function(fn, bind){ return Object.some(this, fn, bind); }, getKeys: function(){ return Object.keys(this); }, getValues: function(){ return Object.values(this); }, toQueryString: function(base){ return Object.toQueryString(this, base); } }); Hash.alias({indexOf: 'keyOf', contains: 'hasValue'}); })(); /* --- script: Hash.Extras.js name: Hash.Extras description: Extends the Hash Type to include getFromPath which allows a path notation to child elements. license: MIT-style license authors: - Aaron Newton requires: - /Hash - /Object.Extras provides: [Hash.Extras] ... */ Hash.implement({ getFromPath: function(notation){ return Object.getFromPath(this, notation); }, cleanValues: function(method){ return new Hash(Object.cleanValues(this, method)); }, run: function(){ Object.run(arguments); } }); /* --- script: Element.Forms.js name: Element.Forms description: Extends the Element native object to include methods useful in managing inputs. license: MIT-style license authors: - Aaron Newton requires: - Core/Element - /String.Extras - /MooTools.More provides: [Element.Forms] ... */ Element.implement({ tidy: function(){ this.set('value', this.get('value').tidy()); }, getTextInRange: function(start, end){ return this.get('value').substring(start, end); }, getSelectedText: function(){ if (this.setSelectionRange) return this.getTextInRange(this.getSelectionStart(), this.getSelectionEnd()); return document.selection.createRange().text; }, getSelectedRange: function(){ if (this.selectionStart != null){ return { start: this.selectionStart, end: this.selectionEnd }; } var pos = { start: 0, end: 0 }; var range = this.getDocument().selection.createRange(); if (!range || range.parentElement() != this) return pos; var duplicate = range.duplicate(); if (this.type == 'text'){ pos.start = 0 - duplicate.moveStart('character', -100000); pos.end = pos.start + range.text.length; } else { var value = this.get('value'); var offset = value.length; duplicate.moveToElementText(this); duplicate.setEndPoint('StartToEnd', range); if (duplicate.text.length) offset -= value.match(/[\n\r]*$/)[0].length; pos.end = offset - duplicate.text.length; duplicate.setEndPoint('StartToStart', range); pos.start = offset - duplicate.text.length; } return pos; }, getSelectionStart: function(){ return this.getSelectedRange().start; }, getSelectionEnd: function(){ return this.getSelectedRange().end; }, setCaretPosition: function(pos){ if (pos == 'end') pos = this.get('value').length; this.selectRange(pos, pos); return this; }, getCaretPosition: function(){ return this.getSelectedRange().start; }, selectRange: function(start, end){ if (this.setSelectionRange){ this.focus(); this.setSelectionRange(start, end); } else { var value = this.get('value'); var diff = value.substr(start, end - start).replace(/\r/g, '').length; start = value.substr(0, start).replace(/\r/g, '').length; var range = this.createTextRange(); range.collapse(true); range.moveEnd('character', start + diff); range.moveStart('character', start); range.select(); } return this; }, insertAtCursor: function(value, select){ var pos = this.getSelectedRange(); var text = this.get('value'); this.set('value', text.substring(0, pos.start) + value + text.substring(pos.end, text.length)); if (select !== false) this.selectRange(pos.start, pos.start + value.length); else this.setCaretPosition(pos.start + value.length); return this; }, insertAroundCursor: function(options, select){ options = Object.append({ before: '', defaultMiddle: '', after: '' }, options); var value = this.getSelectedText() || options.defaultMiddle; var pos = this.getSelectedRange(); var text = this.get('value'); if (pos.start == pos.end){ this.set('value', text.substring(0, pos.start) + options.before + value + options.after + text.substring(pos.end, text.length)); this.selectRange(pos.start + options.before.length, pos.end + options.before.length + value.length); } else { var current = text.substring(pos.start, pos.end); this.set('value', text.substring(0, pos.start) + options.before + current + options.after + text.substring(pos.end, text.length)); var selStart = pos.start + options.before.length; if (select !== false) this.selectRange(selStart, selStart + current.length); else this.setCaretPosition(selStart + text.length); } return this; } }); /* --- script: Elements.From.js name: Elements.From description: Returns a collection of elements from a string of html. license: MIT-style license authors: - Aaron Newton requires: - Core/String - Core/Element - /MooTools.More provides: [Elements.from, Elements.From] ... */ Elements.from = function(text, excludeScripts){ if (excludeScripts || excludeScripts == null) text = text.stripScripts(); var container, match = text.match(/^\s*<(t[dhr]|tbody|tfoot|thead)/i); if (match){ container = new Element('table'); var tag = match[1].toLowerCase(); if (['td', 'th', 'tr'].contains(tag)){ container = new Element('tbody').inject(container); if (tag != 'tr') container = new Element('tr').inject(container); } } return (container || new Element('div')).set('html', text).getChildren(); }; /* --- name: Element.Event.Pseudos description: Adds the functionality to add pseudo events for Elements license: MIT-style license authors: - Arian Stolwijk requires: [Core/Element.Event, Core/Element.Delegation, Events.Pseudos] provides: [Element.Event.Pseudos, Element.Delegation] ... */ (function(){ var pseudos = {relay: false}, copyFromEvents = ['once', 'throttle', 'pause'], count = copyFromEvents.length; while (count--) pseudos[copyFromEvents[count]] = Events.lookupPseudo(copyFromEvents[count]); DOMEvent.definePseudo = function(key, listener){ pseudos[key] = listener; return this; }; var proto = Element.prototype; [Element, Window, Document].invoke('implement', Events.Pseudos(pseudos, proto.addEvent, proto.removeEvent)); })(); /* --- name: Element.Event.Pseudos.Keys description: Adds functionality fire events if certain keycombinations are pressed license: MIT-style license authors: - Arian Stolwijk requires: [Element.Event.Pseudos] provides: [Element.Event.Pseudos.Keys] ... */ (function(){ var keysStoreKey = '$moo:keys-pressed', keysKeyupStoreKey = '$moo:keys-keyup'; DOMEvent.definePseudo('keys', function(split, fn, args){ var event = args[0], keys = [], pressed = this.retrieve(keysStoreKey, []); keys.append(split.value.replace('++', function(){ keys.push('+'); // shift++ and shift+++a return ''; }).split('+')); pressed.include(event.key); if (keys.every(function(key){ return pressed.contains(key); })) fn.apply(this, args); this.store(keysStoreKey, pressed); if (!this.retrieve(keysKeyupStoreKey)){ var keyup = function(event){ (function(){ pressed = this.retrieve(keysStoreKey, []).erase(event.key); this.store(keysStoreKey, pressed); }).delay(0, this); // Fix for IE }; this.store(keysKeyupStoreKey, keyup).addEvent('keyup', keyup); } }); DOMEvent.defineKeys({ '16': 'shift', '17': 'control', '18': 'alt', '20': 'capslock', '33': 'pageup', '34': 'pagedown', '35': 'end', '36': 'home', '144': 'numlock', '145': 'scrolllock', '186': ';', '187': '=', '188': ',', '190': '.', '191': '/', '192': '`', '219': '[', '220': '\\', '221': ']', '222': "'", '107': '+' }).defineKey(Browser.firefox ? 109 : 189, '-'); })(); /* --- script: Element.Measure.js name: Element.Measure description: Extends the Element native object to include methods useful in measuring dimensions. credits: "Element.measure / .expose methods by Daniel Steigerwald License: MIT-style license. Copyright: Copyright (c) 2008 Daniel Steigerwald, daniel.steigerwald.cz" license: MIT-style license authors: - Aaron Newton requires: - Core/Element.Style - Core/Element.Dimensions - /MooTools.More provides: [Element.Measure] ... */ (function(){ var getStylesList = function(styles, planes){ var list = []; Object.each(planes, function(directions){ Object.each(directions, function(edge){ styles.each(function(style){ list.push(style + '-' + edge + (style == 'border' ? '-width' : '')); }); }); }); return list; }; var calculateEdgeSize = function(edge, styles){ var total = 0; Object.each(styles, function(value, style){ if (style.test(edge)) total = total + value.toInt(); }); return total; }; var isVisible = function(el){ return !!(!el || el.offsetHeight || el.offsetWidth); }; Element.implement({ measure: function(fn){ if (isVisible(this)) return fn.call(this); var parent = this.getParent(), toMeasure = []; while (!isVisible(parent) && parent != document.body){ toMeasure.push(parent.expose()); parent = parent.getParent(); } var restore = this.expose(), result = fn.call(this); restore(); toMeasure.each(function(restore){ restore(); }); return result; }, expose: function(){ if (this.getStyle('display') != 'none') return function(){}; var before = this.style.cssText; this.setStyles({ display: 'block', position: 'absolute', visibility: 'hidden' }); return function(){ this.style.cssText = before; }.bind(this); }, getDimensions: function(options){ options = Object.merge({computeSize: false}, options); var dim = {x: 0, y: 0}; var getSize = function(el, options){ return (options.computeSize) ? el.getComputedSize(options) : el.getSize(); }; var parent = this.getParent('body'); if (parent && this.getStyle('display') == 'none'){ dim = this.measure(function(){ return getSize(this, options); }); } else if (parent){ try { //safari sometimes crashes here, so catch it dim = getSize(this, options); }catch(e){} } return Object.append(dim, (dim.x || dim.x === 0) ? { width: dim.x, height: dim.y } : { x: dim.width, y: dim.height } ); }, getComputedSize: function(options){ //<1.2compat> //legacy support for my stupid spelling error if (options && options.plains) options.planes = options.plains; // options = Object.merge({ styles: ['padding','border'], planes: { height: ['top','bottom'], width: ['left','right'] }, mode: 'both' }, options); var styles = {}, size = {width: 0, height: 0}, dimensions; if (options.mode == 'vertical'){ delete size.width; delete options.planes.width; } else if (options.mode == 'horizontal'){ delete size.height; delete options.planes.height; } getStylesList(options.styles, options.planes).each(function(style){ styles[style] = this.getStyle(style).toInt(); }, this); Object.each(options.planes, function(edges, plane){ var capitalized = plane.capitalize(), style = this.getStyle(plane); if (style == 'auto' && !dimensions) dimensions = this.getDimensions(); style = styles[plane] = (style == 'auto') ? dimensions[plane] : style.toInt(); size['total' + capitalized] = style; edges.each(function(edge){ var edgesize = calculateEdgeSize(edge, styles); size['computed' + edge.capitalize()] = edgesize; size['total' + capitalized] += edgesize; }); }, this); return Object.append(size, styles); } }); })(); /* --- script: Element.Pin.js name: Element.Pin description: Extends the Element native object to include the pin method useful for fixed positioning for elements. license: MIT-style license authors: - Aaron Newton requires: - Core/Element.Event - Core/Element.Dimensions - Core/Element.Style - /MooTools.More provides: [Element.Pin] ... */ (function(){ var supportsPositionFixed = false, supportTested = false; var testPositionFixed = function(){ var test = new Element('div').setStyles({ position: 'fixed', top: 0, right: 0 }).inject(document.body); supportsPositionFixed = (test.offsetTop === 0); test.dispose(); supportTested = true; }; Element.implement({ pin: function(enable, forceScroll){ if (!supportTested) testPositionFixed(); if (this.getStyle('display') == 'none') return this; var pinnedPosition, scroll = window.getScroll(), parent, scrollFixer; if (enable !== false){ pinnedPosition = this.getPosition(supportsPositionFixed ? document.body : this.getOffsetParent()); if (!this.retrieve('pin:_pinned')){ var currentPosition = { top: pinnedPosition.y - scroll.y, left: pinnedPosition.x - scroll.x }; if (supportsPositionFixed && !forceScroll){ this.setStyle('position', 'fixed').setStyles(currentPosition); } else { parent = this.getOffsetParent(); var position = this.getPosition(parent), styles = this.getStyles('left', 'top'); if (parent && styles.left == 'auto' || styles.top == 'auto') this.setPosition(position); if (this.getStyle('position') == 'static') this.setStyle('position', 'absolute'); position = { x: styles.left.toInt() - scroll.x, y: styles.top.toInt() - scroll.y }; scrollFixer = function(){ if (!this.retrieve('pin:_pinned')) return; var scroll = window.getScroll(); this.setStyles({ left: position.x + scroll.x, top: position.y + scroll.y }); }.bind(this); this.store('pin:_scrollFixer', scrollFixer); window.addEvent('scroll', scrollFixer); } this.store('pin:_pinned', true); } } else { if (!this.retrieve('pin:_pinned')) return this; parent = this.getParent(); var offsetParent = (parent.getComputedStyle('position') != 'static' ? parent : parent.getOffsetParent()); pinnedPosition = this.getPosition(offsetParent); this.store('pin:_pinned', false); scrollFixer = this.retrieve('pin:_scrollFixer'); if (!scrollFixer){ this.setStyles({ position: 'absolute', top: pinnedPosition.y + scroll.y, left: pinnedPosition.x + scroll.x }); } else { this.store('pin:_scrollFixer', null); window.removeEvent('scroll', scrollFixer); } this.removeClass('isPinned'); } return this; }, unpin: function(){ return this.pin(false); }, togglePin: function(){ return this.pin(!this.retrieve('pin:_pinned')); } }); //<1.2compat> Element.alias('togglepin', 'togglePin'); // })(); /* --- script: Element.Position.js name: Element.Position description: Extends the Element native object to include methods useful positioning elements relative to others. license: MIT-style license authors: - Aaron Newton - Jacob Thornton requires: - Core/Options - Core/Element.Dimensions - Element.Measure provides: [Element.Position] ... */ (function(original){ var local = Element.Position = { options: {/* edge: false, returnPos: false, minimum: {x: 0, y: 0}, maximum: {x: 0, y: 0}, relFixedPosition: false, ignoreMargins: false, ignoreScroll: false, allowNegative: false,*/ relativeTo: document.body, position: { x: 'center', //left, center, right y: 'center' //top, center, bottom }, offset: {x: 0, y: 0} }, getOptions: function(element, options){ options = Object.merge({}, local.options, options); local.setPositionOption(options); local.setEdgeOption(options); local.setOffsetOption(element, options); local.setDimensionsOption(element, options); return options; }, setPositionOption: function(options){ options.position = local.getCoordinateFromValue(options.position); }, setEdgeOption: function(options){ var edgeOption = local.getCoordinateFromValue(options.edge); options.edge = edgeOption ? edgeOption : (options.position.x == 'center' && options.position.y == 'center') ? {x: 'center', y: 'center'} : {x: 'left', y: 'top'}; }, setOffsetOption: function(element, options){ var parentOffset = {x: 0, y: 0}, offsetParent = element.measure(function(){ return document.id(this.getOffsetParent()); }), parentScroll = offsetParent.getScroll(); if (!offsetParent || offsetParent == element.getDocument().body) return; parentOffset = offsetParent.measure(function(){ var position = this.getPosition(); if (this.getStyle('position') == 'fixed'){ var scroll = window.getScroll(); position.x += scroll.x; position.y += scroll.y; } return position; }); options.offset = { parentPositioned: offsetParent != document.id(options.relativeTo), x: options.offset.x - parentOffset.x + parentScroll.x, y: options.offset.y - parentOffset.y + parentScroll.y }; }, setDimensionsOption: function(element, options){ options.dimensions = element.getDimensions({ computeSize: true, styles: ['padding', 'border', 'margin'] }); }, getPosition: function(element, options){ var position = {}; options = local.getOptions(element, options); var relativeTo = document.id(options.relativeTo) || document.body; local.setPositionCoordinates(options, position, relativeTo); if (options.edge) local.toEdge(position, options); var offset = options.offset; position.left = ((position.x >= 0 || offset.parentPositioned || options.allowNegative) ? position.x : 0).toInt(); position.top = ((position.y >= 0 || offset.parentPositioned || options.allowNegative) ? position.y : 0).toInt(); local.toMinMax(position, options); if (options.relFixedPosition || relativeTo.getStyle('position') == 'fixed') local.toRelFixedPosition(relativeTo, position); if (options.ignoreScroll) local.toIgnoreScroll(relativeTo, position); if (options.ignoreMargins) local.toIgnoreMargins(position, options); position.left = Math.ceil(position.left); position.top = Math.ceil(position.top); delete position.x; delete position.y; return position; }, setPositionCoordinates: function(options, position, relativeTo){ var offsetY = options.offset.y, offsetX = options.offset.x, calc = (relativeTo == document.body) ? window.getScroll() : relativeTo.getPosition(), top = calc.y, left = calc.x, winSize = window.getSize(); switch(options.position.x){ case 'left': position.x = left + offsetX; break; case 'right': position.x = left + offsetX + relativeTo.offsetWidth; break; default: position.x = left + ((relativeTo == document.body ? winSize.x : relativeTo.offsetWidth) / 2) + offsetX; break; } switch(options.position.y){ case 'top': position.y = top + offsetY; break; case 'bottom': position.y = top + offsetY + relativeTo.offsetHeight; break; default: position.y = top + ((relativeTo == document.body ? winSize.y : relativeTo.offsetHeight) / 2) + offsetY; break; } }, toMinMax: function(position, options){ var xy = {left: 'x', top: 'y'}, value; ['minimum', 'maximum'].each(function(minmax){ ['left', 'top'].each(function(lr){ value = options[minmax] ? options[minmax][xy[lr]] : null; if (value != null && ((minmax == 'minimum') ? position[lr] < value : position[lr] > value)) position[lr] = value; }); }); }, toRelFixedPosition: function(relativeTo, position){ var winScroll = window.getScroll(); position.top += winScroll.y; position.left += winScroll.x; }, toIgnoreScroll: function(relativeTo, position){ var relScroll = relativeTo.getScroll(); position.top -= relScroll.y; position.left -= relScroll.x; }, toIgnoreMargins: function(position, options){ position.left += options.edge.x == 'right' ? options.dimensions['margin-right'] : (options.edge.x != 'center' ? -options.dimensions['margin-left'] : -options.dimensions['margin-left'] + ((options.dimensions['margin-right'] + options.dimensions['margin-left']) / 2)); position.top += options.edge.y == 'bottom' ? options.dimensions['margin-bottom'] : (options.edge.y != 'center' ? -options.dimensions['margin-top'] : -options.dimensions['margin-top'] + ((options.dimensions['margin-bottom'] + options.dimensions['margin-top']) / 2)); }, toEdge: function(position, options){ var edgeOffset = {}, dimensions = options.dimensions, edge = options.edge; switch(edge.x){ case 'left': edgeOffset.x = 0; break; case 'right': edgeOffset.x = -dimensions.x - dimensions.computedRight - dimensions.computedLeft; break; // center default: edgeOffset.x = -(Math.round(dimensions.totalWidth / 2)); break; } switch(edge.y){ case 'top': edgeOffset.y = 0; break; case 'bottom': edgeOffset.y = -dimensions.y - dimensions.computedTop - dimensions.computedBottom; break; // center default: edgeOffset.y = -(Math.round(dimensions.totalHeight / 2)); break; } position.x += edgeOffset.x; position.y += edgeOffset.y; }, getCoordinateFromValue: function(option){ if (typeOf(option) != 'string') return option; option = option.toLowerCase(); return { x: option.test('left') ? 'left' : (option.test('right') ? 'right' : 'center'), y: option.test(/upper|top/) ? 'top' : (option.test('bottom') ? 'bottom' : 'center') }; } }; Element.implement({ position: function(options){ if (options && (options.x != null || options.y != null)){ return (original ? original.apply(this, arguments) : this); } var position = this.setStyle('position', 'absolute').calculatePosition(options); return (options && options.returnPos) ? position : this.setStyles(position); }, calculatePosition: function(options){ return local.getPosition(this, options); } }); })(Element.prototype.position); /* --- script: Element.Shortcuts.js name: Element.Shortcuts description: Extends the Element native object to include some shortcut methods. license: MIT-style license authors: - Aaron Newton requires: - Core/Element.Style - /MooTools.More provides: [Element.Shortcuts] ... */ Element.implement({ isDisplayed: function(){ return this.getStyle('display') != 'none'; }, isVisible: function(){ var w = this.offsetWidth, h = this.offsetHeight; return (w == 0 && h == 0) ? false : (w > 0 && h > 0) ? true : this.style.display != 'none'; }, toggle: function(){ return this[this.isDisplayed() ? 'hide' : 'show'](); }, hide: function(){ var d; try { //IE fails here if the element is not in the dom d = this.getStyle('display'); } catch(e){} if (d == 'none') return this; return this.store('element:_originalDisplay', d || '').setStyle('display', 'none'); }, show: function(display){ if (!display && this.isDisplayed()) return this; display = display || this.retrieve('element:_originalDisplay') || 'block'; return this.setStyle('display', (display == 'none') ? 'block' : display); }, swapClass: function(remove, add){ return this.removeClass(remove).addClass(add); } }); Document.implement({ clearSelection: function(){ if (window.getSelection){ var selection = window.getSelection(); if (selection && selection.removeAllRanges) selection.removeAllRanges(); } else if (document.selection && document.selection.empty){ try { //IE fails here if selected element is not in dom document.selection.empty(); } catch(e){} } } }); /* --- script: IframeShim.js name: IframeShim description: Defines IframeShim, a class for obscuring select lists and flash objects in IE. license: MIT-style license authors: - Aaron Newton requires: - Core/Element.Event - Core/Element.Style - Core/Options - Core/Events - /Element.Position - /Class.Occlude provides: [IframeShim] ... */ var IframeShim = new Class({ Implements: [Options, Events, Class.Occlude], options: { className: 'iframeShim', src: 'javascript:false;document.write("");', display: false, zIndex: null, margin: 0, offset: {x: 0, y: 0}, browsers: (Browser.ie6 || (Browser.firefox && Browser.version < 3 && Browser.Platform.mac)) }, property: 'IframeShim', initialize: function(element, options){ this.element = document.id(element); if (this.occlude()) return this.occluded; this.setOptions(options); this.makeShim(); return this; }, makeShim: function(){ if (this.options.browsers){ var zIndex = this.element.getStyle('zIndex').toInt(); if (!zIndex){ zIndex = 1; var pos = this.element.getStyle('position'); if (pos == 'static' || !pos) this.element.setStyle('position', 'relative'); this.element.setStyle('zIndex', zIndex); } zIndex = ((this.options.zIndex != null || this.options.zIndex === 0) && zIndex > this.options.zIndex) ? this.options.zIndex : zIndex - 1; if (zIndex < 0) zIndex = 1; this.shim = new Element('iframe', { src: this.options.src, scrolling: 'no', frameborder: 0, styles: { zIndex: zIndex, position: 'absolute', border: 'none', filter: 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(style=0,opacity=0)' }, 'class': this.options.className }).store('IframeShim', this); var inject = (function(){ this.shim.inject(this.element, 'after'); this[this.options.display ? 'show' : 'hide'](); this.fireEvent('inject'); }).bind(this); if (!IframeShim.ready) window.addEvent('load', inject); else inject(); } else { this.position = this.hide = this.show = this.dispose = Function.from(this); } }, position: function(){ if (!IframeShim.ready || !this.shim) return this; var size = this.element.measure(function(){ return this.getSize(); }); if (this.options.margin != undefined){ size.x = size.x - (this.options.margin * 2); size.y = size.y - (this.options.margin * 2); this.options.offset.x += this.options.margin; this.options.offset.y += this.options.margin; } this.shim.set({width: size.x, height: size.y}).position({ relativeTo: this.element, offset: this.options.offset }); return this; }, hide: function(){ if (this.shim) this.shim.setStyle('display', 'none'); return this; }, show: function(){ if (this.shim) this.shim.setStyle('display', 'block'); return this.position(); }, dispose: function(){ if (this.shim) this.shim.dispose(); return this; }, destroy: function(){ if (this.shim) this.shim.destroy(); return this; } }); window.addEvent('load', function(){ IframeShim.ready = true; }); /* --- script: Mask.js name: Mask description: Creates a mask element to cover another. license: MIT-style license authors: - Aaron Newton requires: - Core/Options - Core/Events - Core/Element.Event - /Class.Binds - /Element.Position - /IframeShim provides: [Mask] ... */ var Mask = new Class({ Implements: [Options, Events], Binds: ['position'], options: {/* onShow: function(){}, onHide: function(){}, onDestroy: function(){}, onClick: function(event){}, inject: { where: 'after', target: null, }, hideOnClick: false, id: null, destroyOnHide: false,*/ style: {}, 'class': 'mask', maskMargins: false, useIframeShim: true, iframeShimOptions: {} }, initialize: function(target, options){ this.target = document.id(target) || document.id(document.body); this.target.store('mask', this); this.setOptions(options); this.render(); this.inject(); }, render: function(){ this.element = new Element('div', { 'class': this.options['class'], id: this.options.id || 'mask-' + String.uniqueID(), styles: Object.merge({}, this.options.style, { display: 'none' }), events: { click: function(event){ this.fireEvent('click', event); if (this.options.hideOnClick) this.hide(); }.bind(this) } }); this.hidden = true; }, toElement: function(){ return this.element; }, inject: function(target, where){ where = where || (this.options.inject ? this.options.inject.where : '') || this.target == document.body ? 'inside' : 'after'; target = target || (this.options.inject && this.options.inject.target) || this.target; this.element.inject(target, where); if (this.options.useIframeShim){ this.shim = new IframeShim(this.element, this.options.iframeShimOptions); this.addEvents({ show: this.shim.show.bind(this.shim), hide: this.shim.hide.bind(this.shim), destroy: this.shim.destroy.bind(this.shim) }); } }, position: function(){ this.resize(this.options.width, this.options.height); this.element.position({ relativeTo: this.target, position: 'topLeft', ignoreMargins: !this.options.maskMargins, ignoreScroll: this.target == document.body }); return this; }, resize: function(x, y){ var opt = { styles: ['padding', 'border'] }; if (this.options.maskMargins) opt.styles.push('margin'); var dim = this.target.getComputedSize(opt); if (this.target == document.body){ this.element.setStyles({width: 0, height: 0}); var win = window.getScrollSize(); if (dim.totalHeight < win.y) dim.totalHeight = win.y; if (dim.totalWidth < win.x) dim.totalWidth = win.x; } this.element.setStyles({ width: Array.pick([x, dim.totalWidth, dim.x]), height: Array.pick([y, dim.totalHeight, dim.y]) }); return this; }, show: function(){ if (!this.hidden) return this; window.addEvent('resize', this.position); this.position(); this.showMask.apply(this, arguments); return this; }, showMask: function(){ this.element.setStyle('display', 'block'); this.hidden = false; this.fireEvent('show'); }, hide: function(){ if (this.hidden) return this; window.removeEvent('resize', this.position); this.hideMask.apply(this, arguments); if (this.options.destroyOnHide) return this.destroy(); return this; }, hideMask: function(){ this.element.setStyle('display', 'none'); this.hidden = true; this.fireEvent('hide'); }, toggle: function(){ this[this.hidden ? 'show' : 'hide'](); }, destroy: function(){ this.hide(); this.element.destroy(); this.fireEvent('destroy'); this.target.eliminate('mask'); } }); Element.Properties.mask = { set: function(options){ var mask = this.retrieve('mask'); if (mask) mask.destroy(); return this.eliminate('mask').store('mask:options', options); }, get: function(){ var mask = this.retrieve('mask'); if (!mask){ mask = new Mask(this, this.retrieve('mask:options')); this.store('mask', mask); } return mask; } }; Element.implement({ mask: function(options){ if (options) this.set('mask', options); this.get('mask').show(); return this; }, unmask: function(){ this.get('mask').hide(); return this; } }); /* --- script: Spinner.js name: Spinner description: Adds a semi-transparent overlay over a dom element with a spinnin ajax icon. license: MIT-style license authors: - Aaron Newton requires: - Core/Fx.Tween - Core/Request - /Class.refactor - /Mask provides: [Spinner] ... */ var Spinner = new Class({ Extends: Mask, Implements: Chain, options: {/* message: false,*/ 'class': 'spinner', containerPosition: {}, content: { 'class': 'spinner-content' }, messageContainer: { 'class': 'spinner-msg' }, img: { 'class': 'spinner-img' }, fxOptions: { link: 'chain' } }, initialize: function(target, options){ this.target = document.id(target) || document.id(document.body); this.target.store('spinner', this); this.setOptions(options); this.render(); this.inject(); // Add this to events for when noFx is true; parent methods handle hide/show. var deactivate = function(){ this.active = false; }.bind(this); this.addEvents({ hide: deactivate, show: deactivate }); }, render: function(){ this.parent(); this.element.set('id', this.options.id || 'spinner-' + String.uniqueID()); this.content = document.id(this.options.content) || new Element('div', this.options.content); this.content.inject(this.element); if (this.options.message){ this.msg = document.id(this.options.message) || new Element('p', this.options.messageContainer).appendText(this.options.message); this.msg.inject(this.content); } if (this.options.img){ this.img = document.id(this.options.img) || new Element('div', this.options.img); this.img.inject(this.content); } this.element.set('tween', this.options.fxOptions); }, show: function(noFx){ if (this.active) return this.chain(this.show.bind(this)); if (!this.hidden){ this.callChain.delay(20, this); return this; } this.active = true; return this.parent(noFx); }, showMask: function(noFx){ var pos = function(){ this.content.position(Object.merge({ relativeTo: this.element }, this.options.containerPosition)); }.bind(this); if (noFx){ this.parent(); pos(); } else { if (!this.options.style.opacity) this.options.style.opacity = this.element.getStyle('opacity').toFloat(); this.element.setStyles({ display: 'block', opacity: 0 }).tween('opacity', this.options.style.opacity); pos(); this.hidden = false; this.fireEvent('show'); this.callChain(); } }, hide: function(noFx){ if (this.active) return this.chain(this.hide.bind(this)); if (this.hidden){ this.callChain.delay(20, this); return this; } this.active = true; return this.parent(noFx); }, hideMask: function(noFx){ if (noFx) return this.parent(); this.element.tween('opacity', 0).get('tween').chain(function(){ this.element.setStyle('display', 'none'); this.hidden = true; this.fireEvent('hide'); this.callChain(); }.bind(this)); }, destroy: function(){ this.content.destroy(); this.parent(); this.target.eliminate('spinner'); } }); Request = Class.refactor(Request, { options: { useSpinner: false, spinnerOptions: {}, spinnerTarget: false }, initialize: function(options){ this._send = this.send; this.send = function(options){ var spinner = this.getSpinner(); if (spinner) spinner.chain(this._send.pass(options, this)).show(); else this._send(options); return this; }; this.previous(options); }, getSpinner: function(){ if (!this.spinner){ var update = document.id(this.options.spinnerTarget) || document.id(this.options.update); if (this.options.useSpinner && update){ update.set('spinner', this.options.spinnerOptions); var spinner = this.spinner = update.get('spinner'); ['complete', 'exception', 'cancel'].each(function(event){ this.addEvent(event, spinner.hide.bind(spinner)); }, this); } } return this.spinner; } }); Element.Properties.spinner = { set: function(options){ var spinner = this.retrieve('spinner'); if (spinner) spinner.destroy(); return this.eliminate('spinner').store('spinner:options', options); }, get: function(){ var spinner = this.retrieve('spinner'); if (!spinner){ spinner = new Spinner(this, this.retrieve('spinner:options')); this.store('spinner', spinner); } return spinner; } }; Element.implement({ spin: function(options){ if (options) this.set('spinner', options); this.get('spinner').show(); return this; }, unspin: function(){ this.get('spinner').hide(); return this; } }); /* --- script: Form.Request.js name: Form.Request description: Handles the basic functionality of submitting a form and updating a dom element with the result. license: MIT-style license authors: - Aaron Newton requires: - Core/Request.HTML - /Class.Binds - /Class.Occlude - /Spinner - /String.QueryString - /Element.Delegation provides: [Form.Request] ... */ if (!window.Form) window.Form = {}; (function(){ Form.Request = new Class({ Binds: ['onSubmit', 'onFormValidate'], Implements: [Options, Events, Class.Occlude], options: {/* onFailure: function(){}, onSuccess: function(){}, // aliased to onComplete, onSend: function(){}*/ requestOptions: { evalScripts: true, useSpinner: true, emulation: false, link: 'ignore' }, sendButtonClicked: true, extraData: {}, resetForm: true }, property: 'form.request', initialize: function(form, target, options){ this.element = document.id(form); if (this.occlude()) return this.occluded; this.setOptions(options) .setTarget(target) .attach(); }, setTarget: function(target){ this.target = document.id(target); if (!this.request){ this.makeRequest(); } else { this.request.setOptions({ update: this.target }); } return this; }, toElement: function(){ return this.element; }, makeRequest: function(){ var self = this; this.request = new Request.HTML(Object.merge({ update: this.target, emulation: false, spinnerTarget: this.element, method: this.element.get('method') || 'post' }, this.options.requestOptions)).addEvents({ success: function(tree, elements, html, javascript){ ['complete', 'success'].each(function(evt){ self.fireEvent(evt, [self.target, tree, elements, html, javascript]); }); }, failure: function(){ self.fireEvent('complete', arguments).fireEvent('failure', arguments); }, exception: function(){ self.fireEvent('failure', arguments); } }); return this.attachReset(); }, attachReset: function(){ if (!this.options.resetForm) return this; this.request.addEvent('success', function(){ Function.attempt(function(){ this.element.reset(); }.bind(this)); if (window.OverText) OverText.update(); }.bind(this)); return this; }, attach: function(attach){ var method = (attach != false) ? 'addEvent' : 'removeEvent'; this.element[method]('click:relay(button, input[type=submit])', this.saveClickedButton.bind(this)); var fv = this.element.retrieve('validator'); if (fv) fv[method]('onFormValidate', this.onFormValidate); else this.element[method]('submit', this.onSubmit); return this; }, detach: function(){ return this.attach(false); }, //public method enable: function(){ return this.attach(); }, //public method disable: function(){ return this.detach(); }, onFormValidate: function(valid, form, event){ //if there's no event, then this wasn't a submit event if (!event) return; var fv = this.element.retrieve('validator'); if (valid || (fv && !fv.options.stopOnFailure)){ event.stop(); this.send(); } }, onSubmit: function(event){ var fv = this.element.retrieve('validator'); if (fv){ //form validator was created after Form.Request this.element.removeEvent('submit', this.onSubmit); fv.addEvent('onFormValidate', this.onFormValidate); this.element.validate(); return; } if (event) event.stop(); this.send(); }, saveClickedButton: function(event, target){ var targetName = target.get('name'); if (!targetName || !this.options.sendButtonClicked) return; this.options.extraData[targetName] = target.get('value') || true; this.clickedCleaner = function(){ delete this.options.extraData[targetName]; this.clickedCleaner = function(){}; }.bind(this); }, clickedCleaner: function(){}, send: function(){ var str = this.element.toQueryString().trim(), data = Object.toQueryString(this.options.extraData); if (str) str += "&" + data; else str = data; this.fireEvent('send', [this.element, str.parseQueryString()]); this.request.send({ data: str, url: this.options.requestOptions.url || this.element.get('action') }); this.clickedCleaner(); return this; } }); Element.implement('formUpdate', function(update, options){ var fq = this.retrieve('form.request'); if (!fq){ fq = new Form.Request(this, update, options); } else { if (update) fq.setTarget(update); if (options) fq.setOptions(options).makeRequest(); } fq.send(); return this; }); })(); /* --- script: Fx.Reveal.js name: Fx.Reveal description: Defines Fx.Reveal, a class that shows and hides elements with a transition. license: MIT-style license authors: - Aaron Newton requires: - Core/Fx.Morph - /Element.Shortcuts - /Element.Measure provides: [Fx.Reveal] ... */ (function(){ var hideTheseOf = function(object){ var hideThese = object.options.hideInputs; if (window.OverText){ var otClasses = [null]; OverText.each(function(ot){ otClasses.include('.' + ot.options.labelClass); }); if (otClasses) hideThese += otClasses.join(', '); } return (hideThese) ? object.element.getElements(hideThese) : null; }; Fx.Reveal = new Class({ Extends: Fx.Morph, options: {/* onShow: function(thisElement){}, onHide: function(thisElement){}, onComplete: function(thisElement){}, heightOverride: null, widthOverride: null,*/ link: 'cancel', styles: ['padding', 'border', 'margin'], transitionOpacity: !Browser.ie6, mode: 'vertical', display: function(){ return this.element.get('tag') != 'tr' ? 'block' : 'table-row'; }, opacity: 1, hideInputs: Browser.ie ? 'select, input, textarea, object, embed' : null }, dissolve: function(){ if (!this.hiding && !this.showing){ if (this.element.getStyle('display') != 'none'){ this.hiding = true; this.showing = false; this.hidden = true; this.cssText = this.element.style.cssText; var startStyles = this.element.getComputedSize({ styles: this.options.styles, mode: this.options.mode }); if (this.options.transitionOpacity) startStyles.opacity = this.options.opacity; var zero = {}; Object.each(startStyles, function(style, name){ zero[name] = [style, 0]; }); this.element.setStyles({ display: Function.from(this.options.display).call(this), overflow: 'hidden' }); var hideThese = hideTheseOf(this); if (hideThese) hideThese.setStyle('visibility', 'hidden'); this.$chain.unshift(function(){ if (this.hidden){ this.hiding = false; this.element.style.cssText = this.cssText; this.element.setStyle('display', 'none'); if (hideThese) hideThese.setStyle('visibility', 'visible'); } this.fireEvent('hide', this.element); this.callChain(); }.bind(this)); this.start(zero); } else { this.callChain.delay(10, this); this.fireEvent('complete', this.element); this.fireEvent('hide', this.element); } } else if (this.options.link == 'chain'){ this.chain(this.dissolve.bind(this)); } else if (this.options.link == 'cancel' && !this.hiding){ this.cancel(); this.dissolve(); } return this; }, reveal: function(){ if (!this.showing && !this.hiding){ if (this.element.getStyle('display') == 'none'){ this.hiding = false; this.showing = true; this.hidden = false; this.cssText = this.element.style.cssText; var startStyles; this.element.measure(function(){ startStyles = this.element.getComputedSize({ styles: this.options.styles, mode: this.options.mode }); }.bind(this)); if (this.options.heightOverride != null) startStyles.height = this.options.heightOverride.toInt(); if (this.options.widthOverride != null) startStyles.width = this.options.widthOverride.toInt(); if (this.options.transitionOpacity){ this.element.setStyle('opacity', 0); startStyles.opacity = this.options.opacity; } var zero = { height: 0, display: Function.from(this.options.display).call(this) }; Object.each(startStyles, function(style, name){ zero[name] = 0; }); zero.overflow = 'hidden'; this.element.setStyles(zero); var hideThese = hideTheseOf(this); if (hideThese) hideThese.setStyle('visibility', 'hidden'); this.$chain.unshift(function(){ this.element.style.cssText = this.cssText; this.element.setStyle('display', Function.from(this.options.display).call(this)); if (!this.hidden) this.showing = false; if (hideThese) hideThese.setStyle('visibility', 'visible'); this.callChain(); this.fireEvent('show', this.element); }.bind(this)); this.start(startStyles); } else { this.callChain(); this.fireEvent('complete', this.element); this.fireEvent('show', this.element); } } else if (this.options.link == 'chain'){ this.chain(this.reveal.bind(this)); } else if (this.options.link == 'cancel' && !this.showing){ this.cancel(); this.reveal(); } return this; }, toggle: function(){ if (this.element.getStyle('display') == 'none'){ this.reveal(); } else { this.dissolve(); } return this; }, cancel: function(){ this.parent.apply(this, arguments); if (this.cssText != null) this.element.style.cssText = this.cssText; this.hiding = false; this.showing = false; return this; } }); Element.Properties.reveal = { set: function(options){ this.get('reveal').cancel().setOptions(options); return this; }, get: function(){ var reveal = this.retrieve('reveal'); if (!reveal){ reveal = new Fx.Reveal(this); this.store('reveal', reveal); } return reveal; } }; Element.Properties.dissolve = Element.Properties.reveal; Element.implement({ reveal: function(options){ this.get('reveal').setOptions(options).reveal(); return this; }, dissolve: function(options){ this.get('reveal').setOptions(options).dissolve(); return this; }, nix: function(options){ var params = Array.link(arguments, {destroy: Type.isBoolean, options: Type.isObject}); this.get('reveal').setOptions(options).dissolve().chain(function(){ this[params.destroy ? 'destroy' : 'dispose'](); }.bind(this)); return this; }, wink: function(){ var params = Array.link(arguments, {duration: Type.isNumber, options: Type.isObject}); var reveal = this.get('reveal').setOptions(params.options); reveal.reveal().chain(function(){ (function(){ reveal.dissolve(); }).delay(params.duration || 2000); }); } }); })(); /* --- script: Form.Request.Append.js name: Form.Request.Append description: Handles the basic functionality of submitting a form and updating a dom element with the result. The result is appended to the DOM element instead of replacing its contents. license: MIT-style license authors: - Aaron Newton requires: - /Form.Request - /Fx.Reveal - /Elements.from provides: [Form.Request.Append] ... */ Form.Request.Append = new Class({ Extends: Form.Request, options: { //onBeforeEffect: function(){}, useReveal: true, revealOptions: {}, inject: 'bottom' }, makeRequest: function(){ this.request = new Request.HTML(Object.merge({ url: this.element.get('action'), method: this.element.get('method') || 'post', spinnerTarget: this.element }, this.options.requestOptions, { evalScripts: false }) ).addEvents({ success: function(tree, elements, html, javascript){ var container; var kids = Elements.from(html); if (kids.length == 1){ container = kids[0]; } else { container = new Element('div', { styles: { display: 'none' } }).adopt(kids); } container.inject(this.target, this.options.inject); if (this.options.requestOptions.evalScripts) Browser.exec(javascript); this.fireEvent('beforeEffect', container); var finish = function(){ this.fireEvent('success', [container, this.target, tree, elements, html, javascript]); }.bind(this); if (this.options.useReveal){ container.set('reveal', this.options.revealOptions).get('reveal').chain(finish); container.reveal(); } else { finish(); } }.bind(this), failure: function(xhr){ this.fireEvent('failure', xhr); }.bind(this) }); this.attachReset(); } }); /* --- name: Locale.en-US.Form.Validator description: Form Validator messages for English. license: MIT-style license authors: - Aaron Newton requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.en-US.Form.Validator] ... */ Locale.define('en-US', 'FormValidator', { required: 'This field is required.', length: 'Please enter {length} characters (you entered {elLength} characters)', minLength: 'Please enter at least {minLength} characters (you entered {length} characters).', maxLength: 'Please enter no more than {maxLength} characters (you entered {length} characters).', integer: 'Please enter an integer in this field. Numbers with decimals (e.g. 1.25) are not permitted.', numeric: 'Please enter only numeric values in this field (i.e. "1" or "1.1" or "-1" or "-1.1").', digits: 'Please use numbers and punctuation only in this field (for example, a phone number with dashes or dots is permitted).', alpha: 'Please use only letters (a-z) within this field. No spaces or other characters are allowed.', alphanum: 'Please use only letters (a-z) or numbers (0-9) in this field. No spaces or other characters are allowed.', dateSuchAs: 'Please enter a valid date such as {date}', dateInFormatMDY: 'Please enter a valid date such as MM/DD/YYYY (i.e. "12/31/1999")', email: 'Please enter a valid email address. For example "fred@domain.com".', url: 'Please enter a valid URL such as http://www.example.com.', currencyDollar: 'Please enter a valid $ amount. For example $100.00 .', oneRequired: 'Please enter something for at least one of these inputs.', errorPrefix: 'Error: ', warningPrefix: 'Warning: ', // Form.Validator.Extras noSpace: 'There can be no spaces in this input.', reqChkByNode: 'No items are selected.', requiredChk: 'This field is required.', reqChkByName: 'Please select a {label}.', match: 'This field needs to match the {matchName} field', startDate: 'the start date', endDate: 'the end date', currendDate: 'the current date', afterDate: 'The date should be the same or after {label}.', beforeDate: 'The date should be the same or before {label}.', startMonth: 'Please select a start month', sameMonth: 'These two dates must be in the same month - you must change one or the other.', creditcard: 'The credit card number entered is invalid. Please check the number and try again. {length} digits entered.' }); /* --- script: Form.Validator.js name: Form.Validator description: A css-class based form validation system. license: MIT-style license authors: - Aaron Newton requires: - Core/Options - Core/Events - Core/Slick.Finder - Core/Element.Event - Core/Element.Style - Core/JSON - /Locale - /Class.Binds - /Date - /Element.Forms - /Locale.en-US.Form.Validator - /Element.Shortcuts provides: [Form.Validator, InputValidator, FormValidator.BaseValidators] ... */ if (!window.Form) window.Form = {}; var InputValidator = this.InputValidator = new Class({ Implements: [Options], options: { errorMsg: 'Validation failed.', test: Function.from(true) }, initialize: function(className, options){ this.setOptions(options); this.className = className; }, test: function(field, props){ field = document.id(field); return (field) ? this.options.test(field, props || this.getProps(field)) : false; }, getError: function(field, props){ field = document.id(field); var err = this.options.errorMsg; if (typeOf(err) == 'function') err = err(field, props || this.getProps(field)); return err; }, getProps: function(field){ field = document.id(field); return (field) ? field.get('validatorProps') : {}; } }); Element.Properties.validators = { get: function(){ return (this.get('data-validators') || this.className).clean().split(' '); } }; Element.Properties.validatorProps = { set: function(props){ return this.eliminate('$moo:validatorProps').store('$moo:validatorProps', props); }, get: function(props){ if (props) this.set(props); if (this.retrieve('$moo:validatorProps')) return this.retrieve('$moo:validatorProps'); if (this.getProperty('data-validator-properties') || this.getProperty('validatorProps')){ try { this.store('$moo:validatorProps', JSON.decode(this.getProperty('validatorProps') || this.getProperty('data-validator-properties'))); }catch(e){ return {}; } } else { var vals = this.get('validators').filter(function(cls){ return cls.test(':'); }); if (!vals.length){ this.store('$moo:validatorProps', {}); } else { props = {}; vals.each(function(cls){ var split = cls.split(':'); if (split[1]){ try { props[split[0]] = JSON.decode(split[1]); } catch(e){} } }); this.store('$moo:validatorProps', props); } } return this.retrieve('$moo:validatorProps'); } }; Form.Validator = new Class({ Implements: [Options, Events], Binds: ['onSubmit'], options: {/* onFormValidate: function(isValid, form, event){}, onElementValidate: function(isValid, field, className, warn){}, onElementPass: function(field){}, onElementFail: function(field, validatorsFailed){}, */ fieldSelectors: 'input, select, textarea', ignoreHidden: true, ignoreDisabled: true, useTitles: false, evaluateOnSubmit: true, evaluateFieldsOnBlur: true, evaluateFieldsOnChange: true, serial: true, stopOnFailure: true, warningPrefix: function(){ return Form.Validator.getMsg('warningPrefix') || 'Warning: '; }, errorPrefix: function(){ return Form.Validator.getMsg('errorPrefix') || 'Error: '; } }, initialize: function(form, options){ this.setOptions(options); this.element = document.id(form); this.element.store('validator', this); this.warningPrefix = Function.from(this.options.warningPrefix)(); this.errorPrefix = Function.from(this.options.errorPrefix)(); if (this.options.evaluateOnSubmit) this.element.addEvent('submit', this.onSubmit); if (this.options.evaluateFieldsOnBlur || this.options.evaluateFieldsOnChange) this.watchFields(this.getFields()); }, toElement: function(){ return this.element; }, getFields: function(){ return (this.fields = this.element.getElements(this.options.fieldSelectors)); }, watchFields: function(fields){ fields.each(function(el){ if (this.options.evaluateFieldsOnBlur) el.addEvent('blur', this.validationMonitor.pass([el, false], this)); if (this.options.evaluateFieldsOnChange) el.addEvent('change', this.validationMonitor.pass([el, true], this)); }, this); }, validationMonitor: function(){ clearTimeout(this.timer); this.timer = this.validateField.delay(50, this, arguments); }, onSubmit: function(event){ if (this.validate(event)) this.reset(); }, reset: function(){ this.getFields().each(this.resetField, this); return this; }, validate: function(event){ var result = this.getFields().map(function(field){ return this.validateField(field, true); }, this).every(function(v){ return v; }); this.fireEvent('formValidate', [result, this.element, event]); if (this.options.stopOnFailure && !result && event) event.preventDefault(); return result; }, validateField: function(field, force){ if (this.paused) return true; field = document.id(field); var passed = !field.hasClass('validation-failed'); var failed, warned; if (this.options.serial && !force){ failed = this.element.getElement('.validation-failed'); warned = this.element.getElement('.warning'); } if (field && (!failed || force || field.hasClass('validation-failed') || (failed && !this.options.serial))){ var validationTypes = field.get('validators'); var validators = validationTypes.some(function(cn){ return this.getValidator(cn); }, this); var validatorsFailed = []; validationTypes.each(function(className){ if (className && !this.test(className, field)) validatorsFailed.include(className); }, this); passed = validatorsFailed.length === 0; if (validators && !this.hasValidator(field, 'warnOnly')){ if (passed){ field.addClass('validation-passed').removeClass('validation-failed'); this.fireEvent('elementPass', [field]); } else { field.addClass('validation-failed').removeClass('validation-passed'); this.fireEvent('elementFail', [field, validatorsFailed]); } } if (!warned){ var warnings = validationTypes.some(function(cn){ if (cn.test('^warn')) return this.getValidator(cn.replace(/^warn-/,'')); else return null; }, this); field.removeClass('warning'); var warnResult = validationTypes.map(function(cn){ if (cn.test('^warn')) return this.test(cn.replace(/^warn-/,''), field, true); else return null; }, this); } } return passed; }, test: function(className, field, warn){ field = document.id(field); if ((this.options.ignoreHidden && !field.isVisible()) || (this.options.ignoreDisabled && field.get('disabled'))) return true; var validator = this.getValidator(className); if (warn != null) warn = false; if (this.hasValidator(field, 'warnOnly')) warn = true; var isValid = this.hasValidator(field, 'ignoreValidation') || (validator ? validator.test(field) : true); if (validator && field.isVisible()) this.fireEvent('elementValidate', [isValid, field, className, warn]); if (warn) return true; return isValid; }, hasValidator: function(field, value){ return field.get('validators').contains(value); }, resetField: function(field){ field = document.id(field); if (field){ field.get('validators').each(function(className){ if (className.test('^warn-')) className = className.replace(/^warn-/, ''); field.removeClass('validation-failed'); field.removeClass('warning'); field.removeClass('validation-passed'); }, this); } return this; }, stop: function(){ this.paused = true; return this; }, start: function(){ this.paused = false; return this; }, ignoreField: function(field, warn){ field = document.id(field); if (field){ this.enforceField(field); if (warn) field.addClass('warnOnly'); else field.addClass('ignoreValidation'); } return this; }, enforceField: function(field){ field = document.id(field); if (field) field.removeClass('warnOnly').removeClass('ignoreValidation'); return this; } }); Form.Validator.getMsg = function(key){ return Locale.get('FormValidator.' + key); }; Form.Validator.adders = { validators:{}, add : function(className, options){ this.validators[className] = new InputValidator(className, options); //if this is a class (this method is used by instances of Form.Validator and the Form.Validator namespace) //extend these validators into it //this allows validators to be global and/or per instance if (!this.initialize){ this.implement({ validators: this.validators }); } }, addAllThese : function(validators){ Array.from(validators).each(function(validator){ this.add(validator[0], validator[1]); }, this); }, getValidator: function(className){ return this.validators[className.split(':')[0]]; } }; Object.append(Form.Validator, Form.Validator.adders); Form.Validator.implement(Form.Validator.adders); Form.Validator.add('IsEmpty', { errorMsg: false, test: function(element){ if (element.type == 'select-one' || element.type == 'select') return !(element.selectedIndex >= 0 && element.options[element.selectedIndex].value != ''); else return ((element.get('value') == null) || (element.get('value').length == 0)); } }); Form.Validator.addAllThese([ ['required', { errorMsg: function(){ return Form.Validator.getMsg('required'); }, test: function(element){ return !Form.Validator.getValidator('IsEmpty').test(element); } }], ['length', { errorMsg: function(element, props){ if (typeOf(props.length) != 'null') return Form.Validator.getMsg('length').substitute({length: props.length, elLength: element.get('value').length}); else return ''; }, test: function(element, props){ if (typeOf(props.length) != 'null') return (element.get('value').length == props.length || element.get('value').length == 0); else return true; } }], ['minLength', { errorMsg: function(element, props){ if (typeOf(props.minLength) != 'null') return Form.Validator.getMsg('minLength').substitute({minLength: props.minLength, length: element.get('value').length}); else return ''; }, test: function(element, props){ if (typeOf(props.minLength) != 'null') return (element.get('value').length >= (props.minLength || 0)); else return true; } }], ['maxLength', { errorMsg: function(element, props){ //props is {maxLength:10} if (typeOf(props.maxLength) != 'null') return Form.Validator.getMsg('maxLength').substitute({maxLength: props.maxLength, length: element.get('value').length}); else return ''; }, test: function(element, props){ return element.get('value').length <= (props.maxLength || 10000); } }], ['validate-integer', { errorMsg: Form.Validator.getMsg.pass('integer'), test: function(element){ return Form.Validator.getValidator('IsEmpty').test(element) || (/^(-?[1-9]\d*|0)$/).test(element.get('value')); } }], ['validate-numeric', { errorMsg: Form.Validator.getMsg.pass('numeric'), test: function(element){ return Form.Validator.getValidator('IsEmpty').test(element) || (/^-?(?:0$0(?=\d*\.)|[1-9]|0)\d*(\.\d+)?$/).test(element.get('value')); } }], ['validate-digits', { errorMsg: Form.Validator.getMsg.pass('digits'), test: function(element){ return Form.Validator.getValidator('IsEmpty').test(element) || (/^[\d() .:\-\+#]+$/.test(element.get('value'))); } }], ['validate-alpha', { errorMsg: Form.Validator.getMsg.pass('alpha'), test: function(element){ return Form.Validator.getValidator('IsEmpty').test(element) || (/^[a-zA-Z]+$/).test(element.get('value')); } }], ['validate-alphanum', { errorMsg: Form.Validator.getMsg.pass('alphanum'), test: function(element){ return Form.Validator.getValidator('IsEmpty').test(element) || !(/\W/).test(element.get('value')); } }], ['validate-date', { errorMsg: function(element, props){ if (Date.parse){ var format = props.dateFormat || '%x'; return Form.Validator.getMsg('dateSuchAs').substitute({date: new Date().format(format)}); } else { return Form.Validator.getMsg('dateInFormatMDY'); } }, test: function(element, props){ if (Form.Validator.getValidator('IsEmpty').test(element)) return true; var dateLocale = Locale.getCurrent().sets.Date, dateNouns = new RegExp([dateLocale.days, dateLocale.days_abbr, dateLocale.months, dateLocale.months_abbr].flatten().join('|'), 'i'), value = element.get('value'), wordsInValue = value.match(/[a-z]+/gi); if (wordsInValue && !wordsInValue.every(dateNouns.exec, dateNouns)) return false; var date = Date.parse(value), format = props.dateFormat || '%x', formatted = date.format(format); if (formatted != 'invalid date') element.set('value', formatted); return date.isValid(); } }], ['validate-email', { errorMsg: Form.Validator.getMsg.pass('email'), test: function(element){ /* var chars = "[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]", local = '(?:' + chars + '\\.?){0,63}' + chars, label = '[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]{0,61}[a-z0-9])?', hostname = '(?:' + label + '\\.)*' + label; octet = '(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)', ipv4 = '\\[(?:' + octet + '\\.){3}' + octet + '\\]', domain = '(?:' + hostname + '|' + ipv4 + ')'; var regex = new RegExp('^' + local + '@' + domain + '$', 'i'); */ return Form.Validator.getValidator('IsEmpty').test(element) || (/^(?:[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]\.?){0,63}[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]@(?:(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]{0,61}[a-z0-9])?\.)*[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]{0,61}[a-z0-9])?|\[(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\])$/i).test(element.get('value')); } }], ['validate-url', { errorMsg: Form.Validator.getMsg.pass('url'), test: function(element){ return Form.Validator.getValidator('IsEmpty').test(element) || (/^(https?|ftp|rmtp|mms):\/\/(([A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9_-]*)(\.[A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9_-]*)+)(:(\d+))?\/?/i).test(element.get('value')); } }], ['validate-currency-dollar', { errorMsg: Form.Validator.getMsg.pass('currencyDollar'), test: function(element){ return Form.Validator.getValidator('IsEmpty').test(element) || (/^\$?\-?([1-9]{1}[0-9]{0,2}(\,[0-9]{3})*(\.[0-9]{0,2})?|[1-9]{1}\d*(\.[0-9]{0,2})?|0(\.[0-9]{0,2})?|(\.[0-9]{1,2})?)$/).test(element.get('value')); } }], ['validate-one-required', { errorMsg: Form.Validator.getMsg.pass('oneRequired'), test: function(element, props){ var p = document.id(props['validate-one-required']) || element.getParent(props['validate-one-required']); return p.getElements('input').some(function(el){ if (['checkbox', 'radio'].contains(el.get('type'))) return el.get('checked'); return el.get('value'); }); } }] ]); Element.Properties.validator = { set: function(options){ this.get('validator').setOptions(options); }, get: function(){ var validator = this.retrieve('validator'); if (!validator){ validator = new Form.Validator(this); this.store('validator', validator); } return validator; } }; Element.implement({ validate: function(options){ if (options) this.set('validator', options); return this.get('validator').validate(); } }); //<1.2compat> //legacy var FormValidator = Form.Validator; // /* --- script: Form.Validator.Inline.js name: Form.Validator.Inline description: Extends Form.Validator to add inline messages. license: MIT-style license authors: - Aaron Newton requires: - /Form.Validator provides: [Form.Validator.Inline] ... */ Form.Validator.Inline = new Class({ Extends: Form.Validator, options: { showError: function(errorElement){ if (errorElement.reveal) errorElement.reveal(); else errorElement.setStyle('display', 'block'); }, hideError: function(errorElement){ if (errorElement.dissolve) errorElement.dissolve(); else errorElement.setStyle('display', 'none'); }, scrollToErrorsOnSubmit: true, scrollToErrorsOnBlur: false, scrollToErrorsOnChange: false, scrollFxOptions: { transition: 'quad:out', offset: { y: -20 } } }, initialize: function(form, options){ this.parent(form, options); this.addEvent('onElementValidate', function(isValid, field, className, warn){ var validator = this.getValidator(className); if (!isValid && validator.getError(field)){ if (warn) field.addClass('warning'); var advice = this.makeAdvice(className, field, validator.getError(field), warn); this.insertAdvice(advice, field); this.showAdvice(className, field); } else { this.hideAdvice(className, field); } }); }, makeAdvice: function(className, field, error, warn){ var errorMsg = (warn) ? this.warningPrefix : this.errorPrefix; errorMsg += (this.options.useTitles) ? field.title || error:error; var cssClass = (warn) ? 'warning-advice' : 'validation-advice'; var advice = this.getAdvice(className, field); if (advice){ advice = advice.set('html', errorMsg); } else { advice = new Element('div', { html: errorMsg, styles: { display: 'none' }, id: 'advice-' + className.split(':')[0] + '-' + this.getFieldId(field) }).addClass(cssClass); } field.store('$moo:advice-' + className, advice); return advice; }, getFieldId : function(field){ return field.id ? field.id : field.id = 'input_' + field.name; }, showAdvice: function(className, field){ var advice = this.getAdvice(className, field); if ( advice && !field.retrieve('$moo:' + this.getPropName(className)) && ( advice.getStyle('display') == 'none' || advice.getStyle('visiblity') == 'hidden' || advice.getStyle('opacity') == 0 ) ){ field.store('$moo:' + this.getPropName(className), true); this.options.showError(advice); this.fireEvent('showAdvice', [field, advice, className]); } }, hideAdvice: function(className, field){ var advice = this.getAdvice(className, field); if (advice && field.retrieve('$moo:' + this.getPropName(className))){ field.store('$moo:' + this.getPropName(className), false); this.options.hideError(advice); this.fireEvent('hideAdvice', [field, advice, className]); } }, getPropName: function(className){ return 'advice' + className; }, resetField: function(field){ field = document.id(field); if (!field) return this; this.parent(field); field.get('validators').each(function(className){ this.hideAdvice(className, field); }, this); return this; }, getAllAdviceMessages: function(field, force){ var advice = []; if (field.hasClass('ignoreValidation') && !force) return advice; var validators = field.get('validators').some(function(cn){ var warner = cn.test('^warn-') || field.hasClass('warnOnly'); if (warner) cn = cn.replace(/^warn-/, ''); var validator = this.getValidator(cn); if (!validator) return; advice.push({ message: validator.getError(field), warnOnly: warner, passed: validator.test(), validator: validator }); }, this); return advice; }, getAdvice: function(className, field){ return field.retrieve('$moo:advice-' + className); }, insertAdvice: function(advice, field){ //Check for error position prop var props = field.get('validatorProps'); //Build advice if (!props.msgPos || !document.id(props.msgPos)){ if (field.type && field.type.toLowerCase() == 'radio') field.getParent().adopt(advice); else advice.inject(document.id(field), 'after'); } else { document.id(props.msgPos).grab(advice); } }, validateField: function(field, force, scroll){ var result = this.parent(field, force); if (((this.options.scrollToErrorsOnSubmit && scroll == null) || scroll) && !result){ var failed = document.id(this).getElement('.validation-failed'); var par = document.id(this).getParent(); while (par != document.body && par.getScrollSize().y == par.getSize().y){ par = par.getParent(); } var fx = par.retrieve('$moo:fvScroller'); if (!fx && window.Fx && Fx.Scroll){ fx = new Fx.Scroll(par, this.options.scrollFxOptions); par.store('$moo:fvScroller', fx); } if (failed){ if (fx) fx.toElement(failed); else par.scrollTo(par.getScroll().x, failed.getPosition(par).y - 20); } } return result; }, watchFields: function(fields){ fields.each(function(el){ if (this.options.evaluateFieldsOnBlur){ el.addEvent('blur', this.validationMonitor.pass([el, false, this.options.scrollToErrorsOnBlur], this)); } if (this.options.evaluateFieldsOnChange){ el.addEvent('change', this.validationMonitor.pass([el, true, this.options.scrollToErrorsOnChange], this)); } }, this); } }); /* --- script: Form.Validator.Extras.js name: Form.Validator.Extras description: Additional validators for the Form.Validator class. license: MIT-style license authors: - Aaron Newton requires: - /Form.Validator provides: [Form.Validator.Extras] ... */ Form.Validator.addAllThese([ ['validate-enforce-oncheck', { test: function(element, props){ var fv = element.getParent('form').retrieve('validator'); if (!fv) return true; (props.toEnforce || document.id(props.enforceChildrenOf).getElements('input, select, textarea')).map(function(item){ if (element.checked){ fv.enforceField(item); } else { fv.ignoreField(item); fv.resetField(item); } }); return true; } }], ['validate-ignore-oncheck', { test: function(element, props){ var fv = element.getParent('form').retrieve('validator'); if (!fv) return true; (props.toIgnore || document.id(props.ignoreChildrenOf).getElements('input, select, textarea')).each(function(item){ if (element.checked){ fv.ignoreField(item); fv.resetField(item); } else { fv.enforceField(item); } }); return true; } }], ['validate-nospace', { errorMsg: function(){ return Form.Validator.getMsg('noSpace'); }, test: function(element, props){ return !element.get('value').test(/\s/); } }], ['validate-toggle-oncheck', { test: function(element, props){ var fv = element.getParent('form').retrieve('validator'); if (!fv) return true; var eleArr = props.toToggle || document.id(props.toToggleChildrenOf).getElements('input, select, textarea'); if (!element.checked){ eleArr.each(function(item){ fv.ignoreField(item); fv.resetField(item); }); } else { eleArr.each(function(item){ fv.enforceField(item); }); } return true; } }], ['validate-reqchk-bynode', { errorMsg: function(){ return Form.Validator.getMsg('reqChkByNode'); }, test: function(element, props){ return (document.id(props.nodeId).getElements(props.selector || 'input[type=checkbox], input[type=radio]')).some(function(item){ return item.checked; }); } }], ['validate-required-check', { errorMsg: function(element, props){ return props.useTitle ? element.get('title') : Form.Validator.getMsg('requiredChk'); }, test: function(element, props){ return !!element.checked; } }], ['validate-reqchk-byname', { errorMsg: function(element, props){ return Form.Validator.getMsg('reqChkByName').substitute({label: props.label || element.get('type')}); }, test: function(element, props){ var grpName = props.groupName || element.get('name'); var oneCheckedItem = $$(document.getElementsByName(grpName)).some(function(item, index){ return item.checked; }); var fv = element.getParent('form').retrieve('validator'); if (oneCheckedItem && fv) fv.resetField(element); return oneCheckedItem; } }], ['validate-match', { errorMsg: function(element, props){ return Form.Validator.getMsg('match').substitute({matchName: props.matchName || document.id(props.matchInput).get('name')}); }, test: function(element, props){ var eleVal = element.get('value'); var matchVal = document.id(props.matchInput) && document.id(props.matchInput).get('value'); return eleVal && matchVal ? eleVal == matchVal : true; } }], ['validate-after-date', { errorMsg: function(element, props){ return Form.Validator.getMsg('afterDate').substitute({ label: props.afterLabel || (props.afterElement ? Form.Validator.getMsg('startDate') : Form.Validator.getMsg('currentDate')) }); }, test: function(element, props){ var start = document.id(props.afterElement) ? Date.parse(document.id(props.afterElement).get('value')) : new Date(); var end = Date.parse(element.get('value')); return end && start ? end >= start : true; } }], ['validate-before-date', { errorMsg: function(element, props){ return Form.Validator.getMsg('beforeDate').substitute({ label: props.beforeLabel || (props.beforeElement ? Form.Validator.getMsg('endDate') : Form.Validator.getMsg('currentDate')) }); }, test: function(element, props){ var start = Date.parse(element.get('value')); var end = document.id(props.beforeElement) ? Date.parse(document.id(props.beforeElement).get('value')) : new Date(); return end && start ? end >= start : true; } }], ['validate-custom-required', { errorMsg: function(){ return Form.Validator.getMsg('required'); }, test: function(element, props){ return element.get('value') != props.emptyValue; } }], ['validate-same-month', { errorMsg: function(element, props){ var startMo = document.id(props.sameMonthAs) && document.id(props.sameMonthAs).get('value'); var eleVal = element.get('value'); if (eleVal != '') return Form.Validator.getMsg(startMo ? 'sameMonth' : 'startMonth'); }, test: function(element, props){ var d1 = Date.parse(element.get('value')); var d2 = Date.parse(document.id(props.sameMonthAs) && document.id(props.sameMonthAs).get('value')); return d1 && d2 ? d1.format('%B') == d2.format('%B') : true; } }], ['validate-cc-num', { errorMsg: function(element){ var ccNum = element.get('value').replace(/[^0-9]/g, ''); return Form.Validator.getMsg('creditcard').substitute({length: ccNum.length}); }, test: function(element){ // required is a different test if (Form.Validator.getValidator('IsEmpty').test(element)) return true; // Clean number value var ccNum = element.get('value'); ccNum = ccNum.replace(/[^0-9]/g, ''); var valid_type = false; if (ccNum.test(/^4[0-9]{12}([0-9]{3})?$/)) valid_type = 'Visa'; else if (ccNum.test(/^5[1-5]([0-9]{14})$/)) valid_type = 'Master Card'; else if (ccNum.test(/^3[47][0-9]{13}$/)) valid_type = 'American Express'; else if (ccNum.test(/^6011[0-9]{12}$/)) valid_type = 'Discover'; if (valid_type){ var sum = 0; var cur = 0; for (var i=ccNum.length-1; i>=0; --i){ cur = ccNum.charAt(i).toInt(); if (cur == 0) continue; if ((ccNum.length-i) % 2 == 0) cur += cur; if (cur > 9){ cur = cur.toString().charAt(0).toInt() + cur.toString().charAt(1).toInt(); } sum += cur; } if ((sum % 10) == 0) return true; } var chunks = ''; while (ccNum != ''){ chunks += ' ' + ccNum.substr(0,4); ccNum = ccNum.substr(4); } element.getParent('form').retrieve('validator').ignoreField(element); element.set('value', chunks.clean()); element.getParent('form').retrieve('validator').enforceField(element); return false; } }] ]); /* --- script: OverText.js name: OverText description: Shows text over an input that disappears when the user clicks into it. The text remains hidden if the user adds a value. license: MIT-style license authors: - Aaron Newton requires: - Core/Options - Core/Events - Core/Element.Event - Class.Binds - Class.Occlude - Element.Position - Element.Shortcuts provides: [OverText] ... */ var OverText = new Class({ Implements: [Options, Events, Class.Occlude], Binds: ['reposition', 'assert', 'focus', 'hide'], options: {/* textOverride: null, onFocus: function(){}, onTextHide: function(textEl, inputEl){}, onTextShow: function(textEl, inputEl){}, */ element: 'label', labelClass: 'overTxtLabel', positionOptions: { position: 'upperLeft', edge: 'upperLeft', offset: { x: 4, y: 2 } }, poll: false, pollInterval: 250, wrap: false }, property: 'OverText', initialize: function(element, options){ element = this.element = document.id(element); if (this.occlude()) return this.occluded; this.setOptions(options); this.attach(element); OverText.instances.push(this); if (this.options.poll) this.poll(); }, toElement: function(){ return this.element; }, attach: function(){ var element = this.element, options = this.options, value = options.textOverride || element.get('alt') || element.get('title'); if (!value) return this; var text = this.text = new Element(options.element, { 'class': options.labelClass, styles: { lineHeight: 'normal', position: 'absolute', cursor: 'text' }, html: value, events: { click: this.hide.pass(options.element == 'label', this) } }).inject(element, 'after'); if (options.element == 'label'){ if (!element.get('id')) element.set('id', 'input_' + String.uniqueID()); text.set('for', element.get('id')); } if (options.wrap){ this.textHolder = new Element('div.overTxtWrapper', { styles: { lineHeight: 'normal', position: 'relative' } }).grab(text).inject(element, 'before'); } return this.enable(); }, destroy: function(){ this.element.eliminate(this.property); // Class.Occlude storage this.disable(); if (this.text) this.text.destroy(); if (this.textHolder) this.textHolder.destroy(); return this; }, disable: function(){ this.element.removeEvents({ focus: this.focus, blur: this.assert, change: this.assert }); window.removeEvent('resize', this.reposition); this.hide(true, true); return this; }, enable: function(){ this.element.addEvents({ focus: this.focus, blur: this.assert, change: this.assert }); window.addEvent('resize', this.reposition); this.reposition(); return this; }, wrap: function(){ if (this.options.element == 'label'){ if (!this.element.get('id')) this.element.set('id', 'input_' + String.uniqueID()); this.text.set('for', this.element.get('id')); } }, startPolling: function(){ this.pollingPaused = false; return this.poll(); }, poll: function(stop){ //start immediately //pause on focus //resumeon blur if (this.poller && !stop) return this; if (stop){ clearInterval(this.poller); } else { this.poller = (function(){ if (!this.pollingPaused) this.assert(true); }).periodical(this.options.pollInterval, this); } return this; }, stopPolling: function(){ this.pollingPaused = true; return this.poll(true); }, focus: function(){ if (this.text && (!this.text.isDisplayed() || this.element.get('disabled'))) return this; return this.hide(); }, hide: function(suppressFocus, force){ if (this.text && (this.text.isDisplayed() && (!this.element.get('disabled') || force))){ this.text.hide(); this.fireEvent('textHide', [this.text, this.element]); this.pollingPaused = true; if (!suppressFocus){ try { this.element.fireEvent('focus'); this.element.focus(); } catch(e){} //IE barfs if you call focus on hidden elements } } return this; }, show: function(){ if (this.text && !this.text.isDisplayed()){ this.text.show(); this.reposition(); this.fireEvent('textShow', [this.text, this.element]); this.pollingPaused = false; } return this; }, test: function(){ return !this.element.get('value'); }, assert: function(suppressFocus){ return this[this.test() ? 'show' : 'hide'](suppressFocus); }, reposition: function(){ this.assert(true); if (!this.element.isVisible()) return this.stopPolling().hide(); if (this.text && this.test()){ this.text.position(Object.merge(this.options.positionOptions, { relativeTo: this.element })); } return this; } }); OverText.instances = []; Object.append(OverText, { each: function(fn){ return OverText.instances.each(function(ot, i){ if (ot.element && ot.text) fn.call(OverText, ot, i); }); }, update: function(){ return OverText.each(function(ot){ return ot.reposition(); }); }, hideAll: function(){ return OverText.each(function(ot){ return ot.hide(true, true); }); }, showAll: function(){ return OverText.each(function(ot){ return ot.show(); }); } }); /* --- script: Fx.Elements.js name: Fx.Elements description: Effect to change any number of CSS properties of any number of Elements. license: MIT-style license authors: - Valerio Proietti requires: - Core/Fx.CSS - /MooTools.More provides: [Fx.Elements] ... */ Fx.Elements = new Class({ Extends: Fx.CSS, initialize: function(elements, options){ this.elements = this.subject = $$(elements); this.parent(options); }, compute: function(from, to, delta){ var now = {}; for (var i in from){ var iFrom = from[i], iTo = to[i], iNow = now[i] = {}; for (var p in iFrom) iNow[p] = this.parent(iFrom[p], iTo[p], delta); } return now; }, set: function(now){ for (var i in now){ if (!this.elements[i]) continue; var iNow = now[i]; for (var p in iNow) this.render(this.elements[i], p, iNow[p], this.options.unit); } return this; }, start: function(obj){ if (!this.check(obj)) return this; var from = {}, to = {}; for (var i in obj){ if (!this.elements[i]) continue; var iProps = obj[i], iFrom = from[i] = {}, iTo = to[i] = {}; for (var p in iProps){ var parsed = this.prepare(this.elements[i], p, iProps[p]); iFrom[p] = parsed.from; iTo[p] = parsed.to; } } return this.parent(from, to); } }); /* --- script: Fx.Accordion.js name: Fx.Accordion description: An Fx.Elements extension which allows you to easily create accordion type controls. license: MIT-style license authors: - Valerio Proietti requires: - Core/Element.Event - /Fx.Elements provides: [Fx.Accordion] ... */ Fx.Accordion = new Class({ Extends: Fx.Elements, options: {/* onActive: function(toggler, section){}, onBackground: function(toggler, section){},*/ fixedHeight: false, fixedWidth: false, display: 0, show: false, height: true, width: false, opacity: true, alwaysHide: false, trigger: 'click', initialDisplayFx: true, resetHeight: true }, initialize: function(){ var defined = function(obj){ return obj != null; }; var params = Array.link(arguments, { 'container': Type.isElement, //deprecated 'options': Type.isObject, 'togglers': defined, 'elements': defined }); this.parent(params.elements, params.options); var options = this.options, togglers = this.togglers = $$(params.togglers); this.previous = -1; this.internalChain = new Chain(); if (options.alwaysHide) this.options.link = 'chain'; if (options.show || this.options.show === 0){ options.display = false; this.previous = options.show; } if (options.start){ options.display = false; options.show = false; } var effects = this.effects = {}; if (options.opacity) effects.opacity = 'fullOpacity'; if (options.width) effects.width = options.fixedWidth ? 'fullWidth' : 'offsetWidth'; if (options.height) effects.height = options.fixedHeight ? 'fullHeight' : 'scrollHeight'; for (var i = 0, l = togglers.length; i < l; i++) this.addSection(togglers[i], this.elements[i]); this.elements.each(function(el, i){ if (options.show === i){ this.fireEvent('active', [togglers[i], el]); } else { for (var fx in effects) el.setStyle(fx, 0); } }, this); if (options.display || options.display === 0 || options.initialDisplayFx === false){ this.display(options.display, options.initialDisplayFx); } if (options.fixedHeight !== false) options.resetHeight = false; this.addEvent('complete', this.internalChain.callChain.bind(this.internalChain)); }, addSection: function(toggler, element){ toggler = document.id(toggler); element = document.id(element); this.togglers.include(toggler); this.elements.include(element); var togglers = this.togglers, options = this.options, test = togglers.contains(toggler), idx = togglers.indexOf(toggler), displayer = this.display.pass(idx, this); toggler.store('accordion:display', displayer) .addEvent(options.trigger, displayer); if (options.height) element.setStyles({'padding-top': 0, 'border-top': 'none', 'padding-bottom': 0, 'border-bottom': 'none'}); if (options.width) element.setStyles({'padding-left': 0, 'border-left': 'none', 'padding-right': 0, 'border-right': 'none'}); element.fullOpacity = 1; if (options.fixedWidth) element.fullWidth = options.fixedWidth; if (options.fixedHeight) element.fullHeight = options.fixedHeight; element.setStyle('overflow', 'hidden'); if (!test) for (var fx in this.effects){ element.setStyle(fx, 0); } return this; }, removeSection: function(toggler, displayIndex){ var togglers = this.togglers, idx = togglers.indexOf(toggler), element = this.elements[idx]; var remover = function(){ togglers.erase(toggler); this.elements.erase(element); this.detach(toggler); }.bind(this); if (this.now == idx || displayIndex != null){ this.display(displayIndex != null ? displayIndex : (idx - 1 >= 0 ? idx - 1 : 0)).chain(remover); } else { remover(); } return this; }, detach: function(toggler){ var remove = function(toggler){ toggler.removeEvent(this.options.trigger, toggler.retrieve('accordion:display')); }.bind(this); if (!toggler) this.togglers.each(remove); else remove(toggler); return this; }, display: function(index, useFx){ if (!this.check(index, useFx)) return this; var obj = {}, elements = this.elements, options = this.options, effects = this.effects; if (useFx == null) useFx = true; if (typeOf(index) == 'element') index = elements.indexOf(index); if (index == this.previous && !options.alwaysHide) return this; if (options.resetHeight){ var prev = elements[this.previous]; if (prev && !this.selfHidden){ for (var fx in effects) prev.setStyle(fx, prev[effects[fx]]); } } if ((this.timer && options.link == 'chain') || (index === this.previous && !options.alwaysHide)) return this; this.previous = index; this.selfHidden = false; elements.each(function(el, i){ obj[i] = {}; var hide; if (i != index){ hide = true; } else if (options.alwaysHide && ((el.offsetHeight > 0 && options.height) || el.offsetWidth > 0 && options.width)){ hide = true; this.selfHidden = true; } this.fireEvent(hide ? 'background' : 'active', [this.togglers[i], el]); for (var fx in effects) obj[i][fx] = hide ? 0 : el[effects[fx]]; if (!useFx && !hide && options.resetHeight) obj[i].height = 'auto'; }, this); this.internalChain.clearChain(); this.internalChain.chain(function(){ if (options.resetHeight && !this.selfHidden){ var el = elements[index]; if (el) el.setStyle('height', 'auto'); } }.bind(this)); return useFx ? this.start(obj) : this.set(obj).internalChain.callChain(); } }); /*<1.2compat>*/ /* Compatibility with 1.2.0 */ var Accordion = new Class({ Extends: Fx.Accordion, initialize: function(){ this.parent.apply(this, arguments); var params = Array.link(arguments, {'container': Type.isElement}); this.container = params.container; }, addSection: function(toggler, element, pos){ toggler = document.id(toggler); element = document.id(element); var test = this.togglers.contains(toggler); var len = this.togglers.length; if (len && (!test || pos)){ pos = pos != null ? pos : len - 1; toggler.inject(this.togglers[pos], 'before'); element.inject(toggler, 'after'); } else if (this.container && !test){ toggler.inject(this.container); element.inject(this.container); } return this.parent.apply(this, arguments); } }); /**/ /* --- script: Fx.Move.js name: Fx.Move description: Defines Fx.Move, a class that works with Element.Position.js to transition an element from one location to another. license: MIT-style license authors: - Aaron Newton requires: - Core/Fx.Morph - /Element.Position provides: [Fx.Move] ... */ Fx.Move = new Class({ Extends: Fx.Morph, options: { relativeTo: document.body, position: 'center', edge: false, offset: {x: 0, y: 0} }, start: function(destination){ var element = this.element, topLeft = element.getStyles('top', 'left'); if (topLeft.top == 'auto' || topLeft.left == 'auto'){ element.setPosition(element.getPosition(element.getOffsetParent())); } return this.parent(element.position(Object.merge({}, this.options, destination, {returnPos: true}))); } }); Element.Properties.move = { set: function(options){ this.get('move').cancel().setOptions(options); return this; }, get: function(){ var move = this.retrieve('move'); if (!move){ move = new Fx.Move(this, {link: 'cancel'}); this.store('move', move); } return move; } }; Element.implement({ move: function(options){ this.get('move').start(options); return this; } }); /* --- script: Fx.Scroll.js name: Fx.Scroll description: Effect to smoothly scroll any element, including the window. license: MIT-style license authors: - Valerio Proietti requires: - Core/Fx - Core/Element.Event - Core/Element.Dimensions - /MooTools.More provides: [Fx.Scroll] ... */ (function(){ Fx.Scroll = new Class({ Extends: Fx, options: { offset: {x: 0, y: 0}, wheelStops: true }, initialize: function(element, options){ this.element = this.subject = document.id(element); this.parent(options); if (typeOf(this.element) != 'element') this.element = document.id(this.element.getDocument().body); if (this.options.wheelStops){ var stopper = this.element, cancel = this.cancel.pass(false, this); this.addEvent('start', function(){ stopper.addEvent('mousewheel', cancel); }, true); this.addEvent('complete', function(){ stopper.removeEvent('mousewheel', cancel); }, true); } }, set: function(){ var now = Array.flatten(arguments); if (Browser.firefox) now = [Math.round(now[0]), Math.round(now[1])]; // not needed anymore in newer firefox versions this.element.scrollTo(now[0], now[1]); return this; }, compute: function(from, to, delta){ return [0, 1].map(function(i){ return Fx.compute(from[i], to[i], delta); }); }, start: function(x, y){ if (!this.check(x, y)) return this; var scroll = this.element.getScroll(); return this.parent([scroll.x, scroll.y], [x, y]); }, calculateScroll: function(x, y){ var element = this.element, scrollSize = element.getScrollSize(), scroll = element.getScroll(), size = element.getSize(), offset = this.options.offset, values = {x: x, y: y}; for (var z in values){ if (!values[z] && values[z] !== 0) values[z] = scroll[z]; if (typeOf(values[z]) != 'number') values[z] = scrollSize[z] - size[z]; values[z] += offset[z]; } return [values.x, values.y]; }, toTop: function(){ return this.start.apply(this, this.calculateScroll(false, 0)); }, toLeft: function(){ return this.start.apply(this, this.calculateScroll(0, false)); }, toRight: function(){ return this.start.apply(this, this.calculateScroll('right', false)); }, toBottom: function(){ return this.start.apply(this, this.calculateScroll(false, 'bottom')); }, toElement: function(el, axes){ axes = axes ? Array.from(axes) : ['x', 'y']; var scroll = isBody(this.element) ? {x: 0, y: 0} : this.element.getScroll(); var position = Object.map(document.id(el).getPosition(this.element), function(value, axis){ return axes.contains(axis) ? value + scroll[axis] : false; }); return this.start.apply(this, this.calculateScroll(position.x, position.y)); }, toElementEdge: function(el, axes, offset){ axes = axes ? Array.from(axes) : ['x', 'y']; el = document.id(el); var to = {}, position = el.getPosition(this.element), size = el.getSize(), scroll = this.element.getScroll(), containerSize = this.element.getSize(), edge = { x: position.x + size.x, y: position.y + size.y }; ['x', 'y'].each(function(axis){ if (axes.contains(axis)){ if (edge[axis] > scroll[axis] + containerSize[axis]) to[axis] = edge[axis] - containerSize[axis]; if (position[axis] < scroll[axis]) to[axis] = position[axis]; } if (to[axis] == null) to[axis] = scroll[axis]; if (offset && offset[axis]) to[axis] = to[axis] + offset[axis]; }, this); if (to.x != scroll.x || to.y != scroll.y) this.start(to.x, to.y); return this; }, toElementCenter: function(el, axes, offset){ axes = axes ? Array.from(axes) : ['x', 'y']; el = document.id(el); var to = {}, position = el.getPosition(this.element), size = el.getSize(), scroll = this.element.getScroll(), containerSize = this.element.getSize(); ['x', 'y'].each(function(axis){ if (axes.contains(axis)){ to[axis] = position[axis] - (containerSize[axis] - size[axis]) / 2; } if (to[axis] == null) to[axis] = scroll[axis]; if (offset && offset[axis]) to[axis] = to[axis] + offset[axis]; }, this); if (to.x != scroll.x || to.y != scroll.y) this.start(to.x, to.y); return this; } }); //<1.2compat> Fx.Scroll.implement({ scrollToCenter: function(){ return this.toElementCenter.apply(this, arguments); }, scrollIntoView: function(){ return this.toElementEdge.apply(this, arguments); } }); // function isBody(element){ return (/^(?:body|html)$/i).test(element.tagName); } })(); /* --- script: Fx.Slide.js name: Fx.Slide description: Effect to slide an element in and out of view. license: MIT-style license authors: - Valerio Proietti requires: - Core/Fx - Core/Element.Style - /MooTools.More provides: [Fx.Slide] ... */ Fx.Slide = new Class({ Extends: Fx, options: { mode: 'vertical', wrapper: false, hideOverflow: true, resetHeight: false }, initialize: function(element, options){ element = this.element = this.subject = document.id(element); this.parent(options); options = this.options; var wrapper = element.retrieve('wrapper'), styles = element.getStyles('margin', 'position', 'overflow'); if (options.hideOverflow) styles = Object.append(styles, {overflow: 'hidden'}); if (options.wrapper) wrapper = document.id(options.wrapper).setStyles(styles); if (!wrapper) wrapper = new Element('div', { styles: styles }).wraps(element); element.store('wrapper', wrapper).setStyle('margin', 0); if (element.getStyle('overflow') == 'visible') element.setStyle('overflow', 'hidden'); this.now = []; this.open = true; this.wrapper = wrapper; this.addEvent('complete', function(){ this.open = (wrapper['offset' + this.layout.capitalize()] != 0); if (this.open && this.options.resetHeight) wrapper.setStyle('height', ''); }, true); }, vertical: function(){ this.margin = 'margin-top'; this.layout = 'height'; this.offset = this.element.offsetHeight; }, horizontal: function(){ this.margin = 'margin-left'; this.layout = 'width'; this.offset = this.element.offsetWidth; }, set: function(now){ this.element.setStyle(this.margin, now[0]); this.wrapper.setStyle(this.layout, now[1]); return this; }, compute: function(from, to, delta){ return [0, 1].map(function(i){ return Fx.compute(from[i], to[i], delta); }); }, start: function(how, mode){ if (!this.check(how, mode)) return this; this[mode || this.options.mode](); var margin = this.element.getStyle(this.margin).toInt(), layout = this.wrapper.getStyle(this.layout).toInt(), caseIn = [[margin, layout], [0, this.offset]], caseOut = [[margin, layout], [-this.offset, 0]], start; switch (how){ case 'in': start = caseIn; break; case 'out': start = caseOut; break; case 'toggle': start = (layout == 0) ? caseIn : caseOut; } return this.parent(start[0], start[1]); }, slideIn: function(mode){ return this.start('in', mode); }, slideOut: function(mode){ return this.start('out', mode); }, hide: function(mode){ this[mode || this.options.mode](); this.open = false; return this.set([-this.offset, 0]); }, show: function(mode){ this[mode || this.options.mode](); this.open = true; return this.set([0, this.offset]); }, toggle: function(mode){ return this.start('toggle', mode); } }); Element.Properties.slide = { set: function(options){ this.get('slide').cancel().setOptions(options); return this; }, get: function(){ var slide = this.retrieve('slide'); if (!slide){ slide = new Fx.Slide(this, {link: 'cancel'}); this.store('slide', slide); } return slide; } }; Element.implement({ slide: function(how, mode){ how = how || 'toggle'; var slide = this.get('slide'), toggle; switch (how){ case 'hide': slide.hide(mode); break; case 'show': slide.show(mode); break; case 'toggle': var flag = this.retrieve('slide:flag', slide.open); slide[flag ? 'slideOut' : 'slideIn'](mode); this.store('slide:flag', !flag); toggle = true; break; default: slide.start(how, mode); } if (!toggle) this.eliminate('slide:flag'); return this; } }); /* --- script: Fx.SmoothScroll.js name: Fx.SmoothScroll description: Class for creating a smooth scrolling effect to all internal links on the page. license: MIT-style license authors: - Valerio Proietti requires: - Core/Slick.Finder - /Fx.Scroll provides: [Fx.SmoothScroll] ... */ /*<1.2compat>*/var SmoothScroll = /**/Fx.SmoothScroll = new Class({ Extends: Fx.Scroll, options: { axes: ['x', 'y'] }, initialize: function(options, context){ context = context || document; this.doc = context.getDocument(); this.parent(this.doc, options); var win = context.getWindow(), location = win.location.href.match(/^[^#]*/)[0] + '#', links = $$(this.options.links || this.doc.links); links.each(function(link){ if (link.href.indexOf(location) != 0) return; var anchor = link.href.substr(location.length); if (anchor) this.useLink(link, anchor); }, this); this.addEvent('complete', function(){ win.location.hash = this.anchor; this.element.scrollTo(this.to[0], this.to[1]); }, true); }, useLink: function(link, anchor){ link.addEvent('click', function(event){ var el = document.id(anchor) || this.doc.getElement('a[name=' + anchor + ']'); if (!el) return; event.preventDefault(); this.toElement(el, this.options.axes).chain(function(){ this.fireEvent('scrolledTo', [link, el]); }.bind(this)); this.anchor = anchor; }.bind(this)); return this; } }); /* --- script: Fx.Sort.js name: Fx.Sort description: Defines Fx.Sort, a class that reorders lists with a transition. license: MIT-style license authors: - Aaron Newton requires: - Core/Element.Dimensions - /Fx.Elements - /Element.Measure provides: [Fx.Sort] ... */ Fx.Sort = new Class({ Extends: Fx.Elements, options: { mode: 'vertical' }, initialize: function(elements, options){ this.parent(elements, options); this.elements.each(function(el){ if (el.getStyle('position') == 'static') el.setStyle('position', 'relative'); }); this.setDefaultOrder(); }, setDefaultOrder: function(){ this.currentOrder = this.elements.map(function(el, index){ return index; }); }, sort: function(){ if (!this.check(arguments)) return this; var newOrder = Array.flatten(arguments); var top = 0, left = 0, next = {}, zero = {}, vert = this.options.mode == 'vertical'; var current = this.elements.map(function(el, index){ var size = el.getComputedSize({styles: ['border', 'padding', 'margin']}); var val; if (vert){ val = { top: top, margin: size['margin-top'], height: size.totalHeight }; top += val.height - size['margin-top']; } else { val = { left: left, margin: size['margin-left'], width: size.totalWidth }; left += val.width; } var plane = vert ? 'top' : 'left'; zero[index] = {}; var start = el.getStyle(plane).toInt(); zero[index][plane] = start || 0; return val; }, this); this.set(zero); newOrder = newOrder.map(function(i){ return i.toInt(); }); if (newOrder.length != this.elements.length){ this.currentOrder.each(function(index){ if (!newOrder.contains(index)) newOrder.push(index); }); if (newOrder.length > this.elements.length) newOrder.splice(this.elements.length-1, newOrder.length - this.elements.length); } var margin = 0; top = left = 0; newOrder.each(function(item){ var newPos = {}; if (vert){ newPos.top = top - current[item].top - margin; top += current[item].height; } else { newPos.left = left - current[item].left; left += current[item].width; } margin = margin + current[item].margin; next[item]=newPos; }, this); var mapped = {}; Array.clone(newOrder).sort().each(function(index){ mapped[index] = next[index]; }); this.start(mapped); this.currentOrder = newOrder; return this; }, rearrangeDOM: function(newOrder){ newOrder = newOrder || this.currentOrder; var parent = this.elements[0].getParent(); var rearranged = []; this.elements.setStyle('opacity', 0); //move each element and store the new default order newOrder.each(function(index){ rearranged.push(this.elements[index].inject(parent).setStyles({ top: 0, left: 0 })); }, this); this.elements.setStyle('opacity', 1); this.elements = $$(rearranged); this.setDefaultOrder(); return this; }, getDefaultOrder: function(){ return this.elements.map(function(el, index){ return index; }); }, getCurrentOrder: function(){ return this.currentOrder; }, forward: function(){ return this.sort(this.getDefaultOrder()); }, backward: function(){ return this.sort(this.getDefaultOrder().reverse()); }, reverse: function(){ return this.sort(this.currentOrder.reverse()); }, sortByElements: function(elements){ return this.sort(elements.map(function(el){ return this.elements.indexOf(el); }, this)); }, swap: function(one, two){ if (typeOf(one) == 'element') one = this.elements.indexOf(one); if (typeOf(two) == 'element') two = this.elements.indexOf(two); var newOrder = Array.clone(this.currentOrder); newOrder[this.currentOrder.indexOf(one)] = two; newOrder[this.currentOrder.indexOf(two)] = one; return this.sort(newOrder); } }); /* --- script: Drag.js name: Drag description: The base Drag Class. Can be used to drag and resize Elements using mouse events. license: MIT-style license authors: - Valerio Proietti - Tom Occhinno - Jan Kassens requires: - Core/Events - Core/Options - Core/Element.Event - Core/Element.Style - Core/Element.Dimensions - /MooTools.More provides: [Drag] ... */ var Drag = new Class({ Implements: [Events, Options], options: {/* onBeforeStart: function(thisElement){}, onStart: function(thisElement, event){}, onSnap: function(thisElement){}, onDrag: function(thisElement, event){}, onCancel: function(thisElement){}, onComplete: function(thisElement, event){},*/ snap: 6, unit: 'px', grid: false, style: true, limit: false, handle: false, invert: false, preventDefault: false, stopPropagation: false, modifiers: {x: 'left', y: 'top'} }, initialize: function(){ var params = Array.link(arguments, { 'options': Type.isObject, 'element': function(obj){ return obj != null; } }); this.element = document.id(params.element); this.document = this.element.getDocument(); this.setOptions(params.options || {}); var htype = typeOf(this.options.handle); this.handles = ((htype == 'array' || htype == 'collection') ? $$(this.options.handle) : document.id(this.options.handle)) || this.element; this.mouse = {'now': {}, 'pos': {}}; this.value = {'start': {}, 'now': {}}; this.selection = (Browser.ie) ? 'selectstart' : 'mousedown'; if (Browser.ie && !Drag.ondragstartFixed){ document.ondragstart = Function.from(false); Drag.ondragstartFixed = true; } this.bound = { start: this.start.bind(this), check: this.check.bind(this), drag: this.drag.bind(this), stop: this.stop.bind(this), cancel: this.cancel.bind(this), eventStop: Function.from(false) }; this.attach(); }, attach: function(){ this.handles.addEvent('mousedown', this.bound.start); return this; }, detach: function(){ this.handles.removeEvent('mousedown', this.bound.start); return this; }, start: function(event){ var options = this.options; if (event.rightClick) return; if (options.preventDefault) event.preventDefault(); if (options.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); this.mouse.start = event.page; this.fireEvent('beforeStart', this.element); var limit = options.limit; this.limit = {x: [], y: []}; var z, coordinates; for (z in options.modifiers){ if (!options.modifiers[z]) continue; var style = this.element.getStyle(options.modifiers[z]); // Some browsers (IE and Opera) don't always return pixels. if (style && !style.match(/px$/)){ if (!coordinates) coordinates = this.element.getCoordinates(this.element.getOffsetParent()); style = coordinates[options.modifiers[z]]; } if (options.style) this.value.now[z] = (style || 0).toInt(); else this.value.now[z] = this.element[options.modifiers[z]]; if (options.invert) this.value.now[z] *= -1; this.mouse.pos[z] = event.page[z] - this.value.now[z]; if (limit && limit[z]){ var i = 2; while (i--){ var limitZI = limit[z][i]; if (limitZI || limitZI === 0) this.limit[z][i] = (typeof limitZI == 'function') ? limitZI() : limitZI; } } } if (typeOf(this.options.grid) == 'number') this.options.grid = { x: this.options.grid, y: this.options.grid }; var events = { mousemove: this.bound.check, mouseup: this.bound.cancel }; events[this.selection] = this.bound.eventStop; this.document.addEvents(events); }, check: function(event){ if (this.options.preventDefault) event.preventDefault(); var distance = Math.round(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(event.page.x - this.mouse.start.x, 2) + Math.pow(event.page.y - this.mouse.start.y, 2))); if (distance > this.options.snap){ this.cancel(); this.document.addEvents({ mousemove: this.bound.drag, mouseup: this.bound.stop }); this.fireEvent('start', [this.element, event]).fireEvent('snap', this.element); } }, drag: function(event){ var options = this.options; if (options.preventDefault) event.preventDefault(); this.mouse.now = event.page; for (var z in options.modifiers){ if (!options.modifiers[z]) continue; this.value.now[z] = this.mouse.now[z] - this.mouse.pos[z]; if (options.invert) this.value.now[z] *= -1; if (options.limit && this.limit[z]){ if ((this.limit[z][1] || this.limit[z][1] === 0) && (this.value.now[z] > this.limit[z][1])){ this.value.now[z] = this.limit[z][1]; } else if ((this.limit[z][0] || this.limit[z][0] === 0) && (this.value.now[z] < this.limit[z][0])){ this.value.now[z] = this.limit[z][0]; } } if (options.grid[z]) this.value.now[z] -= ((this.value.now[z] - (this.limit[z][0]||0)) % options.grid[z]); if (options.style) this.element.setStyle(options.modifiers[z], this.value.now[z] + options.unit); else this.element[options.modifiers[z]] = this.value.now[z]; } this.fireEvent('drag', [this.element, event]); }, cancel: function(event){ this.document.removeEvents({ mousemove: this.bound.check, mouseup: this.bound.cancel }); if (event){ this.document.removeEvent(this.selection, this.bound.eventStop); this.fireEvent('cancel', this.element); } }, stop: function(event){ var events = { mousemove: this.bound.drag, mouseup: this.bound.stop }; events[this.selection] = this.bound.eventStop; this.document.removeEvents(events); if (event) this.fireEvent('complete', [this.element, event]); } }); Element.implement({ makeResizable: function(options){ var drag = new Drag(this, Object.merge({ modifiers: { x: 'width', y: 'height' } }, options)); this.store('resizer', drag); return drag.addEvent('drag', function(){ this.fireEvent('resize', drag); }.bind(this)); } }); /* --- script: Drag.Move.js name: Drag.Move description: A Drag extension that provides support for the constraining of draggables to containers and droppables. license: MIT-style license authors: - Valerio Proietti - Tom Occhinno - Jan Kassens - Aaron Newton - Scott Kyle requires: - Core/Element.Dimensions - /Drag provides: [Drag.Move] ... */ Drag.Move = new Class({ Extends: Drag, options: {/* onEnter: function(thisElement, overed){}, onLeave: function(thisElement, overed){}, onDrop: function(thisElement, overed, event){},*/ droppables: [], container: false, precalculate: false, includeMargins: true, checkDroppables: true }, initialize: function(element, options){ this.parent(element, options); element = this.element; this.droppables = $$(this.options.droppables); this.container = document.id(this.options.container); if (this.container && typeOf(this.container) != 'element') this.container = document.id(this.container.getDocument().body); if (this.options.style){ if (this.options.modifiers.x == 'left' && this.options.modifiers.y == 'top'){ var parent = element.getOffsetParent(), styles = element.getStyles('left', 'top'); if (parent && (styles.left == 'auto' || styles.top == 'auto')){ element.setPosition(element.getPosition(parent)); } } if (element.getStyle('position') == 'static') element.setStyle('position', 'absolute'); } this.addEvent('start', this.checkDroppables, true); this.overed = null; }, start: function(event){ if (this.container) this.options.limit = this.calculateLimit(); if (this.options.precalculate){ this.positions = this.droppables.map(function(el){ return el.getCoordinates(); }); } this.parent(event); }, calculateLimit: function(){ var element = this.element, container = this.container, offsetParent = document.id(element.getOffsetParent()) || document.body, containerCoordinates = container.getCoordinates(offsetParent), elementMargin = {}, elementBorder = {}, containerMargin = {}, containerBorder = {}, offsetParentPadding = {}; ['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'].each(function(pad){ elementMargin[pad] = element.getStyle('margin-' + pad).toInt(); elementBorder[pad] = element.getStyle('border-' + pad).toInt(); containerMargin[pad] = container.getStyle('margin-' + pad).toInt(); containerBorder[pad] = container.getStyle('border-' + pad).toInt(); offsetParentPadding[pad] = offsetParent.getStyle('padding-' + pad).toInt(); }, this); var width = element.offsetWidth + elementMargin.left + elementMargin.right, height = element.offsetHeight + elementMargin.top + elementMargin.bottom, left = 0, top = 0, right = containerCoordinates.right - containerBorder.right - width, bottom = containerCoordinates.bottom - containerBorder.bottom - height; if (this.options.includeMargins){ left += elementMargin.left; top += elementMargin.top; } else { right += elementMargin.right; bottom += elementMargin.bottom; } if (element.getStyle('position') == 'relative'){ var coords = element.getCoordinates(offsetParent); coords.left -= element.getStyle('left').toInt(); coords.top -= element.getStyle('top').toInt(); left -= coords.left; top -= coords.top; if (container.getStyle('position') != 'relative'){ left += containerBorder.left; top += containerBorder.top; } right += elementMargin.left - coords.left; bottom += elementMargin.top - coords.top; if (container != offsetParent){ left += containerMargin.left + offsetParentPadding.left; top += ((Browser.ie6 || Browser.ie7) ? 0 : containerMargin.top) + offsetParentPadding.top; } } else { left -= elementMargin.left; top -= elementMargin.top; if (container != offsetParent){ left += containerCoordinates.left + containerBorder.left; top += containerCoordinates.top + containerBorder.top; } } return { x: [left, right], y: [top, bottom] }; }, getDroppableCoordinates: function(element){ var position = element.getCoordinates(); if (element.getStyle('position') == 'fixed'){ var scroll = window.getScroll(); position.left += scroll.x; position.right += scroll.x; position.top += scroll.y; position.bottom += scroll.y; } return position; }, checkDroppables: function(){ var overed = this.droppables.filter(function(el, i){ el = this.positions ? this.positions[i] : this.getDroppableCoordinates(el); var now = this.mouse.now; return (now.x > el.left && now.x < el.right && now.y < el.bottom && now.y > el.top); }, this).getLast(); if (this.overed != overed){ if (this.overed) this.fireEvent('leave', [this.element, this.overed]); if (overed) this.fireEvent('enter', [this.element, overed]); this.overed = overed; } }, drag: function(event){ this.parent(event); if (this.options.checkDroppables && this.droppables.length) this.checkDroppables(); }, stop: function(event){ this.checkDroppables(); this.fireEvent('drop', [this.element, this.overed, event]); this.overed = null; return this.parent(event); } }); Element.implement({ makeDraggable: function(options){ var drag = new Drag.Move(this, options); this.store('dragger', drag); return drag; } }); /* --- script: Slider.js name: Slider description: Class for creating horizontal and vertical slider controls. license: MIT-style license authors: - Valerio Proietti requires: - Core/Element.Dimensions - /Class.Binds - /Drag - /Element.Measure provides: [Slider] ... */ var Slider = new Class({ Implements: [Events, Options], Binds: ['clickedElement', 'draggedKnob', 'scrolledElement'], options: {/* onTick: function(intPosition){}, onChange: function(intStep){}, onComplete: function(strStep){},*/ onTick: function(position){ this.setKnobPosition(position); }, initialStep: 0, snap: false, offset: 0, range: false, wheel: false, steps: 100, mode: 'horizontal' }, initialize: function(element, knob, options){ this.setOptions(options); options = this.options; this.element = document.id(element); knob = this.knob = document.id(knob); this.previousChange = this.previousEnd = this.step = -1; var limit = {}, modifiers = {x: false, y: false}; switch (options.mode){ case 'vertical': this.axis = 'y'; this.property = 'top'; this.offset = 'offsetHeight'; break; case 'horizontal': this.axis = 'x'; this.property = 'left'; this.offset = 'offsetWidth'; } this.setSliderDimensions(); this.setRange(options.range); if (knob.getStyle('position') == 'static') knob.setStyle('position', 'relative'); knob.setStyle(this.property, -options.offset); modifiers[this.axis] = this.property; limit[this.axis] = [-options.offset, this.full - options.offset]; var dragOptions = { snap: 0, limit: limit, modifiers: modifiers, onDrag: this.draggedKnob, onStart: this.draggedKnob, onBeforeStart: (function(){ this.isDragging = true; }).bind(this), onCancel: function(){ this.isDragging = false; }.bind(this), onComplete: function(){ this.isDragging = false; this.draggedKnob(); this.end(); }.bind(this) }; if (options.snap) this.setSnap(dragOptions); this.drag = new Drag(knob, dragOptions); this.attach(); if (options.initialStep != null) this.set(options.initialStep); }, attach: function(){ this.element.addEvent('mousedown', this.clickedElement); if (this.options.wheel) this.element.addEvent('mousewheel', this.scrolledElement); this.drag.attach(); return this; }, detach: function(){ this.element.removeEvent('mousedown', this.clickedElement) .removeEvent('mousewheel', this.scrolledElement); this.drag.detach(); return this; }, autosize: function(){ this.setSliderDimensions() .setKnobPosition(this.toPosition(this.step)); this.drag.options.limit[this.axis] = [-this.options.offset, this.full - this.options.offset]; if (this.options.snap) this.setSnap(); return this; }, setSnap: function(options){ if (!options) options = this.drag.options; options.grid = Math.ceil(this.stepWidth); options.limit[this.axis][1] = this.full; return this; }, setKnobPosition: function(position){ if (this.options.snap) position = this.toPosition(this.step); this.knob.setStyle(this.property, position); return this; }, setSliderDimensions: function(){ this.full = this.element.measure(function(){ this.half = this.knob[this.offset] / 2; return this.element[this.offset] - this.knob[this.offset] + (this.options.offset * 2); }.bind(this)); return this; }, set: function(step){ if (!((this.range > 0) ^ (step < this.min))) step = this.min; if (!((this.range > 0) ^ (step > this.max))) step = this.max; this.step = Math.round(step); return this.checkStep() .fireEvent('tick', this.toPosition(this.step)) .end(); }, setRange: function(range, pos){ this.min = Array.pick([range[0], 0]); this.max = Array.pick([range[1], this.options.steps]); this.range = this.max - this.min; this.steps = this.options.steps || this.full; this.stepSize = Math.abs(this.range) / this.steps; this.stepWidth = this.stepSize * this.full / Math.abs(this.range); if (range) this.set(Array.pick([pos, this.step]).floor(this.min).max(this.max)); return this; }, clickedElement: function(event){ if (this.isDragging || event.target == this.knob) return; var dir = this.range < 0 ? -1 : 1, position = event.page[this.axis] - this.element.getPosition()[this.axis] - this.half; position = position.limit(-this.options.offset, this.full - this.options.offset); this.step = Math.round(this.min + dir * this.toStep(position)); this.checkStep() .fireEvent('tick', position) .end(); }, scrolledElement: function(event){ var mode = (this.options.mode == 'horizontal') ? (event.wheel < 0) : (event.wheel > 0); this.set(this.step + (mode ? -1 : 1) * this.stepSize); event.stop(); }, draggedKnob: function(){ var dir = this.range < 0 ? -1 : 1, position = this.drag.value.now[this.axis]; position = position.limit(-this.options.offset, this.full -this.options.offset); this.step = Math.round(this.min + dir * this.toStep(position)); this.checkStep(); }, checkStep: function(){ var step = this.step; if (this.previousChange != step){ this.previousChange = step; this.fireEvent('change', step); } return this; }, end: function(){ var step = this.step; if (this.previousEnd !== step){ this.previousEnd = step; this.fireEvent('complete', step + ''); } return this; }, toStep: function(position){ var step = (position + this.options.offset) * this.stepSize / this.full * this.steps; return this.options.steps ? Math.round(step -= step % this.stepSize) : step; }, toPosition: function(step){ return (this.full * Math.abs(this.min - step)) / (this.steps * this.stepSize) - this.options.offset; } }); /* --- script: Sortables.js name: Sortables description: Class for creating a drag and drop sorting interface for lists of items. license: MIT-style license authors: - Tom Occhino requires: - Core/Fx.Morph - /Drag.Move provides: [Sortables] ... */ var Sortables = new Class({ Implements: [Events, Options], options: {/* onSort: function(element, clone){}, onStart: function(element, clone){}, onComplete: function(element){},*/ opacity: 1, clone: false, revert: false, handle: false, dragOptions: {}/*<1.2compat>*/, snap: 4, constrain: false, preventDefault: false /**/ }, initialize: function(lists, options){ this.setOptions(options); this.elements = []; this.lists = []; this.idle = true; this.addLists($$(document.id(lists) || lists)); if (!this.options.clone) this.options.revert = false; if (this.options.revert) this.effect = new Fx.Morph(null, Object.merge({ duration: 250, link: 'cancel' }, this.options.revert)); }, attach: function(){ this.addLists(this.lists); return this; }, detach: function(){ this.lists = this.removeLists(this.lists); return this; }, addItems: function(){ Array.flatten(arguments).each(function(element){ this.elements.push(element); var start = element.retrieve('sortables:start', function(event){ this.start.call(this, event, element); }.bind(this)); (this.options.handle ? element.getElement(this.options.handle) || element : element).addEvent('mousedown', start); }, this); return this; }, addLists: function(){ Array.flatten(arguments).each(function(list){ this.lists.include(list); this.addItems(list.getChildren()); }, this); return this; }, removeItems: function(){ return $$(Array.flatten(arguments).map(function(element){ this.elements.erase(element); var start = element.retrieve('sortables:start'); (this.options.handle ? element.getElement(this.options.handle) || element : element).removeEvent('mousedown', start); return element; }, this)); }, removeLists: function(){ return $$(Array.flatten(arguments).map(function(list){ this.lists.erase(list); this.removeItems(list.getChildren()); return list; }, this)); }, getClone: function(event, element){ if (!this.options.clone) return new Element(element.tagName).inject(document.body); if (typeOf(this.options.clone) == 'function') return this.options.clone.call(this, event, element, this.list); var clone = element.clone(true).setStyles({ margin: 0, position: 'absolute', visibility: 'hidden', width: element.getStyle('width') }).addEvent('mousedown', function(event){ element.fireEvent('mousedown', event); }); //prevent the duplicated radio inputs from unchecking the real one if (clone.get('html').test('radio')){ clone.getElements('input[type=radio]').each(function(input, i){ input.set('name', 'clone_' + i); if (input.get('checked')) element.getElements('input[type=radio]')[i].set('checked', true); }); } return clone.inject(this.list).setPosition(element.getPosition(element.getOffsetParent())); }, getDroppables: function(){ var droppables = this.list.getChildren().erase(this.clone).erase(this.element); if (!this.options.constrain) droppables.append(this.lists).erase(this.list); return droppables; }, insert: function(dragging, element){ var where = 'inside'; if (this.lists.contains(element)){ this.list = element; this.drag.droppables = this.getDroppables(); } else { where = this.element.getAllPrevious().contains(element) ? 'before' : 'after'; } this.element.inject(element, where); this.fireEvent('sort', [this.element, this.clone]); }, start: function(event, element){ if ( !this.idle || event.rightClick || ['button', 'input', 'a', 'textarea'].contains(event.target.get('tag')) ) return; this.idle = false; this.element = element; this.opacity = element.getStyle('opacity'); this.list = element.getParent(); this.clone = this.getClone(event, element); this.drag = new Drag.Move(this.clone, Object.merge({ /*<1.2compat>*/ preventDefault: this.options.preventDefault, snap: this.options.snap, container: this.options.constrain && this.element.getParent(), /**/ droppables: this.getDroppables() }, this.options.dragOptions)).addEvents({ onSnap: function(){ event.stop(); this.clone.setStyle('visibility', 'visible'); this.element.setStyle('opacity', this.options.opacity || 0); this.fireEvent('start', [this.element, this.clone]); }.bind(this), onEnter: this.insert.bind(this), onCancel: this.end.bind(this), onComplete: this.end.bind(this) }); this.clone.inject(this.element, 'before'); this.drag.start(event); }, end: function(){ this.drag.detach(); this.element.setStyle('opacity', this.opacity); if (this.effect){ var dim = this.element.getStyles('width', 'height'), clone = this.clone, pos = clone.computePosition(this.element.getPosition(this.clone.getOffsetParent())); var destroy = function(){ this.removeEvent('cancel', destroy); clone.destroy(); }; this.effect.element = clone; this.effect.start({ top: pos.top, left: pos.left, width: dim.width, height: dim.height, opacity: 0.25 }).addEvent('cancel', destroy).chain(destroy); } else { this.clone.destroy(); } this.reset(); }, reset: function(){ this.idle = true; this.fireEvent('complete', this.element); }, serialize: function(){ var params = Array.link(arguments, { modifier: Type.isFunction, index: function(obj){ return obj != null; } }); var serial = this.lists.map(function(list){ return list.getChildren().map(params.modifier || function(element){ return element.get('id'); }, this); }, this); var index = params.index; if (this.lists.length == 1) index = 0; return (index || index === 0) && index >= 0 && index < this.lists.length ? serial[index] : serial; } }); /* --- script: Request.JSONP.js name: Request.JSONP description: Defines Request.JSONP, a class for cross domain javascript via script injection. license: MIT-style license authors: - Aaron Newton - Guillermo Rauch - Arian Stolwijk requires: - Core/Element - Core/Request - MooTools.More provides: [Request.JSONP] ... */ Request.JSONP = new Class({ Implements: [Chain, Events, Options], options: {/* onRequest: function(src, scriptElement){}, onComplete: function(data){}, onSuccess: function(data){}, onCancel: function(){}, onTimeout: function(){}, onError: function(){}, */ onRequest: function(src){ if (this.options.log && window.console && console.log){ console.log('JSONP retrieving script with url:' + src); } }, onError: function(src){ if (this.options.log && window.console && console.warn){ console.warn('JSONP '+ src +' will fail in Internet Explorer, which enforces a 2083 bytes length limit on URIs'); } }, url: '', callbackKey: 'callback', injectScript: document.head, data: '', link: 'ignore', timeout: 0, log: false }, initialize: function(options){ this.setOptions(options); }, send: function(options){ if (!Request.prototype.check.call(this, options)) return this; this.running = true; var type = typeOf(options); if (type == 'string' || type == 'element') options = {data: options}; options = Object.merge(this.options, options || {}); var data = options.data; switch (typeOf(data)){ case 'element': data = document.id(data).toQueryString(); break; case 'object': case 'hash': data = Object.toQueryString(data); } var index = this.index = Request.JSONP.counter++; var src = options.url + (options.url.test('\\?') ? '&' :'?') + (options.callbackKey) + '=Request.JSONP.request_map.request_'+ index + (data ? '&' + data : ''); if (src.length > 2083) this.fireEvent('error', src); Request.JSONP.request_map['request_' + index] = function(){ this.success(arguments, index); }.bind(this); var script = this.getScript(src).inject(options.injectScript); this.fireEvent('request', [src, script]); if (options.timeout) this.timeout.delay(options.timeout, this); return this; }, getScript: function(src){ if (!this.script) this.script = new Element('script', { type: 'text/javascript', async: true, src: src }); return this.script; }, success: function(args, index){ if (!this.running) return; this.clear() .fireEvent('complete', args).fireEvent('success', args) .callChain(); }, cancel: function(){ if (this.running) this.clear().fireEvent('cancel'); return this; }, isRunning: function(){ return !!this.running; }, clear: function(){ this.running = false; if (this.script){ this.script.destroy(); this.script = null; } return this; }, timeout: function(){ if (this.running){ this.running = false; this.fireEvent('timeout', [this.script.get('src'), this.script]).fireEvent('failure').cancel(); } return this; } }); Request.JSONP.counter = 0; Request.JSONP.request_map = {}; /* --- script: Request.Queue.js name: Request.Queue description: Controls several instances of Request and its variants to run only one request at a time. license: MIT-style license authors: - Aaron Newton requires: - Core/Element - Core/Request - /Class.Binds provides: [Request.Queue] ... */ Request.Queue = new Class({ Implements: [Options, Events], Binds: ['attach', 'request', 'complete', 'cancel', 'success', 'failure', 'exception'], options: {/* onRequest: function(argsPassedToOnRequest){}, onSuccess: function(argsPassedToOnSuccess){}, onComplete: function(argsPassedToOnComplete){}, onCancel: function(argsPassedToOnCancel){}, onException: function(argsPassedToOnException){}, onFailure: function(argsPassedToOnFailure){}, onEnd: function(){}, */ stopOnFailure: true, autoAdvance: true, concurrent: 1, requests: {} }, initialize: function(options){ var requests; if (options){ requests = options.requests; delete options.requests; } this.setOptions(options); this.requests = {}; this.queue = []; this.reqBinders = {}; if (requests) this.addRequests(requests); }, addRequest: function(name, request){ this.requests[name] = request; this.attach(name, request); return this; }, addRequests: function(obj){ Object.each(obj, function(req, name){ this.addRequest(name, req); }, this); return this; }, getName: function(req){ return Object.keyOf(this.requests, req); }, attach: function(name, req){ if (req._groupSend) return this; ['request', 'complete', 'cancel', 'success', 'failure', 'exception'].each(function(evt){ if (!this.reqBinders[name]) this.reqBinders[name] = {}; this.reqBinders[name][evt] = function(){ this['on' + evt.capitalize()].apply(this, [name, req].append(arguments)); }.bind(this); req.addEvent(evt, this.reqBinders[name][evt]); }, this); req._groupSend = req.send; req.send = function(options){ this.send(name, options); return req; }.bind(this); return this; }, removeRequest: function(req){ var name = typeOf(req) == 'object' ? this.getName(req) : req; if (!name && typeOf(name) != 'string') return this; req = this.requests[name]; if (!req) return this; ['request', 'complete', 'cancel', 'success', 'failure', 'exception'].each(function(evt){ req.removeEvent(evt, this.reqBinders[name][evt]); }, this); req.send = req._groupSend; delete req._groupSend; return this; }, getRunning: function(){ return Object.filter(this.requests, function(r){ return r.running; }); }, isRunning: function(){ return !!(Object.keys(this.getRunning()).length); }, send: function(name, options){ var q = function(){ this.requests[name]._groupSend(options); this.queue.erase(q); }.bind(this); q.name = name; if (Object.keys(this.getRunning()).length >= this.options.concurrent || (this.error && this.options.stopOnFailure)) this.queue.push(q); else q(); return this; }, hasNext: function(name){ return (!name) ? !!this.queue.length : !!this.queue.filter(function(q){ return q.name == name; }).length; }, resume: function(){ this.error = false; (this.options.concurrent - Object.keys(this.getRunning()).length).times(this.runNext, this); return this; }, runNext: function(name){ if (!this.queue.length) return this; if (!name){ this.queue[0](); } else { var found; this.queue.each(function(q){ if (!found && q.name == name){ found = true; q(); } }); } return this; }, runAll: function(){ this.queue.each(function(q){ q(); }); return this; }, clear: function(name){ if (!name){ this.queue.empty(); } else { this.queue = this.queue.map(function(q){ if (q.name != name) return q; else return false; }).filter(function(q){ return q; }); } return this; }, cancel: function(name){ this.requests[name].cancel(); return this; }, onRequest: function(){ this.fireEvent('request', arguments); }, onComplete: function(){ this.fireEvent('complete', arguments); if (!this.queue.length) this.fireEvent('end'); }, onCancel: function(){ if (this.options.autoAdvance && !this.error) this.runNext(); this.fireEvent('cancel', arguments); }, onSuccess: function(){ if (this.options.autoAdvance && !this.error) this.runNext(); this.fireEvent('success', arguments); }, onFailure: function(){ this.error = true; if (!this.options.stopOnFailure && this.options.autoAdvance) this.runNext(); this.fireEvent('failure', arguments); }, onException: function(){ this.error = true; if (!this.options.stopOnFailure && this.options.autoAdvance) this.runNext(); this.fireEvent('exception', arguments); } }); /* --- script: Request.Periodical.js name: Request.Periodical description: Requests the same URL to pull data from a server but increases the intervals if no data is returned to reduce the load license: MIT-style license authors: - Christoph Pojer requires: - Core/Request - /MooTools.More provides: [Request.Periodical] ... */ Request.implement({ options: { initialDelay: 5000, delay: 5000, limit: 60000 }, startTimer: function(data){ var fn = function(){ if (!this.running) this.send({data: data}); }; this.lastDelay = this.options.initialDelay; this.timer = fn.delay(this.lastDelay, this); this.completeCheck = function(response){ clearTimeout(this.timer); this.lastDelay = (response) ? this.options.delay : (this.lastDelay + this.options.delay).min(this.options.limit); this.timer = fn.delay(this.lastDelay, this); }; return this.addEvent('complete', this.completeCheck); }, stopTimer: function(){ clearTimeout(this.timer); return this.removeEvent('complete', this.completeCheck); } }); /* --- script: Assets.js name: Assets description: Provides methods to dynamically load JavaScript, CSS, and Image files into the document. license: MIT-style license authors: - Valerio Proietti requires: - Core/Element.Event - /MooTools.More provides: [Assets] ... */ var Asset = { javascript: function(source, properties){ if (!properties) properties = {}; var script = new Element('script', {src: source, type: 'text/javascript'}), doc = properties.document || document, load = properties.onload || properties.onLoad; delete properties.onload; delete properties.onLoad; delete properties.document; if (load){ if (typeof script.onreadystatechange != 'undefined'){ script.addEvent('readystatechange', function(){ if (['loaded', 'complete'].contains(this.readyState)) load.call(this); }); } else { script.addEvent('load', load); } } return script.set(properties).inject(doc.head); }, css: function(source, properties){ if (!properties) properties = {}; var link = new Element('link', { rel: 'stylesheet', media: 'screen', type: 'text/css', href: source }); var load = properties.onload || properties.onLoad, doc = properties.document || document; delete properties.onload; delete properties.onLoad; delete properties.document; if (load) link.addEvent('load', load); return link.set(properties).inject(doc.head); }, image: function(source, properties){ if (!properties) properties = {}; var image = new Image(), element = document.id(image) || new Element('img'); ['load', 'abort', 'error'].each(function(name){ var type = 'on' + name, cap = 'on' + name.capitalize(), event = properties[type] || properties[cap] || function(){}; delete properties[cap]; delete properties[type]; image[type] = function(){ if (!image) return; if (!element.parentNode){ element.width = image.width; element.height = image.height; } image = image.onload = image.onabort = image.onerror = null; event.delay(1, element, element); element.fireEvent(name, element, 1); }; }); image.src = element.src = source; if (image && image.complete) image.onload.delay(1); return element.set(properties); }, images: function(sources, options){ sources = Array.from(sources); var fn = function(){}, counter = 0; options = Object.merge({ onComplete: fn, onProgress: fn, onError: fn, properties: {} }, options); return new Elements(sources.map(function(source, index){ return Asset.image(source, Object.append(options.properties, { onload: function(){ counter++; options.onProgress.call(this, counter, index, source); if (counter == sources.length) options.onComplete(); }, onerror: function(){ counter++; options.onError.call(this, counter, index, source); if (counter == sources.length) options.onComplete(); } })); })); } }; /* --- script: Color.js name: Color description: Class for creating and manipulating colors in JavaScript. Supports HSB -> RGB Conversions and vice versa. license: MIT-style license authors: - Valerio Proietti requires: - Core/Array - Core/String - Core/Number - Core/Hash - Core/Function - MooTools.More provides: [Color] ... */ (function(){ var Color = this.Color = new Type('Color', function(color, type){ if (arguments.length >= 3){ type = 'rgb'; color = Array.slice(arguments, 0, 3); } else if (typeof color == 'string'){ if (color.match(/rgb/)) color = color.rgbToHex().hexToRgb(true); else if (color.match(/hsb/)) color = color.hsbToRgb(); else color = color.hexToRgb(true); } type = type || 'rgb'; switch (type){ case 'hsb': var old = color; color = color.hsbToRgb(); color.hsb = old; break; case 'hex': color = color.hexToRgb(true); break; } color.rgb = color.slice(0, 3); color.hsb = color.hsb || color.rgbToHsb(); color.hex = color.rgbToHex(); return Object.append(color, this); }); Color.implement({ mix: function(){ var colors = Array.slice(arguments); var alpha = (typeOf(colors.getLast()) == 'number') ? colors.pop() : 50; var rgb = this.slice(); colors.each(function(color){ color = new Color(color); for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) rgb[i] = Math.round((rgb[i] / 100 * (100 - alpha)) + (color[i] / 100 * alpha)); }); return new Color(rgb, 'rgb'); }, invert: function(){ return new Color(this.map(function(value){ return 255 - value; })); }, setHue: function(value){ return new Color([value, this.hsb[1], this.hsb[2]], 'hsb'); }, setSaturation: function(percent){ return new Color([this.hsb[0], percent, this.hsb[2]], 'hsb'); }, setBrightness: function(percent){ return new Color([this.hsb[0], this.hsb[1], percent], 'hsb'); } }); this.$RGB = function(r, g, b){ return new Color([r, g, b], 'rgb'); }; this.$HSB = function(h, s, b){ return new Color([h, s, b], 'hsb'); }; this.$HEX = function(hex){ return new Color(hex, 'hex'); }; Array.implement({ rgbToHsb: function(){ var red = this[0], green = this[1], blue = this[2], hue = 0; var max = Math.max(red, green, blue), min = Math.min(red, green, blue); var delta = max - min; var brightness = max / 255, saturation = (max != 0) ? delta / max : 0; if (saturation != 0){ var rr = (max - red) / delta; var gr = (max - green) / delta; var br = (max - blue) / delta; if (red == max) hue = br - gr; else if (green == max) hue = 2 + rr - br; else hue = 4 + gr - rr; hue /= 6; if (hue < 0) hue++; } return [Math.round(hue * 360), Math.round(saturation * 100), Math.round(brightness * 100)]; }, hsbToRgb: function(){ var br = Math.round(this[2] / 100 * 255); if (this[1] == 0){ return [br, br, br]; } else { var hue = this[0] % 360; var f = hue % 60; var p = Math.round((this[2] * (100 - this[1])) / 10000 * 255); var q = Math.round((this[2] * (6000 - this[1] * f)) / 600000 * 255); var t = Math.round((this[2] * (6000 - this[1] * (60 - f))) / 600000 * 255); switch (Math.floor(hue / 60)){ case 0: return [br, t, p]; case 1: return [q, br, p]; case 2: return [p, br, t]; case 3: return [p, q, br]; case 4: return [t, p, br]; case 5: return [br, p, q]; } } return false; } }); String.implement({ rgbToHsb: function(){ var rgb = this.match(/\d{1,3}/g); return (rgb) ? rgb.rgbToHsb() : null; }, hsbToRgb: function(){ var hsb = this.match(/\d{1,3}/g); return (hsb) ? hsb.hsbToRgb() : null; } }); })(); /* --- script: Group.js name: Group description: Class for monitoring collections of events license: MIT-style license authors: - Valerio Proietti requires: - Core/Events - /MooTools.More provides: [Group] ... */ (function(){ this.Group = new Class({ initialize: function(){ this.instances = Array.flatten(arguments); }, addEvent: function(type, fn){ var instances = this.instances, len = instances.length, togo = len, args = new Array(len), self = this; instances.each(function(instance, i){ instance.addEvent(type, function(){ if (!args[i]) togo--; args[i] = arguments; if (!togo){ fn.call(self, instances, instance, args); togo = len; args = new Array(len); } }); }); } }); })(); /* --- script: Hash.Cookie.js name: Hash.Cookie description: Class for creating, reading, and deleting Cookies in JSON format. license: MIT-style license authors: - Valerio Proietti - Aaron Newton requires: - Core/Cookie - Core/JSON - /MooTools.More - /Hash provides: [Hash.Cookie] ... */ Hash.Cookie = new Class({ Extends: Cookie, options: { autoSave: true }, initialize: function(name, options){ this.parent(name, options); this.load(); }, save: function(){ var value = JSON.encode(this.hash); if (!value || value.length > 4096) return false; //cookie would be truncated! if (value == '{}') this.dispose(); else this.write(value); return true; }, load: function(){ this.hash = new Hash(JSON.decode(this.read(), true)); return this; } }); Hash.each(Hash.prototype, function(method, name){ if (typeof method == 'function') Hash.Cookie.implement(name, function(){ var value = method.apply(this.hash, arguments); if (this.options.autoSave) this.save(); return value; }); }); /* --- name: Table description: LUA-Style table implementation. license: MIT-style license authors: - Valerio Proietti requires: [Core/Array] provides: [Table] ... */ (function(){ var Table = this.Table = function(){ this.length = 0; var keys = [], values = []; this.set = function(key, value){ var index = keys.indexOf(key); if (index == -1){ var length = keys.length; keys[length] = key; values[length] = value; this.length++; } else { values[index] = value; } return this; }; this.get = function(key){ var index = keys.indexOf(key); return (index == -1) ? null : values[index]; }; this.erase = function(key){ var index = keys.indexOf(key); if (index != -1){ this.length--; keys.splice(index, 1); return values.splice(index, 1)[0]; } return null; }; this.each = this.forEach = function(fn, bind){ for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) fn.call(bind, keys[i], values[i], this); }; }; if (this.Type) new Type('Table', Table); })(); /* --- script: HtmlTable.js name: HtmlTable description: Builds table elements with methods to add rows. license: MIT-style license authors: - Aaron Newton requires: - Core/Options - Core/Events - /Class.Occlude provides: [HtmlTable] ... */ var HtmlTable = new Class({ Implements: [Options, Events, Class.Occlude], options: { properties: { cellpadding: 0, cellspacing: 0, border: 0 }, rows: [], headers: [], footers: [] }, property: 'HtmlTable', initialize: function(){ var params = Array.link(arguments, {options: Type.isObject, table: Type.isElement, id: Type.isString}); this.setOptions(params.options); if (!params.table && params.id) params.table = document.id(params.id); this.element = params.table || new Element('table', this.options.properties); if (this.occlude()) return this.occluded; this.build(); }, build: function(){ this.element.store('HtmlTable', this); this.body = document.id(this.element.tBodies[0]) || new Element('tbody').inject(this.element); $$(this.body.rows); if (this.options.headers.length) this.setHeaders(this.options.headers); else this.thead = document.id(this.element.tHead); if (this.thead) this.head = this.getHead(); if (this.options.footers.length) this.setFooters(this.options.footers); this.tfoot = document.id(this.element.tFoot); if (this.tfoot) this.foot = document.id(this.tfoot.rows[0]); this.options.rows.each(function(row){ this.push(row); }, this); }, toElement: function(){ return this.element; }, empty: function(){ this.body.empty(); return this; }, set: function(what, items){ var target = (what == 'headers') ? 'tHead' : 'tFoot', lower = target.toLowerCase(); this[lower] = (document.id(this.element[target]) || new Element(lower).inject(this.element, 'top')).empty(); var data = this.push(items, {}, this[lower], what == 'headers' ? 'th' : 'td'); if (what == 'headers') this.head = this.getHead(); else this.foot = this.getHead(); return data; }, getHead: function(){ var rows = this.thead.rows; return rows.length > 1 ? $$(rows) : rows.length ? document.id(rows[0]) : false; }, setHeaders: function(headers){ this.set('headers', headers); return this; }, setFooters: function(footers){ this.set('footers', footers); return this; }, update: function(tr, row, tag){ var tds = tr.getChildren(tag || 'td'), last = tds.length - 1; row.each(function(data, index){ var td = tds[index] || new Element(tag || 'td').inject(tr), content = (data ? data.content : '') || data, type = typeOf(content); if (data && data.properties) td.set(data.properties); if (/(element(s?)|array|collection)/.test(type)) td.empty().adopt(content); else td.set('html', content); if (index > last) tds.push(td); else tds[index] = td; }); return { tr: tr, tds: tds }; }, push: function(row, rowProperties, target, tag, where){ if (typeOf(row) == 'element' && row.get('tag') == 'tr'){ row.inject(target || this.body, where); return { tr: row, tds: row.getChildren('td') }; } return this.update(new Element('tr', rowProperties).inject(target || this.body, where), row, tag); }, pushMany: function(rows, rowProperties, target, tag, where){ return rows.map(function(row){ return this.push(row, rowProperties, target, tag, where); }, this); } }); ['adopt', 'inject', 'wraps', 'grab', 'replaces', 'dispose'].each(function(method){ HtmlTable.implement(method, function(){ this.element[method].apply(this.element, arguments); return this; }); }); /* --- script: HtmlTable.Zebra.js name: HtmlTable.Zebra description: Builds a stripy table with methods to add rows. license: MIT-style license authors: - Harald Kirschner - Aaron Newton requires: - /HtmlTable - /Element.Shortcuts - /Class.refactor provides: [HtmlTable.Zebra] ... */ HtmlTable = Class.refactor(HtmlTable, { options: { classZebra: 'table-tr-odd', zebra: true, zebraOnlyVisibleRows: true }, initialize: function(){ this.previous.apply(this, arguments); if (this.occluded) return this.occluded; if (this.options.zebra) this.updateZebras(); }, updateZebras: function(){ var index = 0; Array.each(this.body.rows, function(row){ if (!this.options.zebraOnlyVisibleRows || row.isDisplayed()){ this.zebra(row, index++); } }, this); }, setRowStyle: function(row, i){ if (this.previous) this.previous(row, i); this.zebra(row, i); }, zebra: function(row, i){ return row[((i % 2) ? 'remove' : 'add')+'Class'](this.options.classZebra); }, push: function(){ var pushed = this.previous.apply(this, arguments); if (this.options.zebra) this.updateZebras(); return pushed; } }); /* --- script: HtmlTable.Sort.js name: HtmlTable.Sort description: Builds a stripy, sortable table with methods to add rows. license: MIT-style license authors: - Harald Kirschner - Aaron Newton - Jacob Thornton requires: - Core/Hash - /HtmlTable - /Class.refactor - /Element.Delegation - /String.Extras - /Date provides: [HtmlTable.Sort] ... */ HtmlTable = Class.refactor(HtmlTable, { options: {/* onSort: function(){}, */ sortIndex: 0, sortReverse: false, parsers: [], defaultParser: 'string', classSortable: 'table-sortable', classHeadSort: 'table-th-sort', classHeadSortRev: 'table-th-sort-rev', classNoSort: 'table-th-nosort', classGroupHead: 'table-tr-group-head', classGroup: 'table-tr-group', classCellSort: 'table-td-sort', classSortSpan: 'table-th-sort-span', sortable: false, thSelector: 'th' }, initialize: function (){ this.previous.apply(this, arguments); if (this.occluded) return this.occluded; this.sorted = {index: null, dir: 1}; if (!this.bound) this.bound = {}; this.bound.headClick = this.headClick.bind(this); this.sortSpans = new Elements(); if (this.options.sortable){ this.enableSort(); if (this.options.sortIndex != null) this.sort(this.options.sortIndex, this.options.sortReverse); } }, attachSorts: function(attach){ this.detachSorts(); if (attach !== false) this.element.addEvent('click:relay(' + this.options.thSelector + ')', this.bound.headClick); }, detachSorts: function(){ this.element.removeEvents('click:relay(' + this.options.thSelector + ')'); }, setHeaders: function(){ this.previous.apply(this, arguments); if (this.sortEnabled) this.setParsers(); }, setParsers: function(){ this.parsers = this.detectParsers(); }, detectParsers: function(){ return this.head && this.head.getElements(this.options.thSelector).flatten().map(this.detectParser, this); }, detectParser: function(cell, index){ if (cell.hasClass(this.options.classNoSort) || cell.retrieve('htmltable-parser')) return cell.retrieve('htmltable-parser'); var thDiv = new Element('div'); thDiv.adopt(cell.childNodes).inject(cell); var sortSpan = new Element('span', {'class': this.options.classSortSpan}).inject(thDiv, 'top'); this.sortSpans.push(sortSpan); var parser = this.options.parsers[index], rows = this.body.rows, cancel; switch (typeOf(parser)){ case 'function': parser = {convert: parser}; cancel = true; break; case 'string': parser = parser; cancel = true; break; } if (!cancel){ HtmlTable.ParserPriority.some(function(parserName){ var current = HtmlTable.Parsers[parserName], match = current.match; if (!match) return false; for (var i = 0, j = rows.length; i < j; i++){ var cell = document.id(rows[i].cells[index]), text = cell ? cell.get('html').clean() : ''; if (text && match.test(text)){ parser = current; return true; } } }); } if (!parser) parser = this.options.defaultParser; cell.store('htmltable-parser', parser); return parser; }, headClick: function(event, el){ if (!this.head || el.hasClass(this.options.classNoSort)) return; return this.sort(Array.indexOf(this.head.getElements(this.options.thSelector).flatten(), el) % this.body.rows[0].cells.length); }, serialize: function(){ var previousSerialization = this.previous.apply(this, arguments) || {}; if (this.options.sortable){ previousSerialization.sortIndex = this.sorted.index; previousSerialization.sortReverse = this.sorted.reverse; } return previousSerialization; }, restore: function(tableState){ if(this.options.sortable && tableState.sortIndex){ this.sort(tableState.sortIndex, tableState.sortReverse); } this.previous.apply(this, arguments); }, setSortedState: function(index, reverse){ if (reverse != null) this.sorted.reverse = reverse; else if (this.sorted.index == index) this.sorted.reverse = !this.sorted.reverse; else this.sorted.reverse = this.sorted.index == null; if (index != null) this.sorted.index = index; }, setHeadSort: function(sorted){ var head = $$(!this.head.length ? this.head.cells[this.sorted.index] : this.head.map(function(row){ return row.getElements(this.options.thSelector)[this.sorted.index]; }, this).clean()); if (!head.length) return; if (sorted){ head.addClass(this.options.classHeadSort); if (this.sorted.reverse) head.addClass(this.options.classHeadSortRev); else head.removeClass(this.options.classHeadSortRev); } else { head.removeClass(this.options.classHeadSort).removeClass(this.options.classHeadSortRev); } }, setRowSort: function(data, pre){ var count = data.length, body = this.body, group, rowIndex; while (count){ var item = data[--count], position = item.position, row = body.rows[position]; if (row.disabled) continue; if (!pre){ group = this.setGroupSort(group, row, item); this.setRowStyle(row, count); } body.appendChild(row); for (rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < count; rowIndex++){ if (data[rowIndex].position > position) data[rowIndex].position--; } } }, setRowStyle: function(row, i){ this.previous(row, i); row.cells[this.sorted.index].addClass(this.options.classCellSort); }, setGroupSort: function(group, row, item){ if (group == item.value) row.removeClass(this.options.classGroupHead).addClass(this.options.classGroup); else row.removeClass(this.options.classGroup).addClass(this.options.classGroupHead); return item.value; }, getParser: function(){ var parser = this.parsers[this.sorted.index]; return typeOf(parser) == 'string' ? HtmlTable.Parsers[parser] : parser; }, sort: function(index, reverse, pre){ if (!this.head) return; if (!pre){ this.clearSort(); this.setSortedState(index, reverse); this.setHeadSort(true); } var parser = this.getParser(); if (!parser) return; var rel; if (!Browser.ie){ rel = this.body.getParent(); this.body.dispose(); } var data = this.parseData(parser).sort(function(a, b){ if (a.value === b.value) return 0; return a.value > b.value ? 1 : -1; }); if (this.sorted.reverse == (parser == HtmlTable.Parsers['input-checked'])) data.reverse(true); this.setRowSort(data, pre); if (rel) rel.grab(this.body); this.fireEvent('stateChanged'); return this.fireEvent('sort', [this.body, this.sorted.index]); }, parseData: function(parser){ return Array.map(this.body.rows, function(row, i){ var value = parser.convert.call(document.id(row.cells[this.sorted.index])); return { position: i, value: value }; }, this); }, clearSort: function(){ this.setHeadSort(false); this.body.getElements('td').removeClass(this.options.classCellSort); }, reSort: function(){ if (this.sortEnabled) this.sort.call(this, this.sorted.index, this.sorted.reverse); return this; }, enableSort: function(){ this.element.addClass(this.options.classSortable); this.attachSorts(true); this.setParsers(); this.sortEnabled = true; return this; }, disableSort: function(){ this.element.removeClass(this.options.classSortable); this.attachSorts(false); this.sortSpans.each(function(span){ span.destroy(); }); this.sortSpans.empty(); this.sortEnabled = false; return this; } }); HtmlTable.ParserPriority = ['date', 'input-checked', 'input-value', 'float', 'number']; HtmlTable.Parsers = { 'date': { match: /^\d{2}[-\/ ]\d{2}[-\/ ]\d{2,4}$/, convert: function(){ var d = Date.parse(this.get('text').stripTags()); return (typeOf(d) == 'date') ? d.format('db') : ''; }, type: 'date' }, 'input-checked': { match: / type="(radio|checkbox)" /, convert: function(){ return this.getElement('input').checked; } }, 'input-value': { match: / HtmlTable.Parsers = new Hash(HtmlTable.Parsers); // HtmlTable.defineParsers = function(parsers){ HtmlTable.Parsers = Object.append(HtmlTable.Parsers, parsers); for (var parser in parsers){ HtmlTable.ParserPriority.unshift(parser); } }; /* --- script: Keyboard.js name: Keyboard description: KeyboardEvents used to intercept events on a class for keyboard and format modifiers in a specific order so as to make alt+shift+c the same as shift+alt+c. license: MIT-style license authors: - Perrin Westrich - Aaron Newton - Scott Kyle requires: - Core/Events - Core/Options - Core/Element.Event - Element.Event.Pseudos.Keys provides: [Keyboard] ... */ (function(){ var Keyboard = this.Keyboard = new Class({ Extends: Events, Implements: [Options], options: {/* onActivate: function(){}, onDeactivate: function(){},*/ defaultEventType: 'keydown', active: false, manager: null, events: {}, nonParsedEvents: ['activate', 'deactivate', 'onactivate', 'ondeactivate', 'changed', 'onchanged'] }, initialize: function(options){ if (options && options.manager){ this._manager = options.manager; delete options.manager; } this.setOptions(options); this._setup(); }, addEvent: function(type, fn, internal){ return this.parent(Keyboard.parse(type, this.options.defaultEventType, this.options.nonParsedEvents), fn, internal); }, removeEvent: function(type, fn){ return this.parent(Keyboard.parse(type, this.options.defaultEventType, this.options.nonParsedEvents), fn); }, toggleActive: function(){ return this[this.isActive() ? 'deactivate' : 'activate'](); }, activate: function(instance){ if (instance){ if (instance.isActive()) return this; //if we're stealing focus, store the last keyboard to have it so the relinquish command works if (this._activeKB && instance != this._activeKB){ this.previous = this._activeKB; this.previous.fireEvent('deactivate'); } //if we're enabling a child, assign it so that events are now passed to it this._activeKB = instance.fireEvent('activate'); Keyboard.manager.fireEvent('changed'); } else if (this._manager){ //else we're enabling ourselves, we must ask our parent to do it for us this._manager.activate(this); } return this; }, isActive: function(){ return this._manager ? (this._manager._activeKB == this) : (Keyboard.manager == this); }, deactivate: function(instance){ if (instance){ if (instance === this._activeKB){ this._activeKB = null; instance.fireEvent('deactivate'); Keyboard.manager.fireEvent('changed'); } } else if (this._manager){ this._manager.deactivate(this); } return this; }, relinquish: function(){ if (this.isActive() && this._manager && this._manager.previous) this._manager.activate(this._manager.previous); else this.deactivate(); return this; }, //management logic manage: function(instance){ if (instance._manager) instance._manager.drop(instance); this._instances.push(instance); instance._manager = this; if (!this._activeKB) this.activate(instance); return this; }, drop: function(instance){ instance.relinquish(); this._instances.erase(instance); if (this._activeKB == instance){ if (this.previous && this._instances.contains(this.previous)) this.activate(this.previous); else this._activeKB = this._instances[0]; } return this; }, trace: function(){ Keyboard.trace(this); }, each: function(fn){ Keyboard.each(this, fn); }, /* PRIVATE METHODS */ _instances: [], _disable: function(instance){ if (this._activeKB == instance) this._activeKB = null; }, _setup: function(){ this.addEvents(this.options.events); //if this is the root manager, nothing manages it if (Keyboard.manager && !this._manager) Keyboard.manager.manage(this); if (this.options.active) this.activate(); else this.relinquish(); }, _handle: function(event, type){ //Keyboard.stop(event) prevents key propagation if (event.preventKeyboardPropagation) return; var bubbles = !!this._manager; if (bubbles && this._activeKB){ this._activeKB._handle(event, type); if (event.preventKeyboardPropagation) return; } this.fireEvent(type, event); if (!bubbles && this._activeKB) this._activeKB._handle(event, type); } }); var parsed = {}; var modifiers = ['shift', 'control', 'alt', 'meta']; var regex = /^(?:shift|control|ctrl|alt|meta)$/; Keyboard.parse = function(type, eventType, ignore){ if (ignore && ignore.contains(type.toLowerCase())) return type; type = type.toLowerCase().replace(/^(keyup|keydown):/, function($0, $1){ eventType = $1; return ''; }); if (!parsed[type]){ var key, mods = {}; type.split('+').each(function(part){ if (regex.test(part)) mods[part] = true; else key = part; }); mods.control = mods.control || mods.ctrl; // allow both control and ctrl var keys = []; modifiers.each(function(mod){ if (mods[mod]) keys.push(mod); }); if (key) keys.push(key); parsed[type] = keys.join('+'); } return eventType + ':keys(' + parsed[type] + ')'; }; Keyboard.each = function(keyboard, fn){ var current = keyboard || Keyboard.manager; while (current){ fn.run(current); current = current._activeKB; } }; Keyboard.stop = function(event){ event.preventKeyboardPropagation = true; }; Keyboard.manager = new Keyboard({ active: true }); Keyboard.trace = function(keyboard){ keyboard = keyboard || Keyboard.manager; var hasConsole = window.console && console.log; if (hasConsole) console.log('the following items have focus: '); Keyboard.each(keyboard, function(current){ if (hasConsole) console.log(document.id(current.widget) || current.wiget || current); }); }; var handler = function(event){ var keys = []; modifiers.each(function(mod){ if (event[mod]) keys.push(mod); }); if (!regex.test(event.key)) keys.push(event.key); Keyboard.manager._handle(event, event.type + ':keys(' + keys.join('+') + ')'); }; document.addEvents({ 'keyup': handler, 'keydown': handler }); })(); /* --- script: Keyboard.Extras.js name: Keyboard.Extras description: Enhances Keyboard by adding the ability to name and describe keyboard shortcuts, and the ability to grab shortcuts by name and bind the shortcut to different keys. license: MIT-style license authors: - Perrin Westrich requires: - /Keyboard - /MooTools.More provides: [Keyboard.Extras] ... */ Keyboard.prototype.options.nonParsedEvents.combine(['rebound', 'onrebound']); Keyboard.implement({ /* shortcut should be in the format of: { 'keys': 'shift+s', // the default to add as an event. 'description': 'blah blah blah', // a brief description of the functionality. 'handler': function(){} // the event handler to run when keys are pressed. } */ addShortcut: function(name, shortcut){ this._shortcuts = this._shortcuts || []; this._shortcutIndex = this._shortcutIndex || {}; shortcut.getKeyboard = Function.from(this); shortcut.name = name; this._shortcutIndex[name] = shortcut; this._shortcuts.push(shortcut); if (shortcut.keys) this.addEvent(shortcut.keys, shortcut.handler); return this; }, addShortcuts: function(obj){ for (var name in obj) this.addShortcut(name, obj[name]); return this; }, removeShortcut: function(name){ var shortcut = this.getShortcut(name); if (shortcut && shortcut.keys){ this.removeEvent(shortcut.keys, shortcut.handler); delete this._shortcutIndex[name]; this._shortcuts.erase(shortcut); } return this; }, removeShortcuts: function(names){ names.each(this.removeShortcut, this); return this; }, getShortcuts: function(){ return this._shortcuts || []; }, getShortcut: function(name){ return (this._shortcutIndex || {})[name]; } }); Keyboard.rebind = function(newKeys, shortcuts){ Array.from(shortcuts).each(function(shortcut){ shortcut.getKeyboard().removeEvent(shortcut.keys, shortcut.handler); shortcut.getKeyboard().addEvent(newKeys, shortcut.handler); shortcut.keys = newKeys; shortcut.getKeyboard().fireEvent('rebound'); }); }; Keyboard.getActiveShortcuts = function(keyboard){ var activeKBS = [], activeSCS = []; Keyboard.each(keyboard, [].push.bind(activeKBS)); activeKBS.each(function(kb){ activeSCS.extend(kb.getShortcuts()); }); return activeSCS; }; Keyboard.getShortcut = function(name, keyboard, opts){ opts = opts || {}; var shortcuts = opts.many ? [] : null, set = opts.many ? function(kb){ var shortcut = kb.getShortcut(name); if (shortcut) shortcuts.push(shortcut); } : function(kb){ if (!shortcuts) shortcuts = kb.getShortcut(name); }; Keyboard.each(keyboard, set); return shortcuts; }; Keyboard.getShortcuts = function(name, keyboard){ return Keyboard.getShortcut(name, keyboard, { many: true }); }; /* --- script: HtmlTable.Select.js name: HtmlTable.Select description: Builds a stripy, sortable table with methods to add rows. Rows can be selected with the mouse or keyboard navigation. license: MIT-style license authors: - Harald Kirschner - Aaron Newton requires: - /Keyboard - /Keyboard.Extras - /HtmlTable - /Class.refactor - /Element.Delegation - /Element.Shortcuts provides: [HtmlTable.Select] ... */ HtmlTable = Class.refactor(HtmlTable, { options: { /*onRowFocus: function(){}, onRowUnfocus: function(){},*/ useKeyboard: true, classRowSelected: 'table-tr-selected', classRowHovered: 'table-tr-hovered', classSelectable: 'table-selectable', shiftForMultiSelect: true, allowMultiSelect: true, selectable: false, selectHiddenRows: false }, initialize: function(){ this.previous.apply(this, arguments); if (this.occluded) return this.occluded; this.selectedRows = new Elements(); if (!this.bound) this.bound = {}; this.bound.mouseleave = this.mouseleave.bind(this); this.bound.clickRow = this.clickRow.bind(this); this.bound.activateKeyboard = function(){ if (this.keyboard && this.selectEnabled) this.keyboard.activate(); }.bind(this); if (this.options.selectable) this.enableSelect(); }, empty: function(){ this.selectNone(); return this.previous(); }, enableSelect: function(){ this.selectEnabled = true; this.attachSelects(); this.element.addClass(this.options.classSelectable); return this; }, disableSelect: function(){ this.selectEnabled = false; this.attachSelects(false); this.element.removeClass(this.options.classSelectable); return this; }, push: function(){ var ret = this.previous.apply(this, arguments); this.updateSelects(); return ret; }, toggleRow: function(row){ return this[(this.isSelected(row) ? 'de' : '') + 'selectRow'](row); }, selectRow: function(row, _nocheck){ //private variable _nocheck: boolean whether or not to confirm the row is in the table body //added here for optimization when selecting ranges if (this.isSelected(row) || (!_nocheck && !this.body.getChildren().contains(row))) return; if (!this.options.allowMultiSelect) this.selectNone(); if (!this.isSelected(row)){ this.selectedRows.push(row); row.addClass(this.options.classRowSelected); this.fireEvent('rowFocus', [row, this.selectedRows]); this.fireEvent('stateChanged'); } this.focused = row; document.clearSelection(); return this; }, isSelected: function(row){ return this.selectedRows.contains(row); }, getSelected: function(){ return this.selectedRows; }, getSelected: function(){ return this.selectedRows; }, serialize: function(){ var previousSerialization = this.previous.apply(this, arguments) || {}; if (this.options.selectable){ previousSerialization.selectedRows = this.selectedRows.map(function(row){ return Array.indexOf(this.body.rows, row); }.bind(this)); } return previousSerialization; }, restore: function(tableState){ if(this.options.selectable && tableState.selectedRows){ tableState.selectedRows.each(function(index){ this.selectRow(this.body.rows[index]); }.bind(this)); } this.previous.apply(this, arguments); }, deselectRow: function(row, _nocheck){ if (!this.isSelected(row) || (!_nocheck && !this.body.getChildren().contains(row))) return; this.selectedRows = new Elements(Array.from(this.selectedRows).erase(row)); row.removeClass(this.options.classRowSelected); this.fireEvent('rowUnfocus', [row, this.selectedRows]); this.fireEvent('stateChanged'); return this; }, selectAll: function(selectNone){ if (!selectNone && !this.options.allowMultiSelect) return; this.selectRange(0, this.body.rows.length, selectNone); return this; }, selectNone: function(){ return this.selectAll(true); }, selectRange: function(startRow, endRow, _deselect){ if (!this.options.allowMultiSelect && !_deselect) return; var method = _deselect ? 'deselectRow' : 'selectRow', rows = Array.clone(this.body.rows); if (typeOf(startRow) == 'element') startRow = rows.indexOf(startRow); if (typeOf(endRow) == 'element') endRow = rows.indexOf(endRow); endRow = endRow < rows.length - 1 ? endRow : rows.length - 1; if (endRow < startRow){ var tmp = startRow; startRow = endRow; endRow = tmp; } for (var i = startRow; i <= endRow; i++){ if (this.options.selectHiddenRows || rows[i].isDisplayed()) this[method](rows[i], true); } return this; }, deselectRange: function(startRow, endRow){ this.selectRange(startRow, endRow, true); }, getSelected: function(){ return this.selectedRows; }, /* Private methods: */ enterRow: function(row){ if (this.hovered) this.hovered = this.leaveRow(this.hovered); this.hovered = row.addClass(this.options.classRowHovered); }, leaveRow: function(row){ row.removeClass(this.options.classRowHovered); }, updateSelects: function(){ Array.each(this.body.rows, function(row){ var binders = row.retrieve('binders'); if (!binders && !this.selectEnabled) return; if (!binders){ binders = { mouseenter: this.enterRow.pass([row], this), mouseleave: this.leaveRow.pass([row], this) }; row.store('binders', binders); } if (this.selectEnabled) row.addEvents(binders); else row.removeEvents(binders); }, this); }, shiftFocus: function(offset, event){ if (!this.focused) return this.selectRow(this.body.rows[0], event); var to = this.getRowByOffset(offset, this.options.selectHiddenRows); if (to === null || this.focused == this.body.rows[to]) return this; this.toggleRow(this.body.rows[to], event); }, clickRow: function(event, row){ var selecting = (event.shift || event.meta || event.control) && this.options.shiftForMultiSelect; if (!selecting && !(event.rightClick && this.isSelected(row) && this.options.allowMultiSelect)) this.selectNone(); if (event.rightClick) this.selectRow(row); else this.toggleRow(row); if (event.shift){ this.selectRange(this.rangeStart || this.body.rows[0], row, this.rangeStart ? !this.isSelected(row) : true); this.focused = row; } this.rangeStart = row; }, getRowByOffset: function(offset, includeHiddenRows){ if (!this.focused) return 0; var index = Array.indexOf(this.body.rows, this.focused); if ((index == 0 && offset < 0) || (index == this.body.rows.length -1 && offset > 0)) return null; if (includeHiddenRows){ index += offset; } else { var limit = 0, count = 0; if (offset > 0){ while (count < offset && index < this.body.rows.length -1){ if (this.body.rows[++index].isDisplayed()) count++; } } else { while (count > offset && index > 0){ if (this.body.rows[--index].isDisplayed()) count--; } } } return index; }, attachSelects: function(attach){ attach = attach != null ? attach : true; var method = attach ? 'addEvents' : 'removeEvents'; this.element[method]({ mouseleave: this.bound.mouseleave, click: this.bound.activateKeyboard }); this.body[method]({ 'click:relay(tr)': this.bound.clickRow, 'contextmenu:relay(tr)': this.bound.clickRow }); if (this.options.useKeyboard || this.keyboard){ if (!this.keyboard) this.keyboard = new Keyboard(); if (!this.selectKeysDefined){ this.selectKeysDefined = true; var timer, held; var move = function(offset){ var mover = function(e){ clearTimeout(timer); e.preventDefault(); var to = this.body.rows[this.getRowByOffset(offset, this.options.selectHiddenRows)]; if (e.shift && to && this.isSelected(to)){ this.deselectRow(this.focused); this.focused = to; } else { if (to && (!this.options.allowMultiSelect || !e.shift)){ this.selectNone(); } this.shiftFocus(offset, e); } if (held){ timer = mover.delay(100, this, e); } else { timer = (function(){ held = true; mover(e); }).delay(400); } }.bind(this); return mover; }.bind(this); var clear = function(){ clearTimeout(timer); held = false; }; this.keyboard.addEvents({ 'keydown:shift+up': move(-1), 'keydown:shift+down': move(1), 'keyup:shift+up': clear, 'keyup:shift+down': clear, 'keyup:up': clear, 'keyup:down': clear }); var shiftHint = ''; if (this.options.allowMultiSelect && this.options.shiftForMultiSelect && this.options.useKeyboard){ shiftHint = " (Shift multi-selects)."; } this.keyboard.addShortcuts({ 'Select Previous Row': { keys: 'up', shortcut: 'up arrow', handler: move(-1), description: 'Select the previous row in the table.' + shiftHint }, 'Select Next Row': { keys: 'down', shortcut: 'down arrow', handler: move(1), description: 'Select the next row in the table.' + shiftHint } }); } this.keyboard[attach ? 'activate' : 'deactivate'](); } this.updateSelects(); }, mouseleave: function(){ if (this.hovered) this.leaveRow(this.hovered); } }); /* --- script: Scroller.js name: Scroller description: Class which scrolls the contents of any Element (including the window) when the mouse reaches the Element's boundaries. license: MIT-style license authors: - Valerio Proietti requires: - Core/Events - Core/Options - Core/Element.Event - Core/Element.Dimensions - MooTools.More provides: [Scroller] ... */ var Scroller = new Class({ Implements: [Events, Options], options: { area: 20, velocity: 1, onChange: function(x, y){ this.element.scrollTo(x, y); }, fps: 50 }, initialize: function(element, options){ this.setOptions(options); this.element = document.id(element); this.docBody = document.id(this.element.getDocument().body); this.listener = (typeOf(this.element) != 'element') ? this.docBody : this.element; this.timer = null; this.bound = { attach: this.attach.bind(this), detach: this.detach.bind(this), getCoords: this.getCoords.bind(this) }; }, start: function(){ this.listener.addEvents({ mouseover: this.bound.attach, mouseleave: this.bound.detach }); return this; }, stop: function(){ this.listener.removeEvents({ mouseover: this.bound.attach, mouseleave: this.bound.detach }); this.detach(); this.timer = clearInterval(this.timer); return this; }, attach: function(){ this.listener.addEvent('mousemove', this.bound.getCoords); }, detach: function(){ this.listener.removeEvent('mousemove', this.bound.getCoords); this.timer = clearInterval(this.timer); }, getCoords: function(event){ this.page = (this.listener.get('tag') == 'body') ? event.client : event.page; if (!this.timer) this.timer = this.scroll.periodical(Math.round(1000 / this.options.fps), this); }, scroll: function(){ var size = this.element.getSize(), scroll = this.element.getScroll(), pos = this.element != this.docBody ? this.element.getOffsets() : {x: 0, y:0}, scrollSize = this.element.getScrollSize(), change = {x: 0, y: 0}, top = this.options.area.top || this.options.area, bottom = this.options.area.bottom || this.options.area; for (var z in this.page){ if (this.page[z] < (top + pos[z]) && scroll[z] != 0){ change[z] = (this.page[z] - top - pos[z]) * this.options.velocity; } else if (this.page[z] + bottom > (size[z] + pos[z]) && scroll[z] + size[z] != scrollSize[z]){ change[z] = (this.page[z] - size[z] + bottom - pos[z]) * this.options.velocity; } change[z] = change[z].round(); } if (change.y || change.x) this.fireEvent('change', [scroll.x + change.x, scroll.y + change.y]); } }); /* --- script: Tips.js name: Tips description: Class for creating nice tips that follow the mouse cursor when hovering an element. license: MIT-style license authors: - Valerio Proietti - Christoph Pojer - Luis Merino requires: - Core/Options - Core/Events - Core/Element.Event - Core/Element.Style - Core/Element.Dimensions - /MooTools.More provides: [Tips] ... */ (function(){ var read = function(option, element){ return (option) ? (typeOf(option) == 'function' ? option(element) : element.get(option)) : ''; }; this.Tips = new Class({ Implements: [Events, Options], options: {/* id: null, onAttach: function(element){}, onDetach: function(element){}, onBound: function(coords){},*/ onShow: function(){ this.tip.setStyle('display', 'block'); }, onHide: function(){ this.tip.setStyle('display', 'none'); }, title: 'title', text: function(element){ return element.get('rel') || element.get('href'); }, showDelay: 100, hideDelay: 100, className: 'tip-wrap', offset: {x: 16, y: 16}, windowPadding: {x:0, y:0}, fixed: false, waiAria: true }, initialize: function(){ var params = Array.link(arguments, { options: Type.isObject, elements: function(obj){ return obj != null; } }); this.setOptions(params.options); if (params.elements) this.attach(params.elements); this.container = new Element('div', {'class': 'tip'}); if (this.options.id){ this.container.set('id', this.options.id); if (this.options.waiAria) this.attachWaiAria(); } }, toElement: function(){ if (this.tip) return this.tip; this.tip = new Element('div', { 'class': this.options.className, styles: { position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0 } }).adopt( new Element('div', {'class': 'tip-top'}), this.container, new Element('div', {'class': 'tip-bottom'}) ); return this.tip; }, attachWaiAria: function(){ var id = this.options.id; this.container.set('role', 'tooltip'); if (!this.waiAria){ this.waiAria = { show: function(element){ if (id) element.set('aria-describedby', id); this.container.set('aria-hidden', 'false'); }, hide: function(element){ if (id) element.erase('aria-describedby'); this.container.set('aria-hidden', 'true'); } }; } this.addEvents(this.waiAria); }, detachWaiAria: function(){ if (this.waiAria){ this.container.erase('role'); this.container.erase('aria-hidden'); this.removeEvents(this.waiAria); } }, attach: function(elements){ $$(elements).each(function(element){ var title = read(this.options.title, element), text = read(this.options.text, element); element.set('title', '').store('tip:native', title).retrieve('tip:title', title); element.retrieve('tip:text', text); this.fireEvent('attach', [element]); var events = ['enter', 'leave']; if (!this.options.fixed) events.push('move'); events.each(function(value){ var event = element.retrieve('tip:' + value); if (!event) event = function(event){ this['element' + value.capitalize()].apply(this, [event, element]); }.bind(this); element.store('tip:' + value, event).addEvent('mouse' + value, event); }, this); }, this); return this; }, detach: function(elements){ $$(elements).each(function(element){ ['enter', 'leave', 'move'].each(function(value){ element.removeEvent('mouse' + value, element.retrieve('tip:' + value)).eliminate('tip:' + value); }); this.fireEvent('detach', [element]); if (this.options.title == 'title'){ // This is necessary to check if we can revert the title var original = element.retrieve('tip:native'); if (original) element.set('title', original); } }, this); return this; }, elementEnter: function(event, element){ clearTimeout(this.timer); this.timer = (function(){ this.container.empty(); ['title', 'text'].each(function(value){ var content = element.retrieve('tip:' + value); var div = this['_' + value + 'Element'] = new Element('div', { 'class': 'tip-' + value }).inject(this.container); if (content) this.fill(div, content); }, this); this.show(element); this.position((this.options.fixed) ? {page: element.getPosition()} : event); }).delay(this.options.showDelay, this); }, elementLeave: function(event, element){ clearTimeout(this.timer); this.timer = this.hide.delay(this.options.hideDelay, this, element); this.fireForParent(event, element); }, setTitle: function(title){ if (this._titleElement){ this._titleElement.empty(); this.fill(this._titleElement, title); } return this; }, setText: function(text){ if (this._textElement){ this._textElement.empty(); this.fill(this._textElement, text); } return this; }, fireForParent: function(event, element){ element = element.getParent(); if (!element || element == document.body) return; if (element.retrieve('tip:enter')) element.fireEvent('mouseenter', event); else this.fireForParent(event, element); }, elementMove: function(event, element){ this.position(event); }, position: function(event){ if (!this.tip) document.id(this); var size = window.getSize(), scroll = window.getScroll(), tip = {x: this.tip.offsetWidth, y: this.tip.offsetHeight}, props = {x: 'left', y: 'top'}, bounds = {y: false, x2: false, y2: false, x: false}, obj = {}; for (var z in props){ obj[props[z]] = event.page[z] + this.options.offset[z]; if (obj[props[z]] < 0) bounds[z] = true; if ((obj[props[z]] + tip[z] - scroll[z]) > size[z] - this.options.windowPadding[z]){ obj[props[z]] = event.page[z] - this.options.offset[z] - tip[z]; bounds[z+'2'] = true; } } this.fireEvent('bound', bounds); this.tip.setStyles(obj); }, fill: function(element, contents){ if (typeof contents == 'string') element.set('html', contents); else element.adopt(contents); }, show: function(element){ if (!this.tip) document.id(this); if (!this.tip.getParent()) this.tip.inject(document.body); this.fireEvent('show', [this.tip, element]); }, hide: function(element){ if (!this.tip) document.id(this); this.fireEvent('hide', [this.tip, element]); } }); })(); /* --- script: Locale.Set.From.js name: Locale.Set.From description: Provides an alternative way to create Locale.Set objects. license: MIT-style license authors: - Tim Wienk requires: - Core/JSON - /Locale provides: Locale.Set.From ... */ (function(){ var parsers = { 'json': JSON.decode }; Locale.Set.defineParser = function(name, fn){ parsers[name] = fn; }; Locale.Set.from = function(set, type){ if (instanceOf(set, Locale.Set)) return set; if (!type && typeOf(set) == 'string') type = 'json'; if (parsers[type]) set = parsers[type](set); var locale = new Locale.Set; locale.sets = set.sets || {}; if (set.inherits){ locale.inherits.locales = Array.from(set.inherits.locales); locale.inherits.sets = set.inherits.sets || {}; } return locale; }; })(); /* --- name: Locale.ar.Date description: Date messages for Arabic. license: MIT-style license authors: - Chafik Barbar requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.ar.Date] ... */ Locale.define('ar', 'Date', { // Culture's date order: DD/MM/YYYY dateOrder: ['date', 'month', 'year'], shortDate: '%d/%m/%Y', shortTime: '%H:%M' }); /* --- name: Locale.ar.Form.Validator description: Form Validator messages for Arabic. license: MIT-style license authors: - Chafik Barbar requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.ar.Form.Validator] ... */ Locale.define('ar', 'FormValidator', { required: 'هذا الحقل مطلوب.', minLength: 'رجاءً إدخال {minLength} أحرف على الأقل (تم إدخال {length} أحرف).', maxLength: 'الرجاء عدم إدخال أكثر من {maxLength} أحرف (تم إدخال {length} أحرف).', integer: 'الرجاء إدخال عدد صحيح في هذا الحقل. أي رقم ذو كسر عشري أو مئوي (مثال 1.25 ) غير مسموح.', numeric: 'الرجاء إدخال قيم رقمية في هذا الحقل (مثال "1" أو "1.1" أو "-1" أو "-1.1").', digits: 'الرجاء أستخدام قيم رقمية وعلامات ترقيمية فقط في هذا الحقل (مثال, رقم هاتف مع نقطة أو شحطة)', alpha: 'الرجاء أستخدام أحرف فقط (ا-ي) في هذا الحقل. أي فراغات أو علامات غير مسموحة.', alphanum: 'الرجاء أستخدام أحرف فقط (ا-ي) أو أرقام (0-9) فقط في هذا الحقل. أي فراغات أو علامات غير مسموحة.', dateSuchAs: 'الرجاء إدخال تاريخ صحيح كالتالي {date}', dateInFormatMDY: 'الرجاء إدخال تاريخ صحيح (مثال, 31-12-1999)', email: 'الرجاء إدخال بريد إلكتروني صحيح.', url: 'الرجاء إدخال عنوان إلكتروني صحيح مثل http://www.example.com', currencyDollar: 'الرجاء إدخال قيمة $ صحيحة. مثال, 100.00$', oneRequired: 'الرجاء إدخال قيمة في أحد هذه الحقول على الأقل.', errorPrefix: 'خطأ: ', warningPrefix: 'تحذير: ' }); /* --- name: Locale.ca-CA.Date description: Date messages for Catalan. license: MIT-style license authors: - Ãlfons Sanchez requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.ca-CA.Date] ... */ Locale.define('ca-CA', 'Date', { months: ['Gener', 'Febrer', 'Març', 'Abril', 'Maig', 'Juny', 'Juli', 'Agost', 'Setembre', 'Octubre', 'Novembre', 'Desembre'], months_abbr: ['gen.', 'febr.', 'març', 'abr.', 'maig', 'juny', 'jul.', 'ag.', 'set.', 'oct.', 'nov.', 'des.'], days: ['Diumenge', 'Dilluns', 'Dimarts', 'Dimecres', 'Dijous', 'Divendres', 'Dissabte'], days_abbr: ['dg', 'dl', 'dt', 'dc', 'dj', 'dv', 'ds'], // Culture's date order: DD/MM/YYYY dateOrder: ['date', 'month', 'year'], shortDate: '%d/%m/%Y', shortTime: '%H:%M', AM: 'AM', PM: 'PM', firstDayOfWeek: 0, // Date.Extras ordinal: '', lessThanMinuteAgo: 'fa menys d`un minut', minuteAgo: 'fa un minut', minutesAgo: 'fa {delta} minuts', hourAgo: 'fa un hora', hoursAgo: 'fa unes {delta} hores', dayAgo: 'fa un dia', daysAgo: 'fa {delta} dies', lessThanMinuteUntil: 'menys d`un minut des d`ara', minuteUntil: 'un minut des d`ara', minutesUntil: '{delta} minuts des d`ara', hourUntil: 'un hora des d`ara', hoursUntil: 'unes {delta} hores des d`ara', dayUntil: '1 dia des d`ara', daysUntil: '{delta} dies des d`ara' }); /* --- name: Locale.ca-CA.Form.Validator description: Form Validator messages for Catalan. license: MIT-style license authors: - Miquel Hudin - Ãlfons Sanchez requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.ca-CA.Form.Validator] ... */ Locale.define('ca-CA', 'FormValidator', { required: 'Aquest camp es obligatori.', minLength: 'Per favor introdueix al menys {minLength} caracters (has introduit {length} caracters).', maxLength: 'Per favor introdueix no mes de {maxLength} caracters (has introduit {length} caracters).', integer: 'Per favor introdueix un nombre enter en aquest camp. Nombres amb decimals (p.e. 1,25) no estan permesos.', numeric: 'Per favor introdueix sols valors numerics en aquest camp (p.e. "1" o "1,1" o "-1" o "-1,1").', digits: 'Per favor usa sols numeros i puntuacio en aquest camp (per exemple, un nombre de telefon amb guions i punts no esta permes).', alpha: 'Per favor utilitza lletres nomes (a-z) en aquest camp. No s´admiteixen espais ni altres caracters.', alphanum: 'Per favor, utilitza nomes lletres (a-z) o numeros (0-9) en aquest camp. No s´admiteixen espais ni altres caracters.', dateSuchAs: 'Per favor introdueix una data valida com {date}', dateInFormatMDY: 'Per favor introdueix una data valida com DD/MM/YYYY (p.e. "31/12/1999")', email: 'Per favor, introdueix una adreça de correu electronic valida. Per exemple, "fred@domain.com".', url: 'Per favor introdueix una URL valida com http://www.example.com.', currencyDollar: 'Per favor introdueix una quantitat valida de €. Per exemple €100,00 .', oneRequired: 'Per favor introdueix alguna cosa per al menys una d´aquestes entrades.', errorPrefix: 'Error: ', warningPrefix: 'Avis: ', // Form.Validator.Extras noSpace: 'No poden haver espais en aquesta entrada.', reqChkByNode: 'No hi han elements seleccionats.', requiredChk: 'Aquest camp es obligatori.', reqChkByName: 'Per favor selecciona una {label}.', match: 'Aquest camp necessita coincidir amb el camp {matchName}', startDate: 'la data de inici', endDate: 'la data de fi', currendDate: 'la data actual', afterDate: 'La data deu ser igual o posterior a {label}.', beforeDate: 'La data deu ser igual o anterior a {label}.', startMonth: 'Per favor selecciona un mes d´orige', sameMonth: 'Aquestes dos dates deuen estar dins del mateix mes - deus canviar una o altra.' }); /* --- name: Locale.cs-CZ.Date description: Date messages for Czech. license: MIT-style license authors: - Jan Černý chemiX - Christopher Zukowski requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.cs-CZ.Date] ... */ (function(){ // Czech language pluralization rules, see http://unicode.org/repos/cldr-tmp/trunk/diff/supplemental/language_plural_rules.html // one -> n is 1; 1 // few -> n in 2..4; 2-4 // other -> everything else 0, 5-999, 1.31, 2.31, 5.31... var pluralize = function (n, one, few, other){ if (n == 1) return one; else if (n == 2 || n == 3 || n == 4) return few; else return other; }; Locale.define('cs-CZ', 'Date', { months: ['Leden', 'Únor', 'Březen', 'Duben', 'Květen', 'Červen', 'Červenec', 'Srpen', 'Září', 'Říjen', 'Listopad', 'Prosinec'], months_abbr: ['ledna', 'února', 'března', 'dubna', 'května', 'června', 'července', 'srpna', 'září', 'října', 'listopadu', 'prosince'], days: ['Neděle', 'Pondělí', 'Úterý', 'Středa', 'Čtvrtek', 'Pátek', 'Sobota'], days_abbr: ['ne', 'po', 'út', 'st', 'čt', 'pá', 'so'], // Culture's date order: DD.MM.YYYY dateOrder: ['date', 'month', 'year'], shortDate: '%d.%m.%Y', shortTime: '%H:%M', AM: 'dop.', PM: 'odp.', firstDayOfWeek: 1, // Date.Extras ordinal: '.', lessThanMinuteAgo: 'před chvílí', minuteAgo: 'přibližně před minutou', minutesAgo: function(delta){ return 'před {delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'minutou', 'minutami', 'minutami'); }, hourAgo: 'přibližně před hodinou', hoursAgo: function(delta){ return 'před {delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'hodinou', 'hodinami', 'hodinami'); }, dayAgo: 'před dnem', daysAgo: function(delta){ return 'před {delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'dnem', 'dny', 'dny'); }, weekAgo: 'před týdnem', weeksAgo: function(delta){ return 'před {delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'týdnem', 'týdny', 'týdny'); }, monthAgo: 'před měsícem', monthsAgo: function(delta){ return 'před {delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'měsícem', 'měsíci', 'měsíci'); }, yearAgo: 'před rokem', yearsAgo: function(delta){ return 'před {delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'rokem', 'lety', 'lety'); }, lessThanMinuteUntil: 'za chvíli', minuteUntil: 'přibližně za minutu', minutesUntil: function(delta){ return 'za {delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'minutu', 'minuty', 'minut'); }, hourUntil: 'přibližně za hodinu', hoursUntil: function(delta){ return 'za {delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'hodinu', 'hodiny', 'hodin'); }, dayUntil: 'za den', daysUntil: function(delta){ return 'za {delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'den', 'dny', 'dnů'); }, weekUntil: 'za týden', weeksUntil: function(delta){ return 'za {delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'týden', 'týdny', 'týdnů'); }, monthUntil: 'za měsíc', monthsUntil: function(delta){ return 'za {delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'měsíc', 'měsíce', 'měsíců'); }, yearUntil: 'za rok', yearsUntil: function(delta){ return 'za {delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'rok', 'roky', 'let'); } }); })(); /* --- name: Locale.cs-CZ.Form.Validator description: Form Validator messages for Czech. license: MIT-style license authors: - Jan Černý chemiX requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.cs-CZ.Form.Validator] ... */ Locale.define('cs-CZ', 'FormValidator', { required: 'Tato položka je povinná.', minLength: 'Zadejte prosím alespoň {minLength} znaků (napsáno {length} znaků).', maxLength: 'Zadejte prosím méně než {maxLength} znaků (nápsáno {length} znaků).', integer: 'Zadejte prosím celé číslo. Desetinná čísla (např. 1.25) nejsou povolena.', numeric: 'Zadejte jen číselné hodnoty (tj. "1" nebo "1.1" nebo "-1" nebo "-1.1").', digits: 'Zadejte prosím pouze čísla a interpunkční znaménka(například telefonní číslo s pomlčkami nebo tečkami je povoleno).', alpha: 'Zadejte prosím pouze písmena (a-z). Mezery nebo jiné znaky nejsou povoleny.', alphanum: 'Zadejte prosím pouze písmena (a-z) nebo číslice (0-9). Mezery nebo jiné znaky nejsou povoleny.', dateSuchAs: 'Zadejte prosím platné datum jako {date}', dateInFormatMDY: 'Zadejte prosím platné datum jako MM / DD / RRRR (tj. "12/31/1999")', email: 'Zadejte prosím platnou e-mailovou adresu. Například "fred@domain.com".', url: 'Zadejte prosím platnou URL adresu jako http://www.example.com.', currencyDollar: 'Zadejte prosím platnou částku. Například $100.00.', oneRequired: 'Zadejte prosím alespoň jednu hodnotu pro tyto položky.', errorPrefix: 'Chyba: ', warningPrefix: 'Upozornění: ', // Form.Validator.Extras noSpace: 'V této položce nejsou povoleny mezery', reqChkByNode: 'Nejsou vybrány žádné položky.', requiredChk: 'Tato položka je vyžadována.', reqChkByName: 'Prosím vyberte {label}.', match: 'Tato položka se musí shodovat s položkou {matchName}', startDate: 'datum zahájení', endDate: 'datum ukončení', currendDate: 'aktuální datum', afterDate: 'Datum by mělo být stejné nebo větší než {label}.', beforeDate: 'Datum by mělo být stejné nebo menší než {label}.', startMonth: 'Vyberte počáteční měsíc.', sameMonth: 'Tyto dva datumy musí být ve stejném měsíci - změňte jeden z nich.', creditcard: 'Zadané číslo kreditní karty je neplatné. Prosím opravte ho. Bylo zadáno {length} čísel.' }); /* --- name: Locale.da-DK.Date description: Date messages for Danish. license: MIT-style license authors: - Martin Overgaard - Henrik Hansen requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.da-DK.Date] ... */ Locale.define('da-DK', 'Date', { months: ['Januar', 'Februar', 'Marts', 'April', 'Maj', 'Juni', 'Juli', 'August', 'September', 'Oktober', 'November', 'December'], months_abbr: ['jan.', 'feb.', 'mar.', 'apr.', 'maj.', 'jun.', 'jul.', 'aug.', 'sep.', 'okt.', 'nov.', 'dec.'], days: ['Søndag', 'Mandag', 'Tirsdag', 'Onsdag', 'Torsdag', 'Fredag', 'Lørdag'], days_abbr: ['søn', 'man', 'tir', 'ons', 'tor', 'fre', 'lør'], // Culture's date order: DD-MM-YYYY dateOrder: ['date', 'month', 'year'], shortDate: '%d-%m-%Y', shortTime: '%H:%M', AM: 'AM', PM: 'PM', firstDayOfWeek: 1, // Date.Extras ordinal: '.', lessThanMinuteAgo: 'mindre end et minut siden', minuteAgo: 'omkring et minut siden', minutesAgo: '{delta} minutter siden', hourAgo: 'omkring en time siden', hoursAgo: 'omkring {delta} timer siden', dayAgo: '1 dag siden', daysAgo: '{delta} dage siden', weekAgo: '1 uge siden', weeksAgo: '{delta} uger siden', monthAgo: '1 måned siden', monthsAgo: '{delta} måneder siden', yearAgo: '1 år siden', yearsAgo: '{delta} år siden', lessThanMinuteUntil: 'mindre end et minut fra nu', minuteUntil: 'omkring et minut fra nu', minutesUntil: '{delta} minutter fra nu', hourUntil: 'omkring en time fra nu', hoursUntil: 'omkring {delta} timer fra nu', dayUntil: '1 dag fra nu', daysUntil: '{delta} dage fra nu', weekUntil: '1 uge fra nu', weeksUntil: '{delta} uger fra nu', monthUntil: '1 måned fra nu', monthsUntil: '{delta} måneder fra nu', yearUntil: '1 år fra nu', yearsUntil: '{delta} år fra nu' }); /* --- name: Locale.da-DK.Form.Validator description: Form Validator messages for Danish. license: MIT-style license authors: - Martin Overgaard requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.da-DK.Form.Validator] ... */ Locale.define('da-DK', 'FormValidator', { required: 'Feltet skal udfyldes.', minLength: 'Skriv mindst {minLength} tegn (du skrev {length} tegn).', maxLength: 'Skriv maksimalt {maxLength} tegn (du skrev {length} tegn).', integer: 'Skriv et tal i dette felt. Decimal tal (f.eks. 1.25) er ikke tilladt.', numeric: 'Skriv kun tal i dette felt (i.e. "1" eller "1.1" eller "-1" eller "-1.1").', digits: 'Skriv kun tal og tegnsætning i dette felt (eksempel, et telefon nummer med bindestreg eller punktum er tilladt).', alpha: 'Skriv kun bogstaver (a-z) i dette felt. Mellemrum og andre tegn er ikke tilladt.', alphanum: 'Skriv kun bogstaver (a-z) eller tal (0-9) i dette felt. Mellemrum og andre tegn er ikke tilladt.', dateSuchAs: 'Skriv en gyldig dato som {date}', dateInFormatMDY: 'Skriv dato i formatet DD-MM-YYYY (f.eks. "31-12-1999")', email: 'Skriv en gyldig e-mail adresse. F.eks "fred@domain.com".', url: 'Skriv en gyldig URL adresse. F.eks "http://www.example.com".', currencyDollar: 'Skriv et gldigt beløb. F.eks Kr.100.00 .', oneRequired: 'Et eller flere af felterne i denne formular skal udfyldes.', errorPrefix: 'Fejl: ', warningPrefix: 'Advarsel: ', // Form.Validator.Extras noSpace: 'Der må ikke benyttes mellemrum i dette felt.', reqChkByNode: 'Foretag et valg.', requiredChk: 'Dette felt skal udfyldes.', reqChkByName: 'Vælg en {label}.', match: 'Dette felt skal matche {matchName} feltet', startDate: 'start dato', endDate: 'slut dato', currendDate: 'dags dato', afterDate: 'Datoen skal være større end eller lig med {label}.', beforeDate: 'Datoen skal være mindre end eller lig med {label}.', startMonth: 'Vælg en start måned', sameMonth: 'De valgte datoer skal være i samme måned - skift en af dem.' }); /* --- name: Locale.de-DE.Date description: Date messages for German. license: MIT-style license authors: - Christoph Pojer - Frank Rossi - Ulrich Petri - Fabian Beiner requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.de-DE.Date] ... */ Locale.define('de-DE', 'Date', { months: ['Januar', 'Februar', 'März', 'April', 'Mai', 'Juni', 'Juli', 'August', 'September', 'Oktober', 'November', 'Dezember'], months_abbr: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mär', 'Apr', 'Mai', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Okt', 'Nov', 'Dez'], days: ['Sonntag', 'Montag', 'Dienstag', 'Mittwoch', 'Donnerstag', 'Freitag', 'Samstag'], days_abbr: ['So.', 'Mo.', 'Di.', 'Mi.', 'Do.', 'Fr.', 'Sa.'], // Culture's date order: DD.MM.YYYY dateOrder: ['date', 'month', 'year'], shortDate: '%d.%m.%Y', shortTime: '%H:%M', AM: 'vormittags', PM: 'nachmittags', firstDayOfWeek: 1, // Date.Extras ordinal: '.', lessThanMinuteAgo: 'vor weniger als einer Minute', minuteAgo: 'vor einer Minute', minutesAgo: 'vor {delta} Minuten', hourAgo: 'vor einer Stunde', hoursAgo: 'vor {delta} Stunden', dayAgo: 'vor einem Tag', daysAgo: 'vor {delta} Tagen', weekAgo: 'vor einer Woche', weeksAgo: 'vor {delta} Wochen', monthAgo: 'vor einem Monat', monthsAgo: 'vor {delta} Monaten', yearAgo: 'vor einem Jahr', yearsAgo: 'vor {delta} Jahren', lessThanMinuteUntil: 'in weniger als einer Minute', minuteUntil: 'in einer Minute', minutesUntil: 'in {delta} Minuten', hourUntil: 'in ca. einer Stunde', hoursUntil: 'in ca. {delta} Stunden', dayUntil: 'in einem Tag', daysUntil: 'in {delta} Tagen', weekUntil: 'in einer Woche', weeksUntil: 'in {delta} Wochen', monthUntil: 'in einem Monat', monthsUntil: 'in {delta} Monaten', yearUntil: 'in einem Jahr', yearsUntil: 'in {delta} Jahren' }); /* --- name: Locale.de-CH.Date description: Date messages for German (Switzerland). license: MIT-style license authors: - Michael van der Weg requires: - /Locale - /Locale.de-DE.Date provides: [Locale.de-CH.Date] ... */ Locale.define('de-CH').inherit('de-DE', 'Date'); /* --- name: Locale.de-CH.Form.Validator description: Form Validator messages for German (Switzerland). license: MIT-style license authors: - Michael van der Weg requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.de-CH.Form.Validator] ... */ Locale.define('de-CH', 'FormValidator', { required: 'Dieses Feld ist obligatorisch.', minLength: 'Geben Sie bitte mindestens {minLength} Zeichen ein (Sie haben {length} Zeichen eingegeben).', maxLength: 'Bitte geben Sie nicht mehr als {maxLength} Zeichen ein (Sie haben {length} Zeichen eingegeben).', integer: 'Geben Sie bitte eine ganze Zahl ein. Dezimalzahlen (z.B. 1.25) sind nicht erlaubt.', numeric: 'Geben Sie bitte nur Zahlenwerte in dieses Eingabefeld ein (z.B. "1", "1.1", "-1" oder "-1.1").', digits: 'Benutzen Sie bitte nur Zahlen und Satzzeichen in diesem Eingabefeld (erlaubt ist z.B. eine Telefonnummer mit Bindestrichen und Punkten).', alpha: 'Benutzen Sie bitte nur Buchstaben (a-z) in diesem Feld. Leerzeichen und andere Zeichen sind nicht erlaubt.', alphanum: 'Benutzen Sie bitte nur Buchstaben (a-z) und Zahlen (0-9) in diesem Eingabefeld. Leerzeichen und andere Zeichen sind nicht erlaubt.', dateSuchAs: 'Geben Sie bitte ein gültiges Datum ein. Wie zum Beispiel {date}', dateInFormatMDY: 'Geben Sie bitte ein gültiges Datum ein. Wie zum Beispiel TT.MM.JJJJ (z.B. "31.12.1999")', email: 'Geben Sie bitte eine gültige E-Mail Adresse ein. Wie zum Beispiel "maria@bernasconi.ch".', url: 'Geben Sie bitte eine gültige URL ein. Wie zum Beispiel http://www.example.com.', currencyDollar: 'Geben Sie bitte einen gültigen Betrag in Schweizer Franken ein. Wie zum Beispiel 100.00 CHF .', oneRequired: 'Machen Sie für mindestens eines der Eingabefelder einen Eintrag.', errorPrefix: 'Fehler: ', warningPrefix: 'Warnung: ', // Form.Validator.Extras noSpace: 'In diesem Eingabefeld darf kein Leerzeichen sein.', reqChkByNode: 'Es wurden keine Elemente gewählt.', requiredChk: 'Dieses Feld ist obligatorisch.', reqChkByName: 'Bitte wählen Sie ein {label}.', match: 'Dieses Eingabefeld muss mit dem Feld {matchName} übereinstimmen.', startDate: 'Das Anfangsdatum', endDate: 'Das Enddatum', currendDate: 'Das aktuelle Datum', afterDate: 'Das Datum sollte zur gleichen Zeit oder später sein {label}.', beforeDate: 'Das Datum sollte zur gleichen Zeit oder früher sein {label}.', startMonth: 'Wählen Sie bitte einen Anfangsmonat', sameMonth: 'Diese zwei Datumsangaben müssen im selben Monat sein - Sie müssen eine von beiden verändern.', creditcard: 'Die eingegebene Kreditkartennummer ist ungültig. Bitte überprüfen Sie diese und versuchen Sie es erneut. {length} Zahlen eingegeben.' }); /* --- name: Locale.de-DE.Form.Validator description: Form Validator messages for German. license: MIT-style license authors: - Frank Rossi - Ulrich Petri - Fabian Beiner requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.de-DE.Form.Validator] ... */ Locale.define('de-DE', 'FormValidator', { required: 'Dieses Eingabefeld muss ausgefüllt werden.', minLength: 'Geben Sie bitte mindestens {minLength} Zeichen ein (Sie haben nur {length} Zeichen eingegeben).', maxLength: 'Geben Sie bitte nicht mehr als {maxLength} Zeichen ein (Sie haben {length} Zeichen eingegeben).', integer: 'Geben Sie in diesem Eingabefeld bitte eine ganze Zahl ein. Dezimalzahlen (z.B. "1.25") sind nicht erlaubt.', numeric: 'Geben Sie in diesem Eingabefeld bitte nur Zahlenwerte (z.B. "1", "1.1", "-1" oder "-1.1") ein.', digits: 'Geben Sie in diesem Eingabefeld bitte nur Zahlen und Satzzeichen ein (z.B. eine Telefonnummer mit Bindestrichen und Punkten ist erlaubt).', alpha: 'Geben Sie in diesem Eingabefeld bitte nur Buchstaben (a-z) ein. Leerzeichen und andere Zeichen sind nicht erlaubt.', alphanum: 'Geben Sie in diesem Eingabefeld bitte nur Buchstaben (a-z) und Zahlen (0-9) ein. Leerzeichen oder andere Zeichen sind nicht erlaubt.', dateSuchAs: 'Geben Sie bitte ein gültiges Datum ein (z.B. "{date}").', dateInFormatMDY: 'Geben Sie bitte ein gültiges Datum im Format TT.MM.JJJJ ein (z.B. "31.12.1999").', email: 'Geben Sie bitte eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse ein (z.B. "max@mustermann.de").', url: 'Geben Sie bitte eine gültige URL ein (z.B. "http://www.example.com").', currencyDollar: 'Geben Sie bitte einen gültigen Betrag in EURO ein (z.B. 100.00€).', oneRequired: 'Bitte füllen Sie mindestens ein Eingabefeld aus.', errorPrefix: 'Fehler: ', warningPrefix: 'Warnung: ', // Form.Validator.Extras noSpace: 'Es darf kein Leerzeichen in diesem Eingabefeld sein.', reqChkByNode: 'Es wurden keine Elemente gewählt.', requiredChk: 'Dieses Feld muss ausgefüllt werden.', reqChkByName: 'Bitte wählen Sie ein {label}.', match: 'Dieses Eingabefeld muss mit dem {matchName} Eingabefeld übereinstimmen.', startDate: 'Das Anfangsdatum', endDate: 'Das Enddatum', currendDate: 'Das aktuelle Datum', afterDate: 'Das Datum sollte zur gleichen Zeit oder später sein als {label}.', beforeDate: 'Das Datum sollte zur gleichen Zeit oder früher sein als {label}.', startMonth: 'Wählen Sie bitte einen Anfangsmonat', sameMonth: 'Diese zwei Datumsangaben müssen im selben Monat sein - Sie müssen eines von beiden verändern.', creditcard: 'Die eingegebene Kreditkartennummer ist ungültig. Bitte überprüfen Sie diese und versuchen Sie es erneut. {length} Zahlen eingegeben.' }); /* --- name: Locale.EU.Number description: Number messages for Europe. license: MIT-style license authors: - Arian Stolwijk requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.EU.Number] ... */ Locale.define('EU', 'Number', { decimal: ',', group: '.', currency: { prefix: '€ ' } }); /* --- name: Locale.de-DE.Number description: Number messages for German. license: MIT-style license authors: - Christoph Pojer requires: - /Locale - /Locale.EU.Number provides: [Locale.de-DE.Number] ... */ Locale.define('de-DE').inherit('EU', 'Number'); /* --- name: Locale.en-GB.Date description: Date messages for British English. license: MIT-style license authors: - Aaron Newton requires: - /Locale - /Locale.en-US.Date provides: [Locale.en-GB.Date] ... */ Locale.define('en-GB', 'Date', { // Culture's date order: DD/MM/YYYY dateOrder: ['date', 'month', 'year'], shortDate: '%d/%m/%Y', shortTime: '%H:%M' }).inherit('en-US', 'Date'); /* --- name: Locale.es-ES.Date description: Date messages for Spanish. license: MIT-style license authors: - Ãlfons Sanchez requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.es-ES.Date] ... */ Locale.define('es-ES', 'Date', { months: ['Enero', 'Febrero', 'Marzo', 'Abril', 'Mayo', 'Junio', 'Julio', 'Agosto', 'Septiembre', 'Octubre', 'Noviembre', 'Diciembre'], months_abbr: ['ene', 'feb', 'mar', 'abr', 'may', 'jun', 'jul', 'ago', 'sep', 'oct', 'nov', 'dic'], days: ['Domingo', 'Lunes', 'Martes', 'Miércoles', 'Jueves', 'Viernes', 'Sábado'], days_abbr: ['dom', 'lun', 'mar', 'mié', 'juv', 'vie', 'sáb'], // Culture's date order: DD/MM/YYYY dateOrder: ['date', 'month', 'year'], shortDate: '%d/%m/%Y', shortTime: '%H:%M', AM: 'AM', PM: 'PM', firstDayOfWeek: 1, // Date.Extras ordinal: '', lessThanMinuteAgo: 'hace menos de un minuto', minuteAgo: 'hace un minuto', minutesAgo: 'hace {delta} minutos', hourAgo: 'hace una hora', hoursAgo: 'hace unas {delta} horas', dayAgo: 'hace un día', daysAgo: 'hace {delta} días', weekAgo: 'hace una semana', weeksAgo: 'hace unas {delta} semanas', monthAgo: 'hace un mes', monthsAgo: 'hace {delta} meses', yearAgo: 'hace un año', yearsAgo: 'hace {delta} años', lessThanMinuteUntil: 'menos de un minuto desde ahora', minuteUntil: 'un minuto desde ahora', minutesUntil: '{delta} minutos desde ahora', hourUntil: 'una hora desde ahora', hoursUntil: 'unas {delta} horas desde ahora', dayUntil: 'un día desde ahora', daysUntil: '{delta} días desde ahora', weekUntil: 'una semana desde ahora', weeksUntil: 'unas {delta} semanas desde ahora', monthUntil: 'un mes desde ahora', monthsUntil: '{delta} meses desde ahora', yearUntil: 'un año desde ahora', yearsUntil: '{delta} años desde ahora' }); /* --- name: Locale.es-AR.Date description: Date messages for Spanish (Argentina). license: MIT-style license authors: - Ãlfons Sanchez - Diego Massanti requires: - /Locale - /Locale.es-ES.Date provides: [Locale.es-AR.Date] ... */ Locale.define('es-AR').inherit('es-ES', 'Date'); /* --- name: Locale.es-AR.Form.Validator description: Form Validator messages for Spanish (Argentina). license: MIT-style license authors: - Diego Massanti requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.es-AR.Form.Validator] ... */ Locale.define('es-AR', 'FormValidator', { required: 'Este campo es obligatorio.', minLength: 'Por favor ingrese al menos {minLength} caracteres (ha ingresado {length} caracteres).', maxLength: 'Por favor no ingrese más de {maxLength} caracteres (ha ingresado {length} caracteres).', integer: 'Por favor ingrese un número entero en este campo. Números con decimales (p.e. 1,25) no se permiten.', numeric: 'Por favor ingrese solo valores numéricos en este campo (p.e. "1" o "1,1" o "-1" o "-1,1").', digits: 'Por favor use sólo números y puntuación en este campo (por ejemplo, un número de teléfono con guiones y/o puntos no está permitido).', alpha: 'Por favor use sólo letras (a-z) en este campo. No se permiten espacios ni otros caracteres.', alphanum: 'Por favor, usa sólo letras (a-z) o números (0-9) en este campo. No se permiten espacios u otros caracteres.', dateSuchAs: 'Por favor ingrese una fecha válida como {date}', dateInFormatMDY: 'Por favor ingrese una fecha válida, utulizando el formato DD/MM/YYYY (p.e. "31/12/1999")', email: 'Por favor, ingrese una dirección de e-mail válida. Por ejemplo, "fred@dominio.com".', url: 'Por favor ingrese una URL válida como http://www.example.com.', currencyDollar: 'Por favor ingrese una cantidad válida de pesos. Por ejemplo $100,00 .', oneRequired: 'Por favor ingrese algo para por lo menos una de estas entradas.', errorPrefix: 'Error: ', warningPrefix: 'Advertencia: ', // Form.Validator.Extras noSpace: 'No se permiten espacios en este campo.', reqChkByNode: 'No hay elementos seleccionados.', requiredChk: 'Este campo es obligatorio.', reqChkByName: 'Por favor selecciona una {label}.', match: 'Este campo necesita coincidir con el campo {matchName}', startDate: 'la fecha de inicio', endDate: 'la fecha de fin', currendDate: 'la fecha actual', afterDate: 'La fecha debe ser igual o posterior a {label}.', beforeDate: 'La fecha debe ser igual o anterior a {label}.', startMonth: 'Por favor selecciona un mes de origen', sameMonth: 'Estas dos fechas deben estar en el mismo mes - debes cambiar una u otra.' }); /* --- name: Locale.es-ES.Form.Validator description: Form Validator messages for Spanish. license: MIT-style license authors: - Ãlfons Sanchez requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.es-ES.Form.Validator] ... */ Locale.define('es-ES', 'FormValidator', { required: 'Este campo es obligatorio.', minLength: 'Por favor introduce al menos {minLength} caracteres (has introducido {length} caracteres).', maxLength: 'Por favor introduce no más de {maxLength} caracteres (has introducido {length} caracteres).', integer: 'Por favor introduce un número entero en este campo. Números con decimales (p.e. 1,25) no se permiten.', numeric: 'Por favor introduce solo valores numéricos en este campo (p.e. "1" o "1,1" o "-1" o "-1,1").', digits: 'Por favor usa solo números y puntuación en este campo (por ejemplo, un número de teléfono con guiones y puntos no esta permitido).', alpha: 'Por favor usa letras solo (a-z) en este campo. No se admiten espacios ni otros caracteres.', alphanum: 'Por favor, usa solo letras (a-z) o números (0-9) en este campo. No se admiten espacios ni otros caracteres.', dateSuchAs: 'Por favor introduce una fecha válida como {date}', dateInFormatMDY: 'Por favor introduce una fecha válida como DD/MM/YYYY (p.e. "31/12/1999")', email: 'Por favor, introduce una dirección de email válida. Por ejemplo, "fred@domain.com".', url: 'Por favor introduce una URL válida como http://www.example.com.', currencyDollar: 'Por favor introduce una cantidad válida de €. Por ejemplo €100,00 .', oneRequired: 'Por favor introduce algo para por lo menos una de estas entradas.', errorPrefix: 'Error: ', warningPrefix: 'Aviso: ', // Form.Validator.Extras noSpace: 'No pueden haber espacios en esta entrada.', reqChkByNode: 'No hay elementos seleccionados.', requiredChk: 'Este campo es obligatorio.', reqChkByName: 'Por favor selecciona una {label}.', match: 'Este campo necesita coincidir con el campo {matchName}', startDate: 'la fecha de inicio', endDate: 'la fecha de fin', currendDate: 'la fecha actual', afterDate: 'La fecha debe ser igual o posterior a {label}.', beforeDate: 'La fecha debe ser igual o anterior a {label}.', startMonth: 'Por favor selecciona un mes de origen', sameMonth: 'Estas dos fechas deben estar en el mismo mes - debes cambiar una u otra.' }); /* --- name: Locale.et-EE.Date description: Date messages for Estonian. license: MIT-style license authors: - Kevin Valdek requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.et-EE.Date] ... */ Locale.define('et-EE', 'Date', { months: ['jaanuar', 'veebruar', 'märts', 'aprill', 'mai', 'juuni', 'juuli', 'august', 'september', 'oktoober', 'november', 'detsember'], months_abbr: ['jaan', 'veebr', 'märts', 'apr', 'mai', 'juuni', 'juuli', 'aug', 'sept', 'okt', 'nov', 'dets'], days: ['pühapäev', 'esmaspäev', 'teisipäev', 'kolmapäev', 'neljapäev', 'reede', 'laupäev'], days_abbr: ['pühap', 'esmasp', 'teisip', 'kolmap', 'neljap', 'reede', 'laup'], // Culture's date order: MM.DD.YYYY dateOrder: ['month', 'date', 'year'], shortDate: '%m.%d.%Y', shortTime: '%H:%M', AM: 'AM', PM: 'PM', firstDayOfWeek: 1, // Date.Extras ordinal: '', lessThanMinuteAgo: 'vähem kui minut aega tagasi', minuteAgo: 'umbes minut aega tagasi', minutesAgo: '{delta} minutit tagasi', hourAgo: 'umbes tund aega tagasi', hoursAgo: 'umbes {delta} tundi tagasi', dayAgo: '1 päev tagasi', daysAgo: '{delta} päeva tagasi', weekAgo: '1 nädal tagasi', weeksAgo: '{delta} nädalat tagasi', monthAgo: '1 kuu tagasi', monthsAgo: '{delta} kuud tagasi', yearAgo: '1 aasta tagasi', yearsAgo: '{delta} aastat tagasi', lessThanMinuteUntil: 'vähem kui minuti aja pärast', minuteUntil: 'umbes minuti aja pärast', minutesUntil: '{delta} minuti pärast', hourUntil: 'umbes tunni aja pärast', hoursUntil: 'umbes {delta} tunni pärast', dayUntil: '1 päeva pärast', daysUntil: '{delta} päeva pärast', weekUntil: '1 nädala pärast', weeksUntil: '{delta} nädala pärast', monthUntil: '1 kuu pärast', monthsUntil: '{delta} kuu pärast', yearUntil: '1 aasta pärast', yearsUntil: '{delta} aasta pärast' }); /* --- name: Locale.et-EE.Form.Validator description: Form Validator messages for Estonian. license: MIT-style license authors: - Kevin Valdek requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.et-EE.Form.Validator] ... */ Locale.define('et-EE', 'FormValidator', { required: 'Väli peab olema täidetud.', minLength: 'Palun sisestage vähemalt {minLength} tähte (te sisestasite {length} tähte).', maxLength: 'Palun ärge sisestage rohkem kui {maxLength} tähte (te sisestasite {length} tähte).', integer: 'Palun sisestage väljale täisarv. Kümnendarvud (näiteks 1.25) ei ole lubatud.', numeric: 'Palun sisestage ainult numbreid väljale (näiteks "1", "1.1", "-1" või "-1.1").', digits: 'Palun kasutage ainult numbreid ja kirjavahemärke (telefoninumbri sisestamisel on lubatud kasutada kriipse ja punkte).', alpha: 'Palun kasutage ainult tähti (a-z). Tühikud ja teised sümbolid on keelatud.', alphanum: 'Palun kasutage ainult tähti (a-z) või numbreid (0-9). Tühikud ja teised sümbolid on keelatud.', dateSuchAs: 'Palun sisestage kehtiv kuupäev kujul {date}', dateInFormatMDY: 'Palun sisestage kehtiv kuupäev kujul MM.DD.YYYY (näiteks: "12.31.1999").', email: 'Palun sisestage kehtiv e-maili aadress (näiteks: "fred@domain.com").', url: 'Palun sisestage kehtiv URL (näiteks: http://www.example.com).', currencyDollar: 'Palun sisestage kehtiv $ summa (näiteks: $100.00).', oneRequired: 'Palun sisestage midagi vähemalt ühele antud väljadest.', errorPrefix: 'Viga: ', warningPrefix: 'Hoiatus: ', // Form.Validator.Extras noSpace: 'Väli ei tohi sisaldada tühikuid.', reqChkByNode: 'Ükski väljadest pole valitud.', requiredChk: 'Välja täitmine on vajalik.', reqChkByName: 'Palun valige üks {label}.', match: 'Väli peab sobima {matchName} väljaga', startDate: 'algkuupäev', endDate: 'lõppkuupäev', currendDate: 'praegune kuupäev', afterDate: 'Kuupäev peab olema võrdne või pärast {label}.', beforeDate: 'Kuupäev peab olema võrdne või enne {label}.', startMonth: 'Palun valige algkuupäev.', sameMonth: 'Antud kaks kuupäeva peavad olema samas kuus - peate muutma ühte kuupäeva.' }); /* --- name: Locale.fa.Date description: Date messages for Persian. license: MIT-style license authors: - Amir Hossein Hodjaty Pour requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.fa.Date] ... */ Locale.define('fa', 'Date', { months: ['ژانویه', 'فوریه', 'مارس', 'آپریل', 'مه', 'ژوئن', 'ژوئیه', 'آگوست', 'سپتامبر', 'اکتبر', 'نوامبر', 'دسامبر'], months_abbr: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12'], days: ['یکشنبه', 'دوشنبه', 'سه شنبه', 'چهارشنبه', 'پنجشنبه', 'جمعه', 'شنبه'], days_abbr: ['ي', 'د', 'س', 'چ', 'پ', 'ج', 'ش'], // Culture's date order: MM/DD/YYYY dateOrder: ['month', 'date', 'year'], shortDate: '%m/%d/%Y', shortTime: '%I:%M%p', AM: 'ق.ظ', PM: 'ب.ظ', // Date.Extras ordinal: 'ام', lessThanMinuteAgo: 'کمتر از یک دقیقه پیش', minuteAgo: 'حدود یک دقیقه پیش', minutesAgo: '{delta} دقیقه پیش', hourAgo: 'حدود یک ساعت پیش', hoursAgo: 'حدود {delta} ساعت پیش', dayAgo: '1 روز پیش', daysAgo: '{delta} روز پیش', weekAgo: '1 هفته پیش', weeksAgo: '{delta} هفته پیش', monthAgo: '1 ماه پیش', monthsAgo: '{delta} ماه پیش', yearAgo: '1 سال پیش', yearsAgo: '{delta} سال پیش', lessThanMinuteUntil: 'کمتر از یک دقیقه از حالا', minuteUntil: 'حدود یک دقیقه از حالا', minutesUntil: '{delta} دقیقه از حالا', hourUntil: 'حدود یک ساعت از حالا', hoursUntil: 'حدود {delta} ساعت از حالا', dayUntil: '1 روز از حالا', daysUntil: '{delta} روز از حالا', weekUntil: '1 هفته از حالا', weeksUntil: '{delta} هفته از حالا', monthUntil: '1 ماه از حالا', monthsUntil: '{delta} ماه از حالا', yearUntil: '1 سال از حالا', yearsUntil: '{delta} سال از حالا' }); /* --- name: Locale.fa.Form.Validator description: Form Validator messages for Persian. license: MIT-style license authors: - Amir Hossein Hodjaty Pour requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.fa.Form.Validator] ... */ Locale.define('fa', 'FormValidator', { required: 'این فیلد الزامی است.', minLength: 'شما باید حداقل {minLength} حرف وارد کنید ({length} حرف وارد کرده اید).', maxLength: 'لطفا حداکثر {maxLength} حرف وارد کنید (شما {length} حرف وارد کرده اید).', integer: 'لطفا از عدد صحیح استفاده کنید. اعداد اعشاری (مانند 1.25) مجاز نیستند.', numeric: 'لطفا فقط داده عددی وارد کنید (مانند "1" یا "1.1" یا "1-" یا "1.1-").', digits: 'لطفا فقط از اعداد و علامتها در این فیلد استفاده کنید (برای مثال شماره تلفن با خط تیره و نقطه قابل قبول است).', alpha: 'لطفا فقط از حروف الفباء برای این بخش استفاده کنید. کاراکترهای دیگر و فاصله مجاز نیستند.', alphanum: 'لطفا فقط از حروف الفباء و اعداد در این بخش استفاده کنید. کاراکترهای دیگر و فاصله مجاز نیستند.', dateSuchAs: 'لطفا یک تاریخ معتبر مانند {date} وارد کنید.', dateInFormatMDY: 'لطفا یک تاریخ معتبر به شکل MM/DD/YYYY وارد کنید (مانند "12/31/1999").', email: 'لطفا یک آدرس ایمیل معتبر وارد کنید. برای مثال "fred@domain.com".', url: 'لطفا یک URL معتبر مانند http://www.example.com وارد کنید.', currencyDollar: 'لطفا یک محدوده معتبر برای این بخش وارد کنید مانند 100.00$ .', oneRequired: 'لطفا حداقل یکی از فیلدها را پر کنید.', errorPrefix: 'خطا: ', warningPrefix: 'هشدار: ', // Form.Validator.Extras noSpace: 'استفاده از فاصله در این بخش مجاز نیست.', reqChkByNode: 'موردی انتخاب نشده است.', requiredChk: 'این فیلد الزامی است.', reqChkByName: 'لطفا یک {label} را انتخاب کنید.', match: 'این فیلد باید با فیلد {matchName} مطابقت داشته باشد.', startDate: 'تاریخ شروع', endDate: 'تاریخ پایان', currendDate: 'تاریخ کنونی', afterDate: 'تاریخ میبایست برابر یا بعد از {label} باشد', beforeDate: 'تاریخ میبایست برابر یا قبل از {label} باشد', startMonth: 'لطفا ماه شروع را انتخاب کنید', sameMonth: 'این دو تاریخ باید در یک ماه باشند - شما باید یکی یا هر دو را تغییر دهید.', creditcard: 'شماره کارت اعتباری که وارد کرده اید معتبر نیست. لطفا شماره را بررسی کنید و مجددا تلاش کنید. {length} رقم وارد شده است.' }); /* --- name: Locale.fi-FI.Date description: Date messages for Finnish. license: MIT-style license authors: - ksel requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.fi-FI.Date] ... */ Locale.define('fi-FI', 'Date', { // NOTE: months and days are not capitalized in finnish months: ['tammikuu', 'helmikuu', 'maaliskuu', 'huhtikuu', 'toukokuu', 'kesäkuu', 'heinäkuu', 'elokuu', 'syyskuu', 'lokakuu', 'marraskuu', 'joulukuu'], // these abbreviations are really not much used in finnish because they obviously won't abbreviate very much. ;) // NOTE: sometimes one can see forms such as "tammi", "helmi", etc. but that is not proper finnish. months_abbr: ['tammik.', 'helmik.', 'maalisk.', 'huhtik.', 'toukok.', 'kesäk.', 'heinäk.', 'elok.', 'syysk.', 'lokak.', 'marrask.', 'jouluk.'], days: ['sunnuntai', 'maanantai', 'tiistai', 'keskiviikko', 'torstai', 'perjantai', 'lauantai'], days_abbr: ['su', 'ma', 'ti', 'ke', 'to', 'pe', 'la'], // Culture's date order: DD/MM/YYYY dateOrder: ['date', 'month', 'year'], shortDate: '%d.%m.%Y', shortTime: '%H:%M', AM: 'AM', PM: 'PM', firstDayOfWeek: 1, // Date.Extras ordinal: '.', lessThanMinuteAgo: 'vajaa minuutti sitten', minuteAgo: 'noin minuutti sitten', minutesAgo: '{delta} minuuttia sitten', hourAgo: 'noin tunti sitten', hoursAgo: 'noin {delta} tuntia sitten', dayAgo: 'päivä sitten', daysAgo: '{delta} päivää sitten', weekAgo: 'viikko sitten', weeksAgo: '{delta} viikkoa sitten', monthAgo: 'kuukausi sitten', monthsAgo: '{delta} kuukautta sitten', yearAgo: 'vuosi sitten', yearsAgo: '{delta} vuotta sitten', lessThanMinuteUntil: 'vajaan minuutin kuluttua', minuteUntil: 'noin minuutin kuluttua', minutesUntil: '{delta} minuutin kuluttua', hourUntil: 'noin tunnin kuluttua', hoursUntil: 'noin {delta} tunnin kuluttua', dayUntil: 'päivän kuluttua', daysUntil: '{delta} päivän kuluttua', weekUntil: 'viikon kuluttua', weeksUntil: '{delta} viikon kuluttua', monthUntil: 'kuukauden kuluttua', monthsUntil: '{delta} kuukauden kuluttua', yearUntil: 'vuoden kuluttua', yearsUntil: '{delta} vuoden kuluttua' }); /* --- name: Locale.fi-FI.Form.Validator description: Form Validator messages for Finnish. license: MIT-style license authors: - ksel requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.fi-FI.Form.Validator] ... */ Locale.define('fi-FI', 'FormValidator', { required: 'Tämä kenttä on pakollinen.', minLength: 'Ole hyvä ja anna vähintään {minLength} merkkiä (annoit {length} merkkiä).', maxLength: 'Älä anna enempää kuin {maxLength} merkkiä (annoit {length} merkkiä).', integer: 'Ole hyvä ja anna kokonaisluku. Luvut, joissa on desimaaleja (esim. 1.25) eivät ole sallittuja.', numeric: 'Anna tähän kenttään lukuarvo (kuten "1" tai "1.1" tai "-1" tai "-1.1").', digits: 'Käytä pelkästään numeroita ja välimerkkejä tässä kentässä (syötteet, kuten esim. puhelinnumero, jossa on väliviivoja, pilkkuja tai pisteitä, kelpaa).', alpha: 'Anna tähän kenttään vain kirjaimia (a-z). Välilyönnit tai muut merkit eivät ole sallittuja.', alphanum: 'Anna tähän kenttään vain kirjaimia (a-z) tai numeroita (0-9). Välilyönnit tai muut merkit eivät ole sallittuja.', dateSuchAs: 'Ole hyvä ja anna kelvollinen päivmäärä, kuten esimerkiksi {date}', dateInFormatMDY: 'Ole hyvä ja anna kelvollinen päivämäärä muodossa pp/kk/vvvv (kuten "12/31/1999")', email: 'Ole hyvä ja anna kelvollinen sähköpostiosoite (kuten esimerkiksi "matti@meikalainen.com").', url: 'Ole hyvä ja anna kelvollinen URL, kuten esimerkiksi http://www.example.com.', currencyDollar: 'Ole hyvä ja anna kelvollinen eurosumma (kuten esimerkiksi 100,00 EUR) .', oneRequired: 'Ole hyvä ja syötä jotakin ainakin johonkin näistä kentistä.', errorPrefix: 'Virhe: ', warningPrefix: 'Varoitus: ', // Form.Validator.Extras noSpace: 'Tässä syötteessä ei voi olla välilyöntejä', reqChkByNode: 'Ei valintoja.', requiredChk: 'Tämä kenttä on pakollinen.', reqChkByName: 'Ole hyvä ja valitse {label}.', match: 'Tämän kentän tulee vastata kenttää {matchName}', startDate: 'alkupäivämäärä', endDate: 'loppupäivämäärä', currendDate: 'nykyinen päivämäärä', afterDate: 'Päivämäärän tulisi olla sama tai myöhäisempi ajankohta kuin {label}.', beforeDate: 'Päivämäärän tulisi olla sama tai aikaisempi ajankohta kuin {label}.', startMonth: 'Ole hyvä ja valitse aloituskuukausi', sameMonth: 'Näiden kahden päivämäärän tulee olla saman kuun sisällä -- sinun pitää muuttaa jompaa kumpaa.', creditcard: 'Annettu luottokortin numero ei kelpaa. Ole hyvä ja tarkista numero sekä yritä uudelleen. {length} numeroa syötetty.' }); /* --- name: Locale.fi-FI.Number description: Finnish number messages license: MIT-style license authors: - ksel requires: - /Locale - /Locale.EU.Number provides: [Locale.fi-FI.Number] ... */ Locale.define('fi-FI', 'Number', { group: ' ' // grouped by space }).inherit('EU', 'Number'); /* --- name: Locale.fr-FR.Date description: Date messages for French. license: MIT-style license authors: - Nicolas Sorosac - Antoine Abt requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.fr-FR.Date] ... */ Locale.define('fr-FR', 'Date', { months: ['Janvier', 'Février', 'Mars', 'Avril', 'Mai', 'Juin', 'Juillet', 'Août', 'Septembre', 'Octobre', 'Novembre', 'Décembre'], months_abbr: ['janv.', 'févr.', 'mars', 'avr.', 'mai', 'juin', 'juil.', 'août', 'sept.', 'oct.', 'nov.', 'déc.'], days: ['Dimanche', 'Lundi', 'Mardi', 'Mercredi', 'Jeudi', 'Vendredi', 'Samedi'], days_abbr: ['dim.', 'lun.', 'mar.', 'mer.', 'jeu.', 'ven.', 'sam.'], // Culture's date order: DD/MM/YYYY dateOrder: ['date', 'month', 'year'], shortDate: '%d/%m/%Y', shortTime: '%H:%M', AM: 'AM', PM: 'PM', firstDayOfWeek: 1, // Date.Extras ordinal: function(dayOfMonth){ return (dayOfMonth > 1) ? '' : 'er'; }, lessThanMinuteAgo: "il y a moins d'une minute", minuteAgo: 'il y a une minute', minutesAgo: 'il y a {delta} minutes', hourAgo: 'il y a une heure', hoursAgo: 'il y a {delta} heures', dayAgo: 'il y a un jour', daysAgo: 'il y a {delta} jours', weekAgo: 'il y a une semaine', weeksAgo: 'il y a {delta} semaines', monthAgo: 'il y a 1 mois', monthsAgo: 'il y a {delta} mois', yearthAgo: 'il y a 1 an', yearsAgo: 'il y a {delta} ans', lessThanMinuteUntil: "dans moins d'une minute", minuteUntil: 'dans une minute', minutesUntil: 'dans {delta} minutes', hourUntil: 'dans une heure', hoursUntil: 'dans {delta} heures', dayUntil: 'dans un jour', daysUntil: 'dans {delta} jours', weekUntil: 'dans 1 semaine', weeksUntil: 'dans {delta} semaines', monthUntil: 'dans 1 mois', monthsUntil: 'dans {delta} mois', yearUntil: 'dans 1 an', yearsUntil: 'dans {delta} ans' }); /* --- name: Locale.fr-FR.Form.Validator description: Form Validator messages for French. license: MIT-style license authors: - Miquel Hudin - Nicolas Sorosac requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.fr-FR.Form.Validator] ... */ Locale.define('fr-FR', 'FormValidator', { required: 'Ce champ est obligatoire.', length: 'Veuillez saisir {length} caractère(s) (vous avez saisi {elLength} caractère(s)', minLength: 'Veuillez saisir un minimum de {minLength} caractère(s) (vous avez saisi {length} caractère(s)).', maxLength: 'Veuillez saisir un maximum de {maxLength} caractère(s) (vous avez saisi {length} caractère(s)).', integer: 'Veuillez saisir un nombre entier dans ce champ. Les nombres décimaux (ex : "1,25") ne sont pas autorisés.', numeric: 'Veuillez saisir uniquement des chiffres dans ce champ (ex : "1" ou "1,1" ou "-1" ou "-1,1").', digits: "Veuillez saisir uniquement des chiffres et des signes de ponctuation dans ce champ (ex : un numéro de téléphone avec des traits d'union est autorisé).", alpha: 'Veuillez saisir uniquement des lettres (a-z) dans ce champ. Les espaces ou autres caractères ne sont pas autorisés.', alphanum: 'Veuillez saisir uniquement des lettres (a-z) ou des chiffres (0-9) dans ce champ. Les espaces ou autres caractères ne sont pas autorisés.', dateSuchAs: 'Veuillez saisir une date correcte comme {date}', dateInFormatMDY: 'Veuillez saisir une date correcte, au format JJ/MM/AAAA (ex : "31/11/1999").', email: 'Veuillez saisir une adresse de courrier électronique. Par example "fred@domaine.com".', url: 'Veuillez saisir une URL, comme http://www.example.com.', currencyDollar: 'Veuillez saisir une quantité correcte. Par example 100,00€.', oneRequired: 'Veuillez sélectionner au moins une de ces options.', errorPrefix: 'Erreur : ', warningPrefix: 'Attention : ', // Form.Validator.Extras noSpace: "Ce champ n'accepte pas les espaces.", reqChkByNode: "Aucun élément n'est sélectionné.", requiredChk: 'Ce champ est obligatoire.', reqChkByName: 'Veuillez sélectionner un(e) {label}.', match: 'Ce champ doit correspondre avec le champ {matchName}.', startDate: 'date de début', endDate: 'date de fin', currendDate: 'date actuelle', afterDate: 'La date doit être identique ou postérieure à {label}.', beforeDate: 'La date doit être identique ou antérieure à {label}.', startMonth: 'Veuillez sélectionner un mois de début.', sameMonth: 'Ces deux dates doivent être dans le même mois - vous devez en modifier une.', creditcard: 'Le numéro de carte de crédit est invalide. Merci de vérifier le numéro et de réessayer. Vous avez entré {length} chiffre(s).' }); /* --- name: Locale.fr-FR.Number description: Number messages for French. license: MIT-style license authors: - Arian Stolwijk - sv1l requires: - /Locale - /Locale.EU.Number provides: [Locale.fr-FR.Number] ... */ Locale.define('fr-FR', 'Number', { group: ' ' // In fr-FR localization, group character is a blank space }).inherit('EU', 'Number'); /* --- name: Locale.he-IL.Date description: Date messages for Hebrew. license: MIT-style license authors: - Elad Ossadon requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.he-IL.Date] ... */ Locale.define('he-IL', 'Date', { months: ['ינואר', 'פברואר', 'מרץ', 'אפריל', 'מאי', 'יוני', 'יולי', 'אוגוסט', 'ספטמבר', 'אוקטובר', 'נובמבר', 'דצמבר'], months_abbr: ['ינואר', 'פברואר', 'מרץ', 'אפריל', 'מאי', 'יוני', 'יולי', 'אוגוסט', 'ספטמבר', 'אוקטובר', 'נובמבר', 'דצמבר'], days: ['ראשון', 'שני', 'שלישי', 'רביעי', 'חמישי', 'שישי', 'שבת'], days_abbr: ['ראשון', 'שני', 'שלישי', 'רביעי', 'חמישי', 'שישי', 'שבת'], // Culture's date order: MM/DD/YYYY dateOrder: ['date', 'month', 'year'], shortDate: '%d/%m/%Y', shortTime: '%H:%M', AM: 'AM', PM: 'PM', firstDayOfWeek: 0, // Date.Extras ordinal: '', lessThanMinuteAgo: 'לפני פחות מדקה', minuteAgo: 'לפני כדקה', minutesAgo: 'לפני {delta} דקות', hourAgo: 'לפני כשעה', hoursAgo: 'לפני {delta} שעות', dayAgo: 'לפני יום', daysAgo: 'לפני {delta} ימים', weekAgo: 'לפני שבוע', weeksAgo: 'לפני {delta} שבועות', monthAgo: 'לפני חודש', monthsAgo: 'לפני {delta} חודשים', yearAgo: 'לפני שנה', yearsAgo: 'לפני {delta} שנים', lessThanMinuteUntil: 'בעוד פחות מדקה', minuteUntil: 'בעוד כדקה', minutesUntil: 'בעוד {delta} דקות', hourUntil: 'בעוד כשעה', hoursUntil: 'בעוד {delta} שעות', dayUntil: 'בעוד יום', daysUntil: 'בעוד {delta} ימים', weekUntil: 'בעוד שבוע', weeksUntil: 'בעוד {delta} שבועות', monthUntil: 'בעוד חודש', monthsUntil: 'בעוד {delta} חודשים', yearUntil: 'בעוד שנה', yearsUntil: 'בעוד {delta} שנים' }); /* --- name: Locale.he-IL.Form.Validator description: Form Validator messages for Hebrew. license: MIT-style license authors: - Elad Ossadon requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.he-IL.Form.Validator] ... */ Locale.define('he-IL', 'FormValidator', { required: 'נא למלא שדה זה.', minLength: 'נא להזין לפחות {minLength} תווים (הזנת {length} תווים).', maxLength: 'נא להזין עד {maxLength} תווים (הזנת {length} תווים).', integer: 'נא להזין מספר שלם לשדה זה. מספרים עשרוניים (כמו 1.25) אינם חוקיים.', numeric: 'נא להזין ערך מספרי בלבד בשדה זה (כמו "1", "1.1", "-1" או "-1.1").', digits: 'נא להזין רק ספרות וסימני הפרדה בשדה זה (למשל, מספר טלפון עם מקפים או נקודות הוא חוקי).', alpha: 'נא להזין רק אותיות באנגלית (a-z) בשדה זה. רווחים או תווים אחרים אינם חוקיים.', alphanum: 'נא להזין רק אותריות באנגלית (a-z) או ספרות (0-9) בשדה זה. אווחרים או תווים אחרים אינם חוקיים.', dateSuchAs: 'נא להזין תאריך חוקי, כמו {date}', dateInFormatMDY: 'נא להזין תאריך חוקי בפורמט MM/DD/YYYY (כמו "12/31/1999")', email: 'נא להזין כתובת אימייל חוקית. לדוגמה: "fred@domain.com".', url: 'נא להזין כתובת אתר חוקית, כמו http://www.example.com.', currencyDollar: 'נא להזין סכום דולרי חוקי. לדוגמה $100.00.', oneRequired: 'נא לבחור לפחות בשדה אחד.', errorPrefix: 'שגיאה: ', warningPrefix: 'אזהרה: ', // Form.Validator.Extras noSpace: 'אין להזין רווחים בשדה זה.', reqChkByNode: 'נא לבחור אחת מהאפשרויות.', requiredChk: 'שדה זה נדרש.', reqChkByName: 'נא לבחור {label}.', match: 'שדה זה צריך להתאים לשדה {matchName}', startDate: 'תאריך ההתחלה', endDate: 'תאריך הסיום', currendDate: 'התאריך הנוכחי', afterDate: 'התאריך צריך להיות זהה או אחרי {label}.', beforeDate: 'התאריך צריך להיות זהה או לפני {label}.', startMonth: 'נא לבחור חודש התחלה', sameMonth: 'שני תאריכים אלה צריכים להיות באותו חודש - נא לשנות אחד התאריכים.', creditcard: 'מספר כרטיס האשראי שהוזן אינו חוקי. נא לבדוק שנית. הוזנו {length} ספרות.' }); /* --- name: Locale.he-IL.Number description: Number messages for Hebrew. license: MIT-style license authors: - Elad Ossadon requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.he-IL.Number] ... */ Locale.define('he-IL', 'Number', { decimal: '.', group: ',', currency: { suffix: ' ₪' } }); /* --- name: Locale.hu-HU.Date description: Date messages for Hungarian. license: MIT-style license authors: - Zsolt Szegheő requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.hu-HU.Date] ... */ Locale.define('hu-HU', 'Date', { months: ['Január', 'Február', 'Március', 'Április', 'Május', 'Június', 'Július', 'Augusztus', 'Szeptember', 'Október', 'November', 'December'], months_abbr: ['jan.', 'febr.', 'márc.', 'ápr.', 'máj.', 'jún.', 'júl.', 'aug.', 'szept.', 'okt.', 'nov.', 'dec.'], days: ['Vasárnap', 'Hétfő', 'Kedd', 'Szerda', 'Csütörtök', 'Péntek', 'Szombat'], days_abbr: ['V', 'H', 'K', 'Sze', 'Cs', 'P', 'Szo'], // Culture's date order: YYYY.MM.DD. dateOrder: ['year', 'month', 'date'], shortDate: '%Y.%m.%d.', shortTime: '%I:%M', AM: 'de.', PM: 'du.', firstDayOfWeek: 1, // Date.Extras ordinal: '.', lessThanMinuteAgo: 'alig egy perce', minuteAgo: 'egy perce', minutesAgo: '{delta} perce', hourAgo: 'egy órája', hoursAgo: '{delta} órája', dayAgo: '1 napja', daysAgo: '{delta} napja', weekAgo: '1 hete', weeksAgo: '{delta} hete', monthAgo: '1 hónapja', monthsAgo: '{delta} hónapja', yearAgo: '1 éve', yearsAgo: '{delta} éve', lessThanMinuteUntil: 'alig egy perc múlva', minuteUntil: 'egy perc múlva', minutesUntil: '{delta} perc múlva', hourUntil: 'egy óra múlva', hoursUntil: '{delta} óra múlva', dayUntil: '1 nap múlva', daysUntil: '{delta} nap múlva', weekUntil: '1 hét múlva', weeksUntil: '{delta} hét múlva', monthUntil: '1 hónap múlva', monthsUntil: '{delta} hónap múlva', yearUntil: '1 év múlva', yearsUntil: '{delta} év múlva' }); /* --- name: Locale.hu-HU.Form.Validator description: Form Validator messages for Hungarian. license: MIT-style license authors: - Zsolt Szegheő requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.hu-HU.Form.Validator] ... */ Locale.define('hu-HU', 'FormValidator', { required: 'A mező kitöltése kötelező.', minLength: 'Legalább {minLength} karakter megadása szükséges (megadva {length} karakter).', maxLength: 'Legfeljebb {maxLength} karakter megadása lehetséges (megadva {length} karakter).', integer: 'Egész szám megadása szükséges. A tizedesjegyek (pl. 1.25) nem engedélyezettek.', numeric: 'Szám megadása szükséges (pl. "1" vagy "1.1" vagy "-1" vagy "-1.1").', digits: 'Csak számok és írásjelek megadása lehetséges (pl. telefonszám kötőjelek és/vagy perjelekkel).', alpha: 'Csak betűk (a-z) megadása lehetséges. Szóköz és egyéb karakterek nem engedélyezettek.', alphanum: 'Csak betűk (a-z) vagy számok (0-9) megadása lehetséges. Szóköz és egyéb karakterek nem engedélyezettek.', dateSuchAs: 'Valós dátum megadása szükséges (pl. {date}).', dateInFormatMDY: 'Valós dátum megadása szükséges ÉÉÉÉ.HH.NN. formában. (pl. "1999.12.31.")', email: 'Valós e-mail cím megadása szükséges (pl. "fred@domain.hu").', url: 'Valós URL megadása szükséges (pl. http://www.example.com).', currencyDollar: 'Valós pénzösszeg megadása szükséges (pl. 100.00 Ft.).', oneRequired: 'Az alábbi mezők legalább egyikének kitöltése kötelező.', errorPrefix: 'Hiba: ', warningPrefix: 'Figyelem: ', // Form.Validator.Extras noSpace: 'A mező nem tartalmazhat szóközöket.', reqChkByNode: 'Nincs egyetlen kijelölt elem sem.', requiredChk: 'A mező kitöltése kötelező.', reqChkByName: 'Egy {label} kiválasztása szükséges.', match: 'A mezőnek egyeznie kell a(z) {matchName} mezővel.', startDate: 'a kezdet dátuma', endDate: 'a vég dátuma', currendDate: 'jelenlegi dátum', afterDate: 'A dátum nem lehet kisebb, mint {label}.', beforeDate: 'A dátum nem lehet nagyobb, mint {label}.', startMonth: 'Kezdeti hónap megadása szükséges.', sameMonth: 'A két dátumnak ugyanazon hónapban kell lennie.', creditcard: 'A megadott bankkártyaszám nem valódi (megadva {length} számjegy).' }); /* --- name: Locale.it-IT.Date description: Date messages for Italian. license: MIT-style license. authors: - Andrea Novero - Valerio Proietti requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.it-IT.Date] ... */ Locale.define('it-IT', 'Date', { months: ['Gennaio', 'Febbraio', 'Marzo', 'Aprile', 'Maggio', 'Giugno', 'Luglio', 'Agosto', 'Settembre', 'Ottobre', 'Novembre', 'Dicembre'], months_abbr: ['gen', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'mag', 'giu', 'lug', 'ago', 'set', 'ott', 'nov', 'dic'], days: ['Domenica', 'Lunedì', 'Martedì', 'Mercoledì', 'Giovedì', 'Venerdì', 'Sabato'], days_abbr: ['dom', 'lun', 'mar', 'mer', 'gio', 'ven', 'sab'], // Culture's date order: DD/MM/YYYY dateOrder: ['date', 'month', 'year'], shortDate: '%d/%m/%Y', shortTime: '%H.%M', AM: 'AM', PM: 'PM', firstDayOfWeek: 1, // Date.Extras ordinal: 'º', lessThanMinuteAgo: 'meno di un minuto fa', minuteAgo: 'circa un minuto fa', minutesAgo: 'circa {delta} minuti fa', hourAgo: "circa un'ora fa", hoursAgo: 'circa {delta} ore fa', dayAgo: 'circa 1 giorno fa', daysAgo: 'circa {delta} giorni fa', weekAgo: 'una settimana fa', weeksAgo: '{delta} settimane fa', monthAgo: 'un mese fa', monthsAgo: '{delta} mesi fa', yearAgo: 'un anno fa', yearsAgo: '{delta} anni fa', lessThanMinuteUntil: 'tra meno di un minuto', minuteUntil: 'tra circa un minuto', minutesUntil: 'tra circa {delta} minuti', hourUntil: "tra circa un'ora", hoursUntil: 'tra circa {delta} ore', dayUntil: 'tra circa un giorno', daysUntil: 'tra circa {delta} giorni', weekUntil: 'tra una settimana', weeksUntil: 'tra {delta} settimane', monthUntil: 'tra un mese', monthsUntil: 'tra {delta} mesi', yearUntil: 'tra un anno', yearsUntil: 'tra {delta} anni' }); /* --- name: Locale.it-IT.Form.Validator description: Form Validator messages for Italian. license: MIT-style license authors: - Leonardo Laureti - Andrea Novero requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.it-IT.Form.Validator] ... */ Locale.define('it-IT', 'FormValidator', { required: 'Il campo è obbligatorio.', minLength: 'Inserire almeno {minLength} caratteri (ne sono stati inseriti {length}).', maxLength: 'Inserire al massimo {maxLength} caratteri (ne sono stati inseriti {length}).', integer: 'Inserire un numero intero. Non sono consentiti decimali (es.: 1.25).', numeric: 'Inserire solo valori numerici (es.: "1" oppure "1.1" oppure "-1" oppure "-1.1").', digits: 'Inserire solo numeri e caratteri di punteggiatura. Per esempio è consentito un numero telefonico con trattini o punti.', alpha: 'Inserire solo lettere (a-z). Non sono consentiti spazi o altri caratteri.', alphanum: 'Inserire solo lettere (a-z) o numeri (0-9). Non sono consentiti spazi o altri caratteri.', dateSuchAs: 'Inserire una data valida del tipo {date}', dateInFormatMDY: 'Inserire una data valida nel formato MM/GG/AAAA (es.: "12/31/1999")', email: 'Inserire un indirizzo email valido. Per esempio "nome@dominio.com".', url: 'Inserire un indirizzo valido. Per esempio "http://www.example.com".', currencyDollar: 'Inserire un importo valido. Per esempio "$100.00".', oneRequired: 'Completare almeno uno dei campi richiesti.', errorPrefix: 'Errore: ', warningPrefix: 'Attenzione: ', // Form.Validator.Extras noSpace: 'Non sono consentiti spazi.', reqChkByNode: 'Nessuna voce selezionata.', requiredChk: 'Il campo è obbligatorio.', reqChkByName: 'Selezionare un(a) {label}.', match: 'Il valore deve corrispondere al campo {matchName}', startDate: "data d'inizio", endDate: 'data di fine', currendDate: 'data attuale', afterDate: 'La data deve corrispondere o essere successiva al {label}.', beforeDate: 'La data deve corrispondere o essere precedente al {label}.', startMonth: "Selezionare un mese d'inizio", sameMonth: 'Le due date devono essere dello stesso mese - occorre modificarne una.' }); /* --- name: Locale.ja-JP.Date description: Date messages for Japanese. license: MIT-style license authors: - Noritaka Horio requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.ja-JP.Date] ... */ Locale.define('ja-JP', 'Date', { months: ['1月', '2月', '3月', '4月', '5月', '6月', '7月', '8月', '9月', '10月', '11月', '12月'], months_abbr: ['1月', '2月', '3月', '4月', '5月', '6月', '7月', '8月', '9月', '10月', '11月', '12月'], days: ['日曜日', '月曜日', '火曜日', '水曜日', '木曜日', '金曜日', '土曜日'], days_abbr: ['日', '月', '火', '水', '木', '金', '土'], // Culture's date order: YYYY/MM/DD dateOrder: ['year', 'month', 'date'], shortDate: '%Y/%m/%d', shortTime: '%H:%M', AM: '午前', PM: '午後', firstDayOfWeek: 0, // Date.Extras ordinal: '', lessThanMinuteAgo: '1分以内前', minuteAgo: '約1分前', minutesAgo: '約{delta}分前', hourAgo: '約1時間前', hoursAgo: '約{delta}時間前', dayAgo: '1日前', daysAgo: '{delta}日前', weekAgo: '1週間前', weeksAgo: '{delta}週間前', monthAgo: '1ヶ月前', monthsAgo: '{delta}ヶ月前', yearAgo: '1年前', yearsAgo: '{delta}年前', lessThanMinuteUntil: '今から約1分以内', minuteUntil: '今から約1分', minutesUntil: '今から約{delta}分', hourUntil: '今から約1時間', hoursUntil: '今から約{delta}時間', dayUntil: '今から1日間', daysUntil: '今から{delta}日間', weekUntil: '今から1週間', weeksUntil: '今から{delta}週間', monthUntil: '今から1ヶ月', monthsUntil: '今から{delta}ヶ月', yearUntil: '今から1年', yearsUntil: '今から{delta}年' }); /* --- name: Locale.ja-JP.Form.Validator description: Form Validator messages for Japanese. license: MIT-style license authors: - Noritaka Horio requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.ja-JP.Form.Validator] ... */ Locale.define("ja-JP", "FormValidator", { required: '入力は必須です。', minLength: '入力文字数は{minLength}以上にしてください。({length}文字)', maxLength: '入力文字数は{maxLength}以下にしてください。({length}文字)', integer: '整数を入力してください。', numeric: '入力できるのは数値だけです。(例: "1", "1.1", "-1", "-1.1"....)', digits: '入力できるのは数値と句読記号です。 (例: -や+を含む電話番号など).', alpha: '入力できるのは半角英字だけです。それ以外の文字は入力できません。', alphanum: '入力できるのは半角英数字だけです。それ以外の文字は入力できません。', dateSuchAs: '有効な日付を入力してください。{date}', dateInFormatMDY: '日付の書式に誤りがあります。YYYY/MM/DD (i.e. "1999/12/31")', email: 'メールアドレスに誤りがあります。', url: 'URLアドレスに誤りがあります。', currencyDollar: '金額に誤りがあります。', oneRequired: 'ひとつ以上入力してください。', errorPrefix: 'エラー: ', warningPrefix: '警告: ', // FormValidator.Extras noSpace: 'スペースは入力できません。', reqChkByNode: '選択されていません。', requiredChk: 'この項目は必須です。', reqChkByName: '{label}を選択してください。', match: '{matchName}が入力されている場合必須です。', startDate: '開始日', endDate: '終了日', currendDate: '今日', afterDate: '{label}以降の日付にしてください。', beforeDate: '{label}以前の日付にしてください。', startMonth: '開始月を選択してください。', sameMonth: '日付が同一です。どちらかを変更してください。' }); /* --- name: Locale.ja-JP.Number description: Number messages for Japanese. license: MIT-style license authors: - Noritaka Horio requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.ja-JP.Number] ... */ Locale.define('ja-JP', 'Number', { decimal: '.', group: ',', currency: { decimals: 0, prefix: '\\' } }); /* --- name: Locale.nl-NL.Date description: Date messages for Dutch. license: MIT-style license authors: - Lennart Pilon - Tim Wienk requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.nl-NL.Date] ... */ Locale.define('nl-NL', 'Date', { months: ['januari', 'februari', 'maart', 'april', 'mei', 'juni', 'juli', 'augustus', 'september', 'oktober', 'november', 'december'], months_abbr: ['jan', 'feb', 'mrt', 'apr', 'mei', 'jun', 'jul', 'aug', 'sep', 'okt', 'nov', 'dec'], days: ['zondag', 'maandag', 'dinsdag', 'woensdag', 'donderdag', 'vrijdag', 'zaterdag'], days_abbr: ['zo', 'ma', 'di', 'wo', 'do', 'vr', 'za'], // Culture's date order: DD-MM-YYYY dateOrder: ['date', 'month', 'year'], shortDate: '%d-%m-%Y', shortTime: '%H:%M', AM: 'AM', PM: 'PM', firstDayOfWeek: 1, // Date.Extras ordinal: 'e', lessThanMinuteAgo: 'minder dan een minuut geleden', minuteAgo: 'ongeveer een minuut geleden', minutesAgo: '{delta} minuten geleden', hourAgo: 'ongeveer een uur geleden', hoursAgo: 'ongeveer {delta} uur geleden', dayAgo: 'een dag geleden', daysAgo: '{delta} dagen geleden', weekAgo: 'een week geleden', weeksAgo: '{delta} weken geleden', monthAgo: 'een maand geleden', monthsAgo: '{delta} maanden geleden', yearAgo: 'een jaar geleden', yearsAgo: '{delta} jaar geleden', lessThanMinuteUntil: 'over minder dan een minuut', minuteUntil: 'over ongeveer een minuut', minutesUntil: 'over {delta} minuten', hourUntil: 'over ongeveer een uur', hoursUntil: 'over {delta} uur', dayUntil: 'over ongeveer een dag', daysUntil: 'over {delta} dagen', weekUntil: 'over een week', weeksUntil: 'over {delta} weken', monthUntil: 'over een maand', monthsUntil: 'over {delta} maanden', yearUntil: 'over een jaar', yearsUntil: 'over {delta} jaar' }); /* --- name: Locale.nl-NL.Form.Validator description: Form Validator messages for Dutch. license: MIT-style license authors: - Lennart Pilon - Arian Stolwijk - Tim Wienk requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.nl-NL.Form.Validator] ... */ Locale.define('nl-NL', 'FormValidator', { required: 'Dit veld is verplicht.', length: 'Vul precies {length} karakters in (je hebt {elLength} karakters ingevoerd).', minLength: 'Vul minimaal {minLength} karakters in (je hebt {length} karakters ingevoerd).', maxLength: 'Vul niet meer dan {maxLength} karakters in (je hebt {length} karakters ingevoerd).', integer: 'Vul een getal in. Getallen met decimalen (bijvoorbeeld 1.25) zijn niet toegestaan.', numeric: 'Vul alleen numerieke waarden in (bijvoorbeeld "1" of "1.1" of "-1" of "-1.1").', digits: 'Vul alleen nummers en leestekens in (bijvoorbeeld een telefoonnummer met streepjes is toegestaan).', alpha: 'Vul alleen letters in (a-z). Spaties en andere karakters zijn niet toegestaan.', alphanum: 'Vul alleen letters (a-z) of nummers (0-9) in. Spaties en andere karakters zijn niet toegestaan.', dateSuchAs: 'Vul een geldige datum in, zoals {date}', dateInFormatMDY: 'Vul een geldige datum, in het formaat MM/DD/YYYY (bijvoorbeeld "12/31/1999")', email: 'Vul een geldig e-mailadres in. Bijvoorbeeld "fred@domein.nl".', url: 'Vul een geldige URL in, zoals http://www.example.com.', currencyDollar: 'Vul een geldig $ bedrag in. Bijvoorbeeld $100.00 .', oneRequired: 'Vul iets in bij in ieder geval een van deze velden.', warningPrefix: 'Waarschuwing: ', errorPrefix: 'Fout: ', // Form.Validator.Extras noSpace: 'Spaties zijn niet toegestaan in dit veld.', reqChkByNode: 'Er zijn geen items geselecteerd.', requiredChk: 'Dit veld is verplicht.', reqChkByName: 'Selecteer een {label}.', match: 'Dit veld moet overeen komen met het {matchName} veld', startDate: 'de begin datum', endDate: 'de eind datum', currendDate: 'de huidige datum', afterDate: 'De datum moet hetzelfde of na {label} zijn.', beforeDate: 'De datum moet hetzelfde of voor {label} zijn.', startMonth: 'Selecteer een begin maand', sameMonth: 'Deze twee data moeten in dezelfde maand zijn - u moet een van beide aanpassen.', creditcard: 'Het ingevulde creditcardnummer is niet geldig. Controleer het nummer en probeer opnieuw. {length} getallen ingevuld.' }); /* --- name: Locale.nl-NL.Number description: Number messages for Dutch. license: MIT-style license authors: - Arian Stolwijk requires: - /Locale - /Locale.EU.Number provides: [Locale.nl-NL.Number] ... */ Locale.define('nl-NL').inherit('EU', 'Number'); /* --- name: Locale.no-NO.Date description: Date messages for Norwegian. license: MIT-style license authors: - Espen 'Rexxars' Hovlandsdal requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.no-NO.Date] ... */ Locale.define('no-NO', 'Date', { // Culture's date order: DD.MM.YYYY dateOrder: ['date', 'month', 'year'], shortDate: '%d.%m.%Y', shortTime: '%H:%M', AM: 'AM', PM: 'PM', firstDayOfWeek: 1, lessThanMinuteAgo: 'kortere enn et minutt siden', minuteAgo: 'omtrent et minutt siden', minutesAgo: '{delta} minutter siden', hourAgo: 'omtrent en time siden', hoursAgo: 'omtrent {delta} timer siden', dayAgo: '{delta} dag siden', daysAgo: '{delta} dager siden' }); /* --- name: Locale.no-NO.Form.Validator description: Form Validator messages for Norwegian. license: MIT-style license authors: - Espen 'Rexxars' Hovlandsdal requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.no-NO.Form.Validator] ... */ Locale.define('no-NO', 'FormValidator', { required: 'Dette feltet er pÃ¥krevd.', minLength: 'Vennligst skriv inn minst {minLength} tegn (du skrev {length} tegn).', maxLength: 'Vennligst skriv inn maksimalt {maxLength} tegn (du skrev {length} tegn).', integer: 'Vennligst skriv inn et tall i dette feltet. Tall med desimaler (for eksempel 1,25) er ikke tillat.', numeric: 'Vennligst skriv inn kun numeriske verdier i dette feltet (for eksempel "1", "1.1", "-1" eller "-1.1").', digits: 'Vennligst bruk kun nummer og skilletegn i dette feltet.', alpha: 'Vennligst bruk kun bokstaver (a-z) i dette feltet. Ingen mellomrom eller andre tegn er tillat.', alphanum: 'Vennligst bruk kun bokstaver (a-z) eller nummer (0-9) i dette feltet. Ingen mellomrom eller andre tegn er tillat.', dateSuchAs: 'Vennligst skriv inn en gyldig dato, som {date}', dateInFormatMDY: 'Vennligst skriv inn en gyldig dato, i formatet MM/DD/YYYY (for eksempel "12/31/1999")', email: 'Vennligst skriv inn en gyldig epost-adresse. For eksempel "espen@domene.no".', url: 'Vennligst skriv inn en gyldig URL, for eksempel http://www.example.com.', currencyDollar: 'Vennligst fyll ut et gyldig $ beløp. For eksempel $100.00 .', oneRequired: 'Vennligst fyll ut noe i minst ett av disse feltene.', errorPrefix: 'Feil: ', warningPrefix: 'Advarsel: ' }); /* --- name: Locale.pl-PL.Date description: Date messages for Polish. license: MIT-style license authors: - Oskar Krawczyk requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.pl-PL.Date] ... */ Locale.define('pl-PL', 'Date', { months: ['Styczeń', 'Luty', 'Marzec', 'Kwiecień', 'Maj', 'Czerwiec', 'Lipiec', 'Sierpień', 'Wrzesień', 'Październik', 'Listopad', 'Grudzień'], months_abbr: ['sty', 'lut', 'mar', 'kwi', 'maj', 'cze', 'lip', 'sie', 'wrz', 'paź', 'lis', 'gru'], days: ['Niedziela', 'Poniedziałek', 'Wtorek', 'Środa', 'Czwartek', 'Piątek', 'Sobota'], days_abbr: ['niedz.', 'pon.', 'wt.', 'śr.', 'czw.', 'pt.', 'sob.'], // Culture's date order: YYYY-MM-DD dateOrder: ['year', 'month', 'date'], shortDate: '%Y-%m-%d', shortTime: '%H:%M', AM: 'nad ranem', PM: 'po południu', firstDayOfWeek: 1, // Date.Extras ordinal: function(dayOfMonth){ return (dayOfMonth > 3 && dayOfMonth < 21) ? 'ty' : ['ty', 'szy', 'gi', 'ci', 'ty'][Math.min(dayOfMonth % 10, 4)]; }, lessThanMinuteAgo: 'mniej niż minute temu', minuteAgo: 'około minutę temu', minutesAgo: '{delta} minut temu', hourAgo: 'około godzinę temu', hoursAgo: 'około {delta} godzin temu', dayAgo: 'Wczoraj', daysAgo: '{delta} dni temu', lessThanMinuteUntil: 'za niecałą minutę', minuteUntil: 'za około minutę', minutesUntil: 'za {delta} minut', hourUntil: 'za około godzinę', hoursUntil: 'za około {delta} godzin', dayUntil: 'za 1 dzień', daysUntil: 'za {delta} dni' }); /* --- name: Locale.pl-PL.Form.Validator description: Form Validator messages for Polish. license: MIT-style license authors: - Oskar Krawczyk requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.pl-PL.Form.Validator] ... */ Locale.define('pl-PL', 'FormValidator', { required: 'To pole jest wymagane.', minLength: 'Wymagane jest przynajmniej {minLength} znaków (wpisanych zostało tylko {length}).', maxLength: 'Dozwolone jest nie więcej niż {maxLength} znaków (wpisanych zostało {length})', integer: 'To pole wymaga liczb całych. Liczby dziesiętne (np. 1.25) są niedozwolone.', numeric: 'Prosimy używać tylko numerycznych wartości w tym polu (np. "1", "1.1", "-1" lub "-1.1").', digits: 'Prosimy używać liczb oraz zankow punktuacyjnych w typ polu (dla przykładu, przy numerze telefonu myślniki i kropki są dozwolone).', alpha: 'Prosimy używać tylko liter (a-z) w tym polu. Spacje oraz inne znaki są niedozwolone.', alphanum: 'Prosimy używać tylko liter (a-z) lub liczb (0-9) w tym polu. Spacje oraz inne znaki są niedozwolone.', dateSuchAs: 'Prosimy podać prawidłową datę w formacie: {date}', dateInFormatMDY: 'Prosimy podać poprawną date w formacie DD.MM.RRRR (i.e. "12.01.2009")', email: 'Prosimy podać prawidłowy adres e-mail, np. "jan@domena.pl".', url: 'Prosimy podać prawidłowy adres URL, np. http://www.example.com.', currencyDollar: 'Prosimy podać prawidłową sumę w PLN. Dla przykładu: 100.00 PLN.', oneRequired: 'Prosimy wypełnić chociaż jedno z pól.', errorPrefix: 'Błąd: ', warningPrefix: 'Uwaga: ', // Form.Validator.Extras noSpace: 'W tym polu nie mogą znajdować się spacje.', reqChkByNode: 'Brak zaznaczonych elementów.', requiredChk: 'To pole jest wymagane.', reqChkByName: 'Prosimy wybrać z {label}.', match: 'To pole musi być takie samo jak {matchName}', startDate: 'data początkowa', endDate: 'data końcowa', currendDate: 'aktualna data', afterDate: 'Podana data poinna być taka sama lub po {label}.', beforeDate: 'Podana data poinna być taka sama lub przed {label}.', startMonth: 'Prosimy wybrać początkowy miesiąc.', sameMonth: 'Te dwie daty muszą być w zakresie tego samego miesiąca - wymagana jest zmiana któregoś z pól.' }); /* --- name: Locale.pt-PT.Date description: Date messages for Portuguese. license: MIT-style license authors: - Fabio Miranda Costa requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.pt-PT.Date] ... */ Locale.define('pt-PT', 'Date', { months: ['Janeiro', 'Fevereiro', 'Março', 'Abril', 'Maio', 'Junho', 'Julho', 'Agosto', 'Setembro', 'Outubro', 'Novembro', 'Dezembro'], months_abbr: ['Jan', 'Fev', 'Mar', 'Abr', 'Mai', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Ago', 'Set', 'Out', 'Nov', 'Dez'], days: ['Domingo', 'Segunda-feira', 'Terça-feira', 'Quarta-feira', 'Quinta-feira', 'Sexta-feira', 'Sábado'], days_abbr: ['Dom', 'Seg', 'Ter', 'Qua', 'Qui', 'Sex', 'Sáb'], // Culture's date order: DD-MM-YYYY dateOrder: ['date', 'month', 'year'], shortDate: '%d-%m-%Y', shortTime: '%H:%M', AM: 'AM', PM: 'PM', firstDayOfWeek: 1, // Date.Extras ordinal: 'º', lessThanMinuteAgo: 'há menos de um minuto', minuteAgo: 'há cerca de um minuto', minutesAgo: 'há {delta} minutos', hourAgo: 'há cerca de uma hora', hoursAgo: 'há cerca de {delta} horas', dayAgo: 'há um dia', daysAgo: 'há {delta} dias', weekAgo: 'há uma semana', weeksAgo: 'há {delta} semanas', monthAgo: 'há um mês', monthsAgo: 'há {delta} meses', yearAgo: 'há um ano', yearsAgo: 'há {delta} anos', lessThanMinuteUntil: 'em menos de um minuto', minuteUntil: 'em um minuto', minutesUntil: 'em {delta} minutos', hourUntil: 'em uma hora', hoursUntil: 'em {delta} horas', dayUntil: 'em um dia', daysUntil: 'em {delta} dias', weekUntil: 'em uma semana', weeksUntil: 'em {delta} semanas', monthUntil: 'em um mês', monthsUntil: 'em {delta} meses', yearUntil: 'em um ano', yearsUntil: 'em {delta} anos' }); /* --- name: Locale.pt-BR.Date description: Date messages for Portuguese (Brazil). license: MIT-style license authors: - Fabio Miranda Costa requires: - /Locale - /Locale.pt-PT.Date provides: [Locale.pt-BR.Date] ... */ Locale.define('pt-BR', 'Date', { // Culture's date order: DD/MM/YYYY shortDate: '%d/%m/%Y' }).inherit('pt-PT', 'Date'); /* --- name: Locale.pt-BR.Form.Validator description: Form Validator messages for Portuguese (Brazil). license: MIT-style license authors: - Fábio Miranda Costa requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.pt-BR.Form.Validator] ... */ Locale.define('pt-BR', 'FormValidator', { required: 'Este campo é obrigatório.', minLength: 'Digite pelo menos {minLength} caracteres (tamanho atual: {length}).', maxLength: 'Não digite mais de {maxLength} caracteres (tamanho atual: {length}).', integer: 'Por favor digite apenas um número inteiro neste campo. Não são permitidos números decimais (por exemplo, 1,25).', numeric: 'Por favor digite apenas valores numéricos neste campo (por exemplo, "1" ou "1.1" ou "-1" ou "-1,1").', digits: 'Por favor use apenas números e pontuação neste campo (por exemplo, um número de telefone com traços ou pontos é permitido).', alpha: 'Por favor use somente letras (a-z). Espaço e outros caracteres não são permitidos.', alphanum: 'Use somente letras (a-z) ou números (0-9) neste campo. Espaço e outros caracteres não são permitidos.', dateSuchAs: 'Digite uma data válida, como {date}', dateInFormatMDY: 'Digite uma data válida, como DD/MM/YYYY (por exemplo, "31/12/1999")', email: 'Digite um endereço de email válido. Por exemplo "nome@dominio.com".', url: 'Digite uma URL válida. Exemplo: http://www.example.com.', currencyDollar: 'Digite um valor em dinheiro válido. Exemplo: R$100,00 .', oneRequired: 'Digite algo para pelo menos um desses campos.', errorPrefix: 'Erro: ', warningPrefix: 'Aviso: ', // Form.Validator.Extras noSpace: 'Não é possível digitar espaços neste campo.', reqChkByNode: 'Não foi selecionado nenhum item.', requiredChk: 'Este campo é obrigatório.', reqChkByName: 'Por favor digite um {label}.', match: 'Este campo deve ser igual ao campo {matchName}.', startDate: 'a data inicial', endDate: 'a data final', currendDate: 'a data atual', afterDate: 'A data deve ser igual ou posterior a {label}.', beforeDate: 'A data deve ser igual ou anterior a {label}.', startMonth: 'Por favor selecione uma data inicial.', sameMonth: 'Estas duas datas devem ter o mesmo mês - você deve modificar uma das duas.', creditcard: 'O número do cartão de crédito informado é inválido. Por favor verifique o valor e tente novamente. {length} números informados.' }); /* --- name: Locale.pt-PT.Form.Validator description: Form Validator messages for Portuguese. license: MIT-style license authors: - Miquel Hudin requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.pt-PT.Form.Validator] ... */ Locale.define('pt-PT', 'FormValidator', { required: 'Este campo é necessário.', minLength: 'Digite pelo menos{minLength} caracteres (comprimento {length} caracteres).', maxLength: 'Não insira mais de {maxLength} caracteres (comprimento {length} caracteres).', integer: 'Digite um número inteiro neste domínio. Com números decimais (por exemplo, 1,25), não são permitidas.', numeric: 'Digite apenas valores numéricos neste domínio (p.ex., "1" ou "1.1" ou "-1" ou "-1,1").', digits: 'Por favor, use números e pontuação apenas neste campo (p.ex., um número de telefone com traços ou pontos é permitida).', alpha: 'Por favor use somente letras (a-z), com nesta área. Não utilize espaços nem outros caracteres são permitidos.', alphanum: 'Use somente letras (a-z) ou números (0-9) neste campo. Não utilize espaços nem outros caracteres são permitidos.', dateSuchAs: 'Digite uma data válida, como {date}', dateInFormatMDY: 'Digite uma data válida, como DD/MM/YYYY (p.ex. "31/12/1999")', email: 'Digite um endereço de email válido. Por exemplo "fred@domain.com".', url: 'Digite uma URL válida, como http://www.example.com.', currencyDollar: 'Digite um valor válido $. Por exemplo $ 100,00. ', oneRequired: 'Digite algo para pelo menos um desses insumos.', errorPrefix: 'Erro: ', warningPrefix: 'Aviso: ' }); /* --- name: Locale.ru-RU-unicode.Date description: Date messages for Russian (utf-8). license: MIT-style license authors: - Evstigneev Pavel - Kuryanovich Egor requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.ru-RU.Date] ... */ (function(){ // Russian language pluralization rules, taken from CLDR project, http://unicode.org/cldr/ // one -> n mod 10 is 1 and n mod 100 is not 11; // few -> n mod 10 in 2..4 and n mod 100 not in 12..14; // many -> n mod 10 is 0 or n mod 10 in 5..9 or n mod 100 in 11..14; // other -> everything else (example 3.14) var pluralize = function (n, one, few, many, other){ var modulo10 = n % 10, modulo100 = n % 100; if (modulo10 == 1 && modulo100 != 11){ return one; } else if ((modulo10 == 2 || modulo10 == 3 || modulo10 == 4) && !(modulo100 == 12 || modulo100 == 13 || modulo100 == 14)){ return few; } else if (modulo10 == 0 || (modulo10 == 5 || modulo10 == 6 || modulo10 == 7 || modulo10 == 8 || modulo10 == 9) || (modulo100 == 11 || modulo100 == 12 || modulo100 == 13 || modulo100 == 14)){ return many; } else { return other; } }; Locale.define('ru-RU', 'Date', { months: ['Январь', 'Февраль', 'Март', 'Апрель', 'Май', 'Июнь', 'Июль', 'Август', 'Сентябрь', 'Октябрь', 'Ноябрь', 'Декабрь'], months_abbr: ['янв', 'февр', 'март', 'апр', 'май','июнь','июль','авг','сент','окт','нояб','дек'], days: ['Воскресенье', 'Понедельник', 'Вторник', 'Среда', 'Четверг', 'Пятница', 'Суббота'], days_abbr: ['Вс', 'Пн', 'Вт', 'Ср', 'Чт', 'Пт', 'Сб'], // Culture's date order: DD.MM.YYYY dateOrder: ['date', 'month', 'year'], shortDate: '%d.%m.%Y', shortTime: '%H:%M', AM: 'AM', PM: 'PM', firstDayOfWeek: 1, // Date.Extras ordinal: '', lessThanMinuteAgo: 'меньше минуты назад', minuteAgo: 'минуту назад', minutesAgo: function(delta){ return '{delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'минуту', 'минуты', 'минут') + ' назад'; }, hourAgo: 'час назад', hoursAgo: function(delta){ return '{delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'час', 'часа', 'часов') + ' назад'; }, dayAgo: 'вчера', daysAgo: function(delta){ return '{delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'день', 'дня', 'дней') + ' назад'; }, weekAgo: 'неделю назад', weeksAgo: function(delta){ return '{delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'неделя', 'недели', 'недель') + ' назад'; }, monthAgo: 'месяц назад', monthsAgo: function(delta){ return '{delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'месяц', 'месяца', 'месецев') + ' назад'; }, yearAgo: 'год назад', yearsAgo: function(delta){ return '{delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'год', 'года', 'лет') + ' назад'; }, lessThanMinuteUntil: 'меньше чем через минуту', minuteUntil: 'через минуту', minutesUntil: function(delta){ return 'через {delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'час', 'часа', 'часов') + ''; }, hourUntil: 'через час', hoursUntil: function(delta){ return 'через {delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'час', 'часа', 'часов') + ''; }, dayUntil: 'завтра', daysUntil: function(delta){ return 'через {delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'день', 'дня', 'дней') + ''; }, weekUntil: 'через неделю', weeksUntil: function(delta){ return 'через {delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'неделю', 'недели', 'недель') + ''; }, monthUntil: 'через месяц', monthsUntil: function(delta){ return 'через {delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'месяц', 'месяца', 'месецев') + ''; }, yearUntil: 'через', yearsUntil: function(delta){ return 'через {delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'год', 'года', 'лет') + ''; } }); //<1.2compat> Locale.define('ru-RU-unicode').inherit('ru-RU', 'Date'); // })(); /* --- name: Locale.ru-RU-unicode.Form.Validator description: Form Validator messages for Russian (utf-8). license: MIT-style license authors: - Chernodarov Egor requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.ru-RU.Form.Validator] ... */ Locale.define('ru-RU', 'FormValidator', { required: 'Это поле обязательно к заполнению.', minLength: 'Пожалуйста, введите хотя бы {minLength} символов (Вы ввели {length}).', maxLength: 'Пожалуйста, введите не больше {maxLength} символов (Вы ввели {length}).', integer: 'Пожалуйста, введите в это поле число. Дробные числа (например 1.25) тут не разрешены.', numeric: 'Пожалуйста, введите в это поле число (например "1" или "1.1", или "-1", или "-1.1").', digits: 'В этом поле Вы можете использовать только цифры и знаки пунктуации (например, телефонный номер со знаками дефиса или с точками).', alpha: 'В этом поле можно использовать только латинские буквы (a-z). Пробелы и другие символы запрещены.', alphanum: 'В этом поле можно использовать только латинские буквы (a-z) и цифры (0-9). Пробелы и другие символы запрещены.', dateSuchAs: 'Пожалуйста, введите корректную дату {date}', dateInFormatMDY: 'Пожалуйста, введите дату в формате ММ/ДД/ГГГГ (например "12/31/1999")', email: 'Пожалуйста, введите корректный емейл-адрес. Для примера "fred@domain.com".', url: 'Пожалуйста, введите правильную ссылку вида http://www.example.com.', currencyDollar: 'Пожалуйста, введите сумму в долларах. Например: $100.00 .', oneRequired: 'Пожалуйста, выберите хоть что-нибудь в одном из этих полей.', errorPrefix: 'Ошибка: ', warningPrefix: 'Внимание: ' }); //<1.2compat> Locale.define('ru-RU-unicode').inherit('ru-RU', 'FormValidator'); // /* --- name: Locale.si-SI.Date description: Date messages for Slovenian. license: MIT-style license authors: - Radovan Lozej requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.si-SI.Date] ... */ (function(){ var pluralize = function(n, one, two, three, other){ return (n >= 1 && n <= 3) ? arguments[n] : other; }; Locale.define('si-SI', 'Date', { months: ['januar', 'februar', 'marec', 'april', 'maj', 'junij', 'julij', 'avgust', 'september', 'oktober', 'november', 'december'], months_abbr: ['jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'maj', 'jun', 'jul', 'avg', 'sep', 'okt', 'nov', 'dec'], days: ['nedelja', 'ponedeljek', 'torek', 'sreda', 'četrtek', 'petek', 'sobota'], days_abbr: ['ned', 'pon', 'tor', 'sre', 'čet', 'pet', 'sob'], // Culture's date order: DD.MM.YYYY dateOrder: ['date', 'month', 'year'], shortDate: '%d.%m.%Y', shortTime: '%H.%M', AM: 'AM', PM: 'PM', firstDayOfWeek: 1, // Date.Extras ordinal: '.', lessThanMinuteAgo: 'manj kot minuto nazaj', minuteAgo: 'minuto nazaj', minutesAgo: function(delta){ return '{delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'minuto', 'minuti', 'minute', 'minut') + ' nazaj'; }, hourAgo: 'uro nazaj', hoursAgo: function(delta){ return '{delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'uro', 'uri', 'ure', 'ur') + ' nazaj'; }, dayAgo: 'dan nazaj', daysAgo: function(delta){ return '{delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'dan', 'dneva', 'dni', 'dni') + ' nazaj'; }, weekAgo: 'teden nazaj', weeksAgo: function(delta){ return '{delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'teden', 'tedna', 'tedne', 'tednov') + ' nazaj'; }, monthAgo: 'mesec nazaj', monthsAgo: function(delta){ return '{delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'mesec', 'meseca', 'mesece', 'mesecov') + ' nazaj'; }, yearthAgo: 'leto nazaj', yearsAgo: function(delta){ return '{delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'leto', 'leti', 'leta', 'let') + ' nazaj'; }, lessThanMinuteUntil: 'še manj kot minuto', minuteUntil: 'še minuta', minutesUntil: function(delta){ return 'še {delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'minuta', 'minuti', 'minute', 'minut'); }, hourUntil: 'še ura', hoursUntil: function(delta){ return 'še {delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'ura', 'uri', 'ure', 'ur'); }, dayUntil: 'še dan', daysUntil: function(delta){ return 'še {delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'dan', 'dneva', 'dnevi', 'dni'); }, weekUntil: 'še tedn', weeksUntil: function(delta){ return 'še {delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'teden', 'tedna', 'tedni', 'tednov'); }, monthUntil: 'še mesec', monthsUntil: function(delta){ return 'še {delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'mesec', 'meseca', 'meseci', 'mesecov'); }, yearUntil: 'še leto', yearsUntil: function(delta){ return 'še {delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'leto', 'leti', 'leta', 'let'); } }); })(); /* --- name: Locale.si-SI.Form.Validator description: Form Validator messages for Slovenian. license: MIT-style license authors: - Radovan Lozej requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.si-SI.Form.Validator] ... */ Locale.define('si-SI', 'FormValidator', { required: 'To polje je obvezno', minLength: 'Prosim, vnesite vsaj {minLength} znakov (vnesli ste {length} znakov).', maxLength: 'Prosim, ne vnesite več kot {maxLength} znakov (vnesli ste {length} znakov).', integer: 'Prosim, vnesite celo število. Decimalna števila (kot 1,25) niso dovoljena.', numeric: 'Prosim, vnesite samo numerične vrednosti (kot "1" ali "1.1" ali "-1" ali "-1.1").', digits: 'Prosim, uporabite številke in ločila le na tem polju (na primer, dovoljena je telefonska številka z pomišlaji ali pikami).', alpha: 'Prosim, uporabite le črke v tem plju. Presledki in drugi znaki niso dovoljeni.', alphanum: 'Prosim, uporabite samo črke ali številke v tem polju. Presledki in drugi znaki niso dovoljeni.', dateSuchAs: 'Prosim, vnesite pravilen datum kot {date}', dateInFormatMDY: 'Prosim, vnesite pravilen datum kot MM.DD.YYYY (primer "12.31.1999")', email: 'Prosim, vnesite pravilen email naslov. Na primer "fred@domain.com".', url: 'Prosim, vnesite pravilen URL kot http://www.example.com.', currencyDollar: 'Prosim, vnesit epravilno vrednost €. Primer 100,00€ .', oneRequired: 'Prosimo, vnesite nekaj za vsaj eno izmed teh polj.', errorPrefix: 'Napaka: ', warningPrefix: 'Opozorilo: ', // Form.Validator.Extras noSpace: 'To vnosno polje ne dopušča presledkov.', reqChkByNode: 'Nič niste izbrali.', requiredChk: 'To polje je obvezno', reqChkByName: 'Prosim, izberite {label}.', match: 'To polje se mora ujemati z poljem {matchName}', startDate: 'datum začetka', endDate: 'datum konca', currendDate: 'trenuten datum', afterDate: 'Datum bi moral biti isti ali po {label}.', beforeDate: 'Datum bi moral biti isti ali pred {label}.', startMonth: 'Prosim, vnesite začetni datum', sameMonth: 'Ta dva datuma morata biti v istem mesecu - premeniti morate eno ali drugo.', creditcard: 'Številka kreditne kartice ni pravilna. Preverite številko ali poskusite še enkrat. Vnešenih {length} znakov.' }); /* --- name: Locale.sv-SE.Date description: Date messages for Swedish. license: MIT-style license authors: - Martin Lundgren requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.sv-SE.Date] ... */ Locale.define('sv-SE', 'Date', { months: ['januari', 'februari', 'mars', 'april', 'maj', 'juni', 'juli', 'augusti', 'september', 'oktober', 'november', 'december'], months_abbr: ['jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'maj', 'jun', 'jul', 'aug', 'sep', 'okt', 'nov', 'dec'], days: ['söndag', 'måndag', 'tisdag', 'onsdag', 'torsdag', 'fredag', 'lördag'], days_abbr: ['sön', 'mån', 'tis', 'ons', 'tor', 'fre', 'lör'], // Culture's date order: YYYY-MM-DD dateOrder: ['year', 'month', 'date'], shortDate: '%Y-%m-%d', shortTime: '%H:%M', AM: '', PM: '', firstDayOfWeek: 1, // Date.Extras ordinal: '', lessThanMinuteAgo: 'mindre än en minut sedan', minuteAgo: 'ungefär en minut sedan', minutesAgo: '{delta} minuter sedan', hourAgo: 'ungefär en timme sedan', hoursAgo: 'ungefär {delta} timmar sedan', dayAgo: '1 dag sedan', daysAgo: '{delta} dagar sedan', lessThanMinuteUntil: 'mindre än en minut sedan', minuteUntil: 'ungefär en minut sedan', minutesUntil: '{delta} minuter sedan', hourUntil: 'ungefär en timme sedan', hoursUntil: 'ungefär {delta} timmar sedan', dayUntil: '1 dag sedan', daysUntil: '{delta} dagar sedan' }); /* --- name: Locale.sv-SE.Form.Validator description: Form Validator messages for Swedish. license: MIT-style license authors: - Martin Lundgren requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.sv-SE.Form.Validator] ... */ Locale.define('sv-SE', 'FormValidator', { required: 'Fältet är obligatoriskt.', minLength: 'Ange minst {minLength} tecken (du angav {length} tecken).', maxLength: 'Ange högst {maxLength} tecken (du angav {length} tecken). ', integer: 'Ange ett heltal i fältet. Tal med decimaler (t.ex. 1,25) är inte tillåtna.', numeric: 'Ange endast numeriska värden i detta fält (t.ex. "1" eller "1.1" eller "-1" eller "-1,1").', digits: 'Använd endast siffror och skiljetecken i detta fält (till exempel ett telefonnummer med bindestreck tillåtet).', alpha: 'Använd endast bokstäver (a-ö) i detta fält. Inga mellanslag eller andra tecken är tillåtna.', alphanum: 'Använd endast bokstäver (a-ö) och siffror (0-9) i detta fält. Inga mellanslag eller andra tecken är tillåtna.', dateSuchAs: 'Ange ett giltigt datum som t.ex. {date}', dateInFormatMDY: 'Ange ett giltigt datum som t.ex. YYYY-MM-DD (i.e. "1999-12-31")', email: 'Ange en giltig e-postadress. Till exempel "erik@domain.com".', url: 'Ange en giltig webbadress som http://www.example.com.', currencyDollar: 'Ange en giltig belopp. Exempelvis 100,00.', oneRequired: 'Vänligen ange minst ett av dessa alternativ.', errorPrefix: 'Fel: ', warningPrefix: 'Varning: ', // Form.Validator.Extras noSpace: 'Det får inte finnas några mellanslag i detta fält.', reqChkByNode: 'Inga objekt är valda.', requiredChk: 'Detta är ett obligatoriskt fält.', reqChkByName: 'Välj en {label}.', match: 'Detta fält måste matcha {matchName}', startDate: 'startdatumet', endDate: 'slutdatum', currendDate: 'dagens datum', afterDate: 'Datumet bör vara samma eller senare än {label}.', beforeDate: 'Datumet bör vara samma eller tidigare än {label}.', startMonth: 'Välj en start månad', sameMonth: 'Dessa två datum måste vara i samma månad - du måste ändra det ena eller det andra.' }); /* --- name: Locale.uk-UA.Date description: Date messages for Ukrainian (utf-8). license: MIT-style license authors: - Slik requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.uk-UA.Date] ... */ (function(){ var pluralize = function(n, one, few, many, other){ var d = (n / 10).toInt(), z = n % 10, s = (n / 100).toInt(); if (d == 1 && n > 10) return many; if (z == 1) return one; if (z > 0 && z < 5) return few; return many; }; Locale.define('uk-UA', 'Date', { months: ['Січень', 'Лютий', 'Березень', 'Квітень', 'Травень', 'Червень', 'Липень', 'Серпень', 'Вересень', 'Жовтень', 'Листопад', 'Грудень'], months_abbr: ['Січ', 'Лют', 'Бер', 'Квіт', 'Трав', 'Черв', 'Лип', 'Серп', 'Вер', 'Жовт', 'Лист', 'Груд' ], days: ['Неділя', 'Понеділок', 'Вівторок', 'Середа', 'Четвер', "П'ятниця", 'Субота'], days_abbr: ['Нд', 'Пн', 'Вт', 'Ср', 'Чт', 'Пт', 'Сб'], // Culture's date order: DD/MM/YYYY dateOrder: ['date', 'month', 'year'], shortDate: '%d/%m/%Y', shortTime: '%H:%M', AM: 'до полудня', PM: 'по полудню', firstDayOfWeek: 1, // Date.Extras ordinal: '', lessThanMinuteAgo: 'меньше хвилини тому', minuteAgo: 'хвилину тому', minutesAgo: function(delta){ return '{delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'хвилину', 'хвилини', 'хвилин') + ' тому'; }, hourAgo: 'годину тому', hoursAgo: function(delta){ return '{delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'годину', 'години', 'годин') + ' тому'; }, dayAgo: 'вчора', daysAgo: function(delta){ return '{delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'день', 'дня', 'днів') + ' тому'; }, weekAgo: 'тиждень тому', weeksAgo: function(delta){ return '{delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'тиждень', 'тижні', 'тижнів') + ' тому'; }, monthAgo: 'місяць тому', monthsAgo: function(delta){ return '{delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'місяць', 'місяці', 'місяців') + ' тому'; }, yearAgo: 'рік тому', yearsAgo: function(delta){ return '{delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'рік', 'роки', 'років') + ' тому'; }, lessThanMinuteUntil: 'за мить', minuteUntil: 'через хвилину', minutesUntil: function(delta){ return 'через {delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'хвилину', 'хвилини', 'хвилин'); }, hourUntil: 'через годину', hoursUntil: function(delta){ return 'через {delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'годину', 'години', 'годин'); }, dayUntil: 'завтра', daysUntil: function(delta){ return 'через {delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'день', 'дня', 'днів'); }, weekUntil: 'через тиждень', weeksUntil: function(delta){ return 'через {delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'тиждень', 'тижні', 'тижнів'); }, monthUntil: 'через місяць', monthesUntil: function(delta){ return 'через {delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'місяць', 'місяці', 'місяців'); }, yearUntil: 'через рік', yearsUntil: function(delta){ return 'через {delta} ' + pluralize(delta, 'рік', 'роки', 'років'); } }); })(); /* --- name: Locale.uk-UA.Form.Validator description: Form Validator messages for Ukrainian (utf-8). license: MIT-style license authors: - Slik requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.uk-UA.Form.Validator] ... */ Locale.define('uk-UA', 'FormValidator', { required: 'Це поле повинне бути заповненим.', minLength: 'Введіть хоча б {minLength} символів (Ви ввели {length}).', maxLength: 'Кількість символів не може бути більше {maxLength} (Ви ввели {length}).', integer: 'Введіть в це поле число. Дробові числа (наприклад 1.25) не дозволені.', numeric: 'Введіть в це поле число (наприклад "1" або "1.1", або "-1", або "-1.1").', digits: 'В цьому полі ви можете використовувати лише цифри і знаки пунктіації (наприклад, телефонний номер з знаками дефізу або з крапками).', alpha: 'В цьому полі можна використовувати лише латинські літери (a-z). Пробіли і інші символи заборонені.', alphanum: 'В цьому полі можна використовувати лише латинські літери (a-z) і цифри (0-9). Пробіли і інші символи заборонені.', dateSuchAs: 'Введіть коректну дату {date}.', dateInFormatMDY: 'Введіть дату в форматі ММ/ДД/РРРР (наприклад "12/31/2009").', email: 'Введіть коректну адресу електронної пошти (наприклад "name@domain.com").', url: 'Введіть коректне інтернет-посилання (наприклад http://www.example.com).', currencyDollar: 'Введіть суму в доларах (наприклад "$100.00").', oneRequired: 'Заповніть одне з полів.', errorPrefix: 'Помилка: ', warningPrefix: 'Увага: ', noSpace: 'Пробіли заборонені.', reqChkByNode: 'Не відмічено жодного варіанту.', requiredChk: 'Це поле повинне бути віміченим.', reqChkByName: 'Будь ласка, відмітьте {label}.', match: 'Це поле повинно відповідати {matchName}', startDate: 'початкова дата', endDate: 'кінцева дата', currendDate: 'сьогоднішня дата', afterDate: 'Ця дата повинна бути такою ж, або пізнішою за {label}.', beforeDate: 'Ця дата повинна бути такою ж, або ранішою за {label}.', startMonth: 'Будь ласка, виберіть початковий місяць', sameMonth: 'Ці дати повинні відноситись одного і того ж місяця. Будь ласка, змініть одну з них.', creditcard: 'Номер кредитної карти введений неправильно. Будь ласка, перевірте його. Введено {length} символів.' }); /* --- name: Locale.zh-CH.Date description: Date messages for Chinese (simplified and traditional). license: MIT-style license authors: - YMind Chan requires: - /Locale provides: [Locale.zh-CH.Date] ... */ // Simplified Chinese Locale.define('zh-CHS', 'Date', { months: ['一月', '二月', '三月', '四月', '五月', '六月', '七月', '八月', '九月', '十月', '十一月', '十二月'], months_abbr: ['一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六', '七', '八', '九', '十', '十一', '十二'], days: ['星期日', '星期一', '星期二', '星期三', '星期四', '星期五', '星期六'], days_abbr: ['日', '一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六'], // Culture's date order: YYYY-MM-DD dateOrder: ['year', 'month', 'date'], shortDate: '%Y-%m-%d', shortTime: '%I:%M%p', AM: 'AM', PM: 'PM', firstDayOfWeek: 1, // Date.Extras ordinal: '', lessThanMinuteAgo: '不到1分钟前', minuteAgo: '大约1分钟前', minutesAgo: '{delta}分钟之前', hourAgo: '大约1小时前', hoursAgo: '大约{delta}小时前', dayAgo: '1天前', daysAgo: '{delta}天前', weekAgo: '1星期前', weeksAgo: '{delta}星期前', monthAgo: '1个月前', monthsAgo: '{delta}个月前', yearAgo: '1年前', yearsAgo: '{delta}年前', lessThanMinuteUntil: '从现在开始不到1分钟', minuteUntil: '从现在开始約1分钟', minutesUntil: '从现在开始约{delta}分钟', hourUntil: '从现在开始1小时', hoursUntil: '从现在开始约{delta}小时', dayUntil: '从现在开始1天', daysUntil: '从现在开始{delta}天', weekUntil: '从现在开始1星期', weeksUntil: '从现在开始{delta}星期', monthUntil: '从现在开始一个月', monthsUntil: '从现在开始{delta}个月', yearUntil: '从现在开始1年', yearsUntil: '从现在开始{delta}年' }); // Traditional Chinese Locale.define('zh-CHT', 'Date', { months: ['一月', '二月', '三月', '四月', '五月', '六月', '七月', '八月', '九月', '十月', '十一月', '十二月'], months_abbr: ['一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六', '七', '八', '九', '十', '十一', '十二'], days: ['星期日', '星期一', '星期二', '星期三', '星期四', '星期五', '星期六'], days_abbr: ['日', '一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六'], // Culture's date order: YYYY-MM-DD dateOrder: ['year', 'month', 'date'], shortDate: '%Y-%m-%d', shortTime: '%I:%M%p', AM: 'AM', PM: 'PM', firstDayOfWeek: 1, // Date.Extras ordinal: '', lessThanMinuteAgo: '不到1分鐘前', minuteAgo: '大約1分鐘前', minutesAgo: '{delta}分鐘之前', hourAgo: '大約1小時前', hoursAgo: '大約{delta}小時前', dayAgo: '1天前', daysAgo: '{delta}天前', weekAgo: '1星期前', weeksAgo: '{delta}星期前', monthAgo: '1个月前', monthsAgo: '{delta}个月前', yearAgo: '1年前', yearsAgo: '{delta}年前', lessThanMinuteUntil: '從現在開始不到1分鐘', minuteUntil: '從現在開始約1分鐘', minutesUntil: '從現在開始約{delta}分鐘', hourUntil: '從現在開始1小時', hoursUntil: '從現在開始約{delta}小時', dayUntil: '從現在開始1天', daysUntil: '從現在開始{delta}天', weekUntil: '從現在開始1星期', weeksUntil: '從現在開始{delta}星期', monthUntil: '從現在開始一個月', monthsUntil: '從現在開始{delta}個月', yearUntil: '從現在開始1年', yearsUntil: '從現在開始{delta}年' }); /* --- name: Locale.zh-CH.Form.Validator description: Form Validator messages for Chinese (simplified and traditional). license: MIT-style license authors: - YMind Chan requires: - /Locale - /Form.Validator provides: [Form.zh-CH.Form.Validator, Form.Validator.CurrencyYuanValidator] ... */ // Simplified Chinese Locale.define('zh-CHS', 'FormValidator', { required: '此项必填。', minLength: '请至少输入 {minLength} 个字符 (已输入 {length} 个)。', maxLength: '最多只能输入 {maxLength} 个字符 (已输入 {length} 个)。', integer: '请输入一个整数,不能包含小数点。例如:"1", "200"。', numeric: '请输入一个数字,例如:"1", "1.1", "-1", "-1.1"。', digits: '请输入由数字和标点符号组成的内容。例如电话号码。', alpha: '请输入 A-Z 的 26 个字母,不能包含空格或任何其他字符。', alphanum: '请输入 A-Z 的 26 个字母或 0-9 的 10 个数字,不能包含空格或任何其他字符。', dateSuchAs: '请输入合法的日期格式,如:{date}。', dateInFormatMDY: '请输入合法的日期格式,例如:YYYY-MM-DD ("2010-12-31")。', email: '请输入合法的电子信箱地址,例如:"fred@domain.com"。', url: '请输入合法的 Url 地址,例如:http://www.example.com。', currencyDollar: '请输入合法的货币符号,例如:¥100.0', oneRequired: '请至少选择一项。', errorPrefix: '错误:', warningPrefix: '警告:', // Form.Validator.Extras noSpace: '不能包含空格。', reqChkByNode: '未选择任何内容。', requiredChk: '此项必填。', reqChkByName: '请选择 {label}.', match: '必须与{matchName}相匹配', startDate: '起始日期', endDate: '结束日期', currendDate: '当前日期', afterDate: '日期必须等于或晚于 {label}.', beforeDate: '日期必须早于或等于 {label}.', startMonth: '请选择起始月份', sameMonth: '您必须修改两个日期中的一个,以确保它们在同一月份。', creditcard: '您输入的信用卡号码不正确。当前已输入{length}个字符。' }); // Traditional Chinese Locale.define('zh-CHT', 'FormValidator', { required: '此項必填。 ', minLength: '請至少輸入{minLength} 個字符(已輸入{length} 個)。 ', maxLength: '最多只能輸入{maxLength} 個字符(已輸入{length} 個)。 ', integer: '請輸入一個整數,不能包含小數點。例如:"1", "200"。 ', numeric: '請輸入一個數字,例如:"1", "1.1", "-1", "-1.1"。 ', digits: '請輸入由數字和標點符號組成的內容。例如電話號碼。 ', alpha: '請輸入AZ 的26 個字母,不能包含空格或任何其他字符。 ', alphanum: '請輸入AZ 的26 個字母或0-9 的10 個數字,不能包含空格或任何其他字符。 ', dateSuchAs: '請輸入合法的日期格式,如:{date}。 ', dateInFormatMDY: '請輸入合法的日期格式,例如:YYYY-MM-DD ("2010-12-31")。 ', email: '請輸入合法的電子信箱地址,例如:"fred@domain.com"。 ', url: '請輸入合法的Url 地址,例如:http://www.example.com。 ', currencyDollar: '請輸入合法的貨幣符號,例如:¥100.0', oneRequired: '請至少選擇一項。 ', errorPrefix: '錯誤:', warningPrefix: '警告:', // Form.Validator.Extras noSpace: '不能包含空格。 ', reqChkByNode: '未選擇任何內容。 ', requiredChk: '此項必填。 ', reqChkByName: '請選擇 {label}.', match: '必須與{matchName}相匹配', startDate: '起始日期', endDate: '結束日期', currendDate: '當前日期', afterDate: '日期必須等於或晚於{label}.', beforeDate: '日期必須早於或等於{label}.', startMonth: '請選擇起始月份', sameMonth: '您必須修改兩個日期中的一個,以確保它們在同一月份。 ', creditcard: '您輸入的信用卡號碼不正確。當前已輸入{length}個字符。 ' }); Form.Validator.add('validate-currency-yuan', { errorMsg: function(){ return Form.Validator.getMsg('currencyYuan'); }, test: function(element){ // [¥]1[##][,###]+[.##] // [¥]1###+[.##] // [¥]0.## // [¥].## return Form.Validator.getValidator('IsEmpty').test(element) || (/^¥?\-?([1-9]{1}[0-9]{0,2}(\,[0-9]{3})*(\.[0-9]{0,2})?|[1-9]{1}\d*(\.[0-9]{0,2})?|0(\.[0-9]{0,2})?|(\.[0-9]{1,2})?)$/).test(element.get('value')); } }); /* */ /** * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2014 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved. * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt */ Object.append(Browser.Features, { inputemail: (function() { var i = document.createElement("input"); i.setAttribute("type", "email"); return i.type !== "text"; })() }); /** * Unobtrusive Form Validation library * * Inspired by: Chris Campbell * * @package Joomla.Framework * @subpackage Forms * @since 1.5 */ var JFormValidator = new Class({ initialize: function() { // Initialize variables this.handlers = Object(); this.custom = Object(); // Default handlers this.setHandler('username', function (value) { regex = new RegExp("[\<|\>|\"|\'|\%|\;|\(|\)|\&]", "i"); return !regex.test(value); } ); this.setHandler('password', function (value) { regex=/^\S[\S ]{2,98}\S$/; return regex.test(value); } ); this.setHandler('numeric', function (value) { regex=/^(\d|-)?(\d|,)*\.?\d*$/; return regex.test(value); } ); this.setHandler('email', function (value) { regex=/^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&’*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*$/; return regex.test(value); } ); // Attach to forms with class 'form-validate' var forms = $$('form.form-validate'); forms.each(function(form){ this.attachToForm(form); }, this); }, setHandler: function(name, fn, en) { en = (en == '') ? true : en; this.handlers[name] = { enabled: en, exec: fn }; }, attachToForm: function(form) { // Iterate through the form object and attach the validate method to all input fields. form.getElements('input,textarea,select,button').each(function(el){ if (el.hasClass('required')) { el.set('aria-required', 'true'); el.set('required', 'required'); } if ((document.id(el).get('tag') == 'input' || document.id(el).get('tag') == 'button') && document.id(el).get('type') == 'submit') { if (el.hasClass('validate')) { el.onclick = function(){return document.formvalidator.isValid(this.form);}; } } else { el.addEvent('blur', function(){return document.formvalidator.validate(this);}); if (el.hasClass('validate-email') && Browser.Features.inputemail) { el.type = 'email'; } } }); }, validate: function(el) { el = document.id(el); // Ignore the element if its currently disabled, because are not submitted for the http-request. For those case return always true. if(el.get('disabled') && !(el.hasClass('required'))) { this.handleResponse(true, el); return true; } // If the field is required make sure it has a value if (el.hasClass('required')) { if (el.get('tag')=='fieldset' && (el.hasClass('radio') || el.hasClass('checkboxes'))) { for(var i=0;;i++) { if (document.id(el.get('id')+i)) { if (document.id(el.get('id')+i).checked) { break; } } else { this.handleResponse(false, el); return false; } } } else if (!(el.get('value'))) { this.handleResponse(false, el); return false; } } // Only validate the field if the validate class is set var handler = (el.className && el.className.search(/validate-([a-zA-Z0-9\_\-]+)/) != -1) ? el.className.match(/validate-([a-zA-Z0-9\_\-]+)/)[1] : ""; if (handler == '') { this.handleResponse(true, el); return true; } // Check the additional validation types if ((handler) && (handler != 'none') && (this.handlers[handler]) && el.get('value')) { // Execute the validation handler and return result if (this.handlers[handler].exec(el.get('value')) != true) { this.handleResponse(false, el); return false; } } // Return validation state this.handleResponse(true, el); return true; }, isValid: function(form) { var valid = true; // Validate form fields var elements = form.getElements('fieldset').concat(Array.from(form.elements)); for (var i=0;i < elements.length; i++) { if (this.validate(elements[i]) == false) { valid = false; } } // Run custom form validators if present new Hash(this.custom).each(function(validator){ if (validator.exec() != true) { valid = false; } }); return valid; }, handleResponse: function(state, el) { // Find the label object for the given field if it exists if (!(el.labelref)) { var labels = $$('label'); labels.each(function(label){ if (label.get('for') == el.get('id')) { el.labelref = label; } }); } // Set the element and its label (if exists) invalid state if (state == false) { el.addClass('invalid'); el.set('aria-invalid', 'true'); if (el.labelref) { document.id(el.labelref).addClass('invalid'); document.id(el.labelref).set('aria-invalid', 'true'); } } else { el.removeClass('invalid'); el.set('aria-invalid', 'false'); if (el.labelref) { document.id(el.labelref).removeClass('invalid'); document.id(el.labelref).set('aria-invalid', 'false'); } } } }); document.formvalidator = null; window.addEvent('domready', function(){ document.formvalidator = new JFormValidator(); });